2022-2023学年高二人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture英语分层训练AB卷 B卷·综合能力提升练(原卷版+解析版)


名称 2022-2023学年高二人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture英语分层训练AB卷 B卷·综合能力提升练(原卷版+解析版)
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选择性必修Book 2 Unit 3 Food and Culture
(时间:90分钟 满分:120分)
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
July is National Ice Cream Month. This means it is your civil duty to consume a spoon or two of the delicious treat daily. In 1984 the former US president Ronald Reagan designated July 17 as National Ice Cream Day in honor of the nutritious food. Here are some ice cream anecdotes (轶事) to keep you entertained while enjoying the creamy dessert.
Origin of ice cream
The first records of milk-based ice cream, made using heated milk, flour, and camphor (樟脑), come from China’s Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). But the Arabs are credited with inventing the delicious treat, using milk, sugar as ingredients in the 9th century. By the 10th century, the modern-day recipe with milk, cream and dried fruits was widely available in West Asian countries.
The frozen treat did not arrive in the US until 1744 when Maryland Governor Thomas Bladen served strawberry ice cream to guests. Now, Americans are the world’s largest consumers of ice cream, eating an average of 48 pints (品脱) per person every year.
Ice-cream related Guinness World Records
The frozen dessert’s popularity makes it a favorite for setting new Guinness World Records. The latest one was set in 2021 by the Ice Cream Lab pop-up at the Yas Mall in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The temporary retail shop offered ice cream lovers 1,001 flavor options — setting a new world record for the most flavors offered.
Ice cream choice reveals personality traits
Most people believe their choice of ice cream flavor is due to taste preferences. But Dr. Alan Hirsch, founder of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, maintains it reflects the individual’s personality.
Vanilla ice cream fans are risk-takers who are great at relationships. Love chocolate ice cream Then you are lively, charming, and slightly dramatic. Mint chocolate ice cream fans can be ambitious and argumentative. Surprisingly, those who enjoy the multi-colored rainbow sherbet (果汁冰糕) are labeled pessimists, while rocky road ice cream lovers are believed to be engaging speakers and even better listeners.
1.How many stages did ice cream experience before it arrived in the US
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
2.Which ice cream is the favorite of adventure lovers
A.Vanilla ice cream. B.Chocolate ice cream.
C.Rainbow sherbet ice cream. D.Rocky road ice cream.
3.What is the subject of the text
A.Fun tradition. B.Cultural heritage. C.Nutrition and health. D.Celebrity anecdotes.
【答案】1.B 2.A 3.A
1.细节理解题。根据Origin of ice cream下文信息“China’s Tang dynasty(中国唐朝)”,“ in the 9th century(在9世纪)”和“By the 10th century(到了10世纪)”可知,在进入美国之前,冰激凌经历了三个阶段的发展。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据最后一段首句“Vanilla ice cream fans are risk-takers who are great at relationships.(香草冰淇淋迷是擅长人际关系的冒险者)”可知,冒险爱好者最喜欢香草冰淇淋。故选A。
3.细节理解题。第一段中的“Here are some ice cream anecdotes to keep you entertained while enjoying the creamy dessert.(这里有一些关于冰淇淋的趣闻轶事,让你在享受奶油甜点的同时也能感到愉悦)”可知,有趣的传统故事是本文的主题。故选A。
Chinese cuisine is widely known and enjoyed all around the world. Who doesn’t long for a favourite Chinese dish But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East — the ancient custom of tonic food.
Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness. For instance, it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame oil hotpot every day for the first month after giving birth. It was believed that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, stimulate sweating, and warm the body. Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach (菠菜), are seen as “hot”, while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radishes (小萝卜), are seen as “cold”. One should be careful not to eat too much of either “hot” or “cold” food. However, how much “hot” or “cold” food one should eat depends on the time of the year, how the food is prepared and what it is prepared with, and the individual’s health.
The custom of employing tonic food for a healthier life also influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as the wolfberry (枸杞子), can be found on many a restaurant menu, either added to fruit tea or as a beneficial addition to a dish. These herbs attract customers, such as overworked office staff in need of a modest pick-me-up.
So, whether you need to boost your strength with a large helping of chicken soup, or increase your mental powers with some fish soup, you may find that this ancient Chinese custom could be just the tonic you were looking for.
4.What is the present situation of tonic food
A.It is catching less attention.
B.It is enjoyed by many young people.
C.It is well known worldwide.
D.It is becoming increasingly popular.
5.What is believed to benefit new mothers
A.Chinese cabbage. B.Fruit tea.
C.Sesame oil hotpot. D.Fish soup.
6.Which of the following best explains “catering” underlined in paragraph 3
A.Medicine. B.Restaurant. C.Education. D.Fashion.
7.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To present the charm of Chinese cuisine.
B.To show the popularity of tonic food.
C.To introduce Chinese tonic food.
D.To tell the differences between hot food and cold food.
【答案】4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C
4.细节理解题。由第一段中的“But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East — the ancient custom of tonic food. (但是,有一个关于中国食物的有趣概念,在西方几乎闻所未闻,而东方的年轻人越来越忽视了这个概念——古代的补品习俗)”可知,补品正越来越被东方年轻人所忽视,即补品的现状是越来越不被注意,故选A项。
5.细节理解题。由第二段中的“For instance, it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame oil hotpot every day for the first month after giving birth. (例如,过去,新妈妈们在产后第一个月每天吃麻油火锅是一种习俗)”可知,麻油火锅对于新妈妈有好处,故选C项。
6.词句猜测题。由第三段中的“The custom of employing tonic food for a healthier life also influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as the wolfberry (枸杞子), can be found on many a restaurant menu, either added to fruit tea or as a beneficial addition to a dish. (为了更健康的生活而使用补品的习俗也影响了catering业。中草药,如枸杞,可以在许多餐厅的菜单上找到,或者添加到水果茶中,或者作为一道菜的有益补充)”可知,许多餐馆的菜单上都有枸杞等中草药,说明为了健康的饮食,补品也在影响着餐饮行业。catering意为“餐馆(Restaurant)”,catering industry为餐饮业,故选B项。
7.推理判断题。由第一段中的“But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East — the ancient custom of tonic food. (但是,有一个关于中国食物的有趣概念,在西方几乎闻所未闻,而东方的年轻人越来越忽视了这个概念——古代的补品习俗)”和第二段中的“Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness. (补品是为了增进健康或避免疾病而食用的食品)”及其他内容可知,文章的目的是介绍正日益被东方年轻人所忽视的中国补品,故选C项。
Eating out goes a long way back. The Romans had their pubs serving set meals and cook shops called thermopolia selling hot ready-to-eat dishes. In the Middle Ages, inns would provide buffets of cold meats or roasts to serve the many people who didn’t have kitchens. Before the revolution in France, there were plenty of places where you could eat out but fine dining was something enjoyed merely by the aristocracy (贵族) in the comfort of their own homes.
In 18th-century France, while the aristocrats were enjoying food prepared by personal chefs, cold winters and oppressive taxation had left most of the French population unable to afford bread. When the starving masses finally took to the streets of Paris in 1789, commonly known as the French Revolution, the aristocrats fled to the countryside, leaving their chefs and their fine wines behind. Both found their way to the cities’ existing eateries and within a year, a host of new elegant restaurants with extensive menus had been established.
“These restaurants were a microcosm (缩影) of the New France,” says David Gilks, a lecturer in Modern European History at the University of East Anglia. “They were the places where the nouveau riche, who had profited from the revolution, were to be seen. There were still shortages of basic food stuffs in many parts of Paris but in the nicer parts you would see people enjoying fine food in elegant surroundings.”
In the 1760s the merchants of Paris developed a taste for light soups known as “restoratives” or “restaurants”, and dining halls where customers could sit at individual tables and have them began popping up around the city.
The new post-revolutionary restaurants took their names from these and the new class of French businessmen, booming in the early 19th century when Napoleon decided that if people were enjoying food and drinks, they’d be unlikely to rebel again. Citizens were granted the “freedom of pleasure” and restaurants began to compete with each other. They were featured in travelogues and became tourist attractions in their own right.
“Intended or not, restaurants can signpost both the decline and success of an Empire,” says William Sitwell, author of The Restaurant: A History of Eating Out. “The extraordinary advancement of the dining scene of ancient Pompeii was indicative of the Roman Empire’s vision breadth and booming. The dark restaurant scene of the United Kingdom in the 1940s after World War II showed quite how the horrors of conflict had damaged the country’s food, culture and taste.”
8.Which of the following is a consequence of the French Revolution
A.Most personal chefs were left unemployed.
B.Eateries found their way to the countryside.
C.Fine dining no longer just belonged to the aristocrats.
D.There were almost no shortages of basic food stuffs in Paris.
9.What can be learned about the word “restaurant” from the passage
A.It was coined by the nouveau riche.
B.It originally referred to a type of food.
C.It came into being after the French Revolution.
D.It was first defined as the “freedom of pleasure”.
10.What can be inferred from William Sitwell’s comments on restaurants
A.They are symbols of transformation.
B.They are the result of development.
C.They lost their appeal to British people in the 1940s.
D.They made their first appearance in ancient Pompeii.
11.What is the passage mainly about
A.The national vision of eating out. B.The varying popularity of restaurants.
C.The unintended purposes of eating out. D.The history and evolution of restaurants.
【答案】8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D
8.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Both found their way to the cities’ existing eateries and within a year, a host of new elegant restaurants with extensive menus had been established.(它们都走向了城市现有的餐馆的道路,在一年之内,一大批菜单丰富的新的优雅餐厅已经建立起来)”以及第三段中“There were still shortages of basic food stuffs in many parts of Paris but in the nicer parts you would see people enjoying fine food in elegant surroundings.(在巴黎的许多地方,基本食物仍然短缺,但在较好的地方,你会看到人们在优雅的环境中享受美食)”可知,法国大革命致使餐厅和美食不再是贵族专属。故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据第一段中“The Romans had their pubs serving set meals and cook shops called thermopolia selling hot ready-to-eat dishes. In the Middle Ages, inns would provide buffets of cold meats or roasts to serve the many people who didn’t have kitchens.(罗马人的酒吧提供套餐和名为thermopolia的烹饪店,出售热腾腾的即食菜肴。在中世纪,小旅馆会提供冷肉或烤肉的自助餐,为许多没有厨房的人服务)”可知,“restaurant”一词最初是指一种食物。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据最后一段中William Sitwell说的话“Intended or not, restaurants can signpost both the decline and success of an Empire(无论有意无意,餐馆都可以标志一个帝国的衰落和成功)”及“The extraordinary advancement of the dining scene of ancient Pompeii was indicative of the Roman Empire’s vision breadth and booming. The dark restaurant scene of the United Kingdom in the 1940s after World War II showed quite how the horrors of conflict had damaged the country’s food, culture and taste.(古代庞贝的饮食场面的非凡进步,表明了罗马帝国的视野广度和蓬勃发展。第二次世界大战后40年代英国黑暗的餐馆场景很好地展示了恐怖的冲突是如何破坏这个国家的食物、文化和品味的)”可知,从他的话可以得出,餐馆是变革的象征。故选A。
11.主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“Eating out goes a long way back.(外出就餐的历史可以追溯到很久以前)”可知,文章主要介绍了餐馆的历史和进化过程。故选D。
The popularity in the overseas market of biang biang noodles, a regional food indigenous to China’s northwestern province of Shanxi, shows how Chinese cuisine is carving out a market for dishes representative of wider range of Chinese fod culture, BBC reported.
Biang biang noodles, featuring thick, broad, hand-pulled noodles and chili, bear a name that cannot be normally typed in Chinese, as the character “biang” doesn't officially exist. This, however, has not prevented it from gaining popularity in other parts of the world, according to the BBC report in April, as the food gives rise to a New York City restaurant chain “Xi’an Famous Foods. ”
The owner of the eight-restaurant empire Jason Wang told BBC that his restaurants have over the years not only attracted fellow immigrants from Northwestern China, but also more and more diverse customers. “The food is not just for people who know it. It’s for people who want to know it and want to try it, ” he said.
While global eaters are more familiar with Cantonese and Shanghai-style dishes like dim sum or braised pork belly, diverse Chinese regional foods like biang biang noodles are increasingly gaining popularity. This is the result of increased tourism, said the report.
Travellers enjoy certain dishes in China and wish to experience them in their home countries and Chinese students and immigrants move abroad and search for the flavours of their hometown, Wang said, explaining the popularity of Chinese regional foods, according to BBC.This made possible a growing awareness about the various regional differences in Chinese cuisine, it added.
12.Which of the following statements about biang biang noodles is true
A.There is no official Chinese character for “Biang”.
B.It features thin hand-pulled noodles and chili.
C.It is served in a New York City restaurant chain.
D.It simply enjoys great popularity domestically.
13.What contributes to the popularity of Jason’s restaurant
A.The up-to-date managing concepts.
B.The successful advertising strategies.
C.The food attractive to diverse customers.
D.The introduction of new cooking ways.
14.What is the key factor of Chinese regional foods being popular globally
A.Their unique flavour. B.Mobility of population.
C.The nice food material. D.Charm of Chinese culture.
15.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To promote Jason's restaurant. B.To persuade readers to try the food.
C.To introduce a new regional food. D.To remind readers of home flavours.
【答案】12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了在海外市场流行的中国西北部山西省的一种地方美食biang biang面,表明中国美食正在为代表更广泛的中国饮食文化的菜肴开拓市场。
12.细节理解题。根据第二段“Biang biang noodles, featuring thick, broad, hand-pulled noodles and chili, bear a name that cannot be normally typed in Chinese, as the character “biang” doesn’t officially exist. ”(Biang Biang面以粗而宽的手拉面和辣椒为特色,它的名字通常无法用中文输入,因为“Biang”这个字并不存在)可知,“Biang”并没有官方的汉字。故选A。
13.细节理解题。根据第三段“The owner of the eight-restaurant empire Jason Wang told BBC that his restaurants have over the years not only attracted fellow immigrants from Northwestern China, but also more and more diverse customers. ‘The food is not just for people who know it. It's for people who want to know it and want to try it, ’ he said.”(八家餐厅帝国的老板Jason Wang告诉BBC,这些年来,他的餐厅不仅吸引了来自中国西北地区的移民同胞,还吸引了越来越多不同类型的顾客。“这些食物不只是为了解它的人准备的。它是为那些想了解它、想尝试它的人准备的,”他说)可知,让杰森的餐厅如此受欢迎是因为餐厅的食物吸引了形形色色的顾客。故选C。
14.细节理解题。根据第四段“This is the result of increased tourism, said the report.”(报告称,这是旅游业增长的结果)可知,中国地方美食风靡全球的关键因素是人口的流动性。故选B。
15.推理判断题。根据第一段“The popularity in the overseas market of biang biang noodles, a regional food indigenous to China’s northwestern province of Shanxi, shows how Chinese cuisine is carving out a market for dishes representative of wider range of Chinese fod culture, BBC reported.”(据英国广播公司报道,biang biang面是中国西北部山西省的一种地方美食,它在海外市场的流行表明,中国美食正在为代表更广泛的中国饮食文化的菜肴开拓市场)可知,本文写作目的是为了介绍一种新的地方食物。故选C。
Traditional Chinese tea ceremonies are often held to welcome guests into one’s home. If you want to perform one, start by gathering all the tools you’ll need.____16____Once you get hold of one, follow the steps for performing a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.
Prepare the Chinese tea set and appreciate the tea.
To prepare the Chinese tea set, heat water in a kettle. Then place the teapot and teacups in the bowl and pour the heated water over them to warm up the tea set. ____17____ In a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, the tea is passed around for participants to examine and admire its appearance, aroma, and quality.
Using the tea-leaf holder, pour the tea leaves into the teapot. This step is called “the black dragon enters the palace”. Heating water to the proper temperature is important when making Chinese tea, and ideal temperatures vary by tea type.
Next, place the teapot into the bowl, raise the kettle at shoulder length, and pour the heated water into the teapot until it overflows. Place the lid on the teapot.
Discard the tea and pour to brew (泡茶) again.
Pour the brewed tea into the tea pitcher. Using the tea pitcher, fill the tea cups with tea. But do not drink the tea. Instead, it is discarded.
Keeping the same tea leaves and holding the kettle just above the teapot, pour the properly heated water into the teapot. The water should be poured just above the teapot so as to not remove the flavor from the tea leaves too quickly. Place the lid on the teapot. ____19____
Time to enjoy your tea.
Pour all the tea into the tea pitcher, and then pour that tea into your tea snifters. It is good manners that tea drinkers hold the cup with both hands enjoy the tea’s aroma and take a sip. ____20____ The first sip should be small; the second sip is the largest main sip; the third is to enjoy the after taste and empty the cup.
A.Watch out for the brewing temperatures.
B.Brew the tea leaves at proper temperatures.
C.The cup should be drunk in sips of different sizes.
D.Then, remove the teapot and cups from the bowl.
E.It is finally time for you to enjoy a nice cup of Chinese tea.
F.A traditional Chinese tea set can be bought at Chinatowns around the world.
G.The size of the tea leaves and their quality determine the length of the brewing time.
【答案】16.F 17.D 18.B 19.G 20.C
16.根据上文“If you want to perform one, start by gathering all the tools you’ll need.(如果你举行行一个,首先收集你需要的所有工具)”可知,如果要用传统的茶道欢迎客人,首要要有一套茶具。由此推知,空处陈述内容与茶具有关。F项“中国传统茶具可以在世界各地的唐人街买到”符合文意。故选F。
17.根据上文“To prepare the Chinese tea set, heat water in a kettle. Then place the teapot and teacups in the bowl and pour the heated water over them to warm up the tea set. (准备中国茶具时,用水壶加热水。然后把茶壶和茶杯放在碗里,把热水倒在上面,使茶具热起来)”可知,陈述了泡茶的步骤。由此推知,空处陈述茶具热起来之后该做什么。D项“然后,从碗中取出茶壶和茶杯”符合文意。故选D。
18.空处为本段小标题,根据下文“This step is called “the black dragon enters the palace”. Heating water to the proper temperature is important when making Chinese tea, and ideal temperatures vary by tea type.(制作中国茶时,将水加热到合适的温度很重要,理想温度因茶叶类型而异)”可知,本段主要讲述温度对于泡茶的重要性。B项“在适当的温度下冲泡茶叶”符合本段主旨。故选B。
19.空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“The water should be poured just above the teapot so as to not remove the flavor from the tea leaves too quickly. Place the lid on the teapot. (水应该倒在茶壶上方,以免茶叶的味道太快消失。把盖子放在茶壶上)”可知,上文陈述了将茶叶放好,盖上盖子。由此推知,下文陈述根据茶叶的不同,泡茶的时长有所不同,即揭开盖子的时间是不同的。G项“茶叶的大小和质量决定了冲泡时间的长短”符合文意。故选G项。
20.根据下文“The first sip should be small; the second sip is the largest main sip; the third is to enjoy the after taste and empty the cup.(第一口应该很小;第二口是最大的;第三口是品尝后味,倒空杯子)”可知,下文介绍了该如何品茶。由此推知,空处应提出品茶时每口茶(sip)的量不同。C项“喝的每口茶的量应当不一样”符合文意,sip是关键词。故选C。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
What do celebrities do, thus always looking so amazing
Jennifer Aniston swears by her “wonder smoothie” for a better body, Liv Tyler ____21____ green juice for clearer skin, and Victoria Beckham is said to ____22____ her slim figure by sticking to a strict gluten-free diet.
____23____ these beauty secrets may sound tempting, our advice is to wait a second before you try them. Health experts warn that celebrities’ beauty ____24____ do not work for everyone, and, if used in the wrong way, could ____25____ harm your skin.
US actress Jennifer Aniston is the envy of women worldwide with charming appearance. So when fashion magazine Grazia earlier this year revealed that the ____26____ to Aniston’s ageless beauty was a “wonder smoothie”, the drink became popular.
A source told the magazine that the drink is ____27____ fresh, organic vegetables — beetroot, cucumbers, spinach, garlic, carrots, celery and kale. The star drinks ____28____ else on one day every week to purify her body.
If you’re doing it Aniston-style and eating ____29____ for most of the week, it probably won’t do you any serious harm, but a juice fast(禁食期;斋戒期) that ____30____ a couple of weeks, or even just several days, could do you more harm than ____31____, said health experts.
As soon as you pulp(将……捣成浆) any fruit or vegetable, you ____32____ all the fibre(纤维素) in them. “With no fibre in your ____33____, even after a couple of days, constipation(便秘) will become a problem, and in the long term, your cholesterol levels(胆固醇水平) could be ____34____ as fibre helps keep them low, ”Natalie Jones of the British Dietetic Association told the Daily Mail.
If that’s not ____35____ enough, you could also find your hair starting to fall out two to three months later, warned hair care expert Philip Kingsley.
21.A.gives out B.relies on C.takes over D.sets up
22.A.continue B.watch C.lose D.maintain
23.A.When B.As C.While D.Once
24.A.results B.tips C.comments D.complaints
25.A.properly B.necessarily C.actually D.helplessly
26.A.motto B.solution C.secret D.clue
27.A.made up of B.devoted to C.opposed to D.faced with
28.A.everything B.none C.nothing D.anything
29.A.swiftly B.normally C.powerfully D.immediately
30.A.lasts B.fills C.operates D.opens
31.A.advantages B.benefit C.interest D.harm
32.A.expand B.manage C.serve D.lose
33.A.rice B.diet C.product D.menu
34.A.loosened B.affected C.strengthened D.contained
35.A.discouraging B.amazing C.inspiring D.appealing
21.B 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.A
21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Jennifer Aniston发誓说她的“神奇冰沙”能保持好身材,Liv Tyler依靠绿色果汁来清洁皮肤,据说Victoria Beckham坚持严格的无麸质饮食来保持苗条的身材。A. gives out分发;B. relies on依靠;C. takes over接管;D. sets up建立。根据上下文可知,本段主要讲述一些女明星依靠什么方式来让自己看起来美,故选B。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. continue继续;B. watch观看;C. lose失去;D. maintain保持,维持。根据“by sticking to a strict gluten-free diet”可知,坚持严格的无麸质饮食是为了保持苗条的身材,故选D。
23.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然这些美容秘诀听起来很诱人,但我们的建议是,在尝试之前先等一等。A. When当……时;B. As因为,尽管;C. While尽管,虽然;D. Once一旦。根据句意可知,上下文是转折关系,故用while引导让步状语从句,as也有“尽管”之意,但引导让步状语从句时需要倒装,故选C。
24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:健康专家警告说,明星的美容建议并不适用于所有人,如果使用不当,实际上可能会伤害你的皮肤。A. results结果;B. tips建议;C. comments评论;D. complaints抱怨。根据第一段的内容可知,所列举的是三个名人保持美丽的方法,所以此处指“明星的美容建议”,故选B。
25.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. properly适当地;B. necessarily必要地;C. actually实际上;D. helplessly无助地。根据语境及空后“harm your skin”可知,明星的美容建议并不适用于所有人,如果使用不当,实际上可能会伤害你的皮肤,故选C。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,今年早些时候,当时尚杂志Grazia披露了Aniston永葆青春的秘诀是一杯“神奇冰沙”时,这种饮料开始流行起来。A. motto座右铭;B. solution解决办法;C. secret秘密;D. clue线索。根据上文“____3____ these beauty secrets may sound tempting”可知,secret是原词复现,故选C。
27.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一位知情人士告诉该杂志,这款饮料由新鲜的有机蔬菜制成——甜菜根、黄瓜、菠菜、大蒜、胡萝卜、芹菜和羽衣甘蓝。A. made up of由……组成;B. devoted to专心于,献身于; C. opposed to反对;D. faced with面对。根据空后“fresh, organic vegetables — beetroot, cucumbers, spinach, garlic, carrots, celery and kale”可知,此处是指神奇果蔬汁由很多有机蔬菜汁组成,故选A。
28.考查代词词义辨析。句意:这位明星每周都有一天不喝别的饮料来净化身体。A. everything一切;B. none没有一个;C. nothing没有什么;D. anything任何事情。根据 “purify her body”可知,为了净化身体,这个明星除了神奇果蔬汁外其他什么也没吃,none强调数量上没有一个,此处指“不喝别的东西”,应用nothing,故选C。
29.考查副词词义辨析。句意:健康专家说,如果你采用的是Aniston式的禁食方式,而且一周大部分时间都在正常饮食,可能不会对你造成任何严重伤害,但持续几周、甚至只是几天的果汁禁食期,对你的伤害可能大于益处。A. swiftly敏捷地;B. normally正常地;C. powerfully有力地,强大地;D. immediately立即。根据“it probably won’t do you any serious harm”及下文内容可知,此处是指大部分时间正常饮食,对身体不会有很大伤害,与下文提到的“长时间的禁食期会有害”形成对比,故选B。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. lasts持续;B. fills(使)充满;C. operates操作;D. opens打开。根据空后“a couple of weeks, or even just several days”可知,此处是指如果只喝神奇果汁的情况持续一段时间,就会有不好的结果,故选A。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. advantages优势;B. benefit益处,好处;C. interest兴趣;D. harm伤害。此处和“harm”形成对比,指伤害可能大于益处,故选B。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦你把任何水果或蔬菜捣成浆,你就失去了它们所有的纤维。A. expand扩大;B. manage管理,控制;C. serve服务;D. lose失去。根据下文的“With no fibre”可知,把水果或蔬菜捣成浆后,纤维就会流失,故选D。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:英国饮食协会的Natalie Jones在接受《每日邮报》采访时表示:“如果你的饮食中没有纤维,即使是几天之后,便秘也会成为一个问题。从长远来看,你的胆固醇水平会受到影响,因为纤维有助于保持低胆固醇水平。”A. rice大米,米饭;B. diet饮食;C. product产品;D. menu菜单。根据上下文可知,此处是探讨饮食问题,指饮食中没有纤维会导致很多问题,故选B。
34.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. loosened(使)变松;B. affected影响;C. strengthened加强;D. contained包含。根据“as fibre helps keep them low”可知,纤维是帮助降低胆固醇的,如果饮食中没有纤维,胆固醇会受到影响。故选B。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:头发护理专家Philip Kingsley警告说,如果这还不够令人沮丧,你还会发现你的头发在两到三个月后开始脱落。A. discouraging令人沮丧;B. amazing惊人的,了不起的;C. inspiring鼓舞人心的;D. appealing吸引人的。上文主要讲述了不摄入纤维对人体的负面影响,故此处用“令人沮丧的”符合语境,故选A。
While eating is functional, and our bodies need the fuel ____36____ food provides, dining with friends or loved ones can be a wonderful experience. However, some of us often find ourselves ____37____ (reserve) a table for one in a restaurant. But is dining alone really that bad Maybe not.
We all have foods we like and dislike. Maybe it’s a spicy cheese or stinky fish. We sometimes hold back on things that may offend the ____38____ (nose) of others. When dining alone, we can consume whatever we like, with the added bonus that we might be able to eat more ____39____ (healthy). Often, if you want a salad and your significant other wants some less healthy cuisine, you end up ordering the same. And if you don’t get the same, you might end up watching someone eat a pizza while you ____40____ (leave) holding the corn. Have you ever spent too long debating with people which restaurant to eat in If dining solo, you can make the choice depending on your desires. And why does it have to be a restaurant You could eat in a park, garden or even your bed — the point is, the choice is ____41____ (your)!
Finally, for some, dining alone can be ____42____ necessity. For those of us who suffer ____43____ misophonia (恐音症), the noise of someone else masticating (咀嚼) can be unbearable. Eating alone can save you from the extreme ____44____ (anxious) that may arise listening to someone smack their lips. So, is eating alone bad Well, it may not be for everyone _____45_____ there certainly are some benefits to it. Try it sometime — you might just like it!
36.that##which 37.reserving 38.noses 39.healthily 40.are left 41.yours 42.a 43.from 44.anxiety 45.but##yet
38.考查名词复数。句意:我们有时会隐瞒一些可能会惹恼别人的事情。nose为可数名词,根据后文of others可知应用复数形式。故填noses。
40.考查时态语态。句意:如果你得不到同样的食物,你可能会嫉妒食物,因为你看着别人享受披萨,而你拿着玉米。空处为从句谓语动词,主语you与谓语动词leave构成被动关系,结合上文as you watch someone enjoy a pizza可知应用一般现在时,主语为you,谓语用复数。故填are left。
43.考查介词。句意:对于我们这些恐音症患者来说,别人咀嚼的声音是无法忍受的。短语suffer from表示“患有……疾病”。故填from。
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46.假如你是Li Hua,你的英国朋友John对中国的传统美食很感兴趣,请你写一封E-mail,向他简单介绍饺子,包括如下内容:
Dear John,
Hearing that you are interested in Chinese traditional food, I am delighted to introduce Jiaozi to you. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi to express their wishes for good luck. Traditionally, family members get together to make dumplings on New Year’ Eve. Making dumplings is really teamwork to create harmonious family atmosphere. Ways of cooking Chinese dumplings vary from place to place. Generally, they are steamed, boiled or pan-fried. Some are served dry with vinegar while others in soup.
I promise to treat you to a big meal of Jiaozi when you come to China next time.
Li Hua
对……感兴趣:be interested in→ take an interest in/be keen on
与……不同:vary from → be different from
高兴的:delighted→ happy
创造,建立:create→ build
原句:Making dumplings is really teamwork to create harmonious family atmosphere.
拓展句:Making dumplings is really teamwork, which can create harmonious family atmosphere.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Hearing that you are interested in Chinese traditional food, I am delighted to introduce Jiaozi to you.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作原因状语。)
【高分句型2】I promise to treat you to a big meal of Jiaozi when you come to China next time.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句。)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
Since I was young, I always enjoyed cooking. Every night I would sit in the kitchen and watch my mother make dinner. I had a toy set of pots and pans, and would copy her actions at the table—pretending to pour in ingredients and mix them excitedly just as she did. On Sundays, my grandmother would make us a huge family dinner. A dish cooked from a charred chicken with flavored sauce enjoyed great popularity with us. Watching her in the kitchen was like watching an artist at work. She never needed a cookbook, never had to follow a recipe. Everything was second nature. I couldn't wait to learn to cook myself.
So it was no surprise when as an adult I decided to be a chef. I had worked in a number of kitchens over the years, but when I got the chance to be the head chef at a new restaurant, I could not have been more excited.
On the first night the restaurant opened, I proudly put my apron on and prepared for success. Soon, orders came in, and the kitchen was at full staff running in every direction. There were many waiters coming in and out, and cooks walking between stations. It was very exciting, but a bit stressful. There was so much to do and a lot of pressure to do it perfectly. It seemed like the crowd was not slowing down.
I was hurrying to gather ingredients from the shelves and fill the orders when there was a scream from the other side of the kitchen. Looking over, I saw one of the other cooks holding her hand in pain. She had burned her fingers on a pan. I ran over to help, and as we placed her hand under cold water, a puff of smoke started to rise out of the oven.
“Oh, no!” I screamed. I reached the oven just in time to open the door and see the charred remains of a roast. Placing my hand on my head, I thought the night couldn't get much worse. One of the waiters came into the kitchen, looking very worried. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he said anxiously, “The guests are asking for the roast.”
1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Paragraph 1:
I stared at the charred roast, anxious to find a solution.
Paragraph 2:
Just then, one of the guests asked to speak to the chef.
【答案】Paragraph 1:
I stared at the charred roast, anxious to find a solution. Suddenly, its smell dragged me back to a family dinner, when my grandmother cooked a delicious dish from a charred chicken. Letting out an excited scream, I cooked like an artist just the way she did. I mixed vinegar with sugar to make a kind of sauce and then poured it onto the roast. Finally, the waiter served a flavored roast to the guests. “What if the guests don’t like the dish ” I thought to myself.
Paragraph 2:
Just then, one of the guests asked to speak to the chef. Never before in my life had I sunk into such a nervous situation. I followed the waiter, my heart in my mouth. To my surprise, the guest stood up and held my hands. “Thanks for bringing the taste of hometown back to me,” she said in excitement. Beyond my expectation, the first night as the head chef turned out to be a great success. With a brand-new outlook, I returned to the kitchen and continued to brighten people’s lives with delicious food.
发出:let out/give out
站起来:stand up/rise
【点睛】[高分句型1] Letting out an excited scream, I cooked like an artist just the way she did. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] Never before in my life had I sunk into such a nervous situation. (运用了部分倒装)选择性必修Book 2 Unit 3 Food and Culture
(时间:90分钟 满分:120分)
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
July is National Ice Cream Month. This means it is your civil duty to consume a spoon or two of the delicious treat daily. In 1984 the former US president Ronald Reagan designated July 17 as National Ice Cream Day in honor of the nutritious food. Here are some ice cream anecdotes (轶事) to keep you entertained while enjoying the creamy dessert.
Origin of ice cream
The first records of milk-based ice cream, made using heated milk, flour, and camphor (樟脑), come from China’s Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). But the Arabs are credited with inventing the delicious treat, using milk, sugar as ingredients in the 9th century. By the 10th century, the modern-day recipe with milk, cream and dried fruits was widely available in West Asian countries.
The frozen treat did not arrive in the US until 1744 when Maryland Governor Thomas Bladen served strawberry ice cream to guests. Now, Americans are the world’s largest consumers of ice cream, eating an average of 48 pints (品脱) per person every year.
Ice-cream related Guinness World Records
The frozen dessert’s popularity makes it a favorite for setting new Guinness World Records. The latest one was set in 2021 by the Ice Cream Lab pop-up at the Yas Mall in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The temporary retail shop offered ice cream lovers 1,001 flavor options — setting a new world record for the most flavors offered.
Ice cream choice reveals personality traits
Most people believe their choice of ice cream flavor is due to taste preferences. But Dr. Alan Hirsch, founder of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, maintains it reflects the individual’s personality.
Vanilla ice cream fans are risk-takers who are great at relationships. Love chocolate ice cream Then you are lively, charming, and slightly dramatic. Mint chocolate ice cream fans can be ambitious and argumentative. Surprisingly, those who enjoy the multi-colored rainbow sherbet (果汁冰糕) are labeled pessimists, while rocky road ice cream lovers are believed to be engaging speakers and even better listeners.
1.How many stages did ice cream experience before it arrived in the US
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
2.Which ice cream is the favorite of adventure lovers
A.Vanilla ice cream. B.Chocolate ice cream.
C.Rainbow sherbet ice cream. D.Rocky road ice cream.
3.What is the subject of the text
A.Fun tradition. B.Cultural heritage. C.Nutrition and health. D.Celebrity anecdotes.
Chinese cuisine is widely known and enjoyed all around the world. Who doesn’t long for a favourite Chinese dish But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East — the ancient custom of tonic food.
Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness. For instance, it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame oil hotpot every day for the first month after giving birth. It was believed that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, stimulate sweating, and warm the body. Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach (菠菜), are seen as “hot”, while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radishes (小萝卜), are seen as “cold”. One should be careful not to eat too much of either “hot” or “cold” food. However, how much “hot” or “cold” food one should eat depends on the time of the year, how the food is prepared and what it is prepared with, and the individual’s health.
The custom of employing tonic food for a healthier life also influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as the wolfberry (枸杞子), can be found on many a restaurant menu, either added to fruit tea or as a beneficial addition to a dish. These herbs attract customers, such as overworked office staff in need of a modest pick-me-up.
So, whether you need to boost your strength with a large helping of chicken soup, or increase your mental powers with some fish soup, you may find that this ancient Chinese custom could be just the tonic you were looking for.
4.What is the present situation of tonic food
A.It is catching less attention.
B.It is enjoyed by many young people.
C.It is well known worldwide.
D.It is becoming increasingly popular.
5.What is believed to benefit new mothers
A.Chinese cabbage. B.Fruit tea.
C.Sesame oil hotpot. D.Fish soup.
6.Which of the following best explains “catering” underlined in paragraph 3
A.Medicine. B.Restaurant. C.Education. D.Fashion.
7.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To present the charm of Chinese cuisine.
B.To show the popularity of tonic food.
C.To introduce Chinese tonic food.
D.To tell the differences between hot food and cold food.
Eating out goes a long way back. The Romans had their pubs serving set meals and cook shops called thermopolia selling hot ready-to-eat dishes. In the Middle Ages, inns would provide buffets of cold meats or roasts to serve the many people who didn’t have kitchens. Before the revolution in France, there were plenty of places where you could eat out but fine dining was something enjoyed merely by the aristocracy (贵族) in the comfort of their own homes.
In 18th-century France, while the aristocrats were enjoying food prepared by personal chefs, cold winters and oppressive taxation had left most of the French population unable to afford bread. When the starving masses finally took to the streets of Paris in 1789, commonly known as the French Revolution, the aristocrats fled to the countryside, leaving their chefs and their fine wines behind. Both found their way to the cities’ existing eateries and within a year, a host of new elegant restaurants with extensive menus had been established.
“These restaurants were a microcosm (缩影) of the New France,” says David Gilks, a lecturer in Modern European History at the University of East Anglia. “They were the places where the nouveau riche, who had profited from the revolution, were to be seen. There were still shortages of basic food stuffs in many parts of Paris but in the nicer parts you would see people enjoying fine food in elegant surroundings.”
In the 1760s the merchants of Paris developed a taste for light soups known as “restoratives” or “restaurants”, and dining halls where customers could sit at individual tables and have them began popping up around the city.
The new post-revolutionary restaurants took their names from these and the new class of French businessmen, booming in the early 19th century when Napoleon decided that if people were enjoying food and drinks, they’d be unlikely to rebel again. Citizens were granted the “freedom of pleasure” and restaurants began to compete with each other. They were featured in travelogues and became tourist attractions in their own right.
“Intended or not, restaurants can signpost both the decline and success of an Empire,” says William Sitwell, author of The Restaurant: A History of Eating Out. “The extraordinary advancement of the dining scene of ancient Pompeii was indicative of the Roman Empire’s vision breadth and booming. The dark restaurant scene of the United Kingdom in the 1940s after World War II showed quite how the horrors of conflict had damaged the country’s food, culture and taste.”
8.Which of the following is a consequence of the French Revolution
A.Most personal chefs were left unemployed.
B.Eateries found their way to the countryside.
C.Fine dining no longer just belonged to the aristocrats.
D.There were almost no shortages of basic food stuffs in Paris.
9.What can be learned about the word “restaurant” from the passage
A.It was coined by the nouveau riche.
B.It originally referred to a type of food.
C.It came into being after the French Revolution.
D.It was first defined as the “freedom of pleasure”.
10.What can be inferred from William Sitwell’s comments on restaurants
A.They are symbols of transformation.
B.They are the result of development.
C.They lost their appeal to British people in the 1940s.
D.They made their first appearance in ancient Pompeii.
11.What is the passage mainly about
A.The national vision of eating out. B.The varying popularity of restaurants.
C.The unintended purposes of eating out. D.The history and evolution of restaurants.
The popularity in the overseas market of biang biang noodles, a regional food indigenous to China’s northwestern province of Shanxi, shows how Chinese cuisine is carving out a market for dishes representative of wider range of Chinese fod culture, BBC reported.
Biang biang noodles, featuring thick, broad, hand-pulled noodles and chili, bear a name that cannot be normally typed in Chinese, as the character “biang” doesn't officially exist. This, however, has not prevented it from gaining popularity in other parts of the world, according to the BBC report in April, as the food gives rise to a New York City restaurant chain “Xi’an Famous Foods. ”
The owner of the eight-restaurant empire Jason Wang told BBC that his restaurants have over the years not only attracted fellow immigrants from Northwestern China, but also more and more diverse customers. “The food is not just for people who know it. It’s for people who want to know it and want to try it, ” he said.
While global eaters are more familiar with Cantonese and Shanghai-style dishes like dim sum or braised pork belly, diverse Chinese regional foods like biang biang noodles are increasingly gaining popularity. This is the result of increased tourism, said the report.
Travellers enjoy certain dishes in China and wish to experience them in their home countries and Chinese students and immigrants move abroad and search for the flavours of their hometown, Wang said, explaining the popularity of Chinese regional foods, according to BBC.This made possible a growing awareness about the various regional differences in Chinese cuisine, it added.
12.Which of the following statements about biang biang noodles is true
A.There is no official Chinese character for “Biang”.
B.It features thin hand-pulled noodles and chili.
C.It is served in a New York City restaurant chain.
D.It simply enjoys great popularity domestically.
13.What contributes to the popularity of Jason’s restaurant
A.The up-to-date managing concepts.
B.The successful advertising strategies.
C.The food attractive to diverse customers.
D.The introduction of new cooking ways.
14.What is the key factor of Chinese regional foods being popular globally
A.Their unique flavour. B.Mobility of population.
C.The nice food material. D.Charm of Chinese culture.
15.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To promote Jason's restaurant. B.To persuade readers to try the food.
C.To introduce a new regional food. D.To remind readers of home flavours.
Traditional Chinese tea ceremonies are often held to welcome guests into one’s home. If you want to perform one, start by gathering all the tools you’ll need.____16____Once you get hold of one, follow the steps for performing a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.
Prepare the Chinese tea set and appreciate the tea.
To prepare the Chinese tea set, heat water in a kettle. Then place the teapot and teacups in the bowl and pour the heated water over them to warm up the tea set. ____17____ In a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, the tea is passed around for participants to examine and admire its appearance, aroma, and quality.
Using the tea-leaf holder, pour the tea leaves into the teapot. This step is called “the black dragon enters the palace”. Heating water to the proper temperature is important when making Chinese tea, and ideal temperatures vary by tea type.
Next, place the teapot into the bowl, raise the kettle at shoulder length, and pour the heated water into the teapot until it overflows. Place the lid on the teapot.
Discard the tea and pour to brew (泡茶) again.
Pour the brewed tea into the tea pitcher. Using the tea pitcher, fill the tea cups with tea. But do not drink the tea. Instead, it is discarded.
Keeping the same tea leaves and holding the kettle just above the teapot, pour the properly heated water into the teapot. The water should be poured just above the teapot so as to not remove the flavor from the tea leaves too quickly. Place the lid on the teapot. ____19____
Time to enjoy your tea.
Pour all the tea into the tea pitcher, and then pour that tea into your tea snifters. It is good manners that tea drinkers hold the cup with both hands enjoy the tea’s aroma and take a sip. ____20____ The first sip should be small; the second sip is the largest main sip; the third is to enjoy the after taste and empty the cup.
A.Watch out for the brewing temperatures.
B.Brew the tea leaves at proper temperatures.
C.The cup should be drunk in sips of different sizes.
D.Then, remove the teapot and cups from the bowl.
E.It is finally time for you to enjoy a nice cup of Chinese tea.
F.A traditional Chinese tea set can be bought at Chinatowns around the world.
G.The size of the tea leaves and their quality determine the length of the brewing time.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
What do celebrities do, thus always looking so amazing
Jennifer Aniston swears by her “wonder smoothie” for a better body, Liv Tyler ____21____ green juice for clearer skin, and Victoria Beckham is said to ____22____ her slim figure by sticking to a strict gluten-free diet.
____23____ these beauty secrets may sound tempting, our advice is to wait a second before you try them. Health experts warn that celebrities’ beauty ____24____ do not work for everyone, and, if used in the wrong way, could ____25____ harm your skin.
US actress Jennifer Aniston is the envy of women worldwide with charming appearance. So when fashion magazine Grazia earlier this year revealed that the ____26____ to Aniston’s ageless beauty was a “wonder smoothie”, the drink became popular.
A source told the magazine that the drink is ____27____ fresh, organic vegetables — beetroot, cucumbers, spinach, garlic, carrots, celery and kale. The star drinks ____28____ else on one day every week to purify her body.
If you’re doing it Aniston-style and eating ____29____ for most of the week, it probably won’t do you any serious harm, but a juice fast(禁食期;斋戒期) that ____30____ a couple of weeks, or even just several days, could do you more harm than ____31____, said health experts.
As soon as you pulp(将……捣成浆) any fruit or vegetable, you ____32____ all the fibre(纤维素) in them. “With no fibre in your ____33____, even after a couple of days, constipation(便秘) will become a problem, and in the long term, your cholesterol levels(胆固醇水平) could be ____34____ as fibre helps keep them low, ”Natalie Jones of the British Dietetic Association told the Daily Mail.
If that’s not ____35____ enough, you could also find your hair starting to fall out two to three months later, warned hair care expert Philip Kingsley.
21.A.gives out B.relies on C.takes over D.sets up
22.A.continue B.watch C.lose D.maintain
23.A.When B.As C.While D.Once
24.A.results B.tips C.comments D.complaints
25.A.properly B.necessarily C.actually D.helplessly
26.A.motto B.solution C.secret D.clue
27.A.made up of B.devoted to C.opposed to D.faced with
28.A.everything B.none C.nothing D.anything
29.A.swiftly B.normally C.powerfully D.immediately
30.A.lasts B.fills C.operates D.opens
31.A.advantages B.benefit C.interest D.harm
32.A.expand B.manage C.serve D.lose
33.A.rice B.diet C.product D.menu
34.A.loosened B.affected C.strengthened D.contained
35.A.discouraging B.amazing C.inspiring D.appealing
While eating is functional, and our bodies need the fuel ____36____ food provides, dining with friends or loved ones can be a wonderful experience. However, some of us often find ourselves ____37____ (reserve) a table for one in a restaurant. But is dining alone really that bad Maybe not.
We all have foods we like and dislike. Maybe it’s a spicy cheese or stinky fish. We sometimes hold back on things that may offend the ____38____ (nose) of others. When dining alone, we can consume whatever we like, with the added bonus that we might be able to eat more ____39____ (healthy). Often, if you want a salad and your significant other wants some less healthy cuisine, you end up ordering the same. And if you don’t get the same, you might end up watching someone eat a pizza while you ____40____ (leave) holding the corn. Have you ever spent too long debating with people which restaurant to eat in If dining solo, you can make the choice depending on your desires. And why does it have to be a restaurant You could eat in a park, garden or even your bed — the point is, the choice is ____41____ (your)!
Finally, for some, dining alone can be ____42____ necessity. For those of us who suffer ____43____ misophonia (恐音症), the noise of someone else masticating (咀嚼) can be unbearable. Eating alone can save you from the extreme ____44____ (anxious) that may arise listening to someone smack their lips. So, is eating alone bad Well, it may not be for everyone _____45_____ there certainly are some benefits to it. Try it sometime — you might just like it!
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46.假如你是Li Hua,你的英国朋友John对中国的传统美食很感兴趣,请你写一封E-mail,向他简单介绍饺子,包括如下内容:
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
Since I was young, I always enjoyed cooking. Every night I would sit in the kitchen and watch my mother make dinner. I had a toy set of pots and pans, and would copy her actions at the table—pretending to pour in ingredients and mix them excitedly just as she did. On Sundays, my grandmother would make us a huge family dinner. A dish cooked from a charred chicken with flavored sauce enjoyed great popularity with us. Watching her in the kitchen was like watching an artist at work. She never needed a cookbook, never had to follow a recipe. Everything was second nature. I couldn't wait to learn to cook myself.
So it was no surprise when as an adult I decided to be a chef. I had worked in a number of kitchens over the years, but when I got the chance to be the head chef at a new restaurant, I could not have been more excited.
On the first night the restaurant opened, I proudly put my apron on and prepared for success. Soon, orders came in, and the kitchen was at full staff running in every direction. There were many waiters coming in and out, and cooks walking between stations. It was very exciting, but a bit stressful. There was so much to do and a lot of pressure to do it perfectly. It seemed like the crowd was not slowing down.
I was hurrying to gather ingredients from the shelves and fill the orders when there was a scream from the other side of the kitchen. Looking over, I saw one of the other cooks holding her hand in pain. She had burned her fingers on a pan. I ran over to help, and as we placed her hand under cold water, a puff of smoke started to rise out of the oven.
“Oh, no!” I screamed. I reached the oven just in time to open the door and see the charred remains of a roast. Placing my hand on my head, I thought the night couldn't get much worse. One of the waiters came into the kitchen, looking very worried. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he said anxiously, “The guests are asking for the roast.”
1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Paragraph 1:
I stared at the charred roast, anxious to find a solution.
Paragraph 2:
Just then, one of the guests asked to speak to the chef.