Unit 9 Around the city
Period 2 Say and Act
课题:新版《牛津英语》五年级第一学期Unit 9 Around the city 课时:第二课时
一、知识目标1. 通过Say and act的学习,本课为上一课时的复习课,帮助学生巩固本单元的生词及句型,,如:a map of, walk along, walk straight, turn left/right, one one’s left/right, Let’s go, get to.2. 学生可以阐明任何背景地图位置和线路,并能到达目的地。3. 学生们可以展示自己的能力,设计新的地图,并能根据要求,阐明所要到达的目的地的线路。二、语言技能培养目标1. 听懂关于行走路线的对话。2. 用方位词和相关短语描述场所的位置,并能给出路线参考。2. 能简单写出去某地的路线,完成相关小练笔。三、情感态度目标1. 通过完成前置性作业:身边的小地图,学生可以通过日常生活,认真观察一个地图以小组为单位,进行阐明。2. 学生通过学习本语篇,教师给予情感态度指引,认真观察身边的小地图,让自己有方向感,并能在危机时刻找到安全出口,保护自身安全,并能助人为乐做个帮助别人快乐自己的人。3.使学生在小组合作的学习中敢于开口说英语,通过小组完成任务,设计地图,提升学习兴趣。四、学习策略目标1. 直观学习策略:本堂课提供生活里常去的公共场所的小地图和线路,生动的动画(FLASH),声音(课文音频和视频),再现原文,提高学生兴趣,提高课堂效率。2. 活动学习策略:设计星级地图线路,待学生选择,应用已学地图描述语言规划路线。再提高路线规划,让学生设计更为实际的线路,将语言输出拓展应用到实际生活中。3. 合作学习策略:秉承以生为本的原则,培养学生团队合作的精神,发挥各自的潜能,让学生在小组内合作学习、相互帮助。通过小组内部自行分配任务,运用短语和主要句型,进行英语对话和沟通,让学生成为课堂的真正的主角。五、文化意识目标让学生提高安全意识,养成良好的习惯,善于观察身边的小图标和小地图,对于突发事件可以顾及自身和他人的安全并能提高警惕。
一、教学重点1.复习短语词组:walk along, walk straight, on one’s left/right, turn left/right, between, get to的灵活运用,句型:How do I get to… Is that left/right Let’s go.的认读和使用。运用First, next, then, after that进行阐述。2.运用到实际操作。二、教学难点1. 准确的使用描述路线的词和短语,如:walk along, turn…, walk straight等。2. 会看地图,能正确使用turn left和turn right等短语。并能运用first, next, then, after that将路线贯穿使用。
1、本节课所授语篇“Say and Act”为第一课时“Listen and Say”的复习巩固内容。开场也由图纸起始,但背景不同于第一课时问路,此课时围绕动物园的图示展开的对话内容,主要讲述怎样到达目的地。我主要采用“语篇教学”的模式,主+分+主,提供主线线索,分段处理,任务多样化,浅到深,使得学生巩固第一课时的知识点,从而在第二课时复习重点词组和语句,。主要让学生读懂及听懂课文后可以在教师的帮助下尝试自己规划路线,并能很好的表达路线。最后,能让学生灵活规划路线,最近,最省时间,最安全的路线。2. 本节课的内容和生活息息相关,让学生更好的注意到路线选择和安全在左右,在前置性任务里,我布置调查任务,观察学校周围建筑和附近公共场所图片和安全出口,并能规划处如何从家到学校的最优秀的路线。让学生通过网络和实际考察完成浅显的问题。3. 本节课采用以生为本的理念,让学生成为一节课的主角,教师只提供引导和组织,设置小组合作,组内讨论,小组设计图纸选择旅行路线,锻炼口语能力,组织能力,创造力,激发学习兴趣。同时也通过小组间的学习,帮助各组的学困生更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。
教学环节 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
Pre-task preparation( 阅读前) 1. T: Hello, everyone. I’m Ms. Zhang. Welcome to my class.T: OK, Please stand up. Before we start our lesson today. Shall we play a funny game together, ok Ss follow the orders to do. Revision for last session. 1. 热身任务,主要是集中学生注意力,引起学生注意。让学生通过愉快的开场热身,复习上节课学习内容,使得学生迅速进入学习状态。
While-task procedure ( 阅读中) 1.T: Welcome to my class. Hello! Guys! Before start our lesson, let’s look at a picture. Q: Who are they Where are they What are they doing T: Write up the topic of today. This is our topic today. “Around the city, in the zoo”T: Do you want to know that will they find the animals 2.T: Let’s watch the video first and answer the questions. Q: What do they want to see in the zoo T: So Alice wants to see… Peter wants to see… Kitty wants to see… (Ask Ss say it together)Read the text individually and draw the route line on the paper sheet. Meanwhile invite one Ss come to front and draw the route lines. After drawing, T leads to say: First we can walk along summer road and turn right at Spring road… next… then…after that…Ss try to say the route line with first, next, then, after that to repeat.4. T: Can you find other route lines besides the route in the book - T asks Ss to try to find and draw other route lines to find these animals individually. Invite Ss come to front and show the lines to others and asks Ss indicate it. - T: Which one is the best line - T: Why - T offers The 3 S rules.Short distance, short time, save first. 5.Listen and imitateAsk Ss follow the sounds and imitate pronunciation to read. Sentences one by one. 6.Roles read by groups. 7.T: Look at the map, can you find other animals in the zoo Group working. T gives the examples of presentation sentences. e.g.S1: I want to see…S2:I want to see…S3: I want to see…S4: I want to see…S1-S4: First…next…8.Stars Activities by groupsTask one: Choose animals depend one the map which is from book. To select the best line.Make a new dialogue.Task two:T offers a new map for visiting Liaoning Museum, Science and Technique museum…six venues for Ss to choose and plan route lines. Choose places which Ss want to go in the map.To design a new and the best route line.Make a new dialogue. ◎Ss must use “First, next, then, after that…” to indicate their task.9.Expansion TaskT lists “My travelling plan” to Ss for making the example to Ss. 1.Ss try to answer the Qs. S: They are Alice, Peter and Kitty. S: They are in the zoo.S: They are looking at the map. S: Yes! Ss watch the video and try to answer Qs.Ss: They want to see monkeys, birds and bears. Ss: Alice wants to see…Peter wants to see…Kitty wants to see…Ss draw the route line on the paper sheet. And try to say the lines with first, next, then, after that individually then say it by groups. Ss draw other lines on the paper individually. To show and indicate other Ss in front of classroom.Ss follow the professional sounds to imitate. Noticed the pronunciations. Ss are separated by roles to read dialogue. Ss find answers in group. Discuss and presentation by every members in group. 4 Ss as a group. Ss must present route lines in this way:S1: I want to see…S2: I want to see…S3: I want to see…S4: I want to see…S1-S4: First…next… then… after that…Group working to choose task which Ss want to attend.Task I and II. Ss can discuss in the group and make a decision which Ss want to accomplish. Ss come to front and present to others. Ss according to example of T to create a new travelling plan by groups. Ss design the travelling plan of Northeast of China. Ss depend on all the cities in the northeast of China. Group workings discuss and present to others. 1. 吸引学生注意力,确立主题。 2.运用课文原图片导入,让学生以回答问题的方式直进主题内容。为了让学生充分掌握训练使用方位短语对路线进行描述以及使用能够运用first, next, then, after that…描述,表明先后。锻炼学生思维,查找其他能找到相同动物的路线。通过其他路线再对比书上路线,选择最为优秀的路线。帮助学生意识到最佳路线的意义。加强学生语音语调能力。 培养良好的语音发音习惯。学生分角色朗读,加强学生阅读兴趣并能人人参与阅读练习。学生分4人为小组,先观察如何找到其他动物后,设计最佳路线,再由小组成员人人参与汇报任务。再利用First, next, then, after that进行最后阐述路线规划。通过学生小组讨论自行选择任务,确定最佳路线,并能人人参与进行汇报,并全程使用顺序语言应用到实际中。主要锻炼学生描述位置的能力,选择出最佳路线,将一切课堂操练运用到日常生活中。9.学生通过拓展训练,将所学和使用发挥并运用实际日常生活中。将对话内容和线路选择规划能力使用到实际中。并能在英语环境下,听懂路线,询问路线,选择最佳路线。
Post-task activity( 阅读中) T:This is our assignment today. Class.T: Class is over. Thank you. S: Goodbye! 帮助学生运用词语使用到实践中
Assignment Show the assignment Try to remember 巩固本节课重点知识,为下一课打好基础
Unit 9 Around the city --- In the zoo