人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit1Cultural Heritage Words and expressions检测(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit1Cultural Heritage Words and expressions检测(无答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 21.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-23 20:17:46



新人教Book2 Unit1 words and expressions学案
姓名___________ 班级_________________
1. 创造v.________ --创造性的____________ --创造性地___________ 创造力__________
2. 提升;促进;促销 v.____________ --n.________________
3. 申请;应用 v._________ --n.__________ 申请者____________
4. 提议v.________ --n.____________
5. 限制;限度_____ 有限的_______
6. 预防;阻止 v._______ --n.________
7. 丧失v.______ --n.__________
8. 贡献;捐稿;捐献v.______________ --n.__________________
9. 调查v._____________ --n._________________
10. 捐赠v.___________ n.__________
11. 消失 v.____________ --n.________________
12. 企图;试图v._________ --企图的;蓄意的adj.__________
13. 加载v.________ 下载__________ 上传______________
14. 职业___________ 职业的;专业的_________________
15. 传统 v.____________ --传统的adj.________________
16. 比较 v._________ --n.__________
1. for-/fore-______ ____________ 前面的;前者
2. pre-(提)______-serve =to ______ = guard beforehand 保护;保护区 à _________ 保留;预定;保护区
3. pro-______ -mot/mov/mob______ ____________ 往前移动à促进;晋升;促销等 à _________ 动机 à_______________ 激励 à____________ 动机;动力à_________ 运动 à_________ 移动的 à_______________ 汽车
4. _________ =two pans/plates 天平的两个托盘à天平,秤 à平衡;使平衡
5. pro-(向)前+ _________摆放;姿势 à_______________ 摆在面前à提议à____________ n. 提议;建议 à-test=_________ à____________ 走向前来公开作证,以此表达不满à抗议
6. pre(=_________)-vent(=_________), àIf you prevent someone, you ‘come before’ them ,站在某人面前,预防阻止
7. ______ 部分;零部件;分开à_________离去,启程 n. _________ à____________ 部门
8. in-vestig(=_________足迹)-ate (在足迹里面)调查=______ ______
9. doc-=to ____________ à_______________ 早期指教课用的教义à文件
10. at(表方向)-tempt(=tend倾向) 倾向于某个方向 à_________;_________
11. pro(前)-fess(=_________)-or 一群人前面说话的人à____________ à像教授一样说话的有很多_______________职业,专业 à_______________ 职业的;专业的
12. pro(=forward)-cess(=go ) =______ ____________ 朝前走à ______;______;______;______
13. ident(=_________)-ify 确定与……相同à______;______ àidentical _______________ à____________ 身份;特性;一致性_______________ 身份证明(ID);鉴定,认出
words for the pictures:
____________ _______________ ____________ ____________ _____________
____________ _______________ ____________ ____________ _____________
值得 ____________ ________________________________________________
_______________ ___________________________________________________
遍及 __________________ __________________
全世界 ______________________________________________________
阻止 ____________________________________________________________
_________ ______________________________________________________
________ _________________________________________________________
_________ ____________________________________________________________
_________ ______________________________________________________
________ _________________________________________________________
_________ ____________________________________________________________
apply-- ______________________________________________________
contribute ________________________________________________
give away _____________________
give back _____________________
give in (to…) _____________________
give off _____________________
give out _____________________
give up _____________________
give way (to…) _____________________
Tom is an archaeologist. He has made a lot of ____________(贡献) to the protection of so many cultural _________(遗产). He knows that many things are indeed difficult to _____________(保存保护), and he is always ____________(试图) to ____________(预防) them from being __________(丢失). He once made a _____________(建议) that a special _____________(委员会) be ______________(创建) to raise enough _________(资金) to help with their work. In his __________(观点), ___________(进一步的) progress should be made in the ____________(过程) of protecting our heritage. By the way, his work _______________(导致) his busy life. Actually, he is always busy _____________ (平衡) his work and family.
1. 保护原因;2.保护建议。 (使用3个以上本单元新单词)
A possible version:
Traditional Chinese Culture Protection
The protection of our ___________ culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity as well as the harmony between economic and social development.
__ __ _______, some effective measures should be taken to protect traditional cultures. To start with, we are in need of more detailed laws and regulations in this respect. Besides, people’s awareness of cultural protection can be ________ in a much more active way. After all, the more people know about it, the stronger support can be obtained from the public. By the way, to ____ ____ _____________, we might as well raise a special ____, and many people will ____ _ ________.
1. These ancient buildings are part of the national ________.(遗产)
2. She's very ________(创新的); she writes and paints.
3. All of you will be taught to think __________(创新地).
4. A ______ (寺庙)is a building used for the worship of a god or gods, especially in the Buddhist and Hindu religions, and in ancient Greek and Roman times.
5. During the dig, the archeological team found some ______(遗物) from the Stone Age.
6. Tom _______ (爬上)his bicycle and went to school.
7. If I had to choose between fish and chicken I'd prefer the ______ (前者).
8. We have no ____ (线索) as to where she went after she left home.
9. Few of the early manuscripts have been _________ (保护保存).
10. She worked hard and was soon ________ (晋升).
11. We received 400 ____________ (申请书)for the job.
12. Riders need a good sense of balance (平衡).
13. Aswan High ___ (大坝)is on the river Nile in Egypt.
14. Various _________ (建议)were put forward for increasing sales.
15. Loud ________ (抗议)were heard when the decision was announced.
16. She's very ______(可能) to ring me tonight.
17. The _________ (委员会)has/have decided to dismiss him.
18. This business was ___________ (创建)in 1860.
19. The speed _____ (限制)on this road is 70 mph.
20. But they can _______(阻止) us from coming back.
21. I'm at a ____ (迷茫;迷失)(as to) what to do next.
22. I am proud of my ____________ (贡献)to the team's success.
23. She has ___________ (投稿)several poems to literary magazines.
24. A __________ (部门)is one of the sections in an organization such as a government, business, or university or one of the sections in a large shop.
25. The hospital has set up a special ____ (专款;基金)to buy new equipment.
26. If you don't hear anything ______ (……之内)seven days, phone again.
27. The police are _____________ (调查)the murder.
28. An _____(事件) is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing.
29. The prisoner was released early because of good _______(行为).
30. The spy stole secret government _________ (文件).
31. I _______ (捐献)blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake.
32. We looked for her but she had ___________ (消失)into the crowd.
33. She will _______ (试图)to beat the world record.
34. She considers teaching a __________ (值得的)career.
35. Users can ________ (下载)their material to a desktop PC back in the office.
36. A ________ (共和国)is a country where power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect . They have presidents who are elected, rather than kings or queens.
37. After he won the amateur championship he turned ____________(专业的).
38. Where's the ________ (入口)to the cave
39. We're still in the _______ (过程)of moving house.
40. There are a lot of ________ (海外的)students in Cambridge.
41. We ______ (退出)from the party as soon as we could.
42. The application form was a single _____ (一张)of paper.
43. The children _______ (游行展示)about/around in their new clothes.
44. The trees were ________ (映照)in the still water of the lake.
45. Put the luggage on the ____ (顶部)of the car.
46. A ______(龙) is a large animal in old stories that has wings and a long pointed tail and breathes out fire.
47. She cannot _______ (原谅)him for forgetting her birthday.
48. A _______ (数字的)clock or instrument shows information as a row of numbers.
49. According to the Bible, God created man in his _____(形象).
50. A ____ (洞穴)is a large hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or one that is under the ground.
51. News spread __________ (遍及)the country.
52. She had many good _________ (品质;素质)despite her apparent rudeness.
53. It's a _________ (传统)to sing `Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.
54. If you have any _______ (进一步的)problems do let me know.
55. A ________ (历史性的)event or time will be recorded in history because it is very important.
56. The boss has a very high _______ (观点)of her.
57. Can you _____ (引用)(me) an example of what you mean
58. It is often useful to make a __________ (比较)between two things.
59. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by ________(对照), had done very well.
60. Can you ________ (鉴别)your umbrella among this lot
61. I like the house but I don't imagine I'll live there _______(永久).