课件21张PPT。Study skillsLead inSing ABC song and say the five vowel letters “Aa” “Ee” “Ii” “Oo” “Uu”mapcapmancatdad /?/Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters a.yesdeskredeggpen /e/Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters e.withbigsitcityhim /I/Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters i.stopboxnotdoglong/ /
Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters o.?sunbutruncupduck /?/Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters u. 音标
(12)双元音(8)前元音(4)中元音(2)后元音(8)playing a gameAsk Ss to choose one icon, and read the group of the words.Believe yourself mapcapmancatdad/?/
…Believe yourself yesdeskredeggpen/e/
…Believe yourself withbigsitcityhim/ I /
…Find the rule by yourself ?????
/ ? /
/ ? /
/ ? /Read the words and put them in the correct groups,clock club fun get happy
listen bad often swim well
/ ? /happy
/ / clock often?
/ ? / club fun Read the following words.Try to read the new words according to the sound of the first word in each group. 1. hand habit lab mad
2. help lend test wet
3. film bill risk silk
4. hot job top rock
5. mum gun just luckRead the phrases below.Pay attention to the different sounds of the letters in bold.take this bag these eggs
a nice picture open the box
a music clubHomework1. Try to find more words and put them into a group then find the rules of the same letters .
2. Search for the information about different sounds of the letters on the Internet.