课题:英语(四年上) Module 1 Unit 3 课时:第二课时
◇ 语言知识目标在语境中学习、理解、运用词和词组: bottle,put...in/on/under...在语境中学习、理解、运用句型:...can/can’t...能够复述和表演本课故事。◇ 语言技能目标能结合新旧知识理解、巩固can句式;◇ 学习策略目标通过本课设计的活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略、阅读策略和写作策略)进行指导,以及培养学生在活动中用英语与他人交流的交际策略;情感态度目标通过学习故事《乌鸦喝水》,培养学生不怕困难,遇到难题时,不急躁,善动脑,能坚持,会合作,智慧地解决难题。文化意识目标让学生在完成任务的过程中培养智慧的解决危机。
◇ 教学重点1、能正确地理解、运用词汇bottle,see,drink,put...in/on/under... 2、能运用can句式。 3、能复述和表演《A thirsty bird》。◇ 教学难点复述课文。
教学环节 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
I.Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Say a chant Make up a new chant using the words they have learned 通过歌谣激发学生学习的兴趣,并复习了之前学过的形容词及can 句式
II. Lead in Show three riddles.The last one is: It’s black.Its mouth is long.It can fly. Ss take part in this activityS1:A rabbit.S2:An elephant.S3: A crow. 通过这个猜谜语活动,激发了学生的求知欲,并自然过渡到本课《A thirsty bird>
Ⅲ. Presentation and learning Introduction: This class we’ll learn a story about the crowShow three sentences about the story.The bird is thirsty.There is some milk in the bottle.The bird can drink the water.Let’s learn the a.story from Picture Show P1b.Show the sentences in P1 It’s _____.The bird is _______.The bird is thirsty.What does he want to do Show P2Question: What can he see Learn the wordShow some word families:~cle ~gle ~ble ~zle ~ple ~dleRead these wordsMiddle/pebble/candle/bubblec.show a tongue twisterd. Show some pictures of bottles What’s in he bottle Can he drink the water Why Show the sentences in P3 4. The bottle is tall and thin. The bird can’t drink the water. He is very thirsty. What can he do a. I have a good idea.b. What’s his idea c. Put...in /on/under...Say some sentencesd. Let Ss practice this in the groupe. Show a picture and get Ss remember the things’ location.f.Show the sentences in P45. Show P5 6.Can the bird find other ways to drink water(key words:get) Ss read the title togetherWatch the video and think about these three sentencesLook at the picture and try to talk about it.S1: It is hot. The bird is flying in the sky. He is very tired.S2: The sun is hot. The black bird is very thirsty.Students fill in the blanks.He wants to drink water.Ss look at the picture and answer.He can see a bottle.Ss read the words according to the pronunciation rulesSs read these soundsSs read the wordsSs read it in pairs or in groupsSs practice the short dialogue in pairs---Which bottle do you like ---I like Bottle __. It’s _____.There is some water in the bottle.Ss: No.Ss: the bottle is tall and thin. The bird cannot drink the water.Ss finish it.Ss discuss the answers in groups.Ss read the sentences one by one.Put the stones in the bottle.Listen and doSs practice in groupsSs try to remember the picture and get the things to be put in the right order Ss finish the blanks.Ss talk about itDiscuss in groups 读前预设内容,通过图片创设情境,引出本课故事的主人公,为后续学习做准备。通过观看故事视频,整体感知故事,学生通过对这三个句子的判断初步理解故事内容。学生的看听更有针对性,有利于学生独立思考,理解课文。学生自己来说说图片的内容,重视了语言学习的实践性和应用性,学生可以根据自己的理解他所看到的内容。通过上一环节的自由谈论,学生完成这个环节相当简单。自由过渡到第二幅图片。引出新词,注意词不离句,句不离章。有助于学生学习单词。知识的迁移,有助于孩子记忆单词。自然拼读的学习,为孩子的语音学习奠定扎实的基础。巩固语音点,绕口令的设计是为了激发孩子的学习兴趣。这个活动的设计一是为了操练瓶子的发音,结合旧知,操练之前学过的形容词,并为后面的回答进行铺垫。为后续的学习进行埋下伏笔。学生开始头脑风暴,帮助乌鸦找到喝水的方法。通过完成这个活动,培养了学生的听说读的能力,将核心句式出示给学生,帮助学生理解掌握本故事的核心语言。学生自己来完成,让孩子们感受到成功的快乐。让学生展开想象的翅膀,找到其他办法。
IV. Post-taskactivities 1.Play the tape2.Get Ss read the story3.Show a short passage of this story4.Show a chant 5.Get Ss retell the storyShow some other stories of wisdom.a. Save the boyb. Scale the elephantc. Wen Yanbo get the ballSum up the story.. Let the student to have a good habit.Wisdom can make you go further and be successful. Ss repeat the storyRead the story in the groups.Ss work in groupsSs fill in the blanksSay the chant together and do some actions.Retell the story in groups.retell the story (four-five people)Get one child retell the whole storyGet two children act out the storyGet the stone Put the elephant in the boatGet the water and put the water in the hole 举一反三,学练结合突破重点,化解难点,水到渠成.通过学生喜欢的儿童,活跃课堂气氛,结合动作帮助学生巩固故事内容。通过图片,借助板贴,复述文本内容,巩固本课故事。 有趣的故事吸引激起学生的学习兴趣。帮助学生养成遇难题要善动脑,能坚持,会合作,智慧的解决问题,这样才能在将来走的更远更高。
板书设计A thirsty bird hot/ thirsty The bird can... see a bottle He cannot... tall and thin see stones put...in... drink/happy