Module 4 Unit 12 Fire Period 2 教案(表格式)


名称 Module 4 Unit 12 Fire Period 2 教案(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 265.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津沪教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-20 16:25:34



Fire safety教学设计
5A Module 4 Unit 12 Period 2
1.在语境中学习遇到火灾时如何应对:We must ... We mustn’t ...
2.欣赏、理解、熟读Listen and enjoy儿歌,并能进行运用表达。
Teaching Procedures(教学过程):
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计思路
情境引入创设氛围 【观看视频,情境导入】T: Hello, boys and girls. Let’s watch a video about a big fire. 【揭示课题】 1. T: Fire is very dangerous, we must be careful with fire. Today we’ll talk about fire safety. 2. T: Where can fire start Ask Ss to talk about some places. T: The fire can start everywhere. So we must be careful with fire. 3. T: Why can fire start What must we do What mustn’t we do Greet with teacher. Watch the video. Look at the pictures. Read after the teacher.Ss list some places: at home, in the school, in the supermarket, at the hotel …S1: We mustn’t play with matches. S2: We mustn’t play near fires. S3: We mustn’t smoke. … 通过火灾视频,强烈的视觉冲击让学生感受到火灾的可怕和给人们生活带来的灾难。利用多媒体课件创设情境,观看火灾视频后,强烈感受到防火的重要性,自然提示课题:Fire Safety. 教师请学生列举火灾发生的地点,思考火灾发生的原因,正确使用情态动词must来表达必须要做或禁止做的事情。在教师的引导下初步尝试,大胆运用。学习新知。实施“任务”的布置,同桌合作交流。培养学生大胆交流,综合运用语言的能力。对所学的内容能主动联系实际用英语交流。
再创情境引入新知 【再创情境】T: If you meet a fire, what must you do What mustn’t you do 【引入新知】1. T asks Ss to look and listen. 2. T asks Ss to read the text and circle the new phrases. 3. Show pictures and lead to learn the new phrases. 4. Read the text. 【chant,任务驱动】5. Chant it out. Ss watch it and discuss it in pairs. Students read the text and find them out. Ss read the text and try to circle the new phrases. Read these new phrases after T. To learn the new text. Clap their hands and chant it together. 引入巧妙,衔接自如。学生带着问题进行讨论。 本环节老师进一步提问,引导学生初读文本,找出关键信息。阅读中,指导学生利用scanning的阅读策略。 在学生了解关键短语后,指导学生再读文本,深入阅读。用Chant简单生动、韵律优美、节奏感强等特点,降低学习语言的难度,把本课的一些语言知识点编进chant中,使学生在优美的旋律中快乐地学习新授内容。
任务驱动探索新知 【拓展:火灾逃生技巧】1. After watching the video, let’s read and judge. 2. It is winter now. It’s very easy to start a fire. What must we do What mustn’t we do Fill in the blanks. 3. Ask Ss to read the passage for the class. Read and judge. Read the text and fill in the blanks. Some of Ss read the passage for the class. 用情态动词must对必须要做及禁止做的事情提出警告或禁止。并由听说读,逐步过渡到“写”的练习,全面训练学生的多项语言技能。
德育渗透正确用火 【归纳总结,火灾用途】 T: In our daily life, we use fire in many ways. We use fire to cook food.We use fire to keep warm.We use fire to light up. … 【德育渗透】 T:Fire is very useful. Fire is very dangerous. We must be careful with fire and make use fire. Enjoy your life everyday. Look at these pictures and think it over. 教师归纳总结火在我们日常生活中的用途,客观地看待和对待Fire.强调要正确使用,同时也要注意防火安全,拥有一个健康快乐安全的生活。