Unit3 Faster, higher,stronger
words and expressions
1、shiny adj. 光滑发亮的,闪光的
→shine v. 照耀
2、association n. 协会,社团
→associate v. 联想,联合
→associate with 联合,与...联系在一起
→associative adj. 联合的,联想的,结合的
3、muddy adj. 沾满泥的,泥泞的
→mud n. 泥,泥浆
4、sharpen v. 使提高,使改进
→sharp adj. 急剧的,锋利的,刺耳的
→sharply adv. 急剧地,锐利的
5、expectation n. 预料,预期
→expect v. 预料,期待,盼望
→expectancy n. 期待,预期
6、philosophy n. 人生哲学
→philosopher n. 哲学家,思想家
7、vivid adj. 生动的,逼真的
→vividly adv. 生动地,逼真地
8、assign v. 分配,分派
→assignment n. 分配,任务
9、opponent n. (竞争、比赛等的)对手,反对者
→oppose v. 反对,对抗
→opposite adj. 相反的,对面的,对立的
→opposition n. 反对,敌对
10、preliminary adj. 初步的,预备的
→pre- “先于,在...之前“
→liminary adj. 开头的
11、surgery n. 外科手术
→surgical adj. 外科的,手术上的
→surgeon n. 外科医生
12、semi-final n. 半决赛
→semi- “半”
→semiconductor n. 半导体
→semicircle n. 半圆
13、steely adj. 钢铁般的,坚定的
→steel n. 钢铁
14、nerve n. 意志力,神经
→nervous adj. 神经的,紧张不安的
15、cooperation n. 合作,协作
→cooperate v. 合作,配合
→cooperative adj. 合作的,协作的
16、intense adj. 强烈的,紧张的
→intensely adv. 强烈地,热切地
1. Most horse are happily to drink ____________(mud) water from a puddle because it has a natural smell.
2. I never __________ (expectation) that an earthquake would occur here. But it did happen.
3. There are many serious health problems which are ___________(associate)with smoking.
4. Li Ping’s attitude towards learning is a far cry ________ that of the past.
5. Though he was badly ill, her story has given him the will to carry ________ with his life and his work.
6. We would like to see closer___________(cooperate) between parents and schools.
7. The great battles was ______(vivid) recorded in the documentary film.
8. I have completed every _________ (assign) you have given me.
Thank you