Unit 7 What is nature? Lesson 23 表格式教案


名称 Unit 7 What is nature? Lesson 23 表格式教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 北京版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-23 09:59:38



课题 Unit 7 What is nature Lesson23
是否属于地方课程或校本课程 否 是否属于跨学科主题教学 否
学科 英语 学段: 小学 年级 四
相关领域 科学
教材 书名: 义务教育教科书 英语 出版社: 北京出版社
教学内容:本课是小学英语教材北京版(一年级起)四年级上册Unit7 What is nature?Lesson23。整个单元的主题是谈论人与自然。本节课为单元第一课时,它的主题是自然界中的不同地区不同天气;第二课时的主题是亲近大自然;第三课时的主题是大自然的重要性;第四课时主题是人和自然和谐相处,第五课时主要是复习。本课对话部分呈现了两个场景:首先Lala和Maomao讨论雨、雪、冰、水的不同变化;其次是Mike在北京给身在悉尼的好朋友Eric打电话,谈论北京和悉尼的天气情况。课文中使用了日常交际用语“How’s the weather in Sydney?”以及回答“Bad. It’s raining hard.”。在Listen, Look, and Learn版块,主要是依托课文运用How’s the weather in… 并回答Bad. /Fine. /Cold. It’s…等练习询问天气的情况。关于天气的话题在三年级上册第五单元中学习过,所以在此基础上,本节课更深一步谈论了天气“怎么样”以及自然界中雨、雪、冰、水的不同变化。此外,本节课还加入了对温度和自然现象的学习与了解,渗透了自然科学等知识。学生情况: 1. 四年级的孩子有一定的英语语言基础,能够听懂、回答简单日常用语。学生在三年级上册中学习过四季的天气情况,有对天气的认知能力,知道表达天气的形容词rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy,hot, warm等。但是他们没有学习过温度表达法以及温度对雨、雪、冰、水的影响与变化。2. 小学四年级的学生好奇心强、活泼好动,善于模仿。同时,他们对于简单的事物有所掌握,同时对熟悉的知识有所感悟,具备表演的欲望。所以,本课采用多种活动形式增强学生参与的广度和深度,使他们在亲身体验中进行有效的学习,保持他们学习的欲望和兴趣,从而提高学习效果。教学方式:讲授法、发现法、合作学习法、阅读与表达 教学手段:多媒体辅助教学技术准备:课件、补充阅读材料、温度计、道具等。
1.能听懂、会说有关天气的词汇 snowing, raining,shining, below, degrees,和城市名称 Sydney,Alaska并能在实际情景中运用。2.能正确朗读课文,理解课文内容,知道雨、雪、水、冰在不同温度下可以转换。能够在板书的提示下,用bad/cold. It’s raining ……介绍北京和悉尼的天气。3.能够读懂关于昆明、阿拉斯基、哈尔滨,三亚等地的配图短文,能够用“How's the weather in … ”询问这些地方的天气状况。 部分学生能够介绍这些地方的天气、景观和活动。4. 学生了解不同国家和地区的天气等特点,感受自然界的美丽,拓宽国际视野。教学重点:用“How's the weather in … ”询问某地的天气状况并用Bad. / Cold. / Fine. It’s…做出简单应答。教学难点:能正确使用单词become, below, degree。教学过程(表格描述)教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排创设情境Show my trip to ManchesterT: I love travelling. Last week, I took a plane to Manchester. Manchester is in the U.K. I went to a school, I talked to a boy. I said I am form Beijing, China. I love the food, I love Manchester people. I love your city. But I don’t like the weather in Manchester. And the boy asked me: How is the weather in Beijing in winter Can you tell the boy Ss listen and try to share their ideas.(In Beijing, It is cold and sometimes we have snow.) 通过旅行创设天气情境,引导学生复习北京四季的天气。课件4’温故知新1.Show some pictures about four seasons in BeijingDo you know what I told the boy T: I said there are four seasons in a year in Beijing. They are....In spring, it’s ...In summer, It’s........2.Lead Ss brain-storm other words about weatherWhat other words do you know about weather Let's talk about weather in different places 1.Look and sayThey are spring, summer, autumn and winter.In spring, it’s....In summer, it’s.... 2. Ss brain storm weather words.Rain, snow. ....帮助学生归纳学过的天气词汇。单词条2’新课讲解Step 1: learn picture1 1. Show Picture1T:Look, china snow town Where is it Do you like snow Why Can you see it in summer Lala and Maomao both like travelling. Lala has a question: It doesn’t snow in summer Why Let’s listen to Maomao. What does he tell Lala 2.播放第一幅对话 It doesn’t snow in summer Why Sum-up: When the temperature is above zero, ice becomes water. When the temperature is below zero, the water becomes ice. 引导学生讨论Think and tell your partners the examples that water becomes ice or ice becomes water in our lives.Step2: learn picture2 Show picture2Who is he Where is Mike from where is he now? How’s the weather like in Beijing (在黑板上贴出地图和人物) He like snow. Now he is making a phone call to his Friend, Erick. He wants to tell Eric Beijing is snowing. Because he knows Eric wants to see snow. Where is he Is he in Beijing Why 2.播放录音 Where is Eric ( 给学生三个选项Alaska, Sydney, Kunming ) How’s the weather in Sydney What’s the temperature How’s the weather in Beijing 3.引导学生讨论T: Why does Eric say lucky you?Step 1: learn picture1 1. Look and say It’s in Heilongjiang.I like snow. Because........Summer is hot. We can’t see snow.2.Listen and talkIt’s hot in summer. Snow becomes rain. 3.Discuss and talkStep2: learn picture21.Look and talkMike is in Beijing. It’s snowing in Beijing. He is not in Beijing. Because it’s raining outside.2.Listen and saySs: He is in Sydney. Bad, It’s raining. It’s 20degrees. Beijing is five below zero. 3.Discuss in pairs引导学生联想生活现象,理解水变成冰,冰变成水的条件。通过猜测,引导学生理解澳大利亚悉尼这个城市。引导学生深入理解对话。课件视频16’实践操作Step1:Lead Ss practice reading and introduce the weather in Beijing and Sydney播放课件Lead Ss read or actLead Ss introduce the weather in Beijing and SydneyStep2:Lead Ss make a new dialogueT: Mike likes travelling. So he want to see different weather. Where is he going How’s the weather in Alaska, Kunming and Singapore 1.播放介绍Eric 旅行的视频2.引导学生创编对话T: If you were Eric, can you ask Mike the weather in Alaska, Kunming and Singapore Make a new dialogue. 3.引导学生展示对话Step1:Practice reading and introduce1.Practice reading2. show3. IntroduceStep2: Ss make a new dialogueWatch and sayMake a new dialogue.Show在学生创编对话中操练新语言。课件10’归纳总结Now, we know Manchester’s weather, Sydney’s weather, Alaska’s weather, and Singapore’s weather. If we want to know a place’ weather, what can you do Ss we can........1’拓展提高There are many beautiful places around china and the world. They have different weather and people do different things. Do you want to know Open the envelopes, choose a place you are interested and read it. 引导学生阅读不同城市地区的短文引导学生了解同伴喜欢的城市地区T:If you want to know more places,ask you partner. 1. Which place do you like 2. How's the weather in____ 3. What can you do in_______ 3.引导学生介绍自己感兴趣的城市或地区1.Choose and read2.Ask partners3.Introduce a place 引导学生综合运用语言。7’