人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures单词课件words and expressions(2)课件-(33张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures单词课件words and expressions(2)课件-(33张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-07 07:53:25



words and expressions(2)
expense n.费用;花费;开销
cover/meet an expense 支付费用
at great expense 以大价钱
at sb.'s expense 由某人付钱
at the expense of
Their visit put us to a lot of expense.
①The couple didn't go to the expense of _____(buy) a cell phone for their son.
②That little mistake put us ____ the expense of reprinting the whole book.
cost an arm and a leg : (使)花一大笔钱
tremendous [tr mend s] adj. 巨大的;极大地
behave vt.表现 vi. & vt.表现得体;有礼貌
behaviour n.举止;行为
good/bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为
be on your best behaviour尽量表现得体
behave oneself 守规矩;举止得体
behave well/badly 表现好/不好
behave like... 表现得像……
behave properly 举止得当
I didn't know how I ought to behave.
①He told his pupils to behave ________ (they) and not to chat while listening to a lecture.
②She always ________ (behave) well when her aunts come to visit.
③The Great Wall is still facing threats from natural disasters and human ________ (behave).
setting n.环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景
a beautiful/an ideal setting 优美的/理想的环境
the perfect setting for a picnic 野餐的绝佳去处
short stories with a contemporary setting
The movie was set in Hong Kong.
①The applicant for the job tends to be shy in social ________ (set).
②The movie is set ________ a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.
③Knowing their ________ (set) helps us to grasp their meaning.
dramatic adj.巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的;引人注目的 drama n.戏剧;激动;刺激
(1)the dramatic scenery of the valley 山谷的壮丽景致
a dramatic victory 激动人心的胜利
(2)overly dramatic 过分夸张
extremely dramatic 极其激动人心的
The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
①I don't want to be overly ________ (drama), but it did change my life.
②Her entrance was accompanied by ________ (suitable) dramatic music.
③The afternoon was full of ________ (dramatic) and excitement.
④The argument added a touch ______ drama to an otherwise dull day.
surroundings n. [pl.]环境;周围的事物
work in pleasant surroundings 在愉快的环境中工作
adapt to new surroundings 适应新环境
strange/comfortable/beautiful surroundings
surround...with... 用……包围……
be surrounded with/by... 被……环绕/包围
surround oneself with... 和……在一起,与……为伍
the surrounding area 周围的地区
The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy family environment.
①They live in a beautiful village, with many trees and flowers ________ (surround) it.
②Some insects take on the colour of their__________(surround) to protect themselves.
③The ________ (surround) small towns have been absorbed into the city in the last few years.
mature [m 't (r)] [m tj (r)] adj. 成熟的
depress vt.使沮丧;使消沉
depressing adj.令人沮丧的
depression n.沮丧;消沉;抑郁症
suffer from depression患抑郁症
be depressed about 对……沮丧
be depressed by 因……沮丧
feel depressed 感到沮丧
He is slightly depressed and ashamed because of the failure, so his parents are trying to distract him.
①When you are ________ (depress), the last thing you likely want to do is straighten up and go for a run.
②He was not satisfied with the summer camp because the whole experience was ________ (depress).
strengthen vi. & vt.加强;增强;巩固
strength n.力气,体力;优势build up one's strength增强体力
strengths and weaknesses优势和劣势,长处和短处
strengthen cooperation 加强合作
strengthen discipline 加强纪律
strengthen national defence 加强国防
strengthen the weak links 加强薄弱环节
strengthen one's courage 增强某人的勇气
The wind had strengthened overnight.
①Through these activities, we hope that our two countries will ________ (strength) cooperation.
②Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up one's ________ (strong), but also develop one's character.
deny vt.否认;否定;拒绝;拒绝给予
deny doing sth./having done sth. 否认做/做过某事
deny sb./sth. (to be)+(n./adj.) 否认某人/某物(是)……
It can't be denied that... 无可否认……
deny sb. sth.=deny sth. to sb. 拒绝给某人某物
deny the truth/the fact 否认真相/事实
deny a claim/a charge 否认某种说法/指控
He was so stubborn that he denied me any help.
①Mr. Green denied __________ (do) anything illegal before the police.
②There is no ________ (deny) that in the current situation, cooperation will be the only way.
③No one can deny the fact ______online shopping has brought a lot of convenience to us.
having done
optimistic adj.乐观的
(1)be/remain optimistic about... 对……乐观
be optimistic that... 对……持乐观态度
take an optimistic view 抱有乐观的看法
look/sound optimistic 看上去/听起来乐观
become optimistic 变得乐观
(2)be pessimistic about 对……悲观
He is optimistic about the future of the company and has subscribed to its shares.
①My good performance in the job interview left me optimistic ________ my future and about what I could do here.
②They are cautiously optimistic _____the educational reforms will take place.
③People are likely to live more happily and longer if they ________________ (对生活持乐观态度).
are optimistic about life
gain vt.获得;赢得;取得;增加 n.好处;增加
(1)gain experience/fame/independence 获得经验/名声/独立
gain one's respect/trust 赢得某人的尊敬/信任
(2)efficiency gains 效率提高
Mary gained valuable experience by working in the top company.
①He fought bravely in many battles and ________ (gain) their respect.
②The experience ________(gain) by working on the campus or magazine is valuable.
③Students should take an active part in social activities where they can ________________(获得经验) for growth.
gain experience
acquire/gain competence 获得能力
general competence 综合能力
beyond/within competence 在权限范围外/内
competence in doing sth. 做某事的能力
competent adj.有能力的;称职的
be competent at sth.能做某事
be competent to do sth.有能力做某事
Susan boosted her professional competence by studying online.
①Being convinced of his own ________ (competent) is an important factor in his success.
②We have no doubt about his competence ______teaching.
envoy [ env ] n. 使者;使节;(谈判等的)代表
cooperate vt.合作;协作;配合
cooperation n. 合作
cooperate in sth. 在某事上给予合作
cooperate with (sb.) 与(某人)协作/合作
in cooperation with 与……合作
All people cooperated in the development of our country.
①He has said he will cooperate fully ______the police in enquiries.
②The two companies are cooperating ______the development ______ a new engine.
③________ the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man.
angle [ gl] n. 角; 角度;立场
outlook [ a tl k] n. 前景;可能性:观点
belt [belt] n. 腰带;地带
initiative [ n t v] n. 倡议; 新方案
sincerely adj.真诚地;诚实地
(1)be sincerely thankful for your help 由衷地感谢你的帮助
sincerely hope 衷心地希望
(2)sincere gratitude 衷心的感谢
a sincere apology 诚恳的道歉
a sincere friend 一个真诚的朋友
①I ________ (sincere) wish you a pleasant trip back to your country.
②I ________ (sincere) hope that you will be successful next time.
③He was my ________ (sincerely) friend.
④She is decent ________ (sincerely)(正派诚实).
budget n.预算 v.制订预算;制订开支计划
(1) the education/health/defence budget
a monthly/an annual/a family budget
a tight budget 预算很紧
budget cuts 预算削减
We decorated the house on a tight budget.
①The work was finished on time and ________ budget.
②If the TV play is ________budget, will it be abandoned
About three years ago, the program was __________ less than $100,000.
on a budget of
side with ... 站在…一边 (动词短语)
logical [ l d kl] adj. 符合逻辑的; 合乎情理的
as far as I know 就我所知道的
as far as I’m concerned 就我而言;依我看来
the Belt and Road Initiative“ 带一路” 倡议
in summary 总的来说;总之
generally speaking 一般说来
outcome [ a tk m] n. 结果;效果
Rome [r m]
n. 罗马(意大利首都);(史)罗马城;罗马帝国
Aisha [a i ] 艾莎
the Belt and Road Initiative“ 带一路” 倡议