人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Review Lesson 复习课件(50张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Review Lesson 复习课件(50张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-08 11:58:04



Review LessonUnit 2 Bridging culturesUnit 2 Review Lesson01 Words and expressionsUnit 2 Review Lessonrecall doing sth 回想起做某事recall+从句recall+疑问词+to do 回忆起……recall sb/sth from 从……召回I can’t recall who gave me the information.我忘记了谁给我的这个信息。Unit 2 Review Lesson1. qualification n. 资格;学历 qualify v. 使具备资格使合格 qualified adj. 具有…的资格/学历have (no) qualification for sth. 有/没有某事的资格have (no) qualification to do sth. 有/没有做某事的资格qualify as… 获得…的资格 qualify sb for… 使某人能胜任…qualify sb to do sth. 使某人有资格做… be qualified for 具备…的资历be qualified to do sth. 有资格做某事Unit 2 Review Lesson2. ambition n. 追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负ambitious adj. 有野心的;有雄心 be ambitiousfor… 对…有野心 be ambitious to do sth. 渴望做某事Unit 2 Review Lesson3. adaptation n. 适应;改编本 adaptation to… 对…的适应 adapt v. 适应;改造;改编adapt … for… 改造…以供…使用 adapt oneself to… 使适应be adapted from… 改编成…adaptable adj. 能适应的Unit 2 Review fort n. 安慰;令人感到安慰的的人或事物;舒服;安逸/v. 安慰;抚慰discomfort n. 不适/v.使不舒服comfortable adj. 使人舒服的 uncomfortable adj. 令人不舒服的;不自在的comfortably adv. 舒服地;安逸地 uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地;令人不安地Unit 2 Review Lesson5. participation n. 参加;参与 participate v. 参加;参与participate in 参加;参与 participant n. 参加者;参与者Unit 2 Review Lesson6. presentation n. 报告;陈述;出示;拿出givea presentation 做报告;声明 presenter n. 节目主持人present adj. 当前的;出席/n. 礼物 be present at… 出席…present v. 授予;颁发;提交;陈述 present sth. to sb 向某人提交/陈述某物present sb with sth.= present sth. to sb 把某物授予/赠给某人Unit 2 Review Lesson7. engage v. 参加;参与;吸引engagement n. 订婚;约会;预约engaged adj. 忙于;从事于;已订婚 engage in 从事;参与engage sb as 聘请某人为… engage sb to do sth. 聘请某人做某事be engaged in/on …忙于… be engaged to sb 与某人已订婚Unit 2 Review Lesson8. involve v.包含;需要;涉及;影响;参加involvement n. 参与;投入 involved adj. 有关联;耗费很多时间;关注get involved in… 参与;卷入;与…有关联involve sb/oneself in (doing) sth. 使某人(自己)参与某事be/get involved in… 参与…;与…有关联 be involved with/in… 专注于…involve sb doing sth. 需要某人做某事Unit 2 Review Lesson9. motivated adj. 积极的;主动的motivation n. 动力;积极性;动机motivate v. 成为…的动机;激发;激励 motivate sb to do sth. 激励某人做某事motivation for doing sth. 做某事的动机Unit 2 Review Lesson10. expectation n. 期待;期望;预期expect v. 期待;预料 expected adj. 预料的;预期的 unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的unexpectedly adv. 出乎意料地;始料不及地 expectation for… 对…的期望withexpectation 怀着希望 beyond expectation 出乎意料expect to do sth. 期待做某事 expect sb to do sth. 期待某人做某事Unit 2 Review Lesson11. applicant n. 申请人apply v. 申请;应用 apply…to… 把…应用于…apply…for… 申请… application n. 申请;应用Unit 2 Review Lesson12. exposure n. 接触;体验;暴露;揭露expose v. 使接触;使体验;显露;使暴露于expose sb to sth. 使某人接触… sb be exposed to… 某人被接触(1)expose...to...暴露….…给......;使….…接触.....expose oneselfto...使自己面临……;使自己暴露于...….(2)be exposed to 遭受到;(使)接触到Unit 2 Review Lesson13. grasp v. 理解;领会;抓紧beyond one’s grasp 无法理解/掌握 have a good grasp of…很好地掌握…Unit 2 Review Lesson14. surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物 surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 surround v. 包围;环绕 be surrounded by/with… 被…围绕Unit 2 Review Lesson15. depressed adj. 沮丧的;意志消沉的depress v. 使沮丧;使忧愁depressing adj. 令人沮丧的 depression n. 抑郁;不景气Unit 2 Review Lesson16. strengthen v. 加强;增强;巩固strength n. 体力;力气;优势with all one’s strength 用尽全力 strong adj. 强壮的Unit 2 Review Lesson17. deny v. 否认;否定;拒绝deny doing sth. 否认做某事There is no denying that…不可否认/毋庸置疑…deny sb sth.= deny sth. to sb 拒绝给某人某物Unit 2 Review Lesson18. gain v. 获得;赢得;取得;增加/n. 好处;增加 gain from/by… 从…中受益Unit 2 Review Lesson19. optimistic adj. 乐观的be optimistic about… 对…乐观optimistically adv. 乐观地optimism n. 乐观主义 optimist n. 乐观主义者 pessimistic adj. 悲观的 pessimistically adv. 悲观地pessimism n. 悲观主义 pessimist n. 悲观主义者Unit 2 Review Lesson20. side with 支持;站在…的一边side effect 副作用side by side 并排;并肩地 take sides 表明立场be on sb’s side 站在某人一边;和某人观点一致Unit 2 Review Lesson02重点短语Unit 2 Review Lesson1.请说出与recall有关的短语________据我回忆_________从某处召回_________把……召回某处;使……想起__________无法回忆;记不起来1.as I recall4. beyond recall3. recall...to...2. recall fromUnit 2 Review Lesson2.请说出与adaptation/adapt 有关的短语___________适应……__________适应……;适合……___________使自己适应……___________把……改编成……___________由……改编……5.adapt sth. from...4. adapt sth. for...3. adapt oneself to...2.adapt to1. make an adaptation toUnit 2 Review Lesson3.请说出与comfort 有关的短语___________对某人来说是个安慰___________舒适地___________用某物安慰某人1. be a comfort to sb.3. comfort sb.with sth.2. in comfortUnit 2 Review Lesson4.请说出与participate有关的短语______________与某人分担某事;同某人参与某事_____________参加(做)某事1.participate with sb.in sth.2.participate in (doing) sth.Unit 2 Review Lesson5.请说出与present 有关的短语_________________目前;现在____________目前;暂时___________出席______________授予/赠送某人某物;把某物交给某人4.present sth.to sth.3.be present at2.for the present1.at the present time (=at present)Unit 2 Review Lesson6.请说出与speak有关的短语________大声点说;明确表态______________和某人交谈某事_________谈及___________说……的好/坏话;对……高度赞扬/评价不高___________代表……说话;充当……的代言/5.speak for4.speak well/badly3. speak of2. speak to/with sb.about sth.1.speak upUnit 2 Review Lesson7.请说出与engage有关的短语___________雇佣某人做某事__________(使)从事;参与____________与某人订婚1.engage sb.to do sth.2. engage in3. be engaged to sb.Unit 2 Review Lesson8.请说出与 involve有关的短语____________参加……____________参与;卷入;与……有关联2. be/get involved in1. involve oneself in sth.Unit 2 Review Lesson9.请说出与expectation/expect有关的短语__________________不负某人所望_______________出乎(某人)意料地_______________期待(某人)做……________________期待得到某人的某物1. meet/acome to/live up to one’s expectations2. beyond (one’s) expectations3.expect (sb.) to do/that...4.expect sth.of/from sb.Unit 2 Review Lesson10.请说出与apply/application有关的短语___________向某人申请得到某物__________适用于某人/某物___________专注于(做)某事;集中精力于(做)某事_____________填写申请表4. fill in/out an application3. apply oneself to (doing) sth.2.apply to sb./sth.1. apply to sb.for sth.Unit 2 Review Lesson11.请说出与end有关的短语__________最终会做某事;以做某事告终____________在……中结束;最后处于;最终成为___________以……结束3. end with1. end up doing2.end up in/as/adj.Unit 2 Review Lesson12.请说出与expose有关的短语____________使……暴露于……;使……体验……______________暴露于;接触1.expose...to...2.be exposed toUnit 2 Review Lesson13.请说出与behave有关的短语____________守规矩/举止得体______________ adj.表现好的_______________adj.表现差的1.behave oneself/well2.well-behaved3. badly-behavedUnit 2 Review Lesson14.请说出与surround有关的短语_______________以……包围……____________被……包围2. be surrounded by/with...1. surround...with/by...Unit 2 Review Lesson15.请说出与deny有关的短语_______________否定;否认(做过)某事_______________不可否认……__________________拒绝给予1. deny (doing) sth./that...2.There is no denying that...3.deny sb.sth.=deny sth...to sb.Unit 2 Review Lesson16.请说出与optimistic有关的短语_______________对……乐观be optimistic aboutUnit 2 Review Lesson03课文重点搭配英译汉——汉译英Unit 2 Review Lesson1. 文化冲击 2. comfort zone3. 参与;忙于4. feel at home5. 参与 6.as far as I know7. get involved in8. side with9. 总之1. cultural shock文化冲击2. comfort zone舒适区3. participate in参与;忙于4. feel at home感觉放松5. engage in参与6.as far as I know据我所知7. get involved in参与8. side with支持…9. in summary总之1. cultural shock文化冲击 2. comfort zone舒适区3. participate in参与;忙于4. feel at home感觉放松 5. engage in 参与 6.as far as I know据我所知 7. get involved in参与8. side with支持…9. in summary 总之Unit 2 Review Lesson19. how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for20. ask passers-by for help21.一个寄宿家庭22. help with her adaptation to the new culture23.渴望了解中国。24. be keen on learningabout China25. 轮流做饭26. cite ideas27. 形成明智的观点28. generate ideas19. how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for如何问我不知道英文名称的东西20. ask passers-by for help向路人求助21. a host family一个寄宿家庭22. help with her adaptation to the new culture帮助她适应新文化23. be keen to learn about China.渴望了解中国。24. be keen on learning about China热衷于了解中国25. take turns to cook轮流做饭26. cite ideas引用的想法27. form a wise opinion形成明智的观点28. generate ideas产生好的想法的时候19. how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for如何问我不知道英文名称的东西20. ask passers-by for help向路人求助21. a host family一个寄宿家庭22. help with her adaptation to the new culture帮助她适应新文化23. be keen to learn about China.渴望了解中国。24. be keen on learning about China热衷于了解中国25. take turns to cook轮流做饭26. cite ideas引用的想法27. form a wise opinion形成明智的观点28. generate ideas产生好的想法的时候Unit 2 Review Lesson29. raise questions30. give a presentation on31. 在课堂上大声发言32.提升一个人的信心33. feel much more at home34.参与英国文化35. be involved in social activities36. be fascinated by37. 渴望做某事38. act as a cultural messenger29. raise questions提出问题30. give a presentation on做一个关于31. speak up in class在课堂上大声发言32. boost one’s confidence提升一个人的信心33. feel much more at home感觉更自在34. engage in British culture参与英国文化35. be involved in social activities参与社会活动36. be fascinated by被迷住了37. be eager to do sth渴望做某事38. act as a cultural messenger充当文化使者Unit 2 Review Lesson39.出国留学的人数急剧增加40. to begin with41. 另一个需要考虑的重要因素是……42. a final point to consider is that……;43. 总结44. face great economic pressure45. 学费和生活费46. end up costing most familiesan arm and a leg47. 遭受文化冲击Unit 2 Review Lesson39. a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad出国留学的人数急剧增加40. to begin with一开始41. another important factor to consider is……;另一个需要考虑的重要因素是……42. a final point to consider is that……;最后要考虑的一点是……;43. to sum up总结44. face great economic pressure面临巨大的经济压力45. tuition fees and living expenses学费和生活费46. end up costing most families an arm and a leg这会让大多数家庭付出惨重的代价47. suffer from culture shock遭受文化冲击48. 不够成熟,不能独自应对挑战49. encounter problems with personal safety50. 现在有很多好大学51. contribute to the country52.进一步加强我们的国家53. one cannot deny the fact that……54. 总而言之55. build character56. 构建人类命运共同体57. life-changing experience48. be not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves不够成熟,不能独自应对挑战49. encounter problems with personal safety遇到人身安全问题50. with many great universities now available现在有很多好大学51. contribute to the country对国家的贡献52. further strengthen our country进一步加强我们的国家53. one cannot deny the fact that……一个人不能否认……这一事实54. all in all总而言之55. build character建立角色56. build a shared future for all构建人类命运共同体57. life-changing experience改变人生的经验Unit 2 Review Lesson04重点句式Unit 2 Review Lesson1.translate:这是她第一次离开中国。【句式剖析】句中It/This/That is/wasthe+first/second/... time (that) sb have/has/had done sth 表示“”。当主句用一般现在时时,that 从句中的谓语用;当主句用一般过去时时,that 从句中的谓语用过去完成时,并且在口语中 that省略。【句式拓展】到了(某人)做某事的时候了到了某人做某事的时候了这/那是某人第几次做某事现在完成时可以It is time (for sb) to do sth...It is (high) time that sb did/should do sthIt was the first time that she had left China.Unit 2 Review Lesson2.The first time that she had to write an essay,her tutor explained that she must acknowledge whatother people had said ifshe cited their ideas,but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought!翻译:【句式剖析】本句的主干是“主谓宾”结构:。句首的 The first time that...是从句,其中 that 引导的从句修饰 time。主句谓语动词 explained 后面是两个that 引导的定语从句。在第一个宾语从句中有一个引导的宾语从句和一个if引导的从句:在第二个宾语从句中,作动词不定式 to know 的宾语。the first time“第一次....….”引导时间状语从句。【句式拓展】有类似用法的词语还有:每次......时nexttime 下次.....时the lasttime 上次......时她第一次写论文时,导师跟她解释说,如果引用别人的观点就一定要注明,不过导师主要想知道她是怎么想的!her tutor explained that...时间状语定语what条件状语what she thoughteach/every timeUnit 2 Review Lesson3. translate:然而,他爱中国的最大原因是他喜欢和中国人在一起。【句式剖析】本句是“主系表”结构。主语是,why 引导的是从句,修饰reason;that 引导的句子作。The reason why..is that...可看作固定句式,意为“”The biggest reason定语连系动词 is 的表语....的原因是….….The biggestreason whyhelovesChina,however,is that he enjoys being with Chinese people.Unit 2 Review Lesson