Unit 7 careers
Viewing Workshop
What Jobs Will Survive the Robot Economy
To watch an interview about what changes the robot economy will bring to jobs and the labor force in the future.
To discuss what you get and understand from the interview.
Learning Objectives
1. What jobs do you think will still exist in the future This video presents an interview about what changes the robot economy will bring to jobs and the labour force in the future.
1. What do you think “robot economy” is
2. What effect may robot ecomomy have on the overall labour force
3. Name at least three jobs that will survive the robot ecomomy and explain why.
2. watch the interview. Tick ( √ )the correct options.
1. According to the expert, Brad Delong, what jobs will
survive the robot economy
( ) Jobs that use our minds.
( ) Jobs that use our backs or fingers.
2. Which of the following is more important for jobs in
the future
( ) Genuinely original and useful thoughts.
( ) Technological progress.
3. What is the expert’s response to the question “Is this
not, to a certain extent, just the natural world order
that’s playing out ”
( ) He thinks there’s not much we can do about how
things happen naturally.
( ) He thinks that techlogical progress has greatly
increased the demand for human labor.
4. If computers and robots have brain power, what will
people do
( ) People will work in agriculture or fields that will
not need brain power.
( ) People will move into personal services with
genuinely original thoughts and communication.
3. Watch the interview again. Answer the questions.
1. What can we do in the transition period we are in
2. What countries does the expert mention in the interview
Why does he mention them
3. When machines have gained brain power during the robot
economy, what is the value of the human brain
We’re either going to have to own the computer and the robots and so profit from them.
China and America, to mention factory jobs, and France, to mention history.
Employing a human is the only way that you can get the brain
power that processes need.
4. What have you learnt about future jobs in the robot economy What do you think of the expert’s idea Prepare to give a presentation for the class discussion.
Thank You