Module 4 The natural world Revision 表格式教案


名称 Module 4 The natural world Revision 表格式教案
格式 doc
文件大小 202.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津沪教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-21 18:36:27



1、 教学内容分析
课题 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
TeachingMaterialAnalysis 词语 Long, wavy grass. Swishy swashy!A deep cold river. Splash splosh!Thick, oozy mud. Squelch squerch!A big, dark forest. Stumble trip!A swirling whirling snowstorm. Hoooo woooo!A narrow, gloomy cave. Tiptoe!
结构 We’re going on a bear hunt.We’re going to catch a big one.What a beautiful day!We’re not scared.We can’t go over/under it.We’ve got to go through it!Back through the ________.
语篇 文本
TeachingMethods 情景教学法 ,任务型教学法 ,多媒体教学法,全身反应教学法,自然拼读教学法,小组合作教学法等。
TeachingAims andDemands 语言能力 能借助绘本中丰富的画面和教师的引导下,对文本进行预测、讨论和表达。
文化品格 通过故事的学习,学生能认识到困难不可怕,我们应该要勇敢面对,勇往直前。
思维品质 能借助思维导图,初步构建语篇意识,整体感知故事情节和语言的韵律及结构。能在情境中思考、预测和讨论。
学习能力 能在教师指导下运用不同阅读策略阅读文本并获取信息。
情感态度 能体会到在捉狗熊过程中的情绪变化和克服重重困难的毅力和勇气。
TeachingKey Points 1 能够借助绘本中丰富的画面、教师的体态语言和小组合作等形式,让学生读懂英文绘本故事。2.利用唱读、体验和表演等形式,带领学生体会语言的节奏和韵律美,感受阅读的乐趣,提高学生对英文阅读的兴趣。
TeachingDifficulties 根据情境体验的理念,让学生在情境中思考、体验和讨论问题,并进行交际和表达,从而提升英语的综合应用能力。
Teaching Tasks 通过阅读和视听等形式获取信息;小组活动,谈论故事情节并演一演。
Teaching Steps Teaching procedures DesignPurpose
Teaching Activities Students’ Activities
Warming up( 2 mins ) Greetings.Free talkWe want to know more about you. Will you talk about yourself from your name, family and free time activity. Say” Welcome to our English class.”Talk about their name, family and free time activity. 1.师生问候2.学生在教师的引导下激活自己已有知识,为阅读前做准备。
Pre-reading( 3 mins ) 1.Talk about the cover of the book.⑴How many people ⑵The writer and the illustrator.2.Predict about the story.⑴What are they going to do ⑵Where can you catch a bear Ss talk about cover and know about Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.Ss predict about the story. 1.谈论故事封面,了解作者和插图画家。2.以问题引领的方式,引出课题。 以发散性问题引导学生关注故事内容。
While-reading( 25 mins ) 1.Bear Hunt MapShow Ss the bear hunt map. Have the Ss finish the map after watching the video. Elicit the locales.2.Have the Ss think back about the 2 Qs before getting in the story.⑴Are they going to catch a big one or a small one ⑵Are the scared 3.Long,wavy grass.⑴Help the Ss answer the Qs after watching the video.⑵Help the Ss understand the new phrase:” Long, wavy grass.” with actions. ⑶Help the Ss understand the difference of “over” ”under” ”through” with a play.⑷Remind Ss to pay attention to the size of the phrase:”Swishy swashy”4.A deep cold water.⑴Have the Ss guess it’s a deep cold river or a shallow cold river by reading the picture.⑵Ask the Ss to talk about how to go through the river.⑶Have the Ss think about why they don’t swim through the river after watching the video.5.Thick,oozy mud.⑴Show Ss the real mud. Elicit the new phrases:”Thick, oozy mud. ”” Squelch squerch”⑵Invite 2 Ss to go through the mud.⑶Ask the Ss to practice the new phrase after watching the video.6.Revision⑴Grass: T, Ss, The group of the grassT:We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one.T:Oh-oh!Grass!Long,wavy grass.⑵River: T and 2 Ss, Ss, The group of the river⑶Mud:5 Ss ,Ss, The group of the mud.7.A big, dark forest.⑴Ask the Ss to read and discus before tell them the meaning of ”dark”. Encourage the Ss to guess the meaning by reading and discussing.⑵Help the Ss understand the meaning of ” Stumble trip” with a video.8.A swirling,whirling snowstorm.⑴Help Ss understand the meaning of ”A swirling, whirling snowstorm. ” with the picture and Chinese words. ⑵Encourage Ss to act this part out in their group9.A narrow gloomy cave.⑴Remind Ss to pay attention to the baby boy. Ask 2 Qs:How does the baby fell What will they do ⑵T ask Ss do the action and say the phrase: Tiptoe! Elicit the bear. Then T show them the meaning with the card.⑶Have the Ss guess what they will do ⑷Play the video.First time: Paste the onomatopoetic words on the map.Second time: Ask Ss to act the last part with the video. Finish and check the map after watching the video in groups.Recalls back about the story then try to answer the 2 Qs.Answer the Qs after watching the video.Learn the first part of the story. Understand the first part of the story and try to act.Choose the right answer by reading the picture. Predict the ways to go through the river. Get the answer through the video then talk about the reason.Go through the real mud then learn the new phrases.Review the parts of ”grass” ”river””mud”.Ss: We’re not scared. What a beautiful day.Group: Swish, swash.(The same as the last step.)Read, discus and try to act in their group.Learn the new word and phrase ”dark ” ” Stumble trip”.8. Learn the Phrase” A swirling, whirling snowstorm. ” Try to act in the group by themselves.9. Talk about the baby boy’s feeling. Guess what they will do Learn the word “tiptoe” Guess what they will do Match the words with the video.Try to act the last part with the video. 1.利用思维导图的形式,激发学生对这个语篇主题的兴趣,并对故事围绕的话题有了一个整体的感知。既活跃了课堂气氛,又集中了学生的注意力。2.利用预测的阅读策略,引发学生思考。3.利用PPT教学媒体和TPR的教学手段,直观、形象、快速、有效的解决学生对文本的理解。4.水深水浅这个问题并不难,只是想引发学生关注人物心情的变化。不断的预测,能够提高学生学文本的理解,促进学生散发性思维的提高。5.实物体验教学,能够让学生更直观,更形象的感受拟声词Squelch squerch能够更好地激发学生说英语的兴趣。体验中促理解。6.及时有效的复习,将知识内容和表演相结合,不仅提高学生的学习英语的兴趣,更能有效的起到复习巩固的效果。也为后面自主学习和表演做好铺垫。7.授之以鱼不如授之以渔。让学生通过讨论交流的形式进行自主学习。这一段只有dark 一个生词,学生可以通过自然拼读解决发音问题。他们可以通过结合上下文,认真观察图片,进行猜测生词的意思。培养学生自主学习的能力。8.在前面尝试自我学习的基础上,小组合作学生更能体现学生语用的能力、创造力和想象力。9.引导学生关注细节,读图也是一种能力。 学生关注的点并不是narrow gloomy 是生词,而是接下来会发生什么。所以,这里用中文释义结合我的肢体语言解决重点词的的义。根据教学目标的设定,教材篇幅较长的限制,这个熊形象的处理是:用卡纸制作熊的耳朵,眼睛和鼻子。一起带学生感受被熊追的心情变化。观看返回视频两遍:第一复习,第二感受人物心情。
Post-reading( 7 mins ) 1.思维品质的提升⑴Do you think the story is true (Do they really want to catch a bear )⑵Is it really a beautiful day?What color is it ⑶Why the color is different in each page 2.故事对生活的启示Show Ss a picture of black and white. Tell them that: We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ve got to go through it. Ss think about the Qs and then try to talk about their opinions.Ss give us the answer: We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ve got to go through it. 1.通过创设多层次,多角度的问题,引发学生思考,促进学生对文本的理解。2.提问中渗透德育。
Summary( 1 min ) Trouble is a Friend. 情感教育