人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Poems Words and expressions 课件(13张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Poems Words and expressions 课件(13张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 629.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-12 20:31:29



From star: hit the books
Unit 5 Poems
Words and expressions
From star: hit the books
1. drama n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术 dramatic adj. dramatically. adv
a dramatic change/improvement 巨大的变化/改进
a dramatic victory 激动人心的胜利
a drama critic 戏剧评论家
2. sorrow n.悲伤;伤心事vi.感到悲伤 sorrowful\sorrowfully
to one’s sorrow 令人难过的事 drown one’s sorrow借酒浇愁
joys and sorrows of life 人生的悲欢
3. imagery n.形象的描述;意象;像 image n.形象;图像
imagine vt. 想象;猜想 imagination n.想象; 幻想;想象中的事物
4. literary adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
literature n. 文学 literate adj. 有文化的 literally adv. 字面上
5. rhyme n.押韵词;押韵的短诗vi.& vt. (使)押韵
6. rhythm n.节奏;韵律;规律
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7. nursery adj.幼儿教育的 n.托儿所;保育室
a nursery teacher 幼儿教师
8. nursery rhyme童谣;儿歌
9. folk adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的
folk art\music\culture\story 民间艺术\民俗音乐\文化\故事
Folks differ in their tastes. 人各有所好。
10. mockingbird n.嘲鸫(美洲鸣禽,能模仿别种鸟的鸣叫)
11. diamond n.钻石;金刚石;菱形
The lights shone like diamonds. 灯光像钻石一样闪闪发亮
12. brass n.黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器
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13. billygoat n.公山羊
14. bull n.公牛
15. recite vt.背诵;吟诵;列举recitation n. 背诵,详述
Where did you learn to recite like that
16. bee n.蜜蜂 as busy as a bee 忙得不可开交
17. dewdrop n.露珠;水珠 Life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf.
18. dawn n.黎明;开端v. 开始 from dawn to dusk 从早到晚
the dawn of civilization/time/history 文明╱时代╱历史的开端
The following morning dawned bright and warm.
19. clover n.三叶草
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20. butterflies 蝴蝶 have butterflies 紧张;心慌
21. lawn n.草坪;草地 keep off the lawn 勿踏草丛
22. amateur n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的
an amateur photographer 业余摄影爱好者
This work was done by a bunch of amateurs!
23. cinquain n.五行诗
24. be made up of 由……组成(构成)
be made up of…=consist of=be composed of
25. mood n.情绪;心情;语气
in a good\bad mood好心情\坏心情 be in no mood for sth.
I am not in the mood to talk about it now. 我没心情谈论这事
From star: hit the books
26. tease vi. & vt. 取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄 n. 玩笑
I used to get teased about my name.
27. haiku n.俳句
28. syllable n.音节
29. format n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式 vt. 格式化
They've brought out the magazine in a new format.
30. respectively adv.分别;各自;依次为
aged 17 and 19 respectively 年龄分别为17和19
31. respective adj.分别的;各自的 respected 受人尊敬的
A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect .
From star: hit the books
32. blossom n.花朵;花簇
33. delicate adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的;清淡的;微妙的
a delicate child/constitution 纤弱的孩子╱体质
a delicate problem 微妙的问题a delicate fragrance 清新的芳香
the delicate mechanisms of a clock 钟的精密机件
34. await vt.等候;期待;将发生在
A warm welcome awaits all our guests.
35. revolve vi.旋转;环绕;转动
The fan revolved slowly. 电扇缓慢地转动着。
36. utter vt. 出声;说;讲 adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的utterly
to utter a cry 发出喊叫声
He felt an utter fool. 他觉得自己蠢到家了
From star: hit the books
prehension n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
comprehend v. 理解 comprehensive adj. 有理解力的
reading comprehension 阅读理解
beyond comprehension不可理解的
39. shelf n. (pl. shelves) 架子;搁板
supermarket/library shelves 超市的货架;图书馆的书架
shelf life 保存期 the continental shelf 大陆架
40. core n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
the core curriculum 核心课程the core of the argument 争论的核心
41. cherry n.櫻桃;櫻桃树;櫻桃色 adj.櫻桃色的;鲜红色的
42. cherry blossom 櫻花
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43. blank adj.空白的;没表情的 ;无韵律 n.空白;空格blankly
a blank refusal/denial 断然拒绝╱否认 blank verse 无韵诗
a blank in one’s memory 记忆中的空白 go blank 空白
44. verse n.诗;韵文;诗节
45. civilian n.平民;老百姓 adj. 民间的,平民的
soldiers and civilians 士兵和平民
civilian clothes 便服a civilian life平民生活
46. prose n.散文
47. sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
be sympathetic to sb. /sth. 同情某人/物; 赞同/支持某人/某事
48. sympathy n.同情;赞同 show sympathy for对某人感到同情 /
have no sympathy for sb. 对某人没有同情心
in\out of sympathy with sb. 支持\不支持某人
From star: hit the books
49. version n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法
the latest version 最新版本 the luxury version 豪华型
50. innocence n.天真;单纯;无罪
Children lose their innocence as they grow older.
51. innocent adj. 天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的
an innocent face 一张天真无邪的脸
He is innocent of the crime. 他没有犯罪。
52. era n.时代;年代;纪元
the Victorian/modern/post-war era 维多利亚╱当今╱战后时代
53. correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系
54. correspond vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信corresponding adj.
correspond to\with 相一致;相符合
From star: hit the books
55. sow vt. & vi.( sowed, sown /sowed ) 播种;种
As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
56. seed n.种子;起源;萌芽
sow\plant the seeds of 播…的种子
57. dominant adj.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的dominance n.
Total independence is a dominant thing in our culture.
58. sonnet n.十四行诗
59. deadline n.最后期限;截止日期
meet\set\miss\extend a deadline 赶上截止期\设定最后期限
From star: hit the books
60. contest n.比赛;竞赛;竞争 vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩
enter/win/lose a contest 参加╱赢得竞赛;竞赛失败
a talent contest 新秀大奖赛
61. polish vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮polished adj.
furniture/floor/shoe polish 家具上光漆;地板蜡;鞋油
62. string n.细绳;一串vt.( strung / strung )悬挂;系 adj.弦乐器的
a piece/length of string一根/一段细绳
a string of…一串……;接二连三的
string A on B 把A系/挂在B上
63. wherever conj.在任何地方;在所有……的情况下 adv.(用于问
Sit wherever you like. 你爱坐在哪儿就坐哪儿
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64. barren adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的
65. grief n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 die of grief 忧伤而死
They were able to share their common joys and griefs.
plicated adj.复杂的;难懂的 complicate v. 使更复杂
a complicated system 复杂的系统
67. variation n.变化;变体;变奏曲vary\variety\various
regional\seasonal variation 地区性\季节性变化
68. racial adj.种族的;人种的
racial prejudice\discrimination 种族歧视\偏见
69. prejudice n.偏见;成见 vt.使怀有偏见prejudiced adj.
be free from prejudice 毫无偏见