课题:上教版《牛津英语》六年级第一学期Unit 4 Our neighbours P24 A noisy neighbour 课时:第二课时
1. 本教材以“话题-功能-结构-任务”为主线,设计和安排大量形式多样、语境真实、趣味性强的语言实践活动,让学生在“用英语做事情”的过程中感知、实践和体验,采用参与、探究、合作等学习方式,学习和综合运用英语语言知识和语言技能。 2. 本节课的教学内容围绕故事《吵闹的邻居》展开,进一步呈现了核心句型在真实语境中的运用,强化了邻里之间应友好相处的深层次含义。
1. 六年级的学生已经具有一定的综合语言运用能力,他们活泼热情,喜欢有趣的游戏,有情境的任务活动,他们爱模仿,喜欢竞争,这就需要老师因材施教,针对不同学生特点设计不同的活动。 2. 六年级的学生早已经具备了“小组合作”的能力,他们可以在合作的过程中解决部分重难点,所以教师要以“生”为本,充分相信学生,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。同时他们也喜欢竞争与挑战,教师要在教学中设计一些有趣味性和挑战性的问题,让学生在激烈而又和谐的氛围中积极参与,大胆发言。
一、知识能力目标 1. 能在语境中正确运用本节课核心单词、短语noisy、dig、make noise等。 2. 能在注意行为动词一般式与过去式的变化的同时对其进行合理区分。 3. 能通过阅读抓住关键信息,理解故事大意。 4. 能借助相应图片,对故事进行复述。二、情感态度目标 通过A noisy neighbour故事的学习能切身体会到邻里关系的重要性,知道邻居之间应友好相处。三、学习策略目标 1. 直观学习策略: 能在直观生动的图象(课文插图),声音(课文音频和视频)等其他教学手段的辅助下更好的发挥潜力,提升学习兴趣,提高学习效率。 2. 活动学习策略: 能依照教师创设的相应情景参与到教学活动中,并可以在相应活动及游戏中提升语言交际运用等能力。3. 合作学习策略:能在小组活动中做到与他人合作学习、相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,真正成为课堂的主人。
教学重点词汇:noisy,dig,make noise语法:行为动词的过去式变化。二、教学难点 行为动词过去式的变化。
1. 本节课我主要采用了“语篇教学”和逐层推进的模式,分为阅读前设疑,阅读中理解和阅读后运用,活动设计由浅入深,循序渐进,从读听看的顺序,最后落到重述课文,角色扮演,深化学生对篇章的整体理解。 2. 因为本节课的主题的具有普试性,方便教师进行拓展和巩固,所以我收集了大量资料,图片,使整堂课不枯燥无味。 3. 整节课我采用任务学习法 和“小组合作”等教学策略,例如:小组内部核对答案、小组朗读、小组评比等多种形式来是激发学生英语学习的内驱力,让更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。
教学环节 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
Pre-task preparation( 阅读前) 1.Watch and thinkT: Watch a video and think about the question:“Is he a good neighbour ”Maybe not. Yes He always makes a lot of noise. So he is a noisy neighbour. T:Pay attention here noise-noisy “oi” pronounces / /. The opposite word of “noisy” is ( “quiet”)2.Look and sayT: Are there any other places we should keep quiet We can also say we should not be…Good job. So in public places, we should keep quiet. All right 3.Read and guessT:Even we all know we should not be noisy. But there are still many noisy neighbours in our daily life. So today we’ll share a story about a noisy neighbour. Here are two characters in the story. Let’s have a guess: “What are they ”T: Pay attention to the pronunciation of “owl”. Can you say more words “ow”pronounces /a /? Ss watch the video and think.Ss read it all together. One by one and togetherS1: We should keep quiet in the library.S2: …in the school.S3: …Ss have a guess about the two characters.Ss:now、how、cow... 视频直观感受a noisy neighbour板书出示标题:A noisy neighbour讲解区分noise、noisy以及quiet的用法,通过活动及填空练习巩固知识点。发散孩子们思维,启发其深入联想。导出故事主人公: the owl and the rabbits。强调纠正学生词汇owl发音。
While-task procedure( 阅读中) Listen and fill& listen and imitateT: So what would happen between the owl and the rabbits Let’s listen to the tape and try to find the answer. 2.Watch and thinkT: (Point to Picture1) Look carefully. Is it the daytime or the night What was the owl doing And what were the rabbits doing 3.Watch and judgeT: Great. So how about the night What would happen at night Let’s watch the video and judge the next sentences. All right T: Pay attention to key points: “make noise” &“stop doing…”They are all bad habits. All right So please stop doing that.4.Listen and imitateT: The owl did not listen to the rabbits. But did he do it on purpose Maybe not. So let’s enjoy a video about the nature of the owl. T: The owl did not make noise on purpose. That’s all because he couldn’t sleep at night. And the rabbits still wanted to be good neighbours to the owl. So what would the rabbits do Let’s read Picture4&5&6 and try to find the answers. 5.Read and answerT: Pay attention to key points: dig a hole Ss: Think and fill in the blanks.Ss: Think and answer. Ss: Make the judgment T or F. Ss: Fill in the blanks.Ss:watch the video and try to imitate.Ss: Think and answer.Ss: Watch and enjoy.Ss: Read by themselves and underline the answers. 分段落感知课文,通过听看读等不同形式深层次了解故事,并在相应问题中进行讲解。出示板书 Picture1 in the forest为后续展示猫头鹰的习性做铺垫。出示板书Picture2&3加深对段落理解,为后文整体回顾做铺垫。出示板书make noise stop doing…。强化动词make及made过去式不规则变化的运用。强化stop doing...词组的运用理解,并适时进行德育渗透强化对学生纯正语音语调的培养。深化学生对猫头鹰习性的了解。出示板书:tired注意孩子默读习惯的养成。逐步出示板书:Picture4&5出示板书:dig a hole强化动词dig及dug过去式不规则变化的运用。
Post-task activity( 阅读后) 6.Watch&imitateT: So we all know the rabbits sleep in holes is because of the owl’s noise.Now let’s go back to the whole story. Watch and imitate, sentence by sentence.7.Read and showT: Read the story by yourselves and ask Ss to read it.8.Retell the whole storyTeacher first, then Ss.9.Watch and enjoyIn the story, even the owl made noise every night. They were still good neighbours to each other. Is that right So let’s enjoy a video of good neighbours.T: So we should be kind to our neighbours. And try to be a nice neighbour. Ss: Watch and imitateSs:Read by their ownsSome students retell.Ss: Watch and enjoy 整体跟读,强化对学生纯正语音语调的培养。培养孩子独立朗读的能力。德育渗透:让学生体会邻里关系的重要性,知道邻居之间应该友好相处。
Unit 4 A noisy neighbour
dig a hole
in the forest
stop doing
make noise