人教版(2019)必修第二册UNIT 5 MUSIC学案(2份打包有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册UNIT 5 MUSIC学案(2份打包有答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-14 13:03:35


  Music is magic!Music speaks louder than words and it is a “language” that the whole world can understand.A piece of music can produce a response in the heart and mind.Like feeling an electric current,music has a spiritual effect on a person.Different kinds of music influence people in different ways.
Will you please pick out which you prefer and say the reasons why
Can you add more kinds of music you prefer
Part 1 Listening and Speaking~Discovering Useful Structures
答案:1.process 2.creator 3.education 4.reason 5.advantages 6.wide participation 7.a better place
1.I like to listen to it when I exercise.It gives me energy.(教材第51页)
◆energy n.能源;能量;精力
Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D)
Best of all,humor raises your energy,and that can have an effect on everything you do at school,at work,or in your personal life.(2020年江苏卷)
①She is usually dressed in red,which makes her look more     (energy).
②The more he worked,the more      (energy) he became.
答案:①energetic ②energetic
2.Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone.(教材第52页)
◆opportunity n.机会;时机
Resilient people who think positively tend to treat every problem as a challenge,a chance for improvement of any kind,or as an opportunity for personal growth.(2020年北京卷,七选五)
Students then have an opportunity to improve their products.(2019年天津卷,阅读理解A)
I am sorry that I have lost an opportunity to go abroad.
③A full-day stay with a local family will give you an opportunity     (learn) more about their life.
答案:①Tomorrow we’ll have an opportunity to visit the museum in our city.
②I would appreciate it if you could offer me an opportunity to go to university.
③to learn
3.A virtual choir enables them to add their voices to those of other individuals and become part of the global community.(教材第52页)
◆enable vt.使能够;使可能
Giving employees the tools enables them to communicate honestly.(2020年全国Ⅱ卷,七选五)
It is these activities that enable us to improve our writing skills.
Reading widely enables you to broaden your horizons.
①There is no doubt that the advance of science and technology      (enable) people to live more comfortably and happily.
②The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with other people.
③I am sorry for being unable to reply to you in time.
4.It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.(教材第52页)
◆prove vt.证明;展现
He proved that it’s not what happens to us that determines our lives—it’s what we make of what happens.(2020年江苏卷,完形填空)
For football and basketball,adding talented players to a team proves a good method.(2019年北京卷)
The medicine I took this morning proved to be effective.
答案:①He proved to be a very successful businessman.
②China has proved her wisdom and strength to the world.
5.The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.(教材第52页)
◆award vt.授予
It’s said that she received an award of 1,000 dollars.
据说她得到了1 000美元的奖金。
Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
award 多指官方颁发的奖品、奖金,强调荣誉 The new invention won the highest award. 这项新发明获得了最高奖。
prize 多指在比赛、竞争或抽奖中获得的奖 The first prize is a weekend for two in Miami. 一等奖是迈阿密双人周末游。
reward 多指对某人的工作或服务等的回报、报酬 You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励。
①The actress won several      (award) for her wonderful performances.
②A medal was awarded      the young man for his bravery.
答案:①awards ②to
6.He fell in love with Mozart’s classical music when he sang for the university choir.(教材第52页)
◆fall in love with 爱上
A few months after he had arrived in China,Mr.Smith fell in love with the people and culture there.(2019年江苏卷)
The young pair are in love with each other for three years.
答案:①He fell in love with this beautiful place as soon as he set foot on it.
②Mike and Rose have been in love with each other for 3 years.
7.Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(教材第54页)
◆relief n. (焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱
To her relief,her child returned home safe and sound.
She smiled in relief after she heard her son had been admitted to a university.
①             (令他欣慰的是),his son found a job.
②This medicine can             (缓解你的疼痛).
③Having seen the patient come back to life,Doctor Li nodded his head in     (relieve).
④It is a relief     (hear) that he will come back soon.
答案:①To his relief ②relieve your pain
③relief ④to hear
8.When he got absorbed in his world of music,he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him,like he had in his previous life.(教材第54页)
◆absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使……全神贯注
Plants can absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
The boy was absorbed in doing his homework.
①When Tom is      (absorb) in reading novels,he often forgets to eat and sleep.
②Absorbed      his work,Jack forgot to meet his friend.
③He found his uncle     (absorb) in reading a newspaper.
答案:①absorbed ②in ③absorbed
9.Filled with team spirit,they act as a whole,always aiming for glory.(教材第54页)
◆aim n.目的;目标
vi.& vt. 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准
vt. 目的是;旨在
He worked hard at his lessons with the aim of entering Tsinghua University.
The policeman aimed his gun at the fugitive.
The anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at teenagers.
①You have to aim      the centre of the target.
②The picture      (aim) at showing their happiness.
③I have faith in their ability to            (实现他们的目标).
④They are             (力求降低) unemployment by 50%.
答案:①at ②is aimed ③achieve their aims
④aiming to reduce
Since then,the virtual choir has become a worldwide phenomenon.(教材第52页)
◆since 意为“自从……以来”,通常与现在完成时连用。
He has worked in the computer company since he came here.
California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s,according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change seems to be a major factor(因素).(2019年浙江卷,阅读理解C)
①My hometown has changed greatly            (自从去年以来).
②                 (既然你不能理解这个问题),you should ask your teacher.
③Since humankind started gardening,we     (make) our environment more beautiful.
④The dictionary is out of date:many words     (add) to the language since it was published.
答案:①since last year ②Since you can’tunderstand this problem ③have made ④have been added
 Inspired,he asked his fans to make videos,which he then joined together into one performance.(教材第52页)
Inspired 为过去分词作状语,主句为he asked his fans to make videos,之后跟的是which引导的非限制性定语从句。
1.Whitacre’s next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF,which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK.(教材第52页)
◆stage n.舞台;时期;阶段
To get the most out of reading these plays,try to picture the play on stage,with you,the reader,in the audience.(2020浙江卷,阅读理解A)
The technology is still in its early stage.
While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration.
She dressed up to play the guitar          in the school evening party.
             of studying a foreign language,students should attach importance to grammar.
答案:①on stage ②In the early stage
2.When he got absorbed in his world of music,he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him,like he had in his previous life.(教材第54页)
(1)◆previous adj.先前的;以往的
Instead of getting down to a new task as I had expected,he examined the previous work again.
Previous to the meeting,we discussed the matter among ourselves.
①Previous      drawing a conclusion,please take all aspects into consideration.
②The building had    (previous) been used as a hotel.
答案:①to ②previously
(2)as if好像,仿佛
The child talks to us as if he were a grown-up.
He talked about Rome as though he had been there before.
They said goodbye to each other as though they would never meet again.
Tom raised his hand as though he was going to say something.
It sounds as though it is raining.
①Don’t handle the vase as if it     (be) made of steel.
②He talked about the book as though he    (read) it.
答案:①were ②had read
1.Born in the USA on 2 January 1970,Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.(教材第52页)
2.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”(教材第52页)
3.Inspired,he asked his fans to make videos,which he then joined together into one performance.(教材第52页)
4.I was very afraid and I felt so alone and discouraged.(教材第56页)
  过去分词可以在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随、结果等。 表示时间、原因、条件、让步状语时,可转换为相应的状语从句;表示方式、结果和伴随时,可转化为并列分句。
Told that his mother was ill,Li Lei hurried home quickly.
(相当于When he was told that his mother was ill,Li Lei hurried home quickly.)
Moved by the story,he decided to study harder.
(相当于Because he was moved by the story,he decided to study harder.)
Given a few more minutes,I’ll finish the work.
(相当于If I am given a few more minutes,I’ll finish the work.)
Although published many times,the book still sells well in the market.
(相当于Although the book has been published many times,it still sells well in the market.)
The teacher came in,followed by some students.
(相当于The teacher came in and he was followed by some students.)
The cup fell down to the ground,broken.
(相当于The cup fell down to the ground.As a result,it was broken.)
He stood firmly,eyes fixed on the wall.
(相当于He stood firmly with his eyes fixed on the wall.)
①The boy sat at his desk,his right hand    (raise).
②     (praise) by his teacher,Tom worked even harder.
③     (face) with this situation,they felt both joy and fear.
答案:①raised ②Praised ③Faced
All the doors are locked.
She felt satisfied with her final-term examination result.
如:The window is broken.
The window was broken by my brother.
①They were      (frighten) to hear the sound.
②Jack looked even more     (amaze) than he felt.
③The audience were      (move) by the player’s excellent performance.
④Both he and I are      (satisfy) with the result.
答案:①frightened ②amazed ③moved
1.    (fill) with curiosity,the artist packed his bags and left.(2020年全国Ⅲ卷,语法填空)
2.“Don’t get too    (excite) because that may not be it,” I said.(2020年北京卷,完形填空)
1.Filled 句意:那位艺术家满怀好奇,收拾好行李就走了。be filled with“充满……的”,此处是用过去分词作状语。
2.excited 句意:“我”说,“不要太激动,因为那可能不是你的背包”。此处修饰人,用过去分词作表语。
1.     (see) from the top of the hill,our city looks beautiful.
2.The old man walked to the hospital,     (support) by his two sons.
3.If      (accept) for the job,you’ll be informed soon.
4.     (discuss) many times,the plan was carried out at last.
5.He is     (dress) in white uniform.
答案:1.Seen 2.supported 3.accepted 4.Discussed
答案:1.Left at home alone,Mary didn’t feel afraid at all.
2.He seemed (to be) interested in English.
3.Once published,the novel will be very popular.
4.Written in simple English,the book is easy to read.
5.Lost in thought,he almost ran into the wall.
课时作业(九) UNIT 5 Part 1
1.The theater is putting on a     (perform) of the popular musical Cats.
2.Your timely help enabled me     (finish) my work ahead of time.
3.A virtual choir proves to be a positive influence      the lives of many people.
4.Our headmaster awarded the first prize      her.
5.They fell      love with each other when they met for the first time.
6.     (see) from the top of the building,the city looks wonderful.
7.Many patients get the medical     (treat) they need.
8.He worked hard at English and aimed at     (master) it.
9.I will stay in this school longer than     (original) planned.
10.To my     (relieve),they spoke English.
答案:1.performance 2.to finish 3.on 4.to 5.in 6.Seen 7.treatment 8.mastering
9.originally 10.relief
1.The first time I saw this picture,I              (喜欢上) it.
2.            (已经证明了) he is the best fit for the job.
3.You must collect enough materials             (在你写作之前).
4.Last weekend,they launched a campaign             (旨在提高人们的环保意识).
5.The little girl             (全神贯注于) reading a tale.
6.Music             (对我们的身心健康都有影响).
答案:1.fell in love with 2.It has been proved that
3.previous to your writing 4.aiming to raise/aimed at raising the public’s awareness of environmental protection 5.was absorbed in 6.has a good impact on our physical and mental health
The arts,especially music,should be part of every school’s lessons at every grade level.Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience.They could improve their classroom skills,like paying attention and following directions.People develop all these skills when they learn music.Making music also lets children use their imagination.It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.
Music not only makes children better students,but also gives them something positive to do.In a music program,children can be part of a band instead of joining a gang(团伙).Parents can enjoy listening to their children’s music instead of seeing them glued to a computer or TV screen.In a school band,students get to be part of a team.They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.
Music builds self-confidence,too.It gives children a sense of achievement and success.Making music is something for them to be proud of,and it lets kids practice performing in front of an audience.Music gives children an opportunity for self-expression,and that helps develop their self-confidence.
Once again,music is important because it can make children better students,give them something positive to do,and build their character.That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.
1.According to the passage,music could make students smarter by    .
A.improving their classroom skills and attention
B.improving their classroom skills and imagination
C.improving their attention,direction and imagination
D.learning music,making music and trying out their own ideas
2.What does the underlined phrase “glued to” in the second paragraph mean
A.Unwilling to turn on.
B.Always looking.
C.Unwilling to leave.
D.Always playing.
3.The third paragraph mainly tells us that music could    .
A.give children self-expression and self-confidence
B.give children achievement and success
C.give children something to be proud of
D.develop children’s self-confidence
4.What’s the best title of this passage
A.Music Is a Must As a Course at School
B.Music Builds Children’s Self-confidence
C.Music Makes Students Much Smarter
D.Learning Music and Making Music
1.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“People develop all these skills when they learn music.Making music also lets children use their imagination.”可知,音乐让学生更聪明主要是因为音乐可以提高他们的技能和想象力。故B正确。
2.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中猜测词义的能力。根据本句“Parents can enjoy listening to their children’s music instead of seeing them glued to a computer or TV screen.”这一段都是在叙述学习音乐的好处,学习音乐可以让学生专注于音乐而不是沉溺于电脑或电视。所以该词应该表示C项含义。
3.D 段落大意题。考查学生理解段落主旨要义的能力。根据本段第一句“Music builds self-confidence,too.”可知,本段主要叙述的是学习音乐可以建立学生的自信心。故D正确。
4.A 主旨大意题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。根据文章第一句“The arts,especially music,should be part of every school’s lessons at every grade level.”可知,本文主要叙述的是音乐一定要成为一门课程,因为音乐对孩子的发展有很多好处。故A正确。
Music is not just a set of sounds and rhythms.Its influence on the brain is much deeper than any other human experience.Keep on reading to know all those amazing power of music.
A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music.Experts led by Dr.Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta,Canada,found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests.It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations.
Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement-related problems.Music can help recover from brain injuries.As a different and effective treatment,doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brain responsible for these two functions.When people with neurological (神经的) disorders hear a musical beat,it helps them to regain a balanced walk.
Though music cannot make deafness disappear,it really can stave off the loss of hearing.There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians.Participants were asked to pass some listening tests.Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians,and this difference gets clearer with age.This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year-old non-musician,even in a noisy environment.
Besides,music mends a broken heart.It is not about a thrown-away love,but about a heart attack.The matter is that music can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operation by reducing blood pressure,slowing down the heartbeat rate,and reducing anxiety.Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions,improves the movement of blood,and expands blood vessels,thus,promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular (心血管的) system.
5.How does music affect preterm babies
A.It helps reduce their pain.
B.It helps develop their potential in music.
C.It helps improve their hearing systems.
D.It helps repair their neurological systems.
6.What does the underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Lead to. B.Increase.
C.Prevent. D.Break into.
7.Why can music mend a broken heart
A.Because it has a positive effect on human body systems’ work.
B.Because it can help people prevent diseases caused by anxiety.
C.Because it helps make a person feel optimistic about life.
D.Because it can help patients recover in a slow way.
8.What may be the best title for the text
A.Who Can Benefit from Music
B.The Best Time to Listen to Music
C.The Way to Choose Quality Music
D.How Music Affects Our Minds and Bodies
5.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段第一句“A recent study suggests that preterm babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music.”可知,最近的一项研究表明,早产儿在听音乐时,似乎经历的痛苦更少,吃得更多。故音乐可以帮助早产儿减少痛苦。故选A。
6.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中猜测词义的能力。根据画线部分所在句“Though music cannot make deafness disappear,it really can stave off the loss of hearing.”可知,stave off意思为“延缓,推迟,阻止”。故选C。
7.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions,improves the movement of blood,and expands blood vessels,thus,promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular system.”可知,听高质量的音乐可以产生积极的情绪,促进血液流动,扩张血管,从而促进整个心血管系统的快速恢复。故音乐通过对人体系统的工作产生积极的影响以使心脏快速恢复。故选A。
8.D 标题归纳题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。这是一篇说明文,主要说明了音乐对人的身体和心理的影响。故选D。
Music is one of the most 1.    (power) things in my life.Listening to music can help to motivate me in trying time.When younger,I 2.    (have) no great love for music as I do now.I mainly listened to what my parents were listening to.Whether I was in the car,the house,3.     anywhere else,there was sure to be some Beatles,or Buddy Holly constantly playing in the background.Now as I’m 4.    (old),I enjoy it for the reason that it allows me to remember my childhood.
I believe music has the power 5.    (express) all sorts of emotions.The song A Little Bit Longer by Jonas Brothers is 6.     an emotional and inspiring song that when I hear it,I always can’t help 7.    (drop) down tears, especially when I watch it being played live.The effect 8.     music can have on our emotions is great,as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of 9.    (laugh).
I believe music affects people in many ways.To me,music is 10.    (extreme) important in my life.I think it brings me closer to my friends and family.
1.powerful 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应作为things的定语,所以用形容词形式。故填powerful。
2.had 考查时态。句意:小的时候,我对音乐的喜爱不如现在。根据句意可知,“对音乐不喜爱”是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时。故填had。
3.or 考查连词。“无论……还是……”的固定表达为whether...or...。故填or。
4.older 考查比较级。联系上下文,此句是和上文的“When younger,I     (have) no great love for music as I do now.”进行对比,上文用 younger,故此处用older。故填 older。
5.to express 考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式to express作为名词power的后置定语,power to do sth做……的力量。故填 to express。
6.such 考查结果状语从句。此处应为结果状语从句“如此……以至于……”,又因为an emotional and inspiring song的中心词是名词song,故用固定结构such...that...。故填such。
7.dropping 考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配can’t help doing可知,此处应该用动名词形式。故填dropping。
8.that/which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,定语从句“     music can have on our emotions”中缺少宾语,故用关系代词,先行词是effect,指物,所以用that或者which。故填that/which。
9.laughter 考查名词。句中of是介词,其后应该接名词性质的词,laugh的名词形式是 laughter。故填laughter。
10.extremely 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰形容词important。故填extremely。Part 2 Listening and Talking~Assessing Your Progress
本文是一个叫莎拉·威廉姆斯的演讲稿。她通过自己的经历,告知我们,是音乐带给她力量、安慰、满足感, 帮她度过艰难的时刻。建议我们珍惜音乐,并让它融入到我们的生活。有利于培养学生陶冶音乐情操的意识。
答案:1.honour 2.impact 3.ached 4.treatment 5.better 6.recover 7.relief 8.satisfaction 9.treasure
1.people to set up equipment(教材第55页)
(1)set sth up安装好(设备或机器)
He convinced the police department to allow him to set up a couple of “chat benches” in two of their local parks.(2020年天津卷,完形填空)
The government is to set up schools for children of poor families.
①Nowadays,some film stars want to set      their own workshops.
②Once I realised what was wrong,I set      correcting it.
③Having made the plan,she set      to carry it out.
④You had better set your idea     before you forget it.
答案:①up ②about ③out ④down
(2)equipment n.设备;装备(不可数名词)
Our school has been given some new pieces of equipment.
The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
①It’s a modern hospital,and all its      (equip) is of high quality.
②Students study hard to equip themselves      everything they will need in the future.
③The primary school will     (equip) with new computers next term.
答案:①equipment ②with ③be equipped
2.So can I assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money (教材第55页)
◆assume vt.以为;假设
...but it’s long been assumed that human ancestors were smarter than the Neanderthals.
It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.
①It is generally      (assume) that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.
②As far as I know,a great many people made an      (assume) that he is right.
答案:①assumed ②assumption
3.It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.(教材第56页)
◆get through (设法)处理;完成
He got through half of his homework.
He helped me get through the difficulties.
写出下列句中get through的含义
①I couldn’t get through to him because his phone broke down.       
②I’m afraid that you didn’t get through the exam.        
③We have got a lot of work to get through.        
答案:①打通电话 ②通过 ③处理
4.Moreover,music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.(教材第56页)
 ◆satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰
To his satisfaction,he got a chance to go abroad.
She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
①Getting the first prize gave her a sense of     (satisfy).
②    (satisfy) with his work,he treated himself to a big dinner.
③The old couple are satisfied      (live) in the countryside.
④To her      (satisfy),they dealt with the matter very soon.
答案:①satisfaction ②Satisfied ③to live
5.At the same time,we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone.(教材第56页)
◆various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的
Libraries will often hold reading-group sessions targeted to various age groups.(2020年天津卷,阅读理解A)
Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menu,allowing customers more control over the atmosphere in which they are dining.(2020年天津卷,阅读理解C)
①There are      (vary) theme parks in the world,where you can have fun.
②There is a     (vary) of toys in the store.
③The vegetables and fruits we eat vary     the season.
④For      (vary) reasons,she refused to accept the job.
答案:①various ②variety ③with ④various
 It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.(教材第56页)
本句是一个主从复合句,主句中It为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的并列不定式短语to be here and to share...,名词性从句how music has had an impact on my life作介词of的宾语。
1.try out(教材第58页)参加……选拔(或试演);测试;试验
The government is trying out a new way to solve the air pollution.
The method appears good,but it needs to be tried out.
She tried out for the lead in the show.
①The idea sounds fine,but we need to try it      in practice.
②All the students in the class try out     the basketball match.
③Try     the new shoes to see if they fit.
答案:①out ②for ③on
2.Then one day,I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment.(教材第56页)
◆treatment n.治疗;对待;处理
It is reported that the player is under medical treatment.
He had to go to hospital for treatment.
Our teachers are kind to us and treat us as their friends.
Let’s go out for dinner! It’s my treat this time.
①The second person treats it      a question about shape.
②She treated me     lunch.It was beyond my imagination.
③People must be satisfied that the     (treat) is safe.
答案:①as ②to ③treatment
3.Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience,I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.(教材第58页)
◆reaction n.反应;回应
This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to develop.
A man is hiding from the rain listening to people’s talk and watching their reactions.
①I can imagine his     (react) when hearing the news.
②The boy often reacts      his parents.
③People’s reaction      the film has varied greatly.
答案:①reaction ②against ③to
Write a speech
Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody!Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.
It is a great honour to be here and to share with you...
I am honoured to be here on such a special occasion.
Today,I feel honoured to introduce...
Today’s topic is...
Today we are here to talk about...
I’m going to talk about something that is vitally important to all of us.
We all ought to be aware of the following points.
I hope I have made myself understood.
I hope you have found this useful.
I believe the future of...is promising through the efforts of us all.
That’s all.Thank you for your listening.
音乐在我们的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色,请根据以下提示,以“The Role of Music”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的演讲稿。
1.            adv.因此
2.         adv.此外,而且
3.        有机会做某事
4.        各种麻烦
5.        对……有影响
6.        另外,此外
答案:1.thus 2.moreover 3.have an opportunity to do sth 4.various troubles 5.have an impact on 6.in addition
I am honoured to                     give a speech about “The Role of Music” here.
It can                     both mentally and physically.
     it helps                at work and in life.
We                and feel sad.
Music can                   .It can help us step out of difficulty when we’re worried.
答案:1.have an opportunity to 2.make us feel relaxed 3.Thus;reduce our pressure 4.meet various troubles 5.have a comforting impact
答案:It can make us feel relaxed both mentally and physically,thus helping reduce our pressure at work and in life.
The Role of Music
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning!I am honoured to have an opportunity to give a speech about “The role of music” here.
As we all know,music plays an important role in our life.First,it can make us feel relaxed both mentally and physically,thus helping reduce our pressure at work and in life.Second,music can excite and encourage us as well when we meet various troubles and feel sad.Moreover,music can have a comforting impact and help us step out of difficulty when we’re worried.In addition,music,as a universal language,can be of great help to learn another culture.
As far as I’m concerned,music is a part of our life.We can’t live a happy life without the company of music.Thank you very much for your attention.
假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一篇演讲稿,主要内容包括:
参考词汇:低碳生活low-carbon life;节能的energy-saving。
Good morning,everyone.
I’m Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School.It’s a great honour to be here and to share my views with you.The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”.
  Therefore,let’s take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding e on and join us!
Thank you!
One possible version:
Good morning,everyone.
I’m Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School.It’s a great honour to be here and to share my views with you.The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”.
As is known to all,with the improvement of people’s living standards,cars have become a popular means of transport,bringing great convenience to our life.However,they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.
How can we solve these problems As far as I’m concerned,riding bicycles is a good solution.For one thing,bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy-saving,and for another,bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off any waste gas.What’s more,riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health.
Therefore,let’s take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding e on and join us!
Thank you!
课时作业(十) UNIT 5 Part 2
1.The boy got careful    (treat) in the hospital.
2.Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were     (gradual) being restored yesterday.
3.We bought a lot of     (equip) for our science lab.
4.My leg often     (ache) when I go upstairs and downstairs.
5.My deskmate Tom is a     (talent) painter.
6.The boss expressed his     (satisfy) with my work.
7.When he got absorbed      his world of music,he felt the world was beautiful.
8.When     (question) by the media,he refused to answer.
9.Music has had an important impact      my life.
10.This island offers such a wide     (various) of scenery and wildlife.
答案:1.treatment 2.gradually 3.equipment
4.aches 5.talented 6.satisfaction 7.in 8.questioned 9.on 10.variety
1.We offer English classes.         (此外),students can also take classes in other languages.
2.We want to           (安装) an air conditioner in our bedroom.
3.          (从那以后),he has never played computer games.
4.Mary will           (参加选拔) for the English-speaking competition.
5.I am happy that I have           (通过) the driving test.
6.They talked             (好像他们是老朋友) for many years.
7.            (令英语老师相当满意的是),all the students passed the listening test.
8.Moreover,he             (有……天赋) playing the piano.
答案:1.In addition 2.set up 3.From then on
4.try out 5.got through 6.as if/though they had been good friends 7.Much to the satisfaction of our English teacher 8.has a talent for
Eve was having a party! She had been given a karaoke set for her birthday,so she invited all her friends round for a special competition evening.The best singer would win a prize of a huge box of her delicious cookies.
Everyone came along:Helen,Jane,and Peter,who looked a bit nervous.“Don’t worry,Peter.We’re only here to have some fun,” said Eve kindly.Jane was first up on stage(舞台).The minute she began to sing,everyone could tell she’d been practicing! Next,it was Helen’s turn.Her voice was not as strong as Jane’s,but she had a great sense of rhythm(节奏) and seemed to enjoy being on stage.All the girls took their turn singing.There were a few wrong notes,but all in all,everyone had a wonderful time.
“Come on,Peter.It’s your go now!” said the girls.But Peter shook his head.“No,thanks.I’d be totally hopeless!” he said.“If you like,we can sing together.It won’t be as scary (可怕的)that way!” offered Eve.Peter gave in.He and Eve shared the microphone (话筒) and they began to sing a rock song.At first,you could hardly hear the voice of the shy boy but slowly,encouraged by his friends,he forgot his stage nervousness.Soon,Peter was holding the microphone on his own and singing his heart out! His singing was a bit off-key (走调的),but he made up for that by his performance.He danced around the stage like a real rock star!
At the end of the song,the girls all cheered.Eve stepped forward and handed him the big box of home-made cookies.“Peter,we all agree that you’ve won the prize!” she said.“OK,you may not exactly sing like an angel,but you really know how to put on a show!”
1.Which can best describe the girls’ performance
A.Perfect. B.Worrying.
C.Quite poor. D.Generally good.
2.Why did Eve share the microphone with Peter
A.Because the girls asked her to do so.
B.Because there was no other microphone.
C.Because it could help fight Peter’s nervousness.
D.Because Peter was too nervous to hold the microphone.
3.Why was Peter given the box of cookies
A.Because he had the best voice.
B.Because he loved eating cookies.
C.Because he helped the girls a lot.
D.Because he held the stage very well.
1.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第二段中的“There were a few wrong notes,but all in all,everyone had a wonderful time.”可知,女生们唱的时候有些小差错,但是整体还是不错的。故选D。
2.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据文章第三段中的“‘No,thanks.I’d be totally hopeless!’ he said.‘If you like,we can sing together.It won’t be as scary that way!’ offered Eve.”可推断,Eve跟Peter一起唱歌是为了帮助Peter对抗紧张情绪。故选C。
3.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“OK,you may not exactly sing like an angel,but you really know how to put on a show!”可知,Peter的舞台控制得很好。故选D。
You might have noticed that the ringing sound of basketballs was almost like the beat to a song.But did you know that it could be taken seriously as music
The music group STOMP has taken everyday objects and turned them into instruments.The music it has created is a hit all over the world.
STOMP was formed by British musicians Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas.They met in the early 1980s when they were both working as buskers,the British term for street performers.Cresswell and McNicholas were part of a busking group called Pookiesnackenburger that became very popular throughout Britain.
Cresswell was a drummer (鼓手) for the group.Because they performed on the street,he could not set up a traditional drum set.Instead,he wore one drum that hung around his shoulders.To be able to make different sounds,Cresswell began beating on everyday objects that he could find during performances.This creative drumming led to the idea for STOMP.
STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theater in 1991.The performers used one-of-a-kind instruments,such as empty water bottles,basketballs,and matchboxes to create music.Wearing overalls and T-shirts,they danced around on a stage made to look like a closed warehouse (仓库).STOMP was a great success,winning many theater awards and drawing huge crowds (人群).
In 1994,STOMP came to the United States and played at the Orpheum Theater in New York City.Years later it is still playing there! To celebrate its ten-year anniversary (周年纪念),the then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg renamed the street outside the theater STOMP Avenue.
STOMP has now toured all over the United States and most of the world.One reason STOMP is so popular is that anyone can enjoy it.There are no words or story.People from all cultures can understand it,no matter which language they speak.
4.What makes STOMP a special music group
A.There are few words in its music.
B.It usually performs in warehouses.
C.The performers wear special clothes.
D.It uses everyday objects as instruments.
5.What can we learn about STOMP
A.It was created in 1980.
B.It was formed in Britain.
C.It was named after a street.
D.It was part of Pookiesnackenburger.
6.Who was behind the creative idea for STOMP
A.Luke Cresswell.
B.A busking group.
C.Steve McNicholas.
D.Michael Bloomberg.
7.Which shows the correct order of the following events
a.STOMP began performing at the Orpheum Theater.
b.STOMP began performing at the Bloomsbury Theater.
c.Michael Bloomberg named a street STOMP Avenue.
d.Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas worked as buskers.
A.d-b-a-c. B.d-a-b-c.
C.b-a-c-d. D.b-a-d-c.
4.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第二段中的“The music group STOMP has taken everyday objects and turned them into instruments.”可知,该乐队把日常物品变成乐器进行创作。故选D。
5.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第三段中的“STOMP was formed by British musicians”和第五段中的“STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theater in 1991.”可知,该乐队是由英国音乐家在伦敦建立。故选B。
6.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第四段中的“To be able to make different sounds,Cresswell began beating on everyday objects that he could find during performances.This creative drumming led to the idea for STOMP.”可知,Cresswell创造性的击鼓方式促成了STOMP的音乐特点。故选A。
7.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第三段中的“...Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas.They met in the early 1980s when they were both working as buskers”,第五段中的“STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theater in 1991”,第六段中的“In 1994,STOMP came to the United States and played at the Orpheum Theater in New York City”和“To celebrate its ten-year anniversary,the then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg renamed the street outside the theater STOMP Avenue.”可知,四件事情的时间先后顺序是dbac。故选A。
It’s been five years since I came to America.The year before I arrived,every weekend I was woken up by Spring River in the Flower Moon Night, 1  by my mother on a zheng.
My mum was always enchanted (着迷) by the beauty of Chinese traditional music,but she never had the chance to learn a(n)  2 .In 2009,she got a zheng from a friend and has been playing and performing ever since.Sometimes when I  3  her,I search for the songs she used to play on the Internet.I never expected to hear them here in Boston.
Earlier this year,as I  4  a new apartment,I met Zhantao Lin,the director of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association.At Lin’s house,I heard the  5  of the erhu.Lin later  6  me to his music team and I heard the rehearse(排练) for a  7  this year.It was beautiful and powerful—it suddenly brought me back to my hometown in China.
 8  is also part of Lin’s daily routine.Besides performing,he passed on his love of the erhu to his students.I went to one of Lin’s classes and met 9-year-old London Turk.I asked him why he chose to learn the erhu.“It’s much  9  to learn than the violin,” he said.Perhaps Turk hasn’t really started to  10  the beauty of the erhu,but his mother has always loved the instrument.“There are so many beautiful things in Chinese  11 :the music,the language,and the art.So we just try our best to let him have a  12  to explore it,” she said.
I  13  my mum for giving me a chance to immerse(使沉浸) myself in the Chinese musical world.The music makes me feel relaxed.It can also  14  me of my homesickness.If you listen to one piece,you will  15  its uniqueness,power and beauty.
1.A.directed B.played
C.written D.invented
2.A.instrument B.trade
C.language D.trick
3.A.mention B.chase
C.miss D.call
4.A.looked after B.looked at
C.looked for D.looked up
5.A.story B.sound
C.name D.cry
6.A.followed B.recommended
C.guided D.introduced
7.A.performance B.competition
C.game D.conference
8.A.Reading B.Teaching
C.Composing D.Exercising
9.A.easier B.longer
C.safer D.smarter
10.A.consider B.appreciate
C.ignore D.expect
11.A.medicine B.economy
C.literature D.culture
12.A.chance B.place
C.duty D.desire
13.A.forgive B.blame
C.thank D.beg
14.A.remind B.cure
C.inform D.warn
15.A.explain B.ensure
C.express D.experience
1.B 根据本空前的“The year before I arrived,every weekend I was woken up by Spring River in the Flower Moon Night”可知,每个周末“我”都被妈妈用古筝“演奏(played)”的《春江花月夜》叫醒。故选B。
2.A 妈妈对中国传统音乐着迷,但是她从来没有机会学习一种“乐器(instrument)”。故选A。
3.C 根据本空后的“I search for the songs she used to play on the Internet.”可知,每次“想念(miss)”妈妈,“我”都会在网上找她演奏过的曲子听。故选C。
4.C “我”刚到波士顿,当然要“找(looked for)”住的地方。故选C。
5.B 根据本空后的“of the erhu...”可知,在林占涛的家里,“我”听到了二胡的“声音(sound)”。故选B。
6.D 根据本空后的“me to his music team”可知,他把“我”“介绍(introduced)”给他的乐队。故选D。
7.A 根据本空前的“I heard the rehearse for a”可知,他们为一场“演出(performance)”排练。故选A。
8.B 根据本空后的“is also part of Lin’s daily routine.Besides performing,he passed on his love of the erhu to his...I went to one of Lin’s classes and met 9-year-old London Turk”可知,除了表演,“教学(Teaching)”也是林占涛的日常工作。故选B。
9.A “我”问London Turk为什么选择学习二胡,他说因为二胡比小提琴“更容易(easier)”学。故选A。
10.B 根据本空后的“the beauty of the erhu,but his mother has always loved the instrument”可知,Turk并没有“欣赏(appreciate)”到二胡的美妙,但他的妈妈很喜欢二胡。故选B。
11.D 根据本空后的“the music,the language,and the art”可知,音乐、语言和艺术都是中国“文化(culture)”的组成部分。故选D。
12.A 上文说中国文化里有很多美好的东西,所以Turk的妈妈想让他有“机会(chance)”去发现这些美好的东西。故选A。
13.C 根据本空后的“my mum for giving me a chance to immerse myself in the Chinese musical world”可知,“我”“感谢(thank)”“我”妈妈让“我”有机会沉浸于中国音乐的世界。故选C。
14.B 根据本空后的“me of my homesickness”可知,音乐还“治愈(cure)”了“我”的思乡病。故选B。
15.D 根据本空后的“its uniqueness,power and beauty”可知,如果你听一段,你就会“体会(experience)”到它的独特、力量和美丽。故选D。
核心素养提升(UNIT 5)
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the boy probably want from the woman ( C )
A.Thirty more dollars.
B.Twenty more dollars.
C.Ten more dollars.
2.How will the speakers probably go to the concert hall ( A )
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By taxi.
3.What kind of movie does the man want to watch ( A )
A.A horror film. B.A comedy.
C.An action movie.
4.Why are the man’s cheeks red ( B )
A.Because he is sick.
B.Because he feels embarrassed.
C.Because he falls down and injured.
5.Where is Lucy going ( A )
A.To the hair shop.
B.To a repair shop.
C.To her doctor’s office.
6.When will the final exams be held ( C )
A.On January 8th.
B.On January 11th.
C.On January 29th.
7.What is the girl doing ( A )
A.Reading a novel.
B.Studying history in the library.
C.Preparing for the English exam.
8.What does the man think of the class meeting time ( B )
A.It’s just right.
B.It’s very early.
C.It’s too late.
9.Why does the man want to practice Spanish ( B )
A.To pass an exam.
B.To prepare for a trip.
C.To talk more with his friends.
10.According to the woman,which state had the best weather ( B )
A.South Carolina.
B.North Carolina.
11.How many types of fish did the woman catch ( B )
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
12.When might the woman go fishing next time ( C )
A.In December. B.In October.
C.In July.
13.Who could the man most probably be ( B )
A.A driver. B.A policeman.
C.A passer-by.
14.What was the woman doing when she saw the red car ( C )
A.Waiting for a bus. B.Having lunch.
C.Walking to a shop.
15.When did the accident probably happen ( B )
A.At 12:00. B.At 12:10.
C.At 12:15.
16.What do we know about the car ( A )
A.It went too fast.
B.A teenager drove it.
C.There were four people in it.
17.Why did the speaker feel lonely in her new school ( A )
A.Because she was the only Asian girl there.
B.Because her school was in a small village.
C.Because her parents were in Tokyo.
18.Where did the speaker plan to go for her college interview ( B )
A.Sweden. B.Bath. C.Oxford.
19.What incident had changed the speaker’s fate ( A )
A.Coming across a radio producer.
B.Meeting a professional artist.
C.Taking an earlier train.
20.What can we learn about the speaker ( C )
A.She is a girl from a small village in Oxford.
B.Her dream was to be a professional radio producer.
C.She got an invitation a week after that incident.
(Text 1)
W:Here’s ten dollars.I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes at the front of the mall.Find a nice gift for your friend’s birthday.
M:Aw,Mum!Can’t I have twenty
(Text 2)
W:We’re 20 blocks from the concert hall.Should we keep walking or jump in a taxi
M:There’s too much traffic for a taxi.But there’s a road for buses only,and here comes one.
(Text 3)
W:Let’s watch some funny videos tonight.
M:I’m in the mood for a scary movie.
W:I’m never in the mood to get scared.How about an action film
(Text 4)
W:Are you feeling all right Why are your cheeks all red
M:Don’t ask.I just fell down in front of my entire class!Everyone was laughing at me.I feel so silly.
(Text 5)
M:It’s 3:00 p.m.,Lucy.You’re going to be late for your hair appointment.
W:Oh,no!My medical appointment ran longer than I thought.I got my watch repaired before that,too...
(Text 6)
W:Hi,Kevin.Where are you going
M:Oh,I’m going to the library to study for the final exams.
W:But today is January 8th and the exams are in three weeks.
M:I’m not worried about the English exam because I think I can do well in it.But American history is my weakest subject.I failed it last time.I can’t fail it again and I don’t want to put it off until the last minute.
W:You’re right.I should also start to study.But let me finish this novel first.We can go to the library together.OK
(Text 7)
M:I need to improve my Spanish quickly.Any suggestions
W:There are conversation classes at the community center.Anyone can join.
M:Perfect.What day
W:Saturday mornings at 9:00.
M:That’s terrible.I can’t get up that early.
W:Well,if you need to practice before your trip to Spain,you should try hard to make it.
M:I usually stay up late with my friends on Fridays.
W:You can sacrifice some fun if this trip is important to you.
M:You’re right.If I don’t remember much Spanish,I will have a hard time meeting new people and going to places.
(Text 8)
M:I heard that you and your dad went deep sea fishing in the fall.Where did you go
W:We wanted to go to Florida,but we read online that the water was a little dirty.So,we decided to go to North Carolina instead,and it ended up being a good choice.The weather was perfect there!
M:Great!How did you get there
W:We had to drive through three states to get there.Driving through Georgia and South Carolina was horrible,though.The weather there was too wet.
M:That sounds like a long trip.I forgot how far North Carolina is from your home in Alabama.
W:I know,but once we got there,it was great.We caught tuna and sea bass.We wanted to catch some salmon,but we didn’t have any luck.
M:Maybe next time.
W:That’s what I’m hoping.We are going back next summer!That’s supposed to be the best season for salmon.I’ll be dreaming about it all winter!
(Text 9)
M:Hello,madam.I know you saw the accident.Have you got a few minutes to tell me what you saw
W:Of course.I was standing over there,near the bus stop.I was on my way to get something for lunch.That’s when I saw the red car come out from the crossing over there.
M:You don’t happen to know what time it happened,do you
W:Well,I left work for my lunch break at twelve and it’s only about ten minutes’ walk away.So it might have been about ten past twelve.
M:Did you get a view of who was in the car
W:There were three of them,two in the front,the driver,of course,someone in the passenger seat,and there was someone in the back.They were quite young.They might be just a little older than twenty.Anyway,they came speeding out of the side road and hit that lady’s bicycle.The driver didn’t bother to stop to find out if she was OK.He just drove off along the main road towards the town center.Is the woman OK
M:She seems fine.But the bike doesn’t look too good.OK.Thanks for your time.
(Text 10)
W:When I was 12,my parents moved out of Tokyo to a small village in Oxford.I was the only Asian girl in my school and I suddenly felt a bit lonely.Luckily,I had a brilliant art teacher who encouraged me to go to Art College.
However,on the day of my college interview in Bath,I woke up late.I left the house wearing two odd shoes and didn’t notice that my bottle of chocolate milk had poured all over the painting in my bag.Then when I finally got to the station,I got on the wrong train.Who knows,if I had gone to Bath that day,I might have become a professional artist.But I went to Sweden instead.I told the woman next to me on the train about what had happened,and she suddenly cried with laughter.It turned out she was a producer of a comedy program on the radio.To cut a long story short,I got an invitation a week later to attend an interview for a show,and the rest,as they say,is history.I am very lucky,and my life has been full of happy accidents.Now I am in charge of a very popular TV comedy program.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Music,nature and picnics in the sun:here are the best operas to catch this summer.
Opera Holland Park,London
For a mixture of urban and country operas,this open-air theater is built each summer right in the heart of one of the most quiet parks of London.
Book early as tickets sell out fast,and remember to bring a wrap or blanket to keep yourself warm on chillier summer evenings!
July 4 to August 3,
Glyndebourne Festival Opera,East Sussex
Glyndebourne is one of the oldest opera festivals in the world.It attracts some of the world’s greatest artists.Besides,the festival is the perfect occasion to put on your black tie or evening dress,enjoy a long picnic during the 90-minute interval (间隔).Summer festivals don’t get better than this.
July 8 to August 25,
The Grange Festival,Hampshire
Surrounded by lots of green plants and overseeing a picturesque lake,the Grange Festival in Hampshire is certain to be one of the most impressive visual feasts (视觉盛宴) you’ll ever see.
Arrive a bit early to take in the countryside views.During the lengthy interval,you’ll enjoy a romantic dinner—an essential part of the festival.
July 6 to August 6,thegrangefestival.co.uk
Grange Park Opera,Surrey
Though it’s relatively new,the festival attracts some of the world’s top talent and this year’s edition is no different,featuring performances by one of the world’s most charming mezzo-sopranos,Joyce DiDonato,and the charismatic baritone Simon Keenlyside.
July 6 to August 13,grangeparkopera.co.uk
21.What should you do if you go to Opera Holland Park
A.Put on your best dress.
B.Book tickets early.
C.Enjoy a romantic dinner.
D.Perform on the stage.
22.Which of the following may have the most beautiful natural environment
A.Opera Holland Park.
B.Grange Park Opera.
C.The Grange Festival.
D.Glyndebourne Festival Opera.
23.What is the purpose of author in writing the text
A.To attract more visitors to Britain.
B.To inform you of traveling destinations.
C.To advertise some places of interest.
D.To introduce British opera festivals.
21.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Opera Holland Park,London部分中的“Book early as tickets sell out fast,and remember to bring a wrap or blanket to keep yourself warm on chillier summer evenings!”可知,如果你要去Opera Holland Park,你应该早点订票。故选B。
22.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据The Grange Festival,Hampshire部分中的“Surrounded by lots of green plants and overseeing a picturesque lake,the Grange Festival in Hampshire is certain to be one of the most impressive visual feasts you’ll ever see.”可知,The Grange Festival可能拥有最美丽的自然环境。故选C。
23.D 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段中的“Music,nature and picnics in the sun:here are the best operas to catch this summer.”以及结合文章主要介绍了英国的四个歌剧节的情况。由此可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍英国的歌剧节。故选D。
Miss Bianca Monica,a junior here at Marymount Manhattan College,is currently sifting (筛选) her way through New York City,working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality that you only hear occasionally.
“It was a journey.I wanted to study communications and learn how things work in the music industry,”explained Monica.This is a young lady who knows what she wants and is putting in the effort to achieve it.Born a Jersey girl,Monica knew she was made to be in New York.
With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown,it’s obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio.At a young age of 14,Monica led a rock band.After the Robbery,the band saw huge success;they played numerous live performances around the city.Monica has also performed solo at the now closed Angels and Kings.
When asked about her choice in style,her eyes light up with a great passion.
“When writing my new record,we tried doing the dance route;then I realized:this is not me.Rock is in my blood.I just love music that makes you feel like your whole soul is pouring out of your body,”voiced Monica.
For a 21-year-old,Monica possesses the passion of someone who’s been writing music forever.Her musical style,with a heavy diet in that old rock and roll music,shares some similar features with 90s music.
When the Jersey girl isn’t in her usual studio,you can find Monica hanging around,going to shows,and enjoying the beauty of inspiration all around NYC.In late spring,Monica hopes to schedule a variety of shows to promote her new EP.Until then,you simply cannot miss out on hearing this wonderfully talented rock star.
24.Why does Bianca Monica go to New York City
A.To pursue her dream.
B.To enjoy a journey.
C.To open her own studio.
D.To work in the music industry.
25.    encourages Bianca Monica to go into the studio.
A.The development of her band
B.The support from her hometown
C.The creditable success of her band
D.Her character as a Jersey girl
26.What can we learn about Bianca Monica’s musical style
A.It is totally different from 90s music.
B.It is full of the passion of music writers.
C.It makes people feel heavy.
D.It has the character of old rock and roll music.
27.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To introduce the history of the rock music.
B.To encourage young people to learn from Monica.
C.To call on the public to pay attention to Monica’s music.
D.To search for the best way for Monica to succeed.
语篇导读:文章介绍了音乐人 Bianca Monica以及她的音乐,以此引起人们对她的音乐的关注。阅读本文有利于增加学生对国外音乐人的了解。
24.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第一段中的“...working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality”可知,Bianca Monica要在纽约实现她制作高质量摇滚音乐的梦想。所以Bianca Monica去纽约是去追求她的梦想。故A项正确。
25.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由第三段中的“With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown,it’s obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio” 可知,Monica得到了来自家乡极强大的支持,很明显,这样的支持鼓励她进入音乐界。所以来自家乡的支持鼓励了Bianca Monica进入音乐界。故B项正确。
26.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。由倒数第二段中的“Her musical style,with a heavy diet in that old rock and roll music,shares some similar features with 90s music”可知,她的音乐风格与那种古老的摇滚音乐有着密切的联系,与90年代的音乐风格有一些相似之处。所以,Bianca Monica的音乐风格具有古典摇滚乐的特点。故D项正确。
27.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。本文介绍了音乐人Bianca Monica以及她的音乐,以此引起人们对她的音乐的关注。故作者写这篇短文的目的就是呼吁公众关注 Monica的音乐。故C项正确。
Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults.Indeed it is.Scientific studies have proven it.Music has so many good effects on our body,mind and mood that this world will certainly not be a good place without music.Then,is music good for children Some parents think so and let their children learn or listen to music.But some parents don’t know the importance of music to children.Here are some reasons why music is important to children.
First,music is good for children’s intelligence.Studies have proved that children who learn music are likely to have higher intelligence than those who have no interest in or dislike music.This is because the brain gets stimulated(刺激) by the rhythm and tone of music.
Music also has soothing(抚慰的) effect on children and helps remove their stress.Today’s children are under a lot of stress from schoolwork.Being under too much stress impairs children’s health.Luckily,listening to music can help them feel better.
Music can improve children’s moods.Some children are sad by nature.They seem to be lost in their own thoughts and don’t take interest in their surroundings.In such cases,a method known as “music therapy” comes to their rescue.It changes their moods and places a new kind of spirit in them.
Music is also a universal language that children ought to learn.Our world has become a global village.People are getting more and more interested in other cultures and countries.Music can help them in understanding foreign cultures.
Now we can say that music is very important not only to adults but also to children.So children should be encouraged to learn music or listen to music.
28.By mentioning scientific studies in Paragraph 1,the author wants to show    .
A.why adults should listen to music
B.children should listen to music
C.listening to music is only good for adults
D.why scientists are interested in music
29.What does the underlined word “impairs” in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Harms. B.Changes.
C.Improves. D.Shows.
30.The last but second paragraph shows that listening to music means    .
A.learning languages better
B.understanding foreign cultures better
C.accepting the fast developing world easily
D.showing greater interest in other cultures
31.What would be the best title for the passage
A.Why Do Children Love Music
B.How to Choose Music for Children
C.How to Teach Children Music Easily
D.Why Is Music Important to Children
28.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段第一、二、三句话“Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults.Indeed it is.Scientific studies have proven it.”可知,作者是为了表明听音乐对成年人有益处,也就是为什么成年人应该听音乐。故选A。
29.A 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中猜测词汇意义的能力。根据第三段最后一句话“Luckily,listening to music can help them feel better.”可知,画线词所在的句子是指“太多压力会‘伤害’孩子的健康”。故选A。
30.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据倒数第二段最后一句话“Music can help them in understanding foreign cultures.”可知,听音乐可以帮助他们更好地理解外国的文化。故选B。
31.D 标题归纳题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。根据文章内容可知,本文主要是讲为什么音乐对小孩很重要。故选D。
Physical education,or gym class,isn’t required for all high school students.In some schools,it isn’t offered for some different reasons.But should high school students have physical education The answer is certainly “yes”.
Today many people don’t do sports.But as is known to all,doing sports is very important for an adult.Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.
High school isn’t that easy.Many students are under a lot of stress.Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life.Doing sports can help them deal with stress better,helping them live a happier life at school.
The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity (肥胖症).Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger.However,some activities such as video games and computer activities,don’t get teens to move around.The increase in such activities means that many teens don’t get their required exercise.Physical education classes act as a public health measure to encourage activity and help teens have healthy weights.
Inactivity increases teens’ risk of developing many diseases.An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems.As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes,according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
According to the President’s Council on Fitness,Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN),students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic(学业的) performance.Students from programs with no physical activity,who used the extra time for classroom study,did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.
32.According to Paragraph 3,what does physical education in high school mean
A.Helping teens learn to make good plans.
B.Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
C.Removing the stress faced by teens at school.
D.Making teens pay more attention to exercise later.
33.What does the underlined word “hindered” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Applied. B.Prevented.
C.Designed. D.Preferred.
34.According to the PCFSN,doing sports    .
A.helps students do better in their studies
B.helps students keep fit
C.helps students make good use of all their time
D.makes students choose between sports and studies
35.What is the text mainly about
A.How high school students can live a better life.
B.How schools can help students love doing studies.
C.Why some schools consider physical education important.
D.Why high school students should receive physical education.
32.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第三段“High school isn’t that easy.Many students are under a lot of stress.Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life.Doing sports can help them deal with stress better,helping them live a happier life at school.”可知,运动可以帮助学生更好地释放压力,说明高中体育可以消除青少年在学校面临的压力。故选C。
33.B 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中猜测词汇意义的能力。根据第五段中的“An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems.As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes,according to the American College of Sports Medicine.”可知,积极的生活方式可以避免一些健康问题,所以改变生活方式可以阻止疾病,hindered在此处意为“Prevented(阻止)”。故选B。
34.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“According to the President’s Council on Fitness,Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN),students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic performance.”可知,根据PCFSN的说法,做运动能帮助学生更好地学习。故选A。
35.D 主旨大意题。考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。第一段引入“高中生应该有体育课”的话题,第二段讲“体育的重要性”,第三段讲“体育可以帮助学生释放压力”,第四段讲“体育可以帮助学生有健康的体重”,第五段讲“体育可以帮助学生避免一些健康问题”,最后一段讲“体育能帮助学生更好地学习”,全文都在讲高中生上体育课的好处,即高中生为什么要接受体育教育。故选D。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
  A lot of people put off learning how to swim because they’re afraid of drowning.
36.    Follow these guidelines whenever you’re swimming,and the odds of drowning will decrease dramatically.
Don’t swim alone.
37.    An area with a lifeguard is usually a best place to swim in groups.
If you’re learning to swim in an ocean or river,you’ll need to be more aware of the motion of the water.If you must learn to swim in this way,try to make sure you’re with someone who knows what he or she is doing,and be sure to read the steps about getting out of a rushing river.
Stay within a depth you can handle.
When you’re first learning how to swim,don’t take the risk of diving into water that’s too deep for you to stand in.39.  
  Avoid swimming during severe weather conditions.
Swimming in a light rain shower should be fine.40.    This rule is to be followed regardless of how well you can swim.
A.Don’t start out swimming in moving water.
B.You needn’t care too much about the heavy rain,either.
C.That way,if something goes wrong,you can simply stand up and breathe.
D.Always go swimming with several other persons who are strong swimmers.
E.Do stay in the clean and rapid water to fully enjoy the excitement when swimming.
F.However,if you see or hear a storm approaching,get out of the water immediately.
G.When drownings occur,most of them could have been prevented by simple safety measures.
36.G 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据上一段提到人们会因为怕溺水而不敢学习游泳,下一句意思是游泳时遵循一些指导原则就会降低溺水概率。G项意思是:当溺水发生时,他们中的大多数都可以通过简单的安全措施来预防。G项符合题意。
37.D 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。这一段主要介绍第一条原则:不要独自游泳。故D项,“经常和几个水性好的人一起去游泳”,符合题意。
38.A 考查学生理解段落大意和识别段落主旨句的能力。根据本段内容介绍如果你必须在这种流动的水中游泳该如何去做,所以第一句应该介绍另一条原则:不要在流动的水中游泳。A项符合题意。
39.C 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。这一段内容是待在你能处理的深度。上句提到初学者不要冒险,不要跳进太深而不能站在里面的水里。C项意思是:那样的话,如果出了问题,你就可以站起来呼吸。C项符合题意。
40.F 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。本段主要介绍避免在恶劣的天气下游泳。上一句提到小雨还好。F项意思是:然而,如果你看到或者听到暴风雨要来临,马上离开水。F项符合题意。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
One Saturday morning,Jeremy woke up in a quiet house.Usually Mum was  41  making breakfast and cleaning the kitchen,but not today.Jeremy walked to her  42  and knocked at the door.
“Don’t come in,Jeremy,” said Mum.“I have a terrible cold.I don’t want you to get  43 .You can have cereal (麦片) for breakfast and watch cartoons.I’m going to  44  in bed.”
Jeremy  45  some cereal into a bowl and ate the pieces dry.Mum must feel very bad if she was lying in bed all day.“How could I  46  her ” Jeremy thought.
Saturday was the day that mum washed clothes.He ran to his room to get his dirty clothes.Jeremy opened the door to the washer and put all of his clothes  47 .He had  48  Mum do laundry (洗衣服) lots of times,so he knew where to find the soap and how to pour it into the  49 .Finally,he closed the door and pressed the big  50  that said “START”.
Jeremy  51  the round,glass window. 52  was pouring in,and the machine was starting to work,making his clothing tumble (翻滚) around.
Jeremy watched cartoons  53  he heard the washing machine beep (发出嘟声).That meant the  54  was done.Jeremy opened the door to take out the wet clothes.Everything seemed clean,and Jeremy felt  55 .
41.A.awkward B.busy
C.silent D.curious
42.A.kitchen B.car
C.bedroom D.study
43.A.hurt B.addicted
C.angry D.sick
44.A.stay B.sit
C.read D.work
45.A.hid B.pushed
C.left D.poured
46.A.treat B.help
C.support D.feed
47.A.away B.outside
C.inside D.aside
48.A.made B.heard
C.let D.watched
49.A.machine B.basket
C.bowl D.plate
50.A.bottom B.button
C.card D.device
51.A.cleaned up B.checked on
C.looked through D.broke into
52.A.Water B.Soap
C.Clothing D.Sunlight
53.A.once B.until
C.after D.since
54.A.arrangement B.experiment
C.washing D.beating
55.A.graceful B.anxious
C.pitiful D.proud
41.B 根据句中“making breakfast and cleaning the kitchen”和生活常识可知,通常早晨妈妈是“忙着”做早餐,busy意为“忙碌的”。故选B。
42.C 根据后文中妈妈的话“I’m going to     in bed.”可知,妈妈在卧床休息,由此可推断出妈妈是在卧室里,杰里米是去了妈妈的“卧室(bedroom)”。故选C。
43.D 根据句中“Don’t come in”和“I have a terrible cold”可知,妈妈得了重感冒,她不让杰里米进来,是不想把感冒传染给他,不想让他“生病(sick)”。故选D。
44.A 根据上文“I have a terrible cold”可知,妈妈得了重感冒,由此可推断出,她是打算卧床休息,“stay in bed”意为“卧床休息”,为固定短语。故选A。
45.D 根据句中“into a bowl”可知,杰里米应该是往碗里倒了些麦片,“pour...into...”意为“把……倒进……”,为固定短语。故选D。
46.B 根据后文可知,杰里米帮妈妈洗了衣服,由此可推断出,这里杰里米想的是能够如何“帮助(help)”妈妈。故选B。
47.C 根据上文可知,杰里米想要帮助妈妈洗衣服,由此可推断出,是把衣服放进洗衣机里,“put...inside”意为“把……放进去”,为固定短语。故选C。
48.D 根据后文“so he knew where to find the soap and how to pour it into the    ”可知,杰里米知道如何洗衣服,由此可推断出他之前“看(watched)”过妈妈洗衣服很多次。故选D。
49.A 根据生活常识可知,洗衣服应该把香皂放进洗衣机里,空格处单词代指的是洗衣机,machine意为“机器”,洗衣机是一种洗衣机器。故选A。
50.B 根据句中“START”和生活常识可知,洗衣服需要按动洗衣机上的开始“按钮(button)”。故选B。
51.C 根据句中“the round,glass window”和“making his clothing tumble around”可知,他是在透过玻璃看机器里面的情况,“looked through sth”意为“通过……看”,为固定搭配。故选C。
52.A 根据句中“the machine was starting to work”和生活常识可知,洗衣机启动后应该是先“注水(water)”。故选A。
53.B 根据句中“Jeremy watched cartoons”和“Jeremy opened the door to take out the wet clothes.”可知,杰里米一直在看动画片,“直到(until)”听到洗衣机发出嘟声,才停止看动画片的动作,去取洗好的衣服。故选B。
54.C 根据上文和句中“he heard the washing machine beep”可知,杰里米在用洗衣机洗衣服,洗衣机发出嘟声,这意味着衣服“洗(washing)”好了。故选C。
55.D 根据上文可知,杰里米帮助生病的妈妈洗了衣服,由此可推断出,他对自己的做法是“自豪(proud)”的。故选D。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
On Sept.30,hundreds of people attended the premiere (首映式) of the movie My People,My Country at a Los Angeles cinema.Chinese flags 56.    (wave) in their hands,the audience sang My People,My Country,its theme song,together at the start of the film.The song is a patriotic (爱国的) Chinese classic,57.     is known in every household.It was 58.    (original) performed by the singer Li Guyi in 1985 and was reworked for the movie by the pop singer Faye Wong.
The film consists of seven short stories from seven directors 59.     makes use of the nation’s greatest technological and cultural 60.    (achieve).Instead of focusing on the historical moments themselves,the film shows these events through the eyes of ordinary people who 61.    (devote) to or affected by them.The short story,The Guiding Star,for example,follows a pair of brothers.They 62.    (see) the landing of the capsule of the Shenzhou Ⅺ manned spacecraft on Nov.18,2016 in Inner Mongolia and were full 63.     pride and hope at that moment.“If a person meets a historical opportunity to be changed,the 64.    (inspire) power is unbelievable,”Chen Kaige told China..“In my story,the landing of Shenzhou Ⅺ changed the lives of two teenagers,changed their fate and allowed 65.     (they) to gain new hope.”
56.waved 考查非谓语动词。两句主语不一致且无连词,为独立主格结构,Chinese flags和wave是逻辑上的被动关系,所以用过去分词表被动。故填waved。
57.which 考查定语从句。此处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a patriotic Chinese classic,指物,并在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which。故填which。
58.originally 考查副词。修饰动词performed,只可用副词修饰动词。故填originally。
59.and 考查连词。分析句子结构可知,consists of和makes use of是并列谓语结构,用并列连词and。故填and。
60.achievements 考查名词单复数。由空前的形容词technological and cultural可知,此空用名词,因为是科技和文化两方面的成就,所以用名词的复数形式。故填achievements。
61.were devoted 考查时态和语态。固定搭配be devoted to意为“献身于”,主语who指代ordinary people,表示复数意义,用一般过去时,所以用were devoted。故填were devoted。
62.saw 考查时态。此空缺乏谓语动词,on Nov.18,2016是过去的时间,谓语动词用一般过去时。故填saw。
63.of 考查介词。固定搭配be full of,意为“充满了……”。故填of。
64.inspiring 考查形容词。此处缺乏形容词作定语,有关情感类的形容词,修饰人用-ed,修饰物用-ing,power是物,应用inspiring。故填inspiring。
65.them 考查代词。此处作宾语,故用宾格them。故填them。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
参考词汇:Schola Cantorum of Oxford牛津大学合唱团。
One possible version:
In order to enrich our school life and learn more about western music,all members are welcome to attend a concert to be performed by Schola Cantorum of Oxford next Sunday.
The concert begins at 7:00 pm in National Grand Theater of China,2 West Chang’an Avenue.You can take a bus or subway Line 1 to get there.Besides,there are some rules to follow when you attend the concert:First,walk in or out of the theater in order.Second,keep quiet.Third,don’t eat or walk around.
With all tickets booked,let’s meet at 6:40 pm next Sunday at the gate of the theater.Don’t be late!
The School Choir
My crippled (瘸腿) grandmother was dancing.I stood in the living room doorway,absolutely shocked.I heard her singing when I opened the door but did not want to interrupt her by shouting I had arrived.She was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly.As long as I could remember,she was once the pet of the dancing world.But it was all over after a sudden accident.She had always limped(一瘸一拐地走),helped with a cane(拐杖).
She turned around and saw me standing in the doorway.Her song ended,and her beautiful movements with it.Grandma turned towards the kitchen.She was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes.I followed her,not believing my eyes.
“So...” I asked surprisedly but happily.“How did your leg heal(康复) ”
“To tell you the truth—my legs have been well all my life,” she said.
“But I don’t understand!” I said.“ I mean...You pretended all these years ”
“Very much so,” grandmother closed her eyes.“And for a very good reason.”
“What reason ”
“Your grandfather.”
“You mean he told you not to dance ”
“No,this was my choice.I am sure I would have lost him if I had continued dancing.I weighed fame (名声) and love against each other and love won.”
“We were talking about engagement (订婚) when your grandfather had to go to war.It was the most terrible day of my life when he left.I was so afraid of losing him,the only way I could stay peaceful was to dance.And then one day a letter came.There were only three sentences:‘I have lost my leg.I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom.It is best you forget about me.’”
Grandma continued to tell me that grandfather was in hospital and she made her decision not to give him up.She took her leave,and traveled away from the city.
Paragraph 1:
Several weeks later,she returned.
Paragraph 2:
She took a deep breath,leaned on her cane and limped to grandfather.
  One possible version:
Several weeks later,she returned.She had bought herself a cane and wrapped her leg tightly with bandages.She told everyone she had been in a car crash and that her leg would never completely heal again.Her dancing days were over.No one suspected the story—She had learned to limp convincingly before she returned home.Then she traveled to the hospital.She saw my grandfather seated in his wheelchair with a cane on the ground nearby.
She took a deep breath,leaned on her cane and limped to grandfather.She told him she had an accident and a leg was injured seriously.She showed him two engagement rings she had bought the day after he left for the war.“I was not going to waste them on any other man,” grandma said to him.Then grandfather bent to take his cane from the ground but grandma was not going to help.And so he managed it on his own and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.