人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 单词精讲课件(41张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 单词精讲课件(41张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 383.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-02 09:44:00



Unit 2 单词精讲
1. complex adj. 复杂的;难懂的
a complex situation 一个复杂的情形
同义: complicated adj. 复杂的
反义:simple adj. 简单的
2. recall vt. & vi. 记起;回想起 ;召回(人)
recall doing sth. 记起做过某事
as I recall 据我回忆
recall sb to sth 把某人召回到某事中来
I can’t recall meeting the tutor before.
As I recall , it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.
He was recalled military duty. 他被召回执行军事任务。
re- 前缀:表示“再;重新;重复”
reunion 重聚;团圆
restart 重新开始
rebuild 重建
3. qualification n. (通过考试或学习取得的)资格;学历
qualify vt. & vi. (使)具备资格;(使)合格
qualified adj. 有资格的;能胜任的
have (no) qualifications for (doing) sth.(没)有(做)某事的资格
have (no) qualifications to do sth. (没)有做某事的资格
be qualified for / to do 有资格做……
eg. You’ll never get a good job if you don’t have any qualifications.
The guides are qualified to lead groups into the mountains.
There is no doubt that he has qualifications to do the work.
4. ambition n. 追求的目标;夙愿, 野心;抱负
achieve / fulfil / realize one’s ambition 实现某人的抱负
be full of ambition 满腹雄心
a lack of ambition 胸无大志
be ambitious for/to do 渴望获得/去做
Ambition never dies until there is no way out.不到黄河心不死。
Tom is ambitious. One of his ambitions is to become a great astronomer in the future.
ambitious adj. 有野心的;有雄心的
5. adaptation n. 适应,改编本
adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth 使自己适应……
adapt sth for sth 为……改编成……
eg:Three of her novels have been adapted for television.
adapt .v. (使)适应,(使)适合, 改编,改写
adaptable adj. 有适应能力的; 能适应的
6. comfort n. 令人感到安慰的人或事物 (C)
安慰; 舒服;安逸 (U) vt. 安慰;抚慰
comfort zone 舒适区 in comfort 舒适地
It is a comfort to do sth. 做---是件令人安慰的事
They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.
A hot cup of milk on a cold night is a real comfort.
For some people, an animal provides more comfort than a husband or wife.
discomfort n.不舒服;不适;不安 comfortable adj. 舒适的;舒服的uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 comfortably adv. 舒适地
7. cite vt. 引用;引述(=quote );嘉奖;表扬;表彰
cite sth as instance 举某事为例
cite sb’s speech 引述某人的讲话
cite sb for sth 因某事而嘉奖某人
8. participation n. 参加;参与
participate vi. 参加;参与
participant n. 参与者
participate in 参加;参与(=take part in )
eg. 1. Jack didn’t participate in the game as a result of his illness.
2. Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.
3. Thank you for your participation.
participate, attend, join & take part in
participate 指以一个积极的角色在感情、观念或行为方面与他人共同参加某一活动。
attend 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等,去听、去看,但自己并不一定起积极作用。
join 指加入党派、团体或参加一群人的活动、游戏、讨论等。常见搭配为:join the army (club, party); join sb.; join sb. in (doing) sth=join sb to do; join in a game (discussion, conversation)。
take part in 指参加某一活动并在其中发挥作用。
9. presentation n. 报告;陈述;出示;拿出;上演;颁发
present vt. 颁发;授予;显示;陈述;上演
n. 目前;现在;礼物(= gift)
presenter n.主持人;主播(=host)
present sth. to sb.= present sb. with sth. 把某物颁发给某人
at present 目前
make a short presentation
the presentation of a new play
the presentation ceremony
the present government leader
10.speak up 大声说;明确表态
speak up for 为。。辩护
speak highly of 高度赞扬;对。。评价很高
generally speaking 一般来说
speak of 提及
All of the teachers speak highly of his teaching methods.
She has saved a little money, but nothing to speak of.
11. feel at home 舒服自在,不拘束
feel at ease 舒适,不拘束,自由自在
put sb. at ease 使某人放松/舒适/自在
feel blue 感到无精打采闷闷不乐
feel down 感到沮丧
make yourself at home 别拘束
make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归
eg. I feel at home when staying with Nancy.
12. engage vi.参加,参与(活动) vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣)
engagement n. 约定;订婚
engaged adj. 忙于...的;已订婚的;被占用的
engage in (使)从事;参与 be engaged in 从事;忙于;专注于
be engaged to sb 与某人订婚
engage sb’s interest / attention 吸引某人的兴趣/注意
eg. Only 10% of Chinese adults engage in regular exercise.
Tu Youyou is engaged in her scientific research.
She was engaged in protecting wild birds.
The toy didn’t engage her interest for long.
13. involve vt. 包含;需要, 涉及;影响, (使)参加
involvement n. 参与;投入
involved adj. 参与;有关联
get / be involved in 参与;卷入;与……有关联
involve doing sth. 包括做某事在内
involve sb. in (doing) sth. 使某人参与做某事
eg. 1. As the secretary of the boss, what will your job involve
2. The job involves me travelling all over the country.
3. How many people were involved in the accident
4. We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
14. overwhelming adj. 无法抗拒的;巨大的;压倒性的
overwhelm vt. 压倒;战胜;使为难;淹没
an overwhelming victory 压倒性的胜利
She was overwhelmed by/ with sorrow.
pioneer - pioneering increase-- increasing
15. homesick adj.思乡的;想家的
too delighted to be homesick
Homesick on a Quiet Night
16 motivated adj.积极的;主动的
motivate vt.成为……的动机;激发;激励
motivation n.动力;积极性;动机
motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
motivation for (doing) sth. (做)某事的动机
What was your motivation for becoming a teacher
She’s very good at motivating her students.
17. expectation n.期望;预期;期待
expect v. 期待;预料 unexpected adj. 意料之外的
live up to one's expectations 达到/不辜负某人的期望
beyond one's expectation(s ) 出乎意料
expect (sb.) to do sth. 期望(某人)做某事
be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事;预计。。
eg:The boy got good grades and lived up to his parents' expectations.
The meeting is expected to last three days.
18. applicant n. 申请人 apply v. 申请;应用
application n. 申请;应用
an application form 申请表
apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物
apply...to ... 把...应用于...
apply oneself to doing sth 专心于做某事
19. firm n. 公司;商行;事务所 adj. 结实的;牢固的;坚定的
hold the firm belief that...= firmly hold the belie that... 坚信...
I hold the firm belief that if you continue to study hard, you will make great progress in English sooner or later.
20. exposure n.接触;体验;暴露;揭露
expose vt. 使接触;使体验;显露;使暴露于
expose oneself to...使自己面临……;使自己暴露于……
be exposed to 暴露于; (使)接触到
(expose) yourself to English as much as possible is the instrument of learning it well.
(expose) to the sunlight for too much time will make you get sunburnt.
(expose) to light , the birds become more active.
Being exposed
21. insight n. 洞察力;眼光
an insight into sth. 对。。。的顿悟
a woman of great insight 一位极有眼光的女士
22. departure n. 离开;启程;出发
depart v. 出发;离开;去世
department n.部门;系
fail --- failure 失败 press --- pressure 压力
23. setting n. 环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景
set vt. 为(故事等)构设背景;以。。为背景
be set in 以。。。 为背景
The novel is set in 18th century Paris.
24. grasp vt. 理解;领会;抓紧 n. 领会;理解
grasp sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂
grasp a chance 抓住机会
have a good grasp/command of sth. 很好地掌握。。
25. dramatic adj. 巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的
dramatically adv.戏剧性地;引人注目地;显著地;剧烈地
drama n.戏剧
26. expense n. 支出;费用;代价
expensive adj.昂贵的
spare no expense 不惜费用
at sb’s expense 由某人付钱;以某人为代价;
at any expense 不管牺牲多大
at the expense of … 付出…的代价
living expenses 生活费
eg: I spare no expence to collect the paintings by Picasso.
We were taken out for a meal at the firm’s expense.
27. behave v.表现得体,有礼貌
behaviour n. 行为,举止,习性
behave well / badly towards sb. 对某人态度好 / 恶劣
behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌
Do behave! 规矩点!
well-behaved adj. 举止良好的
eg. The little girl always behaves well when her aunts come to visit.
Parents can influence the behaviour of their children.
28. surroundings n.(pl) 环境;周围的事物
surrounding adj.周围的;附近的
surround vt.包围;围绕
be surrounded by/with...被……包围/环绕
A lake is an area of water surrounded by land.
The surrounding villages are very beautiful.
29. tremendous=enormous=huge=giant 巨大的
30. mature adj. 成熟的 v. 使成熟
immature adj. 未成熟的;幼稚的
maturity n. 成熟
31. Baby boomer 生育高峰期出生的人
32. angle n. 角 triangle n. 三角形 angel n. 天使
33. belt n. 腰带;地带
fasten a seat belt 系紧安全带
a safety belt 安全带
34. sincerely adv. 真诚地;诚实地 Yours sincerely, 谨启
sincerety n.真实;诚挚 sincere adj. 真诚的= genuine
35. depress vt.将(某物)压下;推下;拉下:使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉:使萧条;削弱:
depressed adj 抑郁的;沮丧的 ;意志消沉的
depressing adj 令人沮丧的
depression n.沮丧;消沉;抑郁(症);不景气;萧条期:
feel depressed about 对。。感到沮丧
be depressed by 因。。。沮丧
Don’t get depressed about the spilt milk.
His family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.
1. The thought of taking the exam again depressed him. ______________
2. A war will depress the global economy. ______________
3. High interest rates may depress share prices. ______________
1. She felt very __________ (depress) about the future.
2. Looking for a job these days can be very __________ (depress).
3. The patient is suffering from __________ (depress).
36. strengthen vi.& vt.加强;增强;巩固
strength(s) n. 力量;优点
strong adj. 强大的,坚强的,坚固的
strengths and weaknesses 优势和劣势;长处和短处
build up one’s strength 增加体力
have the strength to do sth. 有力气做某事
with all one’s strength 用尽某人全身的力气
1. I didn’t have the strength to get out of bed.
2. Ron’s main strength is his ability to encourage his players.
3. The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new players.
strength, force, energy & power
strength 人的体力,力气,强度等。承受重物的力量
force 武力;暴力;力量:人或事物撞击所用的力,forces:兵力,军队
energy 人的精力,活力
power 人的某种能力;机器的动力;人、国家或某个机构的权力。
37. deny vt. 否认;拒绝
deny doing sth. 否认做某事
There is no denying that …不可否认…
There is no denying that Taiwan is a part of our motherland.
38. optimistic adj. 乐观的
optimism n. 乐观(主义)
optimist n. 乐观主义者
be optimistic about sth. 对…乐观
pessimistic adj. 悲观的
pessimism n. 悲观
be optimistic about sth. 对…乐观
39. gain vt.获得;赢得;取得;增加 n.好处;增加
No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。
A fall into a pit(陷阱), a gain in your wit(机智).
gain weight增加体重 gain sth by/from...从……中获益
gain other’s respect/trust 获得别人的尊敬/信任
1.Just as the old saying goes,“No pains,no gains.”
2.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden our view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.
3.Her talent and hard work gained her success as an artist.
acquire 宾语:知识 / 技能等;
earn 宾语:金钱 / 荣誉等理应得到的东西;
obtain 宾语:期望已久的东西;
gain 宾语:经验 / 利益 / 优势 / 好处等;
win 宾语:比赛 / 战斗等;
get 宾语广泛, 可是具体东西, 也可是抽象事物。
acquire / get / gain / earn / obtain / win
【语境应用】用acquire / get / gain / earn / win的适当形式填空。
After four years’ study, I ________ a good knowledge of computer and my perseverance ______ me many friends in the university. Therefore I _______ a good job, which has made me ________ much experience. And now I _______ up to $100, 000 a year.
经过四年的学习, 我获得了丰富的电脑知识。在大学里, 我的毅力为我赢得了很多朋友。因此, 我找到了一份好工作, 这项工作使我得到了很多经验。现在, 我每年能赚10万美元。
petence n.能力 competent adj.有能力的
a competent lawyer 称职的律师
be competent for sth. 胜任某事
be competent to do sth. 有能力做某事
She is competent for the task.
= She is competent to do the task.
be qualified for sth.
be suitable for sth.
be fit for sth.
be up to sth.
be equal to sth.
be capable of (doing) sth.
41. cooperate vi.合作;协作;配合
cooperation n. 合作
cooperative adj.有合作意向的;合作的;
cooperate with sb. 与某人合作
in cooperation with 与。。。合作
The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.
42. outlook n. 前景;可能性;观点
a bright outlook for commerce
He is a man with an optimistic outlook on life.
The hotel has a good outlook.
43. as far as I am concerned 就我而言;依我看来
in my opinion = in my view= from my point of view
so / as far as 与…一样远;就……而言
as far as sth. is concerned 就某方面 / 某事而论
as / so far as I know 据我所知
far from 远非
so far 到目前为止
as far as the eye can see/reach 就视力所能及
as far as I can see 依我看来
44. on a budget 节省费用,控制预算
within budget 在预算内
budget cuts 预算消减
a big-budget movie 一部巨额预算的电影
45. side with 支持;站在。。。的一边
side against 反对 side effects 副作用
walk side by side 并肩而行 be on sb’s side 站在某人一边
I side with you on this question.
I’m on your side at this point.
46. logical adj. 合乎逻辑的 logically adv. 合乎逻辑地
logic n. 逻辑/推理
47. summarize v.总结,概括 summary n.总结;概要
sum v.总结 n.金额;总和
in summary=to sum up=In a word = in short = in brief = all in all
48. generally speaking = in general 一般来说
49. outcome n. 结果;效果 come out 结果是,出来/出版