3A Unit8 Happy new year 教案


名称 3A Unit8 Happy new year 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津苏教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2013-12-23 11:58:44



课题: Unit8 Happy New Year! 第 1 课时 课型:新授课
1.能初步听懂、会说、会读词汇:uncle, doll, ball, CD ,car, robot.
2. 能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:What’s this/that 并运用It’s a …来回答。
3. 能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用:This is for you. /It’s for you.
1. 了解中西方新年文化差异。
2. 通过阅读增强学习英语的兴趣,学会表达新年祝福和赠予礼物的感激。
1.能初步听懂、会读、会说词汇:uncle, doll, ball, CD, car, robot.
2. 能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:What’s this/that 并运用It’s a …来回答。
3. 能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用:This is for you./It’s for you.
1. 能正确地理解对话内容,并能尝试朗读表演对话。
2. 明白中西方新年文化差异。
3. 通过阅读增强学习英语的兴趣,学会表达新年祝福和赠予礼物的感激。
1. 多媒体课件
2. 相关图片,卡片,礼物
先 学 预 设 后 教 策 略 调整与反思
Step 1. Preparation1. GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. First, let’s enjoy a song, ok S: Enjoy a song: ‘If you are happy’.T: Are you happy Ss: Yes.T: Today I’m very happy (开心;快乐). Because New Year’s Day is coming soon. Happy New Year, children!Ss: (教师引导) Happy New Year, Miss Cai.Lead inT: We are happy now. Look, the children are also happy. They are celebrating. ★When New Year’s Day comes, we can say: Happy New Day! (新年时,你向他人表达节日的问候,可以说:Happy New Year!) Step 2. Presentation1. Guess my presents1) T: Today, I bring some New Year presents for you. What’s this/that S: (教师引导): It’s a/an…2) T: There are other presents in the two boxes. Guess: “it’s a…” If you’re right, you’ll get the present. T: What’s this/that (师移动不同的位置)S: It’s a/an…T: (生答对,将礼物送给他说) Great! This is for you. /It’s for you.S:(师引导)Thank you.3) Ss: (教师做动作,全体学生提问):What’s this/that S: It’s a/an…(生猜对,教师给予奖励。)Guess my friend1) T: These presents are from my new friend. Guess! Who’s he ----引出Uncle John2) T: Look, Uncle John comes to Mike’s house, he will give the presents to the children. Now guess: Who are they 板书:(Helen, Mike, Tim)3) T: Do you want to get Uncle John’s present Ss: Yes.T: Let’s join to the party. We will pass three and then get the present. Ok ●第一关:Learning TimeTask1:Watch and circle 观看动画,圈出故事中的礼物。板书:doll, ball, robot(1)Listen and learn听读:a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot(2)Play a game: Magic eyes读一读,哪个礼物不见了?(3) Watch and comparea. 教师用动作或图标形象地呈现this与that的区别。T:What’s this/that Ss: It’s a…(教师板书)b. Work in pairs(4)Have a chant(配乐)This, this, what’s this Doll, doll, it’s a doll.That, that, what’s that Ball, ball, it’s a ball.Task2:Read and match仔细阅读故事,找出孩子们各自收到的礼物并连一连: It’s a _____. This is for ______. (物品) (给) (人名)Task3: Read and underline快速阅读对话,同桌讨论并划出John叔叔给礼物的句子。This is for you, Helen.This is for you, Mike.It’s for Tim.(教师总结并板书)Task4: Listen and find听对话,找出Mike和Helen接收叔叔礼物时是怎样回答的?(教师领读并板书)Task5: Let’s imagine Tim收到了礼物会说什么呢?如:It’s/ How nice/ …Thanks/ Thank you, Uncle John.I like the robot……★恭喜你,闯过第一关!Culture Tip: 中国人习惯等人走后,再拆开礼物;外国人则习惯当着送礼人的面打开,赞赏有加, 以示对礼物的重视!Step 3. PracticeMake and sing(用两只老虎的旋律)What’s this What’s this It’s a doll . It’s a doll .This is for you, for you, Helen .Thank you, thank you.学生模仿改编:What’s that What’s that It’s a . It’s a . That is for you, for you, .Thank you, thank you.What’s this What’s this It’s a . It’s a . It is for you, for you, . Thank you, thank you.●第二关:Reading Time1. Listen and repeat2. Read together3. Read in roles4. Choose and read选择喜欢的方式,小组之间读一读(齐度,跟读,分角色朗读)★恭喜你,闯过第二关!Step 4. ProductionGame:Super plates(转盘)同桌之间模仿句型操练。Step 5.Progress●第三关:Show Time1. Make a dialogue新年就要到了,你去好朋友家做客,你会带什么礼物又会说些什么呢?小组之间交流一下吧!恭喜你,闯关成功!2. Sing together《 Happy New Year》3. Summary(1) 你想知道近处某物是什么,你可以问:(2) 你想知道远处某物是什么,你可以问:(3) 新年到来时,你可以对家人或朋友说:(4) 给别人赠送礼物时,你可以说:(5) 别人向你赠送礼物时,你可以说: 一句话: Happy New Year! Happy every day! 新年欢乐!天天快乐! 以一首欢快的歌曲开启整个课堂,既创设了快乐的氛围,又为下一环节做了铺垫。教师利用ppt呈现新年及过年热闹快乐场面的图片。引出Happy New Year! 揭题。教师将礼物藏在不同的盒子里并移动自己的位置,引出What’s this/that 让学生去猜,既复习旧知又引入新知的学习。(旧知:cake, sweet, CD,egg…)(新知:doll, ball, car, robot )同法再说两组,并引导学生之间问答。小熊闯关游戏:每闯入一关,将会得到一份精美的礼物哦!Learning tip:观看动画时要抓住里面的关键礼物哦!呈现新知并用不同方式操练词汇和句型。教师先示范,再让学生之间问答。之后,让学生仔细观察并说一说this 与that的不同之处。小组之间仿照句子替换横线上的单词,编写一个chant,并一起说一说。Learning tip: 在阅读故事时,要抓住里面的人物和礼物哦!完成任务后,教师给出提示让学生补全句子,说一说。Learning tips:快速阅读时重点抓住关键句,其他可以略读哦!Learning tips:听对话时重点抓住关键句哦!让学生展开想像,畅所欲言。得到礼物(doll)奖励:sing a chant把本课的知识点用chant串联起来进行操练。让学生同桌之间仿照句型编写chant,并唱一唱。注意朗读时的语音、语调、语气并加上符号指导学生阅读故事。得到礼物(ball)奖励:Play a game教师(或让学生)随机点击转动转盘,表演的学生根据转盘上箭头指向的物品进行对话,说得棒的给予掌声。教师给出提示,学生小组间编对话。得到礼物(robot)奖励:进入迎新晚会,一起唱歌。
作业设计 1. 听录音,并跟读课文三遍。2. 试着和爸爸妈妈表演对话。3. 完成和小组间的新对话。
板书设计 Unit8 Happy New Year! doll What’s this/that ball It’s a… This is for you. /It’s for you. Thank you. robot