人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit2Wildlife protection现在进行时的被动语态课件(11张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit2Wildlife protection现在进行时的被动语态课件(11张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-14 19:10:38



Sentences in English
Active voice
Passive voice
Bob stole my phone last night.
My phone was stolen last night by Bob.
The agent: the doer of the action
The action
The receiver of the action
The agent is the sentence focus
We changes the focus to the receiver of the action.
Present continuous tense
It talks about actions that someone is doing in the present
Active voice: Subject (doer) + is/am/are + Ving + object
She is taking a class.
Passive voice: The object (receiver of the action) + is/am/are + being + V-done + (by the doer)
A class is being taken by her.
Present continuous tense
Active voice to passive voice
Active voice: Subject (doer) + is/am/are + Ving + object
Passive voice: The object (receiver of the action) + is/am/are + being + V-done + (by the doer)
Active voice: A robot is serving food in this hotel.
Passive voice: Food is being served by a robot in this hotel.
Active verb form
Object of the verb
Passive verb form
(It can be left out).
They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur.
Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life.
Hunters are hunting them illegally for their valuable fur.
People are doing much to protect wildlife.
NOTE: In the passive voice, the doer of the action, generally, is not mentioned as the focus is on the receiver of the action. It happens as the subject is either less important, understood, or unnecessary to mention.
Practice set!
1. She is cooking food.
2. My parents are making budget plans.
3. The school is organizing a picnic.
4. Everyone is praising your work.
5. How are they doing it
6. I am not doing anything these days.
7. Whom are you dating now
8. Is he not seeing a girl
9. Where are you giving classes
10. Jon is holding a press conference.
1. Food is being cooked by her.
2. Budget plans are being made by my parents.
3. A picnic is being organized by the school.
4. Your work is being praised by everyone.
5. How is it being done by them
6. Nothing is being done these days by me.
7. Whom is being dated by you now
8. Is a girl not being seen by him
9. Where are classes being given by you
10. A press conference is being held by Jon.
Present continuous tense uses
1. To talk about ongoing actions.(now, at present, at this moment)
Jon is playing football outside now.
Football is being played by Jon outside now.
2. To talk about longer action that are in progress.
Anne is writing a book about the human mind.
A book is being written by Anne about the human mind.
Present continuous tense uses
3. To talk about repeated actions. These actions are generally shocking or irritating. (always, constantly, frequently )
The goods in our shop are always being stolen by John.
John is always stealing the goods in our shop.
Choose the suitable verb forms to complete the sentences.
1. I'm (working / being worked) at home today because my office is (painted / being painted).
2. The alarming report is (witten / being written). It will be finished soon.
3 What part of the city is (attacked / being attacked) now
4 Right now, the deer are (watched / being watched) over by many volunteers.
5 Who is (hunting / being hunted) the kangaroos Where are they (hunted / being hunted)
6 It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced / being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.
Homework set!
Liu Tao would like to express his concern over the wetland in his hometown. Help himfinish the passage with the present continuous passive voice of the verbs in brackets.
In the wetland of my hometown, there are many different kinds of animals, including wildbirds, fish, snakes, insects and so on. When I was in primary school, I often went there withmy friends to watch the birds and study them, That was an interesting place for all of us.But things have begun to change in recent years. Small birds_______(catch) with nets. Wild ducks_______(sell) at food markets. Fish and snakes___________(kill)for food in restaurants. And even worse, the wetland____________(destroy). Some parts_____________(cover) with new houses. You can see rubbish everywhere. The wetland_____________(pollute) seriously every day. I am very worried about it. What can we do