人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit3 Environmental protection 词汇课件 (40张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit3 Environmental protection 词汇课件 (40张PPT)
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文件大小 12.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-22 21:05:43



unit3 Environmental protection
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer (see the graph).
graph [ɡrɑ f]: n.
图; 图表; 曲线图
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Low Carbon Emissions, the Green Life.
carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳
emission [i m n]:
n. 排放物; 散发物; 排放
emit [i m t]: v. 发出; 射出; 散发
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
melting ice
melt [melt]: vi. & vt.
(使)融化; 熔化; 软化
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
habitable 适合居住的
habitat 栖息地
habit 习惯
a habitable house一所宜居的房子
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide,trap some of the heat, keeping Earth's climate warm and habitable.
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
n. 海豹
starve [stɑ v]:
vi. & vt. (使)挨饿; 饿死
starve to death:饿死
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
In order to protect the earth, we should learn ecology well.
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
release [r li s]:
vt. & n. 排放; 释放; 发布
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
methane [ mi θe n]: n. 甲烷; 沼气
Natural gas consists mostly of methane.
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
sustain [s ste n]:
vt. 维持; 遭受; 承受住
Without this process, Earth could not sustain life.
sustainable [s ste n bl]:
adj. 可持续的; 合理利用的
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
[ f sl]: n. 化石
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
fossil fuel: 化石燃料
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
comprehensive [ k mpr hens v]: adj. 全部的; 所有的; 详尽的
eg:We should make the plan as comprehensive as possible.
n. 理解力; 领悟能力
comprehension [ k mpr hen n]:
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
It will reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
worldwide [ w ldwa d]:
adv. 遍及全球地
adj. 世界各地的; 影响全世界的
This warming trend will probably continue if we do not take appropriate actions.
trend [trend]: n. 趋势; 趋向; 动向
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
In fact, news report are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms.
frequently [ fri kw ntli]: adv. 频繁地; 经常
frequent: adj. 频繁的; 经常发生的.
always: adv.总是
often: adv. 经常
regularly: adv. 定期地
usually: adv. 通常地
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Governments need to consider making policies and taking appropriate actions.
policy [ p l si]: n. 政策;方针; 原则
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.
restrict [r str kt]:
vt. 限制; 限定; 束缚
restriction [r str k n]:
n. 限制规定; 限制法规; 约束
be restricted to
without restriction
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming
seize [si z]: vt. 抓住; 夺取; 控制
seize/catch/hold sb + by the leg (hand, arm):
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Siberian basin
The Siberian basin is the largest in the world.
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Thousands of baby penguins starved to death because of the changing climate.
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
reform [r f m]:
vi. & vt. 改革; (使)改正
n. 改革; 变革; 改良
Many experts link China's economic success to the economic reform that China has undergone since 1978.
undergo [ nd ɡ ]:
vt. 经历; 经受(变化/不快等) (underwent -- undergone )
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
We have made up our minds to implement changes.
vt. 使生效; 贯彻; 执行
carry out...: 实施; 执行
China aims to promote a harmonious relationship between man and nature.
adj. 和谐的
adv. 和谐地
n. 和谐; 协调; 融洽; 和睦
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
They submitted their reports to the local government yesterday.
submit [s b m t]:
vt. & vi. 提交; 呈递; 屈服
pass: v. 传递
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Annual carbon emissions are high.
adj. 每年的; 一年的
20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the destruction of tropical forests
tropical forest
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
in chaos
On behalf of all blacks, I pursue fairness .
represent sb/单位…: 代表
stand for... : 代表; 象征
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
nuclear explosion
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Dozens of garbages piled up into mountains.
许多; 很多
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
Why is nuclear power a sensitive topic
adj. 敏感的
be sensitive to…: 对…敏感
The disease originated in Africa.
originate [ r d ne t]:
vi. & vt. 起源; 发源; 创立
origin [ r d n]: n. 起源
original [ r d nl]:
adj.原来的; 起初的
originally: adv.原来; 起初
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
There are plenty of small enterprises in the town.
enterprise :
n. 公司; 企业; 事业
Urgent steps should be taken to restore the river’s original beauty.
vt. 恢复
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation
conservation [ k ns ve n]:
n. 对(环境/文物等)保护; 保持
conserve [k n s v]:
v.保护; 保存; 保藏
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
The local government set up strict regulations about further industrial development.
n. 章程; 规章制度
New rules were also introduced regarding(关于) tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods.
n. 处理; 清除
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
The leader has completed his inspection of the river.
n. 检查;视察
Leaders will impose fines on violations.
n. 罚款; 罚金
Next month the police will begin a campaign to reduce road accidents.
n. 运动; 战役
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
The villagers could no longer tolerate the noise.
vt. 忍受;
bear(bore -- borne): v. 忍受; 承受
stand (stood) : v. 忍受; 站立
put up with...:
Environmental protection
unit 3 vocabulary
A “clean up campaign” was added to the government agenda .
n. 议程表; 议事日程