人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Words and Expresions 课件-(20张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Words and Expresions 课件-(20张ppt)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-02 19:13:47



U2 Bridging Cultures
Word Study
By the end of this class, you’re expected to:
1. pronounce the words and expressions in this unit correctly and get hold of the meanings;
2. learn some knowledge about word formation and use the rules to help memorize vocabulary;
3. use the words and phrases flexibly(灵活地);
Try to pronounce the new words and expressions. Pay attention to the stress (重读) and liaison (连读).
Underline or circle the phrases.
Lead in
1. complex adj. 复杂的;难懂的;【语法】复合的
complexity n. 复杂性
同义词:complicated (语气比 complex 强)
2. recall vt. &vi. 记起;回想起;召回;撤销
recall (doing) sth. 记起(做过)某事
3. qualification n.(通过考试或学习取得的) 资格; 资历
qualify v. (使)具备资格; (使)合格
qualified adj. 具备…的资历/学历/知识/技能,符合资格
4. ambition n. 追求的目标; 夙愿;野心; 雄心; 抱负(不可数名词)
ambitious adj.有野心的; 有雄心的
ambitiously adv.雄心勃勃地
5. adaptation n.适应; 改编本
adapt v. 适应; 改编; 改写
adaptable adj. 能适应的,有适应能力的
adapt (oneself) to… 适应
make adaptation to 作出对…的适应
adapt oneself to .… 使…适应....
adapt A for B 把A改编为B adapt A from B 把B改编成A
6. comfort n.安慰;舒服;安逸;令人感到安慰的人或者事物
v. 安慰;抚慰
discomfort n.不适 & vt. 使不舒服
comfortable adj.舒适的;舒服的 comfortably adv.舒适地
uncomfortable adj.不舒服的 uncomfortably adv.不舒服地
1)She made adaptation ______ the life of foreign country, which made her parents very delighted.
2)The reasonable man adapt _________(he) to the world; the unreasonable one persist in adapting the world to himself.
3)Liu Cixin's novels _________________ (adapt)for films in recent years.
4)Chinese Sci-Fi The Wandering Earth was adapted ______the novel of Liu Cixin.
have been adapted
7. tutor n.[C]家庭教师;导师;大学助教;
8. cite v. 引用; 引述 (正式用词)
同义词:quote v. 引用; 引述
9. participation n. 参加; 参与
participate v. 参加; 参与 participant n.参加者;参与者
participate in... 参加; 参与 (正式用词)
take part in.../join in... 参加; 参与 (普通用词)
10. presentation n. 报告; 陈述; 出示; 拿出; 展示会; 介绍会; 发布会
present v. 颁发; 提出; 提交; 展现;显示; 表现
adj.现在的; 出席的 & n. 现在; 礼物;
[ preznt]
11. speak up 大声点说; 明确表态
speak of 谈到;提及
speak to/with... 和...谈话
12. feel at home 舒服自在; 不拘束
feel more at home 更无拘无束; 更舒适自在
make yourself at home 别拘束
E.g. 好的酒店服务会让客人有宾至如归的感觉。
Good hotel service will ________________________.
13. engage v. 参加; 参与(活动); 吸引(注意力/兴趣)
engaged adj. 忙于/从事于;已订婚的
engagement n. 订婚;约会,预约
14. involve v. 包含; 需要; 涉及; 影响; (使)参加
involved adj. 参与的;有关联的 involvement n.参与;投入
make guests feel at home
15. messenger n. 送信人; 信使
message n.消息; 信息; 口信
16. edition n. (报纸/杂志的)一份; (广播/电视节目)一期;一辑; 版次
editor n. 编辑 edit v. 编辑; 剪辑
17. overwhelming adj. 无法抗拒的; 巨大的; 压倒性的
overwhelm v. 使不知所措/难以承受;压倒,击败
overwhelmingly adv.压倒地,无法抵抗地
用法:be overwhelmed by/with 为……所压倒/制服
E.g. 焦虑淹没了我。
Anxiety overwhelmed me./I was overwhelmed by/with anxiety.
18. homesickness n. 思乡病; 乡愁
homesick adj. 思乡的; 想家的
E.g. Whenever he felt homesick, he would look up and stare at the moon.
19. motivated adj. 积极的; 主动的
motivation n.[C]动机;[U]动力/积极性
motivate v. 成为...的动机; 激发;
用法:① motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
② motivation for (doing) sth. (做某事的动机)
20. advisor n.顾问;提供意见者
advise v.劝告;忠告;建议;出主意;
advice n.[U]劝告;忠告;建议 a piece of advice
21. reasonable adj. 有道理的;合情理的;
It is reasonable (for...) to do... (某人)做什么是合情合理的
reason n. 原因; 理由; 借口
reasonably adv. 合符逻辑地; 明智地; 通情达理地
E.g. I think it is reasonable to pay them back.
What really __________ the new teacher is that all his students are ___________ when attending his class, and their ___________ for learning keeps the teacher devoted to teaching the lovely kids.
2)Our teachers always motivate us __________(seek) knowledge by ourselves.
3)Students’ inner motivation _______ study is essential to their development.
to seek
22. expectation n.[C,常用复数]期望;[C&U]希/盼望
beyond one’s expectation 超出预期;出乎预料
live up to (one’s) expectations 符合/不辜负(某人)的期望
expect v. 希望; 期望;认为
expected adj. 预料的,预期的
unexpected adj. 出乎意料的,始料不及的
unexpectedly adv. 出乎意料地,意料之外地
My English scores doubled, which was beyond my expectations.
The football team was defeated in the match, which didn’t live up to our expectations.
23. applicant n.[C]申请人
apply v.申请; 涂/敷; 应用
①apply (to A) for B (向A)申请B
②apply A to B 将A应用到B上
③apply to do sth. 申请做某事
application n.[C&U]应用/运用;申请/表
24. firm adj. 结实的; 牢固的;坚定的 n. 公司;商行; 事务所
firmly adv. 坚定地; 坚固地
25. exposure n.[U]接触,体验;暴露;揭露;
expose vt.暴露,显露
26. insight n.[C]洞察力; 眼光
sb. have/get/gain an insight into... 某人了解/洞察...
E.g. The novelist has a subtle insight into human nature.
Lily graduated from Harvard University a month ago. She applied ______ a big company ______ a post last week. The interviewer said her _________ was the best among all the _________ and that she was hired. Lily was very happy and determined to work hard and apply her professional knowledge _______ her job.
27. departure n.离开; 启程; 出发
depart v.离开; 出发
arrivals and departures: 到站和离站班次
28. setting n.[C]环境; (小说等的)情节背景;设置
set v.以…为…设置背景,使处于
be set in 以…为背景
E.g. The novel was set in the Second World War.
29. grasp v. 理解; 领会; 抓紧 n.[常用单数]抓紧;控制;理解
have a good grasp of … 对…掌握得好
30. dramatic adj.巨大而突然的;急剧的; 戏剧(般)的
drama n.戏剧,激动,刺激
31. expensive adj.昂贵的
expense n.[C&U]费用;花费;开销 expend v.花费,消耗,耗尽
set-set-set; setting
① spare no expense to do sth. 不惜代价做某事
② at one’s expense 由某人付钱
③ at the expense of… 在牺牲…的情况下/以...为代价
32. sth. cost (sb.) an arm and a leg 某物(使某人)花一大笔钱
Although buying that land cost me an arm and a leg, I can do whatever I want.
33. tremendous adj.巨/极大地; 极好/精彩的; 可怕的
tremendously adv.非常地;惊人地;可怕地;
34. behave v.表现; 表现得体;有礼貌
behaviour/behavior n.行为; 举止; 表现; 态度
35. surroundings n.[U,用复数]环境; 周围的事物
surround v.包围; 环绕
surrounding adj.周围的; 附近的
I always dream of having a house ____________ by trees, flowers and grass. If I can live in such beautiful _____________, I must feel happy every day. As we know, the ____________ things can always have an effect on our mood.
36. mature adj. 成熟的
maturely adv.成熟地,充分地
ripe adj. (水果/谷物/蔬菜等)成熟的; (时机)成熟
37. depressed adj.沮丧的; 意志消沉的
depress v.使抑郁/沮丧/消沉;使失去信心
depressing adj.令人抑郁的沮丧的; 令人消沉的
depression n.抑郁症; 抑郁/沮丧; 经济衰退
38. boom v./n. 迅速发展; 繁荣
39. strengthen v.加强; 增强; 巩固
strong adj. 强壮的; 强大的; 影响大的
strength n. 力量; 体力; 优势; 优点
40. deny v. 否认; 否定; 拒绝
deny-denied-denied denying
41. optimistic adj.乐观的 pessimistic adj.悲观的
optimism n.[U]乐观 pessimism n.[U]悲观
optimist n.[C]乐观主义者 pessimist n.[C]悲观主义者
42. gain v.获得; 赢得;取得;增加 & n.好处; 增加
43. perspective n. (思考问题的)角度; 观点
from one’s perspective = from the perspective of sb 从某人的角度看
petence n.[U]能力; 胜任; 本领
competent adj. 有能力的; 称职的
be competent for/to do sth. 有能力做/能胜任某事
45. envoy n.[C]使者;使节; (谈判等的)代表
ambassador n.[C]大使,代表;使者;
46. cooperate v.合作;协作;配合
cooperation n. 合作
cooperative adj.有合作意向的;合作的;协作的
47. angle n.[C]角; 角度; 立场
from... angle 从...的角度
48. outlook n. 前景;可能性; 观点
China’s global outlook 中国的全球展望
outlook on sth. 关于...的观点/见解 the outlook on life
outlook for sth. 对于...的 前景;可能性
49. belt n.[C]腰带; 地带
fasten your seat/safety belt
50. initiative n.[C]倡议; 新方案;[U]主动性/积极性
take the initiative to do sth. 带头/主动做……
initial adj.开始的,最初的;
51. sincerely adv.真诚地;诚实地
sincere adj.真诚的; 诚挚的; 诚恳的
52. budget n. 预算
over budget超出预算under budget低于预算within budget在预算内
53. side with... 支持;站在…一边
side against... 反对
be on the side of... 支持; 站在…一边
take the side of... 支持; 站在…一边
by/at sb’s side 在某人身旁
side by side 肩并肩地;并排
54. logic n.逻辑; 逻辑学; 合乎情理的原因
logical adj.符合逻辑的; 合乎情理的
logically adv.逻辑上; 合乎逻辑地
55. as/so far as I know: 就我所知道的
as/so far as I’m concerned: 就我而言; 依我看来
56. in summary 总的来说; 总之
in a word 一句话; 总之 in conclusion 总之
in short/brief 简言之 in general 总的说来
57. generally speaking 一般说来
58. outcome n.[C]结果; 效果
1.There are many energetic and ___________ (ambition) people in the company.
2. Actively getting ________ (involve) in various social activities is the best way to overcome culture shock.
3. I was totally engaged ____ my study and seldom paid attention to my mother’s feelings.
4. She said they would move to our table so that my family could sit ____________ (comfort).
5. The robots participating _____the challenge were required to complete their tasks in an hour.
6. Though _________(adapt) to a new environment is difficult, you need to come out of your comfort zone.
7.Tom recalled ________(visit) a hospital once in the Middle East to find that soap
was in short supply.
8.Talking to a supportive friend would enable you to overcome the problem of
lacking __________(motivate).
9.The film is an___________ (adapt) of a novel of the same name by Liu Cixin.
10. I was asked to give a short ___________(present) on the plans of the
company’s development.
11. As the company offered low payment for the job, there were few _______
(applicant) for it.
12. Congratulations to you on your ____________(qualify) for the World Cup Football Championship!
13.There is convincing evidence that skin cancer is linked to _________(expose) to the sun.
14.It is likely that our parents can understand us better and give us some __________ (reason) advice.
15. I ________(firm) believe that it will be a success and we will enjoy ourselves.