

名称 2023届高三12月英语湖湘名校联考评讲课件(含原卷PDF+听力音频)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-08 08:58:30


1-5 CACAB 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 CCBAB
16-20 BCABA 21-23 BCD 24-27 ACAB
28-31 DDBC 32-35 ADCB 36-40 GAFEC
41-45 CBDAB 46-50 BDACC 51-55 DDBCA
56. beyond/outside 57. what 58. a
59. takes 60. to be eaten 61. being
62. that 63. solely 64. Where
65. left
Text 8
W: No problem. I see you’re studying history. Are you taking Mr. Fallon’s class I was in his European history class last year.
M: That’s our teacher, but we’re studying African history. It’s quite interesting.
W: I didn’t know he was teaching that. I’ll have to see if I can sign up for it next semester before I graduate. I would love to go into college with a good knowledge of African history.
Text 9
W: Got it. And the last part, it asks you to list everything
you’ve carrying from this list. Just tick “yes” or “no” for each item.
M: Oh, no! It says I have to declare fruit. I’ve got tons of fruit in my checked bag.
W: Well, just tick “yes”. If you aren’t allowed to bring it into the country, they’ll just take it from you.
Text 10
After the village closes, you can even stay for a special show in the evening.
1. lunar calendar 阴历 (para.1, L1)
2. solar term 节气 (para.1, L1)
3. spell n. 一段时间;咒语;魅力v. 拼写;招致;顶替(para.2, L3)
4. equinox [ ekw n ks] 春分、秋分 (the third subtitle)
5. defreeze v. v. 解冻;溶化(para. 2, L2)
6. meteorological adj. 气象学的 (para. 3, L3)
7. inadvisable adj. 不明智;不可取 (T21, B)
1. the upper reaches 上游地区 (para.2, L3)
2. steep adj. 陡的;陡峭的;突然的;急剧的;大起大落的;
过高的;过分的;不合理的 (para.3, L3)
3. eliminate v. [ l m ne t] 排除;清除;消除;
(last para., L2)
4. a wake-up call 警钟、警示 (T26, A)
alarm o’clock 闹钟
1. justify v. 证明正当;证明…正确(或正当、有理);
使每行排齐;使齐行 (para.1, L4)
(para.3,last sentence) We justify our choice after the fact.
2. intuitive adj. [ n tju t v] 凭直觉的;直觉的;
有直觉力的;易懂的;使用简便的 (para.1, L4)
intuition n. 直觉
3. infant n. 婴儿(para.2, L2)
difficult sentence 1:
(Para. 1) Though researchers have long known that adults build
unconscious preferences over a lifetime of making choices
between things that are essentially the same, the new finding
that even babies engage in this phenomenon demonstrates
that this way of justifying choice is intuitive and somehow
fundamental to the human experience.
difficult sentence 2:
(Para. 4, L3-4)
So they turned to babies, who don’t get many choices so, as
Feigenson puts it, are “ a perfect window into the origin of
this tendency.”
4. thoughtfully adv. 深思熟虑地; 若有所思地;
沉思地;意味深长(T28, B)
5. novel adj. 新颖的;与众不同的;珍奇的 (T30, A)
1. narcissism n. [ nɑ s s z m]
自恋;自我陶醉;自赏(尤指对自己的容貌)(para.1, L3)
2. narcissist n. 自恋(癖)者 (para.3, L2)
3. coherent adj.
连贯的;合乎逻辑的;有条理的;清楚易懂的; (para.1, L1)
4. contradictory adj.
(相互)矛盾的;对立的;不一致的 (para.1, L2)
5. in point
切入点;恰当的;相关的;入点;适用的 (para.1, L2)
6. strength-based adj.
基于优势的 (para.1, L3)
7. self-assurance n. 自信 (para.4, L4)
8. overstate v. 夸大,对…言过其实(T32, A)
9. neutral adj. 中立的(T34, B)
Para. 1
Psychological science is full of interesting topics, many of which
tell a coherent picture of human nature, but some of which
create seeemingly contradictory stories. A case in point is the
misunderstanding overlap between strength-based science and
research on narcissism.
Para. 3
We are correct to be concerned about this phenomenon, but
our fear that all kids are potential narcissists has caused an
unhelpful counter-reaction to approach that seek to make our
children and teens feel good about themselves.
last para.
It’s easy to conclude that every young person is at risk of
becoming a narcisist but I’d like to stand up for the thousands
of young kids I have worked with who are caring, thoughtful
and humble--- even when they use their strengths.
T32: Para. 3 + last para.
Para. 4
In my own research on strength-based parenting, it is common
for people to wrongly think this approach to be the cause of
T34: Para. 4 + last para.
1. tone your body 强健体魄 (tone v.使…强健)(para.1, L4)
2. joint n. 关节/adj.联合的,共同的 (para.1, L4)
3. immune system 免疫系统 (para.1, L6)
4. fight off infection抵抗感染 (para.1, L6)
5. ups and downs 起伏,沉浮 (para.3, L5)
6. triumph and tragedy 喜悦与悲剧 (para.3, L5)
7. setback 挫折,倒退 (para.3, L7)
8. fairground 露天市场 (para.4, L1)
9. lace up your shoes 系紧鞋带 (选项C)
10. involve in 使参与,涉及 (选项G)
11. terrific 极好的 (para.2, L2)
12. coordination n. 协调 (para.2, L3)
13. temptation n. 引诱 (para.3, L4)
1. protest v. 抗议 (T41, B)
2. bargain v.讨价还价/n.便宜货 (T41,D)
3. carefree adj.无忧无虑的 (T44,B)
4. stare at 盯着看 (T46,A)
5. light (lit) up 变得喜悦;兴奋起来 (T46,B)
6. glare down 怒目而视 (T46,C)
7. mist over 眼睛因充满泪水而变得模糊不清 (T46,D)
8. decline v. 拒绝;下降 (T51,C)
9. crucial adj. 至关重要的 (T53,C)
10. anticipate v.预期 (T54,B)
1)Nobody knowing where she was, we had to go back home. (原因)
2)The woman staring at him, he didn’t know what to say. (时间)
3)Weather permitting, they will go sailing tomorrow. (条件)
4)Kate looked at her sick father, tears pouring down her face. (伴随)
应用文 参考范文
My parents are the ones loving me most in the world, who care about the details of my life. In a word, I credit all that I have to my dear parents.
In return for their devotion, I am willing to do whatever makes them feel loved. Being admitted into my dream university is on the top of the list. Furthermore, I will do my little bit, such as doing some housework and taking more time to keep them company. It is through small events that importance is attached to forming a family full of love.
I am confident that, through my efforts, I can make them happier and even prouder of me one day.
Joe and I had been looking forward to our retirement, However, when he suffered a heart attack last spring, he was forced to leave his job as a truck driver earlier than we had planned. As the medical bills increased, we realized I would have to continue working full-time while Joe stayed home and took over the housework.
This new arrangement was a disaster. One night, when I dragged myself to bed, I was horrified to discover Joe had turned our white sheets blue. He told me he had found out how to save on water, soap and electricity. He patted his blue trousers and announced proudly washing everything together was the secret.
When I awoke to the deafening rain the next morning, all I wanted was a hot homecooked meal. However, what greeted me at the table was a microwave package. I knew my husband had his faults , but I thought he at least knew how to cook! I knew if l didn't leave the house soon I would lose my temper with him, As the heavy rain thundered down outside. Joe offered to drive me to work, I ignored him as I struggled into my jacket and seized my bag with my teaching plans inside
He insisted that he would take me and reached for his boots, I looked at the piles of newspapers and the dirty dishes still on the table. “Don't you have enough to do I can take care of myself,” I stormed out, not even kissing him goodbye. Joe shouted after me not to take the shortcut(捷径).
Ten minutes later, I ignored Joe's warning and turned off the main route to take the shortcut, I thought it hadn't rained enough to flood the road, but as I rounded the corner. water rushed across my path. After a few feet, the car got stuck. I opened the door and water poured in, I hurriedly closed the door, I couldn't risk walking in this, Almost 20 minutes passed, The car began to shake. I got the fright of my life when I heard three long honks(叭声)
读后续写 参考例文
Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a familiar truck. I realized that Joe had come to rescue me. My heart danced with joy when I heard Joe’s voice. Following his instructions, I climbed out of the sunroof. When I got out, I found that Joe had turned the truck round for me to get on. Joe drove to higher ground. He rapidly got out of the vehicle and helped me into the passenger’s seat. When I thought about how I had treated him earlier, my eyes watered on our way back home.
After getting back to our warm home, Joe held my hand tight. He was wet all over, but wrapped a blanket around me first. In a whispering voice, he admitted it was his fault for not doing the housework properly. It didn’t make me angry anymore when I thought of Joe’s heroic rescue. I also realized that our current life was new to both of us. We had to allow each other the time to get used to it. With this thought, I opened my arms to Joe and said, “Darling, I forgive you.”
Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a familiar truck. It was Joe’s truck. Ashamed and nervous, I asked Joe for help. The rain hit hard and heavily. Joe shouted, “ Stay there. Don’t move.” A wave of warmth flooded over my body although it was very cold outside. So brave was Joe that he wore his rain coat and carried mine, swinging himself out of the truck and hurrying towards me. With his effort, he helped me open the car window, through which I crawled out of my car. I was frozen with fear as well as cold. Before I could react, Joe had already dressed me in the rain coat,dragged me into his truck and set me on the passenger’s seat.
After getting back to our warm home, Joe held my hand tight. I lowered my head. I ignored his warmth and strengths so that I was always unsatisfied with him. He asked me to take a hot shower. When I finished, I saw he was busy with our housework clumsily. “I’m sorry. Neither should I take the shortcut nor should I be angry with you this morning.” I apologized. “No. It is I that should say sorry. I always mess things up.”He responded. Seeing each other’s embarrassed look, both of us laughed. It was not awkward but full of understanding and love. We breathed a sigh of relief. Not until then did I realize that we weren’t perfect, but tolerance and understanding could make us better. So cherish the person beside you , love him/her and be patient with each other!姓名
1.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Wash the vegetables.B.Greet the guests.
C.Cut more vegetables.
2.What is the relationship between the speakers
B.Teacher and student.
C.Librarian and student.
3.What does the man probably want the woman to do
A.Volunteer with his organization.
B.Help him with some research.
C.Give some money to a cause.
4.What are the speakers mainly discussing
A.How often to take a car to the shop.
B.How to drive a car safely.
C.When to buy a car.
5.What will the man do tomorrow
A.Go out with Molly.B.Go on a business lunch.C.Go to an auto show.
6.What has the man been doing recently
A.Playing the violin.
B.Studying for a degree.
C.Working on his second book.
7.What does the woman do
A.She's a doctor.
B.She's a writer.
C.She's a teacher.
8.How is the man probably feeling recently