人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Poems 单元作业设计课件-(16张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Poems 单元作业设计课件-(16张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 285.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-11-30 00:22:12



板块 语篇 语篇类型 语篇内容 语篇主题
Opening Page Qoute from Mahatma Gandhi 名人名言(读) ——未来取决于你今天的行动。 美好的未来取决于脚踏实地的行动。
Listening and speaking what each student would like to study and why 对话(听) 三位来自不同国家的高中生对大学申请和专业选择问题的讨论。 选择大学专业
Reading and Thinking Working out what you want to do 日记(读) 指出学生应该尽早进行职业规划的必要性,提出了职业规划的实施建议,具体介绍了职业能力倾向测验的方法。 领先一步开启你的未来职业
Reading for writing Apply for a summer job 应用文(读) 招聘启事、求职信和简历 申请一份暑期工作
2. Listening and speaking 作业设计
Listening and speaking 作业 教学目标 听力课教学目标是学生听懂并理解进入各国好大学的要求的对话,了解如何选择好的专业以及进行职业规划。
作业类型 口语表达--- 围绕大学专业选择和职业规划展开讨论。
作业目的 鼓励学生根据自己的职业理想选择相关的大学专业,要求学生联系自身实际,探讨选择大学专业的理由,认真考虑自己未来大学专业的选择。
作业要求 作业1(基础层):学生联系自身实际,交流自己所选择的大学专业及理由。
提交时间 作业完成需30分钟左右;隔天课堂呈现
反馈方式 同伴互评,教师点评
作业 1(基础层)
Discuss with the partner about how to choose a university major with the help of the material we’ve listened, then make a presentation.
Item Demands Score Structure/ Content Structure should be complete. The country, the time, activities or traditions should be included. 20
Grammar Grammar should be right in words and sentences. 30
Skills The speed should be moderate.(语速适中) Intonation and pronunciation should be normal and correct.(语音正确,语调合适) It should have sentence stress, sense groups and liaison. (重音、意群、连读) 30
Fluency Speakers should talk fluently with emotion. 20
作业 2(拓展层)
Ss are going to interview different people with different jobs about their career and the reasons why they take up this job. Ss can invite the interviwee to put forward some advice for choosing jobs.
1.What do/did you do
2.When did you start this job
3.Why did you choose this career
4.How did you get this job
5.How can people become an expert in your field
6.I’m also thinking about what to do in the future,what suggestions would you give me
Item Demands Score Structure The conversation structure should be complete. Content should have the country, the time,activities or traditions 10
language Orally speaking, not written style.The style should be suitable for the speakers'relationship. 20
Grammar Grammar should be right. No wrong words or sentences. 20
Fluency Speakers should talk fluently with emotion. 20
Skills The speed should be proper, not too fast or too slow.(语速适中)Intonation and pronunciation should be normal and correct.(语音正确,语调合适)It should have sentence stress, sense groups and liaison. (重音、意群、连读) 30
2. Reading and thinking 作业设计
Reading and thinking 作业 教学目标 1.阅读介绍职业能力倾向测验的说明文,辩证理解职业能力倾向测验在职业规划中的作用。
作业类型 阅读--根据自身情况完成职业能力倾向测验回答问题;小组讨论
作业目的 学后--思考整合
提交时间 作业1-2共20分钟;隔天提交
反馈方式 作业1-2:讲评--学生解析,教师补充(全班)
作业 1(基础层)
Take a career aptitude test according to your own situation and then answer the following two questions.
1.What is your possible work personality code
2.Accoring to your work personality code, what careers may be suitable for you
Group discussion:
Ss are divided into six groups, then discuss how to achieve the career goal.
1.What is your career goal
2.What are some of your skills and qualities you have now, and some that you don’t have but would like to develop
3.How can you get a head start on your future career
The jobs of the future have not yet been invented.__________ By helping them
develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.
Your children need to be deeply curious. __________ Ask kids, “What ingredients
(配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time ”and then try them
out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better What could we try next time
True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something
new from it.______ There are a dozen different things you can do with them.
Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping
them develop their creativity.
3.Interpersonal Skills
Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what’s going on
inside our own head, but what about others Being able to read people help kids from
misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions._____ “Why do you think
she’s crying ”Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face ” “If some-
one were to do that to you, how would you feel ”
4.Self Expression
_______ There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas—— music, acting,
drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more
than another.
A. Encourage kids to cook with you.
B. And we can’t forget science education.
C.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.
D. So how can we help our kids perpare for jobs that don’t yet exist
E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.
F.We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.
G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.
Reading for writing 作业 教学目标 学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.了解回忆录这一文本体裁的叙事风格和语言特点; 2.基于故事细节分析人物品质并分享个人感受; 3.自主介绍“坚忍号”南极探险的故事。 作业类型 写作——语篇写作(书面作业) 作业目的 学后——整合应用,为单元project提供语言支撑 作业要求 能够针对招聘要求写一封求职信。 作业时限 30分钟 提交时间 隔天
反馈方式 同伴互改——教师批改、讲评、跟进—— 二次习作
2. 阐述个人优势;
3. 表明希望获得工作机会
Practice in class
 Writing—An application letter
Listening and speaking
Reading and thinking
Discovering useful structures
Reading for writing
Role play
Suppose a job fair is holding, within groups, some students act as interviewers, who are required to prepare several question to ask about the interviewees; some students act as interviewees, who are required to prepare a CV and a brief introducation, and get ready to answer the interviewers’ questions.