Would you …
Ling Ling’s problem
How does Ling Ling ask for help
How does Yang Yang answer
Would you mind opening the door for me, please
Can you open the door for me
Hey, open the door!
Maybe, ok.
Sure, no problem!
Would you mind opening the door for me, please
Can you open the door for me
Hey, open the door!
Would you mind …
Would you …
Would you mind
clos the window please I feel cold.
Hello, ___________!
Would you mind _____ please
(Because _________________.)
Sure!/Of course!/Ok!/Yes!/ My pleasure! ...
Sorry, _______.
Thank you so much!
You are welcome!
Hello, ___________!
Would you mind _____ please
Because I _________________.
Sure!/Of course!/Ok!/Yes!/ My pleasure! ...
Sorry, _______.
Thank you so much!
You are welcome!
At 7 in the evening, ____ is at home. After dinner, ______ wants to do homework. But, he/she forgets it! Oh! he/she has an idea!
After lunch, _____ is so tired! He/She wants to sleep. But, the light is on! He/She is not near the door, so he/she wants to ask for help!