人教版(2019)必修第二册UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE学案(2份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE学案(2份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-14 12:57:06


  Cultural heritage includes material cultural heritage and non-material cultural heritage.Material heritage refers to ancient ruins,ancient tombs,and ancient cultural structures,caves,temples,stone carvings,etc.Our heritage is everything we have that has been created and looked after by our ancestors.
Which cultural heritage below do you prefer Can you say why
Can you add more cultural heritage you like
The Forbidden City                           
Part 1 Listening and Speaking~Discovering Useful Structures
答案:1.balance 2.preserve 3.solutions 4.citizens 5.committee 6.contributions 7.environmentalists 8.rescued 9.success 10.future 11.alive 12.community
1.◆promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级 (教材第3页)
Technological innovations,combined with good marketing,will promote the sales of these products.(2020年江苏卷)
The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.
①The      (promote) marked a turning point in her career.
②After so many years’ hard work in the company,he got      (promote) finally.
③The project aims to                  (提高人们对……的意识) protecting our cultural heritage.
答案:①promotion ②promoted ③promote people’s awareness of
2.Would you like to take part in a project like this (教材第3页)
◆take part in参加
The students in our school take an active part in various school activities.
Last weekend,we took part in a picking activity.We drove from the school,and the farm was about 2 kilometers away from our school.(2020年全国Ⅱ卷,书面表达)
①The activity is so interesting that we all want to           (参加).
②But Sarah,who has            (参加) shows along with top models,wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.
③The little boy was praised for his              (积极参与) the activity to protect the local cultural relics.
答案:①take part ②taken part in ③taking an active part in
3.Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.(教材第4页)
◆balance n.平衡;均匀
Only in this way can we balance study and pleasure.
An A-team may require a balance—not just A players,but a few generous B players as well.(2019年北京卷,七选五)
①You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside      the disadvantages.
②It is of great importance to have a      (balance) diet.
③He              (失去平衡) and fell to the ground.
答案:①against ②balanced ③lost his balance
4.Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.(教材第4页)
◆lead to 导致
Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace.(2020年全国Ⅱ卷,七选五)
In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut have reported increases in bear sightings around human settlements,leading to a belief that populations are increasing.(2019年全国Ⅰ卷,语法填空)
lead to中to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。
With him leading the way,we got there without any difficulty.But for him,we would have been lost,which would lead to serious consequences.His action led us to believe that he was our true friend.
①His carelessness          (导致)his failure in the exam.
②As we all know,all roads          (通向) Rome.
③We are                  (过着更幸福的生活)than ever before.
答案:①led to ②lead to ③leading a happier life
5.But the proposal led to protests.(教材第4页)
◆proposal n.提议;建议
Many students made a proposal that a new school library should be built.
His proposal that the system should be changed was accepted.
propose与proposal后接名词性从句,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should do, should可以省略。
①A      (propose) was put forward at the meeting that a new hospital should be built.
②Our Chinese teacher proposed our      (read) widely.
③We are all for your proposal that the project to rebuild the old temple      (stop), because we love what it used to be.
答案:①proposal ②reading ③(should)be stopped
6.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.(教材第4页)
◆likely adj.可能的
Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead.(2019年全国Ⅰ卷,七选五)
Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running,research shows,while most likely contributing to fewer injuries.It does,however,have its own problem.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解C)
likely Sth/Sb be likely to do sth(主语是人或物)某人/某物很可能做某事 It is likely that...很可能……
possible It is possible that...可能…… It is possible (for sb) to do sth某人可能做某事
probable It is probable that...可能……
②He is likely      (deliver) a speech to local people on how to preserve the local cultural heritage.
答案:①Mary is likely to be late because she got up late./It is likely that Mary will be late because she got up late./It is possible that Mary will be late because she got up late.
②to deliver
7.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.(教材第4页)
◆turn to 向……求助
He turned to the forest department for help but was told that nothing would grow there.(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷,完形填空)
When I was in trouble,I would always turn to my friends for help.
①He promised to come but didn’t turn     .
②I had to turn      the dictionary for help.
③He was disappointed to find the proposal he put forward turned      a second time.
答案:①up ②to ③down
8.A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.(教材第4页)
(1)limit n.限度;限制
Tom’s living expenses at the college are limited to 400 yuan every month.
There is no limit to knowledge.
①In my opinion,you had better          (对……限定)the expense of your trip.
②As a matter of fact,there is no limit      what one person can tolerate.
③The local people have been limited to     (pay) a visit to the old temple four times per month.
答案:①set a limit to ②to ③paying
(2)prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
It prevents people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters.(2020年天津7月卷,完形填空)
There are many ways to prevent this from happening.
prevent/stop...from doing结构,在主动形式中from可以省略,keep...from doing中from不能省略,但是在被动形式中from都不能省略。
①Air pollution prevents people      seeing things clearly.
②Damage to the old wall can      (prevent),but it needs everyone’s effort.
③He told us firmly that nothing can                  (阻止他实现) his dream of becoming a pilot.
答案:①from ②be prevented ③prevent/ stop/keep him from realizing
9.The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.(教材第4页)
◆contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠
contribute vi.& vt. 捐献;捐助
Positive thinking also contributes to one’s ability to deal with problems and hardships.
It’s about the now and what one contributes to the now,because reading is a give and take between author and reader.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解B)
Many people contributed money to the poor boy,which contributed to his return to school.A writer wrote a story about this and contributed it to a press.
许多人给那个贫穷的男孩捐款, 这使他重返校园。一位作家写了一个关于此事的故事,并向一家出版社投稿。
①Jack has made a great     (contribute) to our company.
②I hope my suggestion will contribute to     (solve) the problem.
③People’s lack of awareness contributes      the loss of some treasured relics.
答案:①contribution ②solving ③to
10.A lot of money was spent to protect the temples.Do you think it was worthwhile (教材第5页)
◆worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
Want to explore new cultures,meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time (2019年北京卷,阅读理解A)
Melissa,his daughter,felt it more than worthwhile to save his music,to which she fell asleep each night when she was young.(2019年江苏卷,阅读理解D)
(2)表示“非常值得……”不用very,应用be well worth doing,要记住。
①It is worthwhile      (send) him abroad for further education.
②The book is worthy of      (study) carefully.
③This idea that we should rebuild the old temple at the foot of the mountain is well worth      (consider).
答案:①to send/sending ②being studied ③considering
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.(教材第4页)
There comes a time when...“……的时刻到来,总有……的时候”。when引导定语从句,修饰先行词a time。同时,该句型也是由there引导的一个倒装句。
There comes a time when you make your way.
There goes the bell.You can take a break.
①               (总有……的时候) you need to make your own decision.
②There comes a time      people know clearly it is important to prevent our cultural relics from being damaged.
答案:①There comes a time when ②when
 Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.(教材第4页)
这是一个由not only...but also...所连接的复合句。not only...but also...表示“不仅……而且……”,既可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语,也可以用来连接两个句子。本句中连接的就是两个句子。第一个句子以短语not only开始,助动词had被提到了主语the countries之前,形成了部分倒装。future后跟that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a path;第二个句子中learnt后跟that引导的宾语从句,从句中it为形式主语,动词不定式to work together作真正的主语,to build a better tomorrow为动词不定式短语作目的状语。
1.◆application n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)(教材第3页)
However,technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in countless ways.(2019天津卷, 阅读理解A)
He was informed that his application had been taken into consideration.
①I do think you should apply yourself to what you are doing now.
②You should apply what you have learnt at school to your daily life.
①His     (apply)for membership of the organization whose aim is to protect the local cultural heritage was rejected.
②My proposal applies only      some of you.
③This method is applied      your study.
答案:①application ②to ③to
2.Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.(教材第4页)
◆donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
Moore wants to use her unique talent to help others find their smiles.She donates 10% of AilieCandy’s profits to Big Smiles. (2019北京卷, 阅读理解B)
摩尔想用她独特的才能来帮助其他人找到他们的微笑。她将AilieCandy 10%的利润捐给了Big Smiles。
The retired worker donated blood to people in need.
①All      (donate) clothes will be sent to the flooded area.
②A      (donate) of ¥200 comes from an unknown person.
③The old man made a      (donate) to an organization which intended to repair the old city walls.
答案:①donated ②donation ③donation
3.Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam (教材第5页)
◆attempt n.&vt. 企图;试图;尝试
I passed my driving test at the first attempt.
Tom has since reported the shocking findings to the government in an attempt to emphasise that babies are at higher risk of developing asthma(哮喘).(2020北京卷,阅读理解B)
I attempted to get in touch with her,but failed.
①They made an attempt      ( climb) Mount Tai,which is the greatest treasure in our hearts.
②He has attempted      (find) a peaceful solution to the conflict.
答案:①to climb ②to find
4.We must protect the temple and make sure that no damage is done.(教材第5页)
◆make sure 确保;设法保证
Make sure that you keep the secret.
They scored another goal and made sure of victory.
①The department is established to make sure      the old dam will be preserved properly.
②You’d better make sure      the exact time of the arriving train.
③He makes sure      (get) nervous and say something stupid.
答案:①that  ②of ③to get
1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.(教材第4页)
2.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.(教材第4页)
3.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.(教材第4页)
4.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.(教材第4页)
5.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.(教材第4页)
This is the book that I bought yesterday.(that指物,在从句中作宾语,可以省略)
The plane is a machine that can fly in the sky.
This is the girl that I met yesterday.(that指人,在从句中作宾语,可省略)
In our school,there are five foreign teachers that come from Australia.(that指人,在从句中作主语,不可省略)
①Can you tell me more about the man      helped me the other day
②The person      I wrote to is his brother.
③Can you show me the photo      was taken in the West Lake
答案:①that ②that ③that
Generation gap is a topic which people are interested in.(which指物,在从句中作宾语,可省略)
The river which runs through the centre of the city has been cleaned.(which 指物,在从句中作主语,不能省略)
①The train      has arrived is from Beijing.
②The exact year      her family spent together in China was 2018.
③The book,      I bought yesterday,is very instructive.
答案:①which ②which ③which
Women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those who don’t.(who指人,在从句中作主语,不能省略)
Mary is the girl who we all like.(who 指人,在从句中作宾语,可以省略)
①As far as I am concerned,success belongs to those      get prepared.
②She has a younger brother,     is an English teacher.
③Is he the man      you are looking forward to seeing
答案:①who ②who ③who
Jane is the girl whom my teacher often mentions.(whom指人,在从句中作宾语,可以省略)
①That’s the girl      I teach.
②The man      you met just now is my brother.
答案:①whom ②whom
I live in a room whose windows face south.(whose 指物,在从句中作定语,不可省略)
Lu Xun,whose real name is Zhou Shuren,wrote lots of novels and essays.(whose指人,在从句中作定语,不可省略)
①Is there anyone in your class      family is in the north
②I live next door to a couple      children often make a lot of noise.
答案:①whose ②whose
1.when 当先行词是表示时间的名词,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语时,常用关系副词when引导定语从句。
Oct.1,1949 was the day when the PRC was founded.
2.where 当先行词是表示地点的名词,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语时,常用关系副词where引导定语从句。
This is the factory where my father works.
3.why 当先行词是表示原因的名词,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语时,常用关系副词why引导定语从句。
Do you know the reason why he is absent
①There is no reason      we shouldn’t be friends.
②We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,      the weather may be better.
③This is the room      my grandma used to live.
答案:①why ②when ③where
1.Dr.Rowan,      secretary resigned two weeks ago,has had to do all his own typing.(2020年天津卷)
2.If you look at all sides of the situation,you’ll find probably a solution      suits everyone.(2020年江苏卷)
3.Inglis said phone boxes called to mind an age      things were built to last.(2020年江苏卷,阅读理解B)
4.However,Molai went looking on his own and discovered a nearby island      he began to plant trees.(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷,完形填空)
5.They were well trained by their masters      had great experience with caring for these animals.(2019年全国Ⅲ卷,语法填空)
1.whose 分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Dr.Rowan,并在从句中作定语,表示“……的”,故用关系代词whose。
2.that/which 分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a solution,并在从句中作主语,故填that/which。
3.when 分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词an age,并在从句中作时间状语,故用when。
4.where 分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a nearby island,并在从句中作地点状语,故用where。
5.who 分析句子结构可知,所填词引导定语从句,修饰指人的先行词their masters,且在从句中作主语,故填关系代词who。
1.Many countries are now setting up national parks      animals and plants can be protected.
2.Happiness and success often come to those      are good at recognizing their own strengths.
3.They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men,      lifestyles are,for better and worse,representative of those of most of us.(2020年江苏卷,阅读理解C)
4.There are some customs in China      foreigners will never understand.
5.We’d like to know the reason      she didn’t accept the job.
6.There are times      you have to act from the heart.
答案:1.where 2.who 3.whose 4.that/which 5.why 6.when
1.The reason                (他不能来学校的) was that he was ill.
2.This is the house              (窗户坏了的) last night.
3.She is the girl               (住在隔壁的).
4.This is the book              (我想要读的).
5.We live in an age              (更多的信息能被获得的) with greater ease than ever before.
6.This is the lake              (我过去常在里面游泳的).
答案:1.why he didn’t come to school 2.whose windows broke 3.who/that lives next door 4.(that/which) I want to read 5.when more information is available 6.where I used to swim
答案:1.I will never forget the days when we worked in the small town.
2.In Xi’an,I met a college student,who has a strong love for cultural relics,and took me to visit a history museum.
3.I have a friend whose father is an engineer.
4.People can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes,which are the special food for this festival.
5.Students should take part in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.
课时作业(一) UNIT 1 Part 1
1.Luckily,the old temple was well     (preserve).
2.Tom was born into a poor family,so he received a      (limit) education when he was young.
3.To prevent the world from      (pollute) by cars,we’ll have to make some changes in the way we live.
4.So far,the citizens     (donate) about $50,000 to rebuild the wooden building standing east of our city.
5.So far,we have received more than 300     (application).
6.They are      (attempt) to climb to the top of the mountain.
7.The famous singer,     is from America,will give performances in our city.
8.Do you still remember the winter holiday      we had much fun together
9.The teacher tried to create an easy atmosphere      his students can study happily.
10.Studies show that people are more likely      (suffer) from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.
答案:1.preserved 2.limited 3.being polluted 4.have donated 5.applications 6.attempting 7.who 8.when 9.where 10.to suffer
1.The heavy rain didn’t           (阻止他去图书馆) to search for the information he needed.
2.He thinks             (值得重建) the old temple in their city.
3.Eating too much fat can         (导致) heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
4.The businessman             (捐助) a lot of money to his hometown to protect the cultural relics since his career took off.
5.You             (很可能身体不好) if you keep smoking.
6.            (时候来了) teenagers learn English on the Internet.
7.He is always             (向警察求助) whenever he is in trouble.
答案:1.prevent/stop him (from) going to the library/keep him from going to the library 2.it is worthwhile to rebuild/rebuilding 3.contribute/lead to 4.has donated/has made a donation of 5.are likely to suffer from bad health 6.There comes a time when 7.turning to the police (for help)
The Liangzhu ruins in Hangzhou,pointing to an established Chinese civilisation 5,000 years ago,have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.Every Chinese child is taught at school that the country’s civilisation is 5,000 years old,but proving this beyond doubt has been a problem.
Now,a jade artifact(玉器)named “King of Cong”, found in the Liangzhu city ruins near Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,has provided an answer.According to radiocarbon dating(放射性碳定年法),the 6.5 kg object is 5,300 years old.It is one of the largest objects among all Cong from Liangzhu.The piece has now won greater global recognition.
However,the site has far more than just things made of jade.The main area,spread over 14.3 square kilometers in the Yuhang area of Hangzhou,includes not only a city’s ruins but 11 dams and several cemeteries(墓地),all about 5,000 years old.Archaeological facts show that people lived in Liangzhu for about a thousand years.
“The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (3300—2300 BCE) show an early state with a unified belief system based on growing rice in Late Neolithic China(中国新石器时代晚期),”the UNESCO World Heritage Committee said.“These ruins are an extremely good example of early city civilisation expressed in town planning,a water conservation system and a social order which can be seen in where and how people were buried in cemeteries within the ruins.”
According to studies led by Liu Bin,director of the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,the inner part of the ancient city ruins covers 2.8 square kilometers,about five times the area of the Forbidden City in Beijing,and the outer city spreads across 6.3 square kilometers.Liu said it was the biggest city ruins site of its time to be found in China,and was also one of the largest cities of its day in the world.
1.    can prove that China has a civilisation of 5,000 years old.
A.The king named Cong
B.The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu
C.The UNESCO World Heritage Committee
D.The historical site at Hangzhou dam
2.What do we know about the ancient Liangzhu city
A.A different system of value in the region.
B.The end of Chinese civilisation.
C.The biggest city ruins all over the world.
D.The whole area—9.1 square kilometers.
3.Why is the Forbidden City mentioned in the last paragraph
A.To focus on the great achievements.
B.To inform us of the importance about architecture.
C.To stress the large scale of the ancient Liangzhu city.
D.To present advanced technology and outstanding civilisation.
1.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段第一句“The Liangzhu ruins in Hangzhou,pointing to an established Chinese civilisation 5,000 years ago,have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.”可知,良渚的考古遗址可以证明中国有五千年的文明。故选B。
2.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“the inner part of the ancient city ruins covers 2.8 square kilometers,about five times the area of the Forbidden City in Beijing,and the outer city spreads across 6.3 square kilometers.”可知,良渚古城整个区域的面积是9.1平方千米。故选D。
3.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“the inner part of the ancient city ruins covers 2.8 square kilometers,about five times the area of the Forbidden City in Beijing,and the outer city spreads across 6.3 square kilometers.Liu said it was the biggest city ruins site of its time to be found in China,and was also one of the largest cities of its day in the world.”可知,作者在最后一段提到紫禁城是为了强调古代良渚城的规模。故选C。
Hidden from the noise of Washington,D.C.,Hillwood Museum is a special treasure.It contains (包含) one of the finest personal collections (收藏) of Russian and French art in the world.
Hillwood Museum was once the home of Marjorie Merriweather Post.She was a rich businesswoman.She owned one of the largest food companies in the United States.She was also very interested in collecting beautiful French art and furniture.
She moved to Russia in the 1930s as her third husband,Joseph Davies,became the American ambassador (大使) in Moscow.Marjorie Merriweather Post had a love for Russian art as well.She bought the house in Washington in 1955 and she wanted to make it into a museum after her death.Many art experts helped Mrs.Post create its fine collection.
Hillwood has many rooms which are filled with her treasures.Visitors can see beautiful music boxes from the eighteenth century and colorful paintings of European princesses (公主).Experts say the ancient wood and gold furniture from France is some of the finest ever made.Visitors can even look at Mrs.Post’s jewels and clothes.
The museum also has several beautiful gardens.One is designed like the gardens in Japan.It has a bridge and visitors can watch flowers floating in the water.Flowers are also grown all the year in a special glass building or greenhouse.These flowers are placed in the house throughout the year.
After a walk,visitors can rest at a nearby eating place.They can also buy objects to remember this special museum.
4.From the second paragraph,we can learn that Marjorie Merriweather Post    .
A.lived near Hillwood Museum
B.owned a food company in France
C.was a successful businesswoman
D.was good at painting and designing
5.Marjorie Merriweather Post moved to Russia because    .
A.she liked the environment there
B.her husband had a job there
C.she wanted to collect art works
D.she hoped to meet some art experts
6.Which of the following treasures is NOT mentioned in the text
A.The paintings of Japanese princesses.
B.Mrs.Post’s jewels and clothes.
C.The ancient wood and gold furniture.
D.The eighteenth century’s music boxes.
7.What is special about the museum’s gardens
A.There are some rock hills.
B.They are all built in Japanese style.
C.Flowers are grown all the year.
D.There are some restaurants.
4.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第二段中的“Hillwood Museum was once the home of Marjorie Merriweather Post.She was a rich businesswoman.She owned one of the largest food companies in the United States.”可知,玛荷丽·梅莉薇德·波斯特是一个成功的女商人。故选C。
5.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段第一句“She moved to Russia in the 1930s as her third husband,Joseph Davies,became the American ambassador in Moscow.”可知,玛荷丽·梅莉薇德·波斯特搬到俄罗斯是因为她的丈夫在那里工作。故选B。
6.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第四段中的“Visitors can see beautiful music boxes from the eighteenth century and colorful paintings of European princesses.Experts say the ancient wood and gold furniture from France is some of the finest ever made.Visitors can even look at Mrs.Post’s jewels and clothes.”可知,游客可以看到18世纪美丽的音乐盒和欧洲公主的彩绘。专家们说,来自法国的古老的木头和黄金家具是有史以来最好的。参观者甚至可以看到波斯特夫人的珠宝和衣服。由此可知,“日本公主的画像”没有被提到。故选A。
7.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据倒数第二段中的“Flowers are also grown all the year in a special glass building or greenhouse.”可知,博物馆的花园的特殊之处就是一年四季都可以种花。故选C。
The ancient town of Fenghuang is a place with beautiful village life in rural China.Having travelled directly from the busy city,I regard Fenghuang as a better 1.     (choose) to have a breath of the fresh air.
When I paid 2.     visit to Fenghuang,it was July.My friend and I 3.    (excited) explored,walking along the ancient wall and crossing the beautiful,old bridges.People there were very 4.    (relax).They were neither troubled by the hot weather nor by the tourists,walking,eating and playing outdoors.5.     the first evening we bought spicy,cold noodles and ate on the riverbank as we watched the sunset.
We stayed in a small hotel 6.     was similar to many of the traditional 7.    (building) in the village.Our room was built on high stilts(桩子) over the banks of the river.From our window we could hear the rush of the water and the sounds of excited tourists 8.    (travel) in small boats downstream.We saw people at work busy catching fish and young children playing in shallow waters.
Although there 9.    (be) many visitors to Fenghuang,we did not see any other foreigner during our stay.After several days,I was still unwilling 10.    (leave).
1.choice 考查名词。根据上文“a better”可知应填单数名词choice,作介词as的宾语。
2.a 考查冠词。固定搭配:pay a visit to...表示“参观……,访问……”。
3.excitedly 考查副词。修饰动词explored,应用副词excitedly,作状语。
4.relaxed 考查形容词。根据上文were可知应填形容词作表语,且主语为people,故应用-ed结尾的形容词relaxed,表示“放松的”。
5.On 考查介词。根据后文“the first evening”可知表示在具体某天的晚上要用介词on。句首单词首字母要大写。
6.which/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句修饰先行词hotel,且先行词在从句中作主语,指物,故用关系代词which/that引导从句。
7.buildings 考查名词的数。building为可数名词,根据空格前的“many of”可知,此处应用名词复数。
8.travelling/traveling 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知travel在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语tourists构成主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。
9.were 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据后文“we did not see any other foreigner during our stay”可知,此处陈述的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时,且此处是there be句型,主语是many visitors,故谓语动词应用复数。
10.to leave 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配be unwilling to do sth意为“不愿意做某事”。Part 2 Listening and Talking~Assessing Your Progress
答案:1.digital 2.appreciation 3.meeting 4.tourists 5.promote 6.educate 7.safeguarding
1.Forgive me for asking,but...(教材第7页)
◆forgive vt.&vi.原谅;宽恕
Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,七选五)
It’s also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a stressful society.
①I’ve tried to forgive him for      (say) that.
②—I’m really sorry.
—It’s okay,and you’re     (forgive).
③He begged her to forgive him      breaking her priceless vase.
答案:①saying ②forgiven ③for
2.Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.(教材第8页)
◆quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征
In conclusion,positive thinking is a powerful and effective tool for dealing with hard times and improving the quality of one’s life. (2020年北京卷,七选五)
Honesty is a quality that we should have.
答案:①My goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.
②Modesty is a good quality.
3.By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet,the group hopes to promote even wider interest around the world in China’s ancient history,culture,and traditions.(教材第8页)
◆tradition n.传统
Whatever it is,the result is a fine and vivid description of the purest of Central Asian traditions.(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷,阅读C)
By tradition,women are dressed in red when they get married in many places of China.
①It is      tradition for us to have a delicious meal together on the Spring Festival.
②I went to a very     (tradition) school.
③     (traditional),fathers are too bound up in their work to have much time for their children,but this situation is gradually changing.
答案:①a ②traditional ③Traditionally
4.What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph (教材第8页)
◆opinion n.意见;想法;看法
Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable.(2020年全国Ⅱ卷,阅读理解C)
In my opinion,it is a very practical plan.
①     the opinion of most parents,children shouldn’t be made to study without any spare time for sports.
②The boss has a very high opinion      her.
③                (在许多人看来),that company,though relatively small,is pleasant to deal with.
④Mary                  (对……评价不好)George.              (在我看来),she is right.
答案:①In ②of ③In the opinion of many people ④has a poor/bad opinion of;In my opinion
As is planned,everything goes well.
As we all know,Lu Xun is a famous writer.
            ,the earth moves around the sun.
He is late for class again,             .
答案:①As is known to all/As we all know ②as is often the case
As one researcher who is working on the project explains,“Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding oneself.Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”(教材第8页)
 By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet,the group hopes to promote even wider interest around the world in China’s ancient history,culture and traditions.(教材第8页)
◆by doing sth.表示“通过某种方式”。
The old man makes a living by selling newspapers.
By taking exercise,we can keep healthy.
①Only by      (work) hard can one succeed.
②He acquired a knowledge of protecting the cultural heritage by      (travel) to the library often.
③One way to achieve this is              (通过做实验).
答案:①working ②travelling/traveling ③by doing an experiment
Write a news report
On the morning of...,China successfully set up...
Many countries around the world sent their congratulations.
It is reported that...
A recent report shows/suggests/indicates...
On September 10,a party to celebrate...is to be held.
On the early morning of April 2,a big fire broke out in...
It attracts millions of visitors from around the world.
It is such a...that I am deeply impressed by it.
It has a large collection of historic and cultural relics that are highly prized and valuable.
It’s likely that...
It’s a great chance for...
In a word,it is necessary for...
Cultural heritage is of great value and protecting it can make us feel proud of our nation.
The more they know about the importance of cultural protection,the stronger the support we can get from the public.
It is important/significant/one’s duty to protect cultural heritage.
The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance.
We should take more effective steps to better protect cultural heritage.
  请根据下表提示,以“五岳之首——泰山(First of the Five Great Mountains—Mount Tai)”为题,用英语写一篇介绍泰山的新闻报道。
位置及概况 地处山东中部,主峰玉皇顶海拔1 532.7米
人文景观 历史名人给泰山留下了许多宝贵的文化遗产
自然景观 山顶可以看到旭日东升、晚霞夕照、黄河金带等奇观
影响 1987年被列入《世界遗产名录》
1.         adj.历史上著名的
2.         试图做某事
3.         文化遗产
4.         被保护得很好
5.         全世界,在世界各地
6.         被列入……
答案:1.historic 2.attempt to do sth/make an attempt to do sth 3.cultural relics/heritage
4.be well preserved 5.throughout/all over the world 6.be included/listed in
Mount Tai                the central area of China’s Shandong Province.
          came and                    .
They left           lots of precious poems and paintings,          many other cultural relics.
All of them                now.
Mount Tai is famous for its natural beauty and                                             .
答案:1.is situated in 2.Historic people;attempted to acquire inspiration 3.not only;but also 4.are well preserved 5.attracts a number of tourists all over the world
答案:Historic people came and attempted to acquire inspiration,leaving not only lots of precious poems and paintings,but also many other cultural relics,all of which are well preserved now.
First of the Five Great mountains—Mount Tai
Mount Tai is situated in the central area of China’s Shandong Province.Yuhuangding,the highest peak,is 1,532.7 meters high above sea level.
Historic people came and attempted to acquire inspiration,leaving not only lots of precious poems and paintings,but also many other cultural relics,all of which are well preserved now.
Mount Tai is famous for its natural beauty and attracts a number of tourists all over the world.You can climb up at the foot,each step offering a different view.At the top of Mount Tai,you can enjoy the sunrise,the sunset,the golden string of the Yellow River and so on.
As a result,it was included in the World Cultural Heritage list in 1987.
赞成 (10%) 1.修建公路是社会发展的需要; 2.文化遗产在必要时应给社会发展让路。
反对 (90%) 1.古城墙有极高的历史价值,是城市文明的象征之一; 2.文化遗产有利于我国与世界各国的文化交流。
  One possible version:
Should Cultural Relics Give Way to the Development of
One of the ancient walls dating from the Tang Dynasty in the city will be torn down to build a road.
About 10% of the citizens interviewed support this action,saying building a road is necessary for the development of society.And cultural heritage should give way to the development of society when necessary.However,about 90% of the citizens interviewed have the opposite opinion.They believe the ancient city wall,one of the symbols of the city civilization,is of great value.Such cultural heritage plays an important part in communication between China and the rest of the world.
In my opinion,cultural relics are our country’s treasure,so we should protect them.
课时作业(二) UNIT 1 Part 2
1.The old temple is considered as an outstanding      (history)heritage.
2.     (compare) and contrast is a method that writers often use to tell the similarities and differences between two subjects.
3.You are free to voice your      (opinion) at the meeting.
4.Some experts were called in by the local museum     (identify) the date of the vase a farmer gave away.
5.I won’t forgive him      his hurting my feelings.
6.Video cameras on the robot send      (image) back to a computer.
7.To meet their needs everything we do must be      high quality.
8.In      (tradition) Chinese culture,old people should be respected.
9.He wanted to go to Germany for      (far) study.
10.So far,the researchers      (conduct) several experiments to find a link between diet and cancer.
答案:1.historic 2.Comparison 3.opinions 4.to identify 5.for 6.images 7.of
8.traditional 9.further 10.have conducted
1.I think what you should do now is             (原谅他以前的过错).
2.            (在我看来),protecting our cultural relics is more important than developing the economy.
3.The setting sun’s glow         (与……相对照) the tower,whose beauty is beyond description.
4.            (与……相比) our old campus,the new one is three times larger.
5.                (去看望爷爷奶奶是他的传统) on the weekend.
答案:1.to forgive him for his past mistakes 2.In my opinion 3.contrasts with 4.In comparison with 5.It is a tradition for him to visit his grandparents
Journey Back in Time with Scholars
Classical Provence (13 days)
Journey through the beautiful countryside of Provence,France,with Prof.Ori Z.Soltes.We will visit some of the best-preserved Roman monuments in the world.Our tour also includes a chance to walk in the footsteps of Van Gogh and Gauguin.Fields of flowers,tile-roofed (瓦屋顶) villages and tasty meals enrich this wonderful experience.
Southern Spain(15 days)
Spain has lovely white towns and the scent(芳香)of oranges,but it is also a treasury of ancient remains including the cities left by the Greeks,Romans and Arabs.As we travel south from Madrid with Prof.Ronald Messier to historic Toledo,Roman Mérida and into Andalucia, we explore historical monuments and architecture.
China’s Sacred Landscapes (21 days)
Discover the China of “past ages”, its walled cities,temples and mountain scenery with Prof. Robert Thorp.Highlights(精彩之处)include China’s most sacred peaks at Mount Tai and Hangzhou’s rolling hills, waterways and peaceful temples.We will wander in traditional small towns and end our tour with an exceptional museum in Shanghai.
Tunisia (17 days)
Join Prof.Pedar Foss on our in-depth Tunisian tour.Tour highlights include the Roman city of Dougga, the underground Numidian capital at Bulla Regia, Roman Sbeitla and the remote areas around Tataouine and Matmata, unique for underground cities.Our journey takes us to picturesque Berber villages and lovely beaches.
1.What can visitors see in both Classical Provence and Southern Spain
A.Historical monuments.
B.Fields of flowers.
C.Van Gogh’s paintings.
D.Greek buildings.
2.Which country is Prof.Thorp most knowledgeable about
A.France. B.Spain.
C.China. D.Tunisia.
3.Which of the following highlights the Tunisian tour
A.White towns.
B.Underground cities.
C.Tile-roofed villages.
D.Rolling hills.
1.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据“Classical Provence”部分中的“We will visit some of the best-preserved Roman monuments”和“Southern Spain”部分中的“we explore historical monuments and architecture”可知,游客在普罗旺斯和西班牙南部都可以看到历史纪念碑,故选A。
2.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据“China’s Sacred Landscapes”部分中的“Discover the China of ‘past ages’,its walled cities,temples and mountain scenery with Prof.Robert Thorp”可知,Thorp教授对中国最有研究,故选C。
3.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Tunisia部分中的“Tour highlights include the Roman city of Dougga...unique for underground cities”可知,突尼斯之行的最精彩的部分在地下城,故选B。
Can you imagine digging in your yard one day and finding a life-sized soldier made completely of clay That’s what happened several decades ago when farmers in Xi’an,China,were digging wells.
Archaeologists(考古学家) have since found about 6,000 more of these soldiers,along with horses,weapons,tools,and other artifacts(手工艺品).The huge army was meant to protect the tomb of the first ruler of China.The first emperor of China,Qinshihuang,accomplished a huge amount during his rule.Between 221 and 210 B.C.,he started the construction of the Great Wall.He built a large network of roads.He introduced a new writing system,currency(货币),and a set of measurements.The emperor also ordered the construction of a huge army of life-sized terracotta soldiers.These,he hoped,would protect his tomb after his death.
The soldiers in Xi’an’s terracotta museum are today light brown,but they weren’t always.They began as an army of red,blue,yellow,green,white,and purple.Sadly,most of the colors did not last to the present day.After being exposed to air during excavation(挖掘),the coating under the paint began to fall off.The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg,taking with it important pieces of history.
Now new techniques are starting to reveal the army’s true colors.Archaeologists have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers.Many of these still have their painted features,including black hair,pink faces,and black or brown eyes.Chinese and German researchers have developed a special liquid to help preserve the soldiers’ colors.After they find a soldier or other artifacts,archaeologists spray it with the liquid.They then cover it in plastic.Archaeologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers.It’s important not to disturb the dirt,so the colors won’t be lost.“We are treating the earth as an artifact,”says archaeologist Rong Bo,the museum’s leading chemist.The next challenge,says Rong,is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again.Once that happens,artists can bring Emperor Qin’s army back to life in full,vivid color.
4.The terracotta soldiers were constructed to    .
A.show the outside world about China’s greatness
B.be enjoyed by everyday people
C.frighten China’s enemies
D.protect Emperor Qin’s tomb
5.What is the main idea of the third paragraph
A.The soldiers lost their colors very quickly.
B.The soldiers’ paint fell off because of the high temperature.
C.Visitors to the museum are not actually seeing the real soldiers.
D.Being exposed to water is bad for the soldiers.
6.What have archaeologists recently discovered
A.A place with over a hundred soldiers.
B.A written description of the soldiers’ true colors.
C.A special liquid in the tomb to preserve the soldiers’ colors.
D.A new tomb for Emperor Qin.
7.Which statement would Rong Bo probably agree with
A.The soldiers should stay in their current,brown color.
B.Artists should be able to paint the soldiers in any color they want.
C.Archaeologists can only guess at the soldiers’ original colors.
D.We should try to restore the army’s vivid colors.
4.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第二段中“The huge army was meant to protect the tomb of the first ruler of China.The first emperor of China,Qinshihuang...”可知,兵马俑就是为了保护秦始皇的墓地。故选D。
5.A 段落大意题。考查学生理解段落主旨要义的能力。通读第三段可知,该段主要讲述了兵马俑颜色的问题。由“After being exposed to air during excavation,the coating under the paint began to fall off.The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg,taking with it important pieces of history.”可知,兵马俑颜色在挖掘期间就迅速消失了。故选A。
6.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由最后一段中的“Archaeologists have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers.”可知,考古学家最近发现了一个拥有100多个兵马俑的地方。故选A。
7.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由最后一段中的“The next challenge,says Rong,is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again.Once that happens,artists can bring Emperor Qin’s army back to life in full,vivid color.”可知,答案为D。
Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Africa.They  1  with them lots of waste.The crowds might damage the beauty of the place.The glaciers (冰川) are disappearing,changing the  2  of Kilimanjaro.
Hearing these stories,I’m  3  about the place—other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.
However,I soon  4  that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons of rubbish.I find a  5  mountain,with toilets at camps and along the paths.The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be  6 .
The best of a Kilimanjaro  7 ,in my opinion,isn’t reaching the top.Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.This  8  is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as  9  go through five ecosystems(生态系统) in the space of a few kilometers.At the base is a rainforest.It ends abruptly at 3,000 meters, 10  lands of low growing plants.Further up,the weather  11 —low clouds envelope the mountainsides,which are covered with thick grass.I count twelve shades of green from where I stand.Above 4,000 meters is the highland  12 :gravel(砾石),stones and rocks. 13  you climb into an arctic-like zone with  14  snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.
Does Kilimanjaro  15  its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace I found the opposite to be true.
1.A.keep B.mix C.connect D.bring
2.A.position B.age C.face D.name
3.A.silent B.skeptical C.serious D.crazy
4.A.discover B.argue C.decide D.advocate
5.A.remote B.quiet C.tall D.clean
6.A.paying off B.spreading out C.blowing up D.fading away
7.A.atmosphere B.experience C.experiment D.sight
8.A.view B.quality C.reason D.purpose
9.A.scientists B.climbers C.locals D.officials
10.A.holding on to B.going back to C.living up to D.giving way to
11.A.changes B.clears C.improves D.permits
12.A.village B.desert C.road D.lake
13.A.Obviously B.Easily C.Consequently D.Finally
14.A.permanent B.little C.fresh D.artificial
15.A.enjoy B.deserve C.save D.acquire
1.D 由“lots of waste”可知,登山者带来了很多的垃圾。故D项切题。
2.C 句意:冰川正在消失,改变着乞力马扎罗山的地貌。冰川是乞力马扎罗山的地貌之一,所以冰山融化会改变它的地貌。故C项切题。
3.B 句意:听到这些故事,我对这个地方产生了怀疑——其他目的地被描述为“更纯粹”的自然体验。由下文可知,作者亲自来到了乞力马扎罗山,作者想解开这个疑团。故B项切题。
4.A 由“much has changed”可知,作者发现了很大的变化。故A项切题。
5.D 由“with toilets at camps and along the paths”可知,营地里和路边都有厕所,所以这是一座干净的山。故D项切题。
6.A 由“but”可知,前后表示转折关系,说明坦桑尼亚国家公园管理局所做的努力似乎正在奏效。故A项切题。
7.B 句意:在我看来,来乞力马扎罗山最好的经历并不是到达顶峰。登山就是人生的一种经历。故B项切题。
8.A 9.B 句意:在乞力马扎罗山,当“登山者(climbers)”在几千米的空间里穿越五个生态系统时,“景色(view)”差异尤为明显。
10.D 句意:热带雨林在海拔3 000米处突然到了尽头,取而代之的是生长着低矮植物的土地。这里指热带雨林在海拔3 000米处突然到了尽头,所以海拔3 000米以上就是大片的低矮植物。故D项切题。
11.A 由“low clouds”可知,海拔变了,气候也是不同的,是变化的。故A项切题。
12.B 由“gravel,stones and rocks”可知,海拔4 000米以上是高山荒漠。故B项切题。
13.D 句意:最后你会爬到一个像北极圈一样的区域。故D项切题。
14.A 由“arctic-like zone”可知,这是一个类似北极的地带,所以有永久性的积雪。故A项切题。
15.B 句意:乞力马扎罗山是一座拥挤的山,挤满了成群的游客,破坏了宁静的氛围,它值得这样的名声吗 故B项切题。
核心素养提升(UNIT 1)
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.When does the conversation take place ( B )
A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday.
C.On Friday.
2.What is the relationship between the speakers ( B )
A.Husband and wife. B.Co-workers.
C.Salesman and customer.
3.What is the man doing ( A )
A.Asking the woman for help.
B.Looking for his calculator.
C.Giving advice to the woman.
4.How much will the woman pay for the games ( A )
A.$1,600. B.$3,500. C.$4,000.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about ( A )
A.The computer software.
B.A new computer.
C.A genius.
6.What happened to the girl ( C )
A.She fell down.
B.She missed the class.
C.She dropped her books.
7.Where does the conversation probably take place ( B )
A.In a classroom. B.In a hallway.
C.In a bookstore.
8.Who invited the woman to the party ( A )
A.Her cousin. B.The man.
C.Her classmate.
9.What does the man think of the music ( A )
A.Enjoyable. B.Boring. C.Noisy.
10.What will the speakers do next ( C )
A.Go to dance. B.Go swimming.
C.Go on chatting.
11.Why won’t the man buy an evening dress for his wife ( C )
A.Because it’s too expensive.
B.Because she has already got a lot.
C.Because he doesn’t know if she’ll like it.
12.What does the man think of the jewelry ( B )
A.Unique. B.Beautiful. C.Fashionable.
13.What do we know about the man ( C )
A.He wants to buy his wife a birthday gift.
B.He will go to Paris at Christmas.
C.He will pay by cheque.
14.What does the man have to do before the movie ( B )
A.Check if it’s playing.
B.Finish his report.
C.Have dinner.
15.What kind of movie will the speakers watch ( C )
A.A thriller. B.A comedy.
C.A science fiction.
16.Which movie will the speakers watch ( B )
A.The 6:00 p.m.one.
B.The 6:30 p.m.one.
C.The 7:00 p.m.one.
17.How did the speaker get to London ( C )
A.By air. B.By coach. C.By train.
18.Why did the speaker accept the young man’s offer ( B )
A.Because he was so warm-hearted.
B.Because he looked like a good guy.
C.Because he charged less than other drivers.
19.How did the speaker feel on the way to the hotel ( C )
A.Nervous. B.Upset.
20.What did the young man do in the end ( A )
A.He drove away the speaker’s luggage.
B.He found a cheap hotel for the speaker.
C.He waited outside the hotel for a long time.
(Text 1)
W:I can’t believe I forgot his birthday.I thought it was tomorrow!
M:Nope.It was two days ago,on Monday.
(Text 2)
W:How are things coming along with our new products
M:I’m having difficulties figuring out which age group we should target.
(Text 3)
M:Do you have a calculator that you could lend me for a few days I just have no idea where mine is.
W:Well,yes,I have one.But actually,it’s already lent out to someone.
(Text 4)
W:The games look interesting,but how much do they cost per unit
M:It’s $8.But we could give you a dollar off per unit on orders over 500 units.
W:Hm.Then I’ll just take 200 units to begin with.
(Text 5)
M:The new computer software is driving me crazy!
W:I know what you mean.I’ve had nothing but trouble with it.
M:Well,I think only a genius can figure it out.
(Text 6)
M:Hello,there.Do you need some help
W:Yes,please.I’m already late for class,and now all my books just fell out of my backpack.
M:It’s OK.I can help you pick these up.Are you new here
W:Yes,it’s my first day.My name is Emily Ling.Thank you for helping me.
M:It’s no problem.Do you know where you are going
W:Umm...I think my schedule said to go to Mrs.Weston’s English class,Room 201.
M:That’s right across from the library on the second floor.Follow me.I’ll take you there.My name is Teddy.
W:Nice to meet you,Teddy.
(Text 7)
M:Oh,Susan.What are you doing here You aren’t learning in this college,are you
W:No,I’m not.But my cousin invited me to this party.Actually I’m not really enjoying this music.It’s so noisy.
M:Oh,I love this music.I’ll never get tired of listening to it.Anyway you can talk with people.There are so many people here.
W:That’s true.But I’ve not met anyone here who I’m really interested in talking to.
M:Oh,I almost forgot.I’ve just begun to learn swimming.And you’re good at it.I need your advice.Let’s go over there where it’s less crowded.
(Text 8)
W:May I help you,sir
M:Er...I want to buy my wife a gift for Christmas,but I don’t know what she would like.Can you recommend something to me
W:Of course.How about an evening dress These are all from Paris.
M:No.She has very good taste in clothes.I don’t want to take the risk.
W:How about some jewelry That won’t go out of fashion.Each one is unique here.Look,here they are.What do you think
M:They are lovely.Can I take a look at that necklace
W:This one Oh,it’s a masterpiece and I’m sure your wife will love it.You
won’t find another one in New York,and it only costs $3,600.You can pay by cheque if you like.
M:OK.I’ll take it.Oh,please gift-wrap it and I’ll write a cheque.
(Text 9)
W:David,I’m kind of in the mood for a comedy tonight.Look,here’s a Will Smith movie.
M:What time does it start
W:Um...it’s on at 6:00 and 9:30.If we leave work right at 5:00,we can make the
6 o’clock show.
M:Yeah,but I haven’t finished my report.I won’t be ready to leave at 5:00.How about we go at 9:30 It’s late,but at least I can finish work,and we can eat after the movie.
W:Maybe there’s another movie at 7:00 or 8:00 Let’s see...Oh,there’s a new thriller.It would be a good movie.
M:Oh,no!I’m not really into thrillers,you know.Have you seen that new science fiction movie with Bruce Willis
W:No,but I’ve heard about it.I really like science fiction.
M:Do you Well,see if it’s playing someplace.
W:OK.Oh,look!It’s playing at 6:30 at the Plaza tonight!
M:It is Perfect.Let’s go.
W:But you have to finish your report...
M:Oh,never mind!I’ll do it tomorrow.
(Text 10)
W:When we arrived in London,we were two hours late because our train had been held up by the bad weather.Outside the station it was snowing hard and there was a long queue of people waiting for taxis.We got worried that we couldn’t find a hotel.As we were about to join the queue of people waiting for taxis,a young man pulled up in his car and asked us where we wanted to go.The car was new and the young man looked clean and respectable,so we decided to accept his offer.When we told him that we didn’t have a hotel,he said he could take us to the nearest one which was clean and cheap.
He put our luggage in the boot and we drove off to the hotel.We could hardly believe our luck.When we got to the hotel,he told us that he would wait while we checked in.After we had found out that the hotel was full,we went down the steps only to find that our driver had disappeared with our luggage.We were so upset.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The latest additions to its World Heritage (遗产) List.The following are some of the recent additions.
Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture (Russia)
The structures,many of which are churches,were all designed by the Pskov School of Architecture.It was a leading school of building design in the country,especially in the 15th and 16th centuries.Some elements common to Pskov architecture date back to the 11th century.
Babylon (Iraq)
The ancient city of Babylon is gaining World Heritage Site status.The city was once a main tourist site before Iraq suffered several wars.The 4,300-year-old city is where dynasties have risen and fallen since the earliest days of settled human civilization.UNESCO says the site“offers a look into one of the most influential empires of the ancient world”.
Writing-on-Stone monument has a large number of protected rock paintings and rock carvings.Some of them are 2,000 years old.The markings were left by Blackfoot Native Americans,who lived in parts of Western Canada and the far northern United States.The land that makes up Writing-on-Stone is filled with rock posts that have been formed into “spectacular shapes” by erosion(侵蚀).
Paraty and Ilha Grande(Brazil)
The historic coastal town of Paraty and the island Ilha Grande are already popular places for visitors to Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state.Paraty was the final stop along the Gold Route,along which gold was shipped to Europe in the 1600s.The area is also home to a huge number of animals,some of which are in danger now.
21.What do we know about the buildings in Pskov
A.Their designs came from the same school.
B.They are merely churches.
C.They are a group of ancient schools.
D.Their paintings are about 2,000 years old.
22.What can we learn from the Writing-on-Stone monument
A.It is the best-preserved monument in Canada.
B.It enjoys great popularity with visitors.
C.It reflects the culture of the natives.
D.It was formed by nature.
23.What can visitors see in Paraty and Ilha Grande
A.Shipping activities.
B.Coastal scenery.
C.Gold mining equipment.
D.Rare plants and animals.
21.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“The structures,many of which are churches,were all designed by the Pskov School of Architecture”及“It was a leading school of building design in the country”可知,在Pskov的建筑,他们的设计都来自同一个学校。故选A。
22.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第四段中的“Writing-on-Stone monument has a large number of protected rock paintings and rock carvings”及“The markings were left by Blackfoot Native Americans,who lived in parts of Western Canada and the far northern United States”可知,石上书纪念碑都是本族人文化的反映。故选C。
23.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“The historic coastal town of Paraty and the island Ilha Grande are already popular places for visitors”可知,旅游者在Paraty和Ilha Grande能看到海岸风景。故选B。
The Forbidden City is well-known for being full of Chinese cultural and historical relics.But Masters in the Forbidden City (《我在故宫修文物》) does not just focus on the stories of the past.
Instead,the documentary movie,which came out in Chinese cinemas on Dec.16, focuses on ordinary people—the restorers (修复者) of relics and antiquities (古董).
The stories are told at a slow and relaxed pace,reflecting the restorers’work. Restoration of cultural relics and antiques can be time-consuming,and sometimes boring.Yet these restorers’ patience and peace of mind are especially precious in a society where everything is changing so fast.
“If you choose this job,you have to stand hours of work sitting on a chair.You need to be quiet and get used to being quiet,”says Wang Jin,an ancient clock repair expert.
A touching part of the documentary is the spirit of craftsmanship (工艺) in the restorers.“Years of humdrum work requires not only skill,but also faith and spirit,”China Daily commented.“Looking for preciseness and perfection,devoting yourself to work,patience,endurance (忍耐),loneliness...All these qualities come from the craftsman spirit.”
But unlike the popular idea of serious experts who sit around being serious,the documentary shows off the enthusiasm of the restorers.They play their guitars and make jokes about each other after a long day of restoration work.
One scene that has been very popular with Internet users features a young female restorer riding a bicycle through the empty Forbidden City on a Monday.While she is doing this,a narrator says,“The last person to do this was Puyi,the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.”
Masters in the Forbidden City has proved wrong many people’s ideas about antique restorers,allowing them to realize that they are not old,dull professors,but people in their 40s,30s and even 20s who can be quite pleasing to the eye.
24.According to the text,what’s the main purpose of the documentary Masters in the Forbidden City
A.To show people how antiques are restored.
B.To display relics seldom seen by ordinary people.
C.To draw attention to Chinese antique restorers’ lives.
D.To praise the craftsmanship of Chinese antique restorers.
25.According to Wang Jin,we can learn that    .
A.he often gets tired with his work
B.there is no need to do restoration work fast
C.antique restorers need to be patient and peaceful
D.it takes years of hard work to adapt to antique restoration
26.The underlined word “humdrum” probably means “   ”.
A.boring B.different
C.relaxing D.unusual
27.The bicycle-riding scene in the documentary is used to    .
A.remind the audience of the last Qing emperor
B.show the strange hobbies of young antique restorers
C.encourage the young to consider a career in antique restoration in the future
D.show that the documentary breaks from the old,dull image of antique restorers
24.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“Instead,the documentary movie,which came out in Chinese cinemas on Dec.16,focuses on ordinary people—the restorers of relics and antiquities”可知,纪录片《我在故宫修文物》的主要目的是让人们关注中国古董修复师的生活,故C项正确。
25.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“Yet these restorers’ patience and peace of mind...”及第四段内容可知,在王进看来,古董修复师需要耐心和平和,故C项正确。
26.A 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词语意义的能力。上文王进说如果你选择了古董修复师这份工作,你必须忍受在椅子上坐好几个小时的工作,你需要安静,习惯安静,可知这是很单调的,再根据画线词后的“work requires not only skill,but also faith and spirit,”可知,多年单调的工作不仅需要技巧,而且需要信念和精神,由此可知画线词词义为“单调的”,故A项正确。
27.D 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“allowing them to realize that they are not old,dull professors,”可知,这部纪录片里骑自行车的场景被用来展示这部纪录片打破了古董修复师衰老、沉闷的形象,故D项
When another old cave is discovered in the south of France,it is not usually news.Rather,it is an ordinary event.Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them.However,when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940,the world was amazed.Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago.The scenes show people hunting animals,such as bison or wild cats.Other images depict birds and,most noticeably,horses,which appear in more than 300 wall images,by far outnumbering all other animals.
Early artists drawing these animals achieved a monumental and difficult task.They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or going on hands and knees into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex.
Unfortunately,the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes,which easily wear the images away.Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances,air movement has also damaged the images inside.
Although they are not out in the open air,where natural light would have destroyed them long ago,many of the images have deteriorated and are hardly recognizable.To prevent further damage,the site was closed to tourists in 1963,23 years after it was discovered.
28.Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage
A.Wild Animals in Art
B.Hidden Prehistoric Paintings
C.Exploring Caves Respectfully
D.Determining the Age of French Caves
29.What does the underlined phrase “pays heed to” in Paragraph 1 probably mean
A.Discovers. B.Watches.
C.Notices. D.Buys.
30.Why was painting inside the Lascaux complex a difficult task
A.Because it was completely dark inside.
B.Because the caves were full of wild animals.
C.Because painting materials were hard to find.
D.Because many painting spaces were difficult to reach.
31.According to the passage,all of the following have caused damage to the paintings EXCEPT    .
A.temperature changes B.air movement
C.water D.light
28.B 标题归纳题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。本文主要介绍了在法国的一个古老的洞穴里发现了一些隐藏多年的史前古代的壁画,已经受到了破坏,需要我们的保护。可知,本文主要介绍了隐藏的史前壁画。故选B。
29.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。根据第一段中的“When another old cave is discovered in the south of France,it is not usually news.Rather,it is an ordinary event.Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them.”可知,当在法国南部发现另一个古老的洞穴时,通常那不是什么新闻。相反,这是一个普通的事件。这些发现如此频繁,几乎没有人注意到它们。根据上文提到的是很普通的,所以没有引起人们的注意,所以可以猜出pays heed to意思是notices(注意到)。故选C。
30.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or going on hands and knees into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex.”可知,在这里画画是一项很艰巨的任务,因为这里很难到达。故选D。
31.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“Unfortunately,the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes,which easily wear the images away.Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances,air movement has also damaged the images inside.”可知,油画受到了温度的变化,水和空气的流动的破坏,只是没有提到light(光)。故选D。
Even thousands of years before the “selfie (自拍)” was invented,people were concerned with the image of themselves they presented to the world.The rulers of ancient Egypt had artists carve portraits of them to decorate their tombs and preserve their images even after death.
King Tutankhamen lived more than 3,000 years ago.He ruled ancient Egypt for 10 years,until his death at age 19.“King Tut” remained practically unknown in the modern world until 1922,when scientists discovered his tomb,buried and forgotten for centuries.The treasures inside gave the world the first detailed picture of ancient Egyptian life.
The ancient Egyptians worshipped (崇拜) many gods.They also believed that all people had a life spirit,called “ka” that needed a place to live after the body died.Tombs inside huge pyramids protected the pharaohs’ (法老) ka.The ka could also exist in portrait sculptures like the one of a seated Hatshepsut.The wife of a pharaoh,Hatshepsut took on the role of king after her husband died.Carved from limestone,this life-size sculpture shows the life force of Hatshepsut’s ka.The artist suggests Hatshepsut’s strength by placing her feet firmly on the ground and resting her hands on her knees in a firm,powerful pose.
Viewers are meant to look at the sculpture of Hatshepsut from a frontal angle only.But artist Thutmose created his portrait of Queen Nefertiti as a sculpture in the round,meaning viewers should observe it from many points of view.The work is a highly realistic portrait of a queen who ruled beside her husband,a pharaoh.Painted with delicate (精细的) features,the impressive colors in her portrait resemble the makeup Nefertiti probably wore in life.
Long before any of these portraits were created,a huge creature with a lion’s body and a human head stood guarding in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings.No one knows who created the Great Sphinx,or why,but it is said to resemble an early pharaoh.Carved out of solid rock on a larger-than-life scale,it is possibly the oldest and most imposing portrait in the world.
32.The artist presents Hatshepsut’s strength mainly through the     of the sculpture.
A.gesture B.material
C.color D.size
33.According to the passage,the portrait of Nefertiti was    .
A.imaginative B.lifelike
C.threatening D.abstract
34.The Great Sphinx might be    .
A.a king of animals
B.a guard as brave as a lion
C.a portrait of an early pharaoh
D.a creature owned by a pharaoh
35.What’s the passage mainly about
A.The oldest selfie in the world.
B.Some powerful kings in Egypt.
C.Some portraits of kings in some countries.
D.Some portrait sculptures of ancient Egyptian rulers.
32.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“The artist suggests Hatshepsut’s strength by placing her feet firmly on the ground and resting her hands on her knees in a firm,powerful pose.”可知,艺术家主要通过雕塑的姿态来表现Hatshepsut的力量。结合选项,故选A。
33.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第四段中的“The work is a highly realistic portrait of a queen who ruled beside her husband,a pharaoh.Painted with delicate features,the impressive colors in her portrait resemble the makeup Nefertiti probably wore in life.”可知,这幅作品是一幅非常逼真的肖像画,画中的人物五官精致,令人印象深刻的色彩可能与娜芙蒂蒂在生活中所化的妆相似。故Nefertiti的肖像画应该是非常逼真的。故选B。
34.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段中的“No one knows who created the Great Sphinx,or why,but it is said to resemble an early pharaoh.”可知,据说the Great Sphinx很像早期的法老。故可能是法老的肖像画。故选C。
35.D 主旨大意题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。根据第一段中的“Even thousands of years before the ‘selfie’ was invented,people were concerned with the image of themselves they presented to the world.The rulers of ancient Egypt had artists carve portraits of them to decorate their tombs and preserve their images even after death.”以及下文对雕塑的详细描述可知,本文主要介绍了一些古埃及统治者的肖像雕塑。结合选项,故选D。
Tips for Cooking on a Tight Schedule
From my experience,there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability,money and time.36.    Money is a topic I’ll save for another day.So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen.Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:
Think ahead.The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I’m already hungry and there is nothing ready to eat.So think about the coming week.When will you have time to cook Do you have the right materials ready 37.  
Make your time worth it.When you do find time to cook a meal,make the most of it and save yourself time later on.Are you making one loaf of bread 38.    It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something.So save yourself the effort for a future meal.
39.    This may surprise you,but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation.It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule.The more you learn and the more you try,the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.
Hopefully that gives you a good start.40.    And don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!
A.Try new things.
B.Ability is easily improved.
C.Make three or four instead.
D.Understand your food better.
E.Cooking is a burden for many people.
F.Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.
G.A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.
36.B 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。空格前面提到了“ability”“money”“time”三个原因,后面两句的内容提到了“money”和“time”的话题,故此处指的是ability。
37.G 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。空格前提到了要把材料准备好,空格下一段提到了要计划好时间。下文“save yourself time later on”也有提示。故G项符合题意。
38.C 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。空格前面提到“你要做一条面包吗 ”,空格后面提到同样的时间可以做更多的饭菜,故C项符合题意。
39.A 考查学生理解段落主题句与段内衔接关系的能力。由下文“It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule.”可知,此处强调尝试做不同的饭菜。故A项符合题意。
40.F 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。由后面一句“不要让忙碌的日程妨碍你在饮食和生活方式上做出美好的改变”可知,F 项符合题意。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
Many Chinese people used to  41  each other with “Have you had your meal ” to show their friendliness.Recently,a new greeting has become  42  in many Chinese cities,namely “Have you  43  weight ”
Chen Xin,a manager of a media company in Hangzhou,has  44  his friends after successfully getting  45 .“Following instructions from my nutritionist,I went on a  46  and lost 10 kg,” Chen said with a  47  smile.
In recent years,food-delivery services have been growing fast and entering every corner of Chinese cities.Also,Chinese people can  48  buy foods from all over the world.But people are paying more and more attention to their  49 .More people are becoming  50  with various terms,such as “low calories”,“sugar cut-off” and “light food”.
“I used to eat a lot of unhealthy food,which brought me much  51 ,” Chen said.“Now my health indicators (指 标 ) are becoming  52 ,and I can feel that my body is in good  53  again.”
Chen is not alone.Many Chinese are troubled with “diseases of richness”,including obesity and high blood pressure,as the quality of life has greatly  54  over the past decades.Most people need to worry about if they have a healthy diet, 55  if they have enough food.
41.A.ask B.question
C.tell D.greet
42.A.important B.necessary
C.popular D.usual
43.A.cut B.lost
C.catch D.gain
44.A.surprised B.excited
C.frightened D.scared
45.A.fatter B.fitter
C.slimmer D.stronger
46.A.diet B.walk
C.sport D.food
47.A.relaxed B.confused
C.interested D.satisfied
48.A.hardly B.simply
C.easily D.quickly
49.A.mind B.body
C.wealth D.health
50.A.similar B.familiar
C.strange D.curious
51.A.trap B.mistake
C.trouble D.difficulty
52.A.formal B.normal
C.high D.low
53.A.shape B.level
C.situation D.condition
54.A.processed B.improved
C.changed D.enlarged
55.A.rather than B.or rather
C.other than D.or other
41.D 根据下一句的“a new greeting(一种新的问候) ”可知是“问候”。故选D。
42.C 根据many cities 可推知这种问候是“流行的”。故选C。
43.B 根据下文“I ...and lost 10 kg(我……并且瘦了10千克)”可知这是在说“减肥”,短语lose weight表示“减肥”,为问候的内容“你瘦了吗 ”故选B。
44.A 根据下文提到他瘦了10千克可推知这件事让他的朋友们很惊讶。故选A。
45.C 根据下文提到的“lost 10 kg(瘦了10千克)”可知他变得更苗条了。故选C。
46.A 根据“lost 10 kg(瘦了10千克)”可知他按照营养师的指示节食之后瘦了,短语go on a diet表示“节食”。故选A。
47.D 前文提到他瘦了10千克后变得更苗条可推知他说这些话时是满意的。故选D。
48.C 根据前一句“In recent years,food-delivery services have been growing fast and entering every corner of Chinese cities.(近年来,送餐服务发展迅速,进入了中国城市的每个角落。)”可知接下来所描述的“从世界各地买食物”对于中国人来说也是容易的。故选C。
49.D 根据下一句提到的“‘low calories’,‘sugar cut-off’ and ‘light food’”(“低卡路里”“不含糖”和“清淡食物”)可知中国人越来越关注自己的健康。故选D。
50.B 根据前文提到的中国人越来越关注自己的健康,所以他们对这些术语应该是越来越熟悉。故选B。
51.C 根据“unhealthy food(不健康的食物)”可推知给他带来的是“麻烦”。故选C。
52.B 句意:“现在我的健康指标恢复正常,我能感觉到我的身体又恢复了健康。”“身体又恢复了健康”可知健康指标恢复正常。故选B。
53.D 根据前一句提到健康指标恢复正常可知他感觉身体恢复了健康,短语in good condition表示“身体健康”。故选D。
54.B 根据“diseases of richness”(富贵病)可知中国人变得更富裕了,生活质量大幅提高。故选B。
55.A 根据前文提到“中国人的生活质量大幅提高”可知,不用担心食物是否足够了,因此此处是转折关系。故选A。
To celebrate the Lantern Festival,the Palace Museum organized its first light show in the Forbidden City.
The complex,home to Chinese emperors for five 56.    (century),was opened at night for the first time in 94 years.It was lit up with giant red lanterns and projections of ancient paintings.Masterpieces such as Along the River During the Qingming Festival were projected on the roofs,giving visitors a feeling like walking 57.     time.The design team smartly combined high technology 58.    (light) with the principles of cultural relic preservation.
Only 3,000 people 59.    (allow) in on that day: 500 people who booked their tickets online,and 2,500 60.    (invite) guests including model workers, officers,soldiers,and ambassadors.
With 61.     series of well-planned and tourist-friendly cultural activities,the Palace Museum is now on a campaign to make traditional Chinese culture more 62.    (access) to the general public.It has set an example to other museums in our country,most of 63.     seem to be still living in days gone by. Hopefully,the handsome turnover will be used 64.    (appropriate) to better protect the Forbidden City and improve 65.    (it)international image of being part of the world’s cultural heritage.
56.centuries century是可数名词,前面有five修饰,应用名词复数形式。故填centuries。
57.through 句意: 《清明上河图》等名作被投射在屋顶上,让游客们有一种穿越时间的感觉。结合句意,该处指“在时间中穿过”,故应填介词through。
58.lighting 该空作动词combine的宾语,且表示“照明”的意思,故应填名词lighting。
59.were allowed 根据前两段可知,该句叙述的是发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时态。且主语3 000 people和allow之间是被动关系,该句应用被动语态。故该空应填were allowed。
60.invited 该空修饰名词guests,且guests和invite之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作定语,故填invited。
61.a 表示“一系列的……”应用a series of...,故该空填冠词a。
62.accessible 该题考查“make+n.+adj.”结构,其中adj.作宾语补足语。故该空应填形容词accessible。
63.which 逗号后是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词museums,引导词在从句中作介词of的宾语,指物,应用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
64.appropriately 此处作状语,修饰谓语动词,应该用副词,故填appropriately。
65.its 该空修饰名词image,故应用形容词性物主代词,故填its。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1.姓名: 樊锦诗。
2.职业: 考古学家。
3.出生时间: 1938年。
4.出生地: 北京。
5.毕业学校、时间: 北京大学、1963年。
6.专业: 考古学专业。
成就: 自毕业后,已在敦煌研究所坚持工作50余年,被誉为“敦煌女儿”;致力于石窟的研究和保护;创造了“数字敦煌”,收集和录制莫高窟的文化遗迹;对文物保护做出了巨大的贡献。
One possible version:
Fan Jinshi,born in Beijing in 1938,is a famous archaeologist,who devotes all her life to the study and protection of the Mogao Caves.
She graduated from Peking University in 1963,majoring in archaeology.She has been working in Dunhuang Institute for more than 50 years since she graduated from Peking University.Therefore,she has been regarded as the daughter of Dunhuang.She created digital Dunhuang,recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves.
She has made a great contribution to the protection of cultural relics.In her life,she got many honours.
Once there was a princess.Her father was the king.He wanted her to marry someone that would make her laugh.Many princes came from around the world.No one made her laugh.
Three brothers lived near the king’s castle.They wanted to marry the princess,too.So they began walking to the castle.They each had a loaf of bread.As they walked,they saw a sad old man.“Can you share some food ” the old man asked the first brother.The first brother said “No” and then walked away.Then the first brother fell,and hurt his leg.He couldn’t walk to the castle.He went home.The second brother passed the old man.“Can you share some food ” the old man asked.“No,” said the second brother.He turned and walked away.Like his brother,he fell and hurt his leg.He also went home.
Dale,the third brother,also saw the old man.“Can you share some food ”the old man asked.“Yes,” said Dale.He and the old man shared the loaf of bread.“For your kindness,I have a gift for you,” the old man said.“It will make the princess laugh.” The old man gave Dale a goose with golden feathers.Dale did not know how a goose would make the princess laugh.But he thanked the old man and went on his way.
Paragraph 1:
As Dale walked,a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose,but suddenly,she was stuck (粘住)!
Paragraph 2:
When a man passed Dale and the three girls,he tapped a girl on the shoulder,and he became stuck,too.
One possible version:
As Dale walked,a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose,but suddenly,she was stuck(粘住)! She had no choice but to walk with Dale.A second girl and her sister saw the goose.The girls also touched the feathers.Suddenly,they were stuck,too! So Dale,the goose,and the three girls walked toward the castle.
When a man passed Dale and the three girls,he tapped a girl on the shoulder,and he became stuck,too.So Dale,the golden goose,and the four stuck people walked to the castle.When the princess saw Dale,she began to laugh.The king began to laugh,too.Soon,everyone present was laughing.The king was happy.He found someone who could make his daughter laugh.The princess was happy,too.Dale and the princess were married,and lived happily ever after.