人教版(2019)必修第三册UNIT 4 SPACE EXPLORATION课时教学(2课件+2学案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册UNIT 4 SPACE EXPLORATION课时教学(2课件+2学案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-15 20:04:15


Space exploration is of great significance.First of all,through space exploration,we human beings may uncover the unknown resources of the universe.
Secondly,space exploration also provides a platform for nations to cooperate through participation in joint breakthrough.Finally,the space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily lives,such as communication and transportation technology.In the near future,more nations will get involved in the cause of space exploration.Would you like to learn more about space exploration
Can you add more famous astronauts you prefer
Liu Yang                            
Part 1 Listening and Speaking,Reading and Thinking,Discovering Useful Structures
语篇导读 先行把握
多维解读 深度剖析
1.However,some scientists were determined to help humans realise their
dream to explore space.(教材第40页)
◆determined adj.有决心的;意志坚定的
The girl was not only charming,but very determined.
Though Li Hua failed this time,he was determined to win the next time.
After a thorough search we determined that he must have left it at the fountain.(2020北京卷,完形填空)
be determined (not) to do sth.表示状态,是一种延续状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,而determine to do sth.表示动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。
①When we asked him whether to try it again,we found him very       .
②Driven by heaven-knows-what motives,he determines       (write)
a book.
③Everyone concerned acted with great courage and       (determine).
④From the        (determine) expression on his face,we knew that
he was       (determine) to take up the job,which needed great
patience and       (determine).
to write
2.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed...(教材第41页)
◆disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的
She was deeply disappointed at losing the race.
I was disappointed to hear the news that I couldn’t see the launch of the spacecraft in person.
①It is disappointing when we cannot win,but I think we have to be
②I knew we were going to win,but to my disappointment we were defeated.
She said she couldn’t attend my birthday party,which was very
I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better.
①The next day,we got a      (disappoint) message that another
buyer had offered a much higher price.
②There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked
very anxious and      (disappoint).
③To our great       ,it rained every day of the trip and
the roads there were in bad condition.Even worse,we were deeply
     to get the       news that the museum was
3....but the desire to explore the universe never died.(教材第41页)
◆desire n.渴望;欲望vt.渴望;期望
Even so,she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed.
I desire that these letters should be burned after I leave.
①We always desire       (live) in peace with all the other
countries in the world.
②She has a strong desire      knowledge and wants to go to college
very much.
③He desired that his son      (admit) by a key university.
to live
be admitted
4.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space
exploration despite the huge risks.(教材第41页)
◆carry on继续做,坚持干
His English is good enough to carry on the conversation in English.
Our teacher encouraged us to carry on reciting Chinese poems.
Let’s carry on with our discussion this afternoon.
①I myself will firmly carry out this plan.
②She was considering how she should carry off the situation.
①You’ll have another fall if you carry on       (drive) like this.
②You can carry on      your experiment after your holiday.
③I hate it when she calls me at work—I’m always too busy to carry
     a conversation with her.
5.This signalled one step further in China’s plan to establish a space
station in the future.(教材第41页)
◆signal vi.&vt.标志着;标明;发信号
We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal.
The ship signalled for help.
①He signalled the waiter to bring the menu.
②She has signalled that she is willing to stand as a candidate.
①The sportsmen are all ready,waiting for the      to start running.
②Red is a       of good luck in many cultures.
③Don’t you see the       “Keep off the grass”
④A stop sign fell down,leaving a       on the ground.
6.Despite the huge risks though,people will always continue to explore
this final frontier so as to learn its secrets.(教材第41页)
◆so as to为了;以便
All the test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
He got up early this morning so as to get to school on time.
①so as to 和in order to的意思都是“为的是;为了”。它们的功能也是一样的,
都可以用来引导目的状语。它们的不同之处就在于so as to 用在句中,不能用于
句子的开头,而in order to 既可以用在句首,也可以用在句中。
②in order to也可以用in order that从句来替换,so as to 一般也可以用
so that从句来替换,这时从句中一般含有情态动词can,could等。同样,in order
that 从句可以放于句首,so that从句不放于句首。
①           (为了) win the game next time,he practised again
and again.
②They set out early           (以便;为了) they could
catch the first bus.
③We used the computer so as       (save) time.
④You must work harder in order      you can realise your dream of
becoming an astronaut.
In order to
so that/ in order that
to save
◆lack n.缺乏;短缺 vt.没有;缺乏
Later,he worked in Africa,where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper treatment. (2020江苏卷,完形填空)
Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.
I think you lack in the power of decision.
7.Astronauts’ bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the
lack of gravity...(教材第42页)
He        courage to do the work.
            could put the people’s health at risk.
They did not close          customers.
is lacking in
Lack of sleep
for lack of
8.Will scientists figure out a way to store sufficient food and water
for the long journey (教材第42页)
◆figure out弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白
It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly studied.(2019全国Ⅰ卷,语法填空)
The medical students have to figure out how to treat the patient.
①By 2004,this figure had risen to 14 million.
到 2004 年为止,这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。
②She’s always had a good figure.
③The central figure in the painting is the artist’s daughter.
It took them about one month         how to start
the equipment.
Many women want          these days.
to figure out
slim figures
1....on 12 April 1961,Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world
to go into space.(教材第40页)
◆本句中“the+序数词+n.+to do sth.”表示“第几个做某事的……”。
I am always the first person to get to the office.
She was the first athlete to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.
We should develop the students’ ability to analyse and solve the problems.
①Can you tell me who is the first woman       (send) to
the space
②She is the most suitable person        (finish) the job.
Please give me           .
She is the only woman              the university.
to be sent
to finish
a chance to explain
to be admitted into
◆此句为主从复合句,because引导表语从句,句式结构为This/That was/is because...,意为“这/那是因为……”,用来表示原因。
This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.
—You are a great swimmer.
—Thanks. It’s because I have been practising a lot these days.
2.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space
exploration despite the huge risks.(教材第41页)
①This is why you should always try and add vegetables to your dinner
and lunch plates.
②The reason why he didn’t pass the driving test is that he lacked
①He did not see the film last night.That is      he had to help
his little sister with her homework.
②The reason       we have to study computer is       it becomes
more and more useful in our daily lives.
③His uncle is an engineer in the space station,which is      he has
a good knowledge of space.
1.China became the third country in the world to independently send
humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth
in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.(教材第41页)
本句为复合句。when引导一个非限制性定语从句,对in 2003进行补充说明,to
independently send humans into space是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰country。
Our school was the first one to win this award in 2020,when we moved into the new school with a beautiful environment.
She became the first student in her village to be admitted into Peking University in 2015,when the village was not rich.
2.Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will not
only enable us to understand how the universe began,but also help us
survive well into the future.(教材第41页)
only...but also连接起来;另外how又引导一个宾语从句,作understand的宾语。
I hope I can not only figure out how much the vacation will cost,but also have a good trip.
I hope you not only find out how he got into the house,but also know about why he was there.
Our teacher hopes that we not only tell him how we go home,but also let him know when we get home.
1.It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board,
providing a continuous human presence in space.(教材第41页)
◆on board 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上
Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments on board Chang’e-4 to find and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin.
Everyone on board saw that strange object and considered it “UFO”.
Have the passengers gone on board yet
aboard/abroad/ board/ broad
词汇 词性 词义
board v. 上船/ 车/ 飞机(等);寄宿
n. 木板;膳食(费);董事会
aboard prep. 在船/ 车/ 飞机(等)上
adv. 上船/ 车/ 飞机(等)
abroad adv. 在国外;到国外
broad adj. 广阔的;宽阔的;广泛的;概括的
①There were ten men      board the aeroplane.
②We were glad to hear that our ship and all hands        (在船上)
had returned safely.
③They have lived       for over ten years.
④He was of medium height,but had very      shoulders.
⑤The plane took off,and there were 157 passengers     .
⑥I will       the plane at 8:50 a.m.
on board
2.Man is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the
◆in the hope of 抱着……的希望
I went there in the hope of seeing her once.
He has gone to Beijing in the hope of finding a better opportunity.
①I called her early in the hope     seeing her before she left home.
②He invited me again in the hope       I would come to his party.
句中made everyone sad and disappointed是make的复合结构,即make+宾语+宾语补足语;其中形容词sad and disappointed作宾语补足语。
Our English teacher often makes us retell the texts.
It’s too noisy.I can’t make my voice heard.
She knew that these solutions were not going to make me happy.
They all want to make Jim their monitor.
3.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to
explore the universe never died.(教材第41页)
①Sit down and make yourself       (comfort).
②He raised his voice in order to make himself      (hear).
③Mary tried to               (让我们留下吃晚饭).
④He believes that the system will               (让他成为
make us stay for dinner
make him a better doctor
4.China became the third country in the world to independently send
humans into space in 2003...(教材第41页)
◆independently adv.独立地;自立地
It was the first time that he had lived independently.那是他第一次独立生活。
Your questions should be independent of each other.你们的问题应该彼此无关。
I used to be dependent on my parents.But now I am independent of them.
I can depend on myself.They are happy to see my independence.
①He finished the work       (independent).
②Our relationship was based on mutual       (depend).
③When the delayed flight will take off depends much    the weather.
5.Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not
an easy goal to achieve.(教材第42页)
◆beyond prep.在更远处;超出
In any given office,employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond,
and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.
The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class again.
①They crossed the mountain and travelled to the valleys beyond.
②The situation was beyond her control.    
③It’s beyond me why she wants to leave the company.    
④You can’t stay out beyond 10:00 pm.    
1.However,some scientists were determined to help humans realise their
dream to explore space.(教材第40页)
2.China became the third country in the world to independently send
humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth
in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.(教材第41页)
3.This signalled one step further in China’s plan to establish a space
station in the future.(教材第41页)
4.More recently,China has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the surface of the
far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.(教材第41页)
动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,有时to可以省略,其否定形式是not to do。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但有语态的变化。动词不定式不能作谓语,但可以作主语、宾语、状语、表语、定语和补语。你能判断出以上句子中动词不定式作什么成分吗 你能不能写出含有动词不定式的句子
Let us give him something to eat.
The question to be discussed at the meeting is very important.
He is always the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave
the school.
Practice is the only way to learn a language well.
She is a nice person to work with.
We must find a person to do the job.
We got the order to leave the city.
He has no pen to write with.
Have you got anything to buy
你有什么东西要买吗 (动词不定式to buy的动作执行者是you)
Have you got anything to be bought
你有什么要(我或别人)买的吗 (动词不定式to be bought的动作执行者是“我”或“别人”,因此只能用动词不定式的被动形式作后置定语)
①The airport        (complete) next year will help promote
tourism in this area.
②The best way         (improve) your English is to join an
English club.
③Mary had great determination         (achieve) her goal.
④The German girl has the ability        (learn) Chinese well.
to be completed
to improve
to achieve
to learn
1.作目的状语,置于句首或句中,置于句首时常表示强调。为加强语气,常与in order或so as
A group of young people got together to discuss this question.
(1)置于句首时只用to do/in order to do。表示否定时,用 in order not to do 或 so
as not to do形式。
Her mother plans to fly to Beijing at least four times a year to/in order
to/so as to visit her.
I walked quietly so as not to disturb the baby.
(2)动词不定式作目的状语可转换为 so that/ in order that 或 so...that...引
He worked very hard to pass the exam.
→He worked so hard that he could pass the exam.
→He worked hard so that/ in order that he could pass the exam.
2.作原因状语,多见于“sb.+be+adj.+to do...”结构中。
Her father was pleased to know that she passed the exam.
I was very sad to hear the news.
3.作结果状语,多见于too...to、enough to、only to do(表示意料之外的结果的
发生)、so/such...as to(意为“如此……以至于……”)结构中。
The wind is strong enough to move the sand.
He is old enough to go to school.
I’m too tired to do well.
He rushed back,only to find the book missing.
I’d like to stay healthy,but to be honest,I only eat food that tastes
①      (learn) more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take
Chinese folk music as an elective course.
②When the gorillas and I frightened each other,I was just glad
      (find) them alive.
③Join us        (taste) a variety of fresh local food and drinks.
④We hurried to the booking office,only         (tell) that all
the tickets had been sold out.
To learn
to find
to taste
to be told
Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only
to find it didn’t fit.
The snow lasted a week,resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the
whole area.
①A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles was injured and
this meant not running for two weeks,     (leave) me only two
weeks to train.
②He hurried to the station only      (find) the train had left.
to find
1.When the tiny creature arrived on January 31,she became the 40th black
rhino     (be) born at the reserve.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解B)
2.Obviously we’re all absolutely delighted      (welcome) another
calf to our black rhino family.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解B)
1.to be 考查to do作定语。句意:当这只小动物于1月31日出生时,她成了该保护区出生的第40头黑犀牛。the first to do sth.意为“第一个做某事的……”,
动词不定式作定语。故填to be。
2.to welcome 考查to do作状语。句意:显然,我们都非常高兴地欢迎另一只小犀牛加入我们的黑犀牛大家庭。be delighted to do sth.意为“很高兴做某事”,to do作原因状语。故填to welcome。
to be
to welcome
3.The day was cold but clear: tourists and Londoners stopped     .
(watch) the skaters.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解C)
4.It’s the best way      (get) rid of your used clothes,score
clothes from your friends,and have a party all at the same time.
3.to watch 考查to do作状语。句意:天气很冷,但很晴朗:游客和伦敦人都停下来观看滑冰者。停下来的目的是观看滑冰,动词不定式作目的状语。故填to watch。
4.to get 考查to do作定语。句意:这是扔掉旧衣服、从朋友那里买衣服、同时开派对的最好方法。the way to do sth.意为“做某事的方法”,动词不定式作定语。故填to get。
to watch
to get
5.Mary’s sister,Frances Todd Wallace,often came over      (plant)
flowers in the front yard.(2021浙江卷,语法填空)
5.to plant 考查to do作状语。句意:玛丽的妹妹弗朗西斯·托德·华莱士经常来前院种花。分析句子结构可知,设空处作状语;根据句意可知,此处是目的状语,目的状语用动词不定式表示,提示词plant的动词不定式形式为to plant。故填to plant。
to plant
1.We have got a lot of waste      (recycle).
2.The newly-made satellite is said       (launch) within next
five days.
3.We were fortunate enough       (get) an empty car.
4.In order       (help) his parents,he always finishes his homework
ahead of time.
5.Tomorrow we will decide on the best way       (go) on our field
to recycle
to be launched
to get
to help
to go
1.She has a child            (要照顾).
2.Thank you for giving me the chance             (演讲).
3.She is always the first student              (回答问题).
4.She studied very hard                 .
5.I will write down the number first                   .
to take care of
to make the speech
to answer questions
in order to/so as to catch up with others 
so as/ in order not to forget it
1.We are      (determine) to defeat the football team again.
2.Can you figure      the answer to Question 5
3.He is a kind of person with high      (intelligent).
4.It is       (universal) accepted that China has developed
rapidly in space exploration.
5.Yesterday I saw my maths teacher      board the train.
6.His brothers work      (independent) in different places of
our country.
7.He was       (disappoint) to find that his application to be
an astronaut was turned down again.
8.You’ll wear yourself out if you carry      working so hard.
9.It’s going to be a tough competition but I haven’t      .
(mental) prepared for it well.
10.He didn’t come and said sorry to me because of      (lack)
in courage.
1.After he recovered,Li Ping         (继续) working at his post.
2.We were glad to hear that all the passengers       (在车上) the
bus were safe and sound.
3.All the students in the class have learnt to        (不依赖)
their parents.
4.Can any of you help me         (弄明白) this problem
5.Scientists often study Mars’s weather        (抱着……的希望)
better understanding our own.
carried on
on board
be independent of
figure out
in the hope of
6.My daughter told me that she                (下决心成为)
an excellent designer.
7.Whenever I am in trouble,she is always                .
was determined to be
the first person to help me
The sky is a large place,and though it has been carefully examined for centuries,new features still turn up.Last March it was the rule of Uranus(天王星),and last week astronomers announced what may turn out to be a new planet,though a very small one,in the solar system.
The object was first sighted last month by Charles Kowal,an astronomer at the Hale Observatories in Pasadena,Calif.Mr Kowal observed a faint trail of light on photographic plates,indicating that something was moving in relation to the background of stars.Other observers have confirmed the discovery.
The “mini-planet”,identified for the time being as “Object-Kowal”,
appears to be about 1.5 billion miles away,between the orbit of Saturn and Uranus,and its diameter(直径) has been estimated at between 100 and 400 miles.Its orbit has not been determined yet,but if the orbit proves to be roughly circular,like that of the major planets,the new object would probably take 66 to 70 years to make a circuit of the sun.
Some astronomers have speculated that Mr Kowal’s discovery may be the first indication of an asteroid(小行星) belt beyond Saturn.
1.What may have been found in the solar system according to the first
A.A small new planet.
B.A new solar system.
C.A large new object.
D.A large new planet.
1.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段第二句可知,在太阳系中新发现了一颗疑似小行星的天体。故选A。
2.What can we learn from the second paragraph
A.What the object is like.
B.How the object was found.
C.Where the astronomers live.
D.Why the object was moving.
2.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段内容可知,天文学家Charles Kowal在照相底片上观察到了一条淡淡的光亮路径,指出有东西在相关的恒星后面移动,其他观察者也证实了这一发现,所以第二段主要讲述了该行星是如何被发现的。故选B。
3.What magazine might this passage be taken from
A.Astronomy. B.Industry.
C.Spaceflight. D.Agriculture.
3.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据全文可知,本文主要介绍了目前在太阳系新发现的一颗疑似小行星的天体,这类文章最有可能出自与天文学相关的杂志上。故选A。
Sitting under the national flag and separated from the media by a transparent glass wall,50-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong appeared calm as they prepare to be part of,what is scheduled to be,China’s longest-ever manned spaceflight mission.
The two were scheduled to spend a total of 33 days in orbit.This would be the 3rd trip into space for veteran Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng.He has been on the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008 and the Shenzhou-9 mission in 2012.The mission’s commander was also part of docking missions(太空对接任务) on both his previous space flights,giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou-11 with Tiangong-2.Jing Haipeng said,“With the past 18 years of intensive professional astronaut training,together with the two previous experiences I’ve had flying in space,I’m very confident and determined that this mission is going to be a great success.Personally,I’m much calmer and in a more positive head-space than I was during my previous missions.I’m very proud to be here to greet our country.I know my confidence is shared with the rest of our entire space programme.”
With an unblemished flight record of 15 hundred hours as a pilot,
37-year-old Chen Dong was chosen in 2010 to be part of the next generation of Chinese astronauts.He too said he was confident of heading into the mission,even though it would be his first time in space.“I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning.For me,the timing is perfect—not too early,but not too late either.When we train,Jing is my teacher.In life,he is my brother.He is so dedicated,and demands only the best from me and the others that he works with.Because of his experience,I am very lucky to be paired with him on this mission into space.”After being put into orbit,Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong were going to conduct a series of experiments,including testing the latest in China’s advanced life support systems,as well as scientific research.
Wu Ping,deputy director of China’s Manned Space Programme,explains the role of the two astronauts in space.“During their mission,the two are essentially back-ups to one-another.They are both capable of piloting the spacecraft,complex management,manual docking as well as handling any emergency situations or malfunctions (故障).While in orbit,they are going to complete a number of maneuvers (演习) with Shenzhou-11,as well as orbital experiments,demonstrations and tests on human health in space.”
4.From what Jing Haipeng said we can infer    .
A.previous experience matters a lot
B.the mission’s commander helped him
C.the Shenzhou-7 mission is to be docked with the Shenzhou-9
D.he lacked confidence during the previous launching
4.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第二段中的“With the past 18 years of intensive...this mission is going to be a great success.”可知,有了过去18年的高强度专业宇航员的训练,以及他之前的两次太空飞行经历,景海鹏有信心也坚信这次任务将会圆满成功。由此可以推断出过往的经验至关重要。故选A。
5.The underlined word “unblemished” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced
by “   ”.
A.continuous B.surprising
C.perfect D.significant
5.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。根据第三段中的“With an unblemished flight record...the next generation of Chinese astronauts.”可推知,有安全、完美的飞行记录,才可能被选为宇航员。continuous持续的;surprising令人惊讶的;perfect完美的;significant重大的。故选C。
6.What made Chen Dong a qualified astronaut
A.His confidence of heading into the mission.
B.His intensive training and learning.
C.His luck to be paired with Jing Haipeng.
D.His experience of conducting a series of experiments.
6.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第三段中的“I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning.”可知,经过6年的高强度训练和学习,陈冬终于有机会执行他的第一次太空任务。故选B。
7.Where would you most probably see the text
A.In a newspaper.
B.In a science journal.
C.In a travel magazine.
D.In a government document.
7.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段内容可知,50岁的景海鹏和37岁的陈冬坐在国旗下方,与媒体仅一堵透明玻璃墙之隔,看上去气定神闲,他们即将展开中国史上持续时间最长的载人飞行任务。由此可推断出本文最有可能出自报纸上的新闻报道。故选A。
Doctors say that anger can be an extremely damaging emotion,unless you learn how to deal with it.They warn that anger can lead to heart disease,
stomach problems,headaches,emotional problems and possibly cancer.
1.    Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way.
Others burst with anger,and scream and yell.But other people keep their anger inside.They cannot or will not express it.This is called repressing anger.
For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it.They said that when a person is angry,the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate,raise blood pressure,or sugar into the blood,etc.2.  
Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous.They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease,and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.
3.    They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognise the real cause of the anger,and then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.If it is,they say,“4.    Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”
Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humour in the situation that has made you angry.5.  
A.Anger may cause you a cancer.
B.Do not express your anger while angry.
C.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.
D.They say that laughter is much healthier than anger.
E.Doctors say that the solution is learning how to deal with anger.
F.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.
G.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.
1.F 考查学生理解段落主题句和段内衔接关系的能力。从首句“Doctors say that anger can be an extremely damaging emotion,unless you learn how to deal with it.”及空后所述不同的人处理生气的不同方式可知,说明生气是一种正常的情感。故选F。
2.C 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。从空前“They speed the heart rate,raise blood pressure,or sugar into the blood,etc.”可知,生气的人会心跳加速、血压或血糖升高等。根据常识可知,一般情况下生气会让人受到刺激、急于行动。故选C。
3.E 考查学生理解段落主题句和段内衔接关系的能力。从后文“They say the first step is to admit that...then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.”可知,这些是医生给出的如何正确处理生气的解决方案。故选E。
4.B 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据后文“Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”可知,生气时要等到冷静下来,且能平静、合理地表达时再宣泄情绪。由此可知,生气时不要表达。故选B。
5.D 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据空前“...a good way to deal with anger is to find humour...”及常识可知,幽默会带来笑声。由此可知,笑比生气健康得多。故选D。UNIT 4 SPACE EXPLORATION
Space exploration is of great significance.First of all,through space exploration,we human beings may uncover the unknown resources of the universe.Secondly,space exploration also provides a platform for nations to cooperate through participation in joint breakthrough.Finally,the space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily lives,such as communication and transportation technology.In the near future,more nations will get involved in the cause of space exploration.Would you like to learn more about space exploration
Can you add more famous astronauts you prefer
Liu Yang                                
Part 1 Listening and Speaking,Reading and Thinking,
Discovering Useful Structures
答案:1.vehicles 2.first 3.moon 4.orbited 5.missions 6.further
1.However,some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.(教材第40页)
◆determined adj.有决心的;意志坚定的
The girl was not only charming,but very determined.
Though Li Hua failed this time,he was determined to win the next time.
After a thorough search we determined that he must have left it at the fountain.(2020北京卷,完形填空)
be determined (not) to do sth.表示状态,是一种延续状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,而determine to do sth.表示动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。
①When we asked him whether to try it again,we found him very     (determine).
②Driven by heaven-knows-what motives,he determines      (write) a book.
③Everyone concerned acted with great courage and     (determine).
④From the      (determine) expression on his face,we knew that he was      (determine) to take up the job,which needed great patience and      (determine).
答案:①determined ②to write ③determination ④determined;determined;determination
2.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed...(教材第41页)
◆disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的
She was deeply disappointed at losing the race.
I was disappointed to hear the news that I couldn’t see the launch of the spacecraft in person.
①It is disappointing when we cannot win,but I think we have to be positive.
②I knew we were going to win,but to my disappointment we were defeated.(2018天津,完形填空)
She said she couldn’t attend my birthday party,which was very disappointing.
I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better.
①The next day,we got a     (disappoint) message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.
②There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious and     (disappoint).
③To our great     ,it rained every day of the trip and the roads there were in bad condition.Even worse,we were deeply      to get the      news that the museum was closed.(disappoint)
答案:①disappointing ②disappointed ③disappointment;disappointed;disappointing
3....but the desire to explore the universe never died.(教材第41页)
◆desire n.渴望;欲望vt.渴望;期望
Even so,she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed.
I desire that these letters should be burned after I leave.
①We always desire      (live) in peace with all the other countries in the world.
②She has a strong desire      knowledge and wants to go to college very much.
③He desired that his son     (admit) by a key university.
答案:①to live ②for ③be admitted
4.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.(教材第41页)
◆carry on继续做,坚持干
His English is good enough to carry on the conversation in English.
Our teacher encouraged us to carry on reciting Chinese poems.
Let’s carry on with our discussion this afternoon.
①I myself will firmly carry out this plan.
②She was considering how she should carry off the situation.
①You’ll have another fall if you carry on     (drive) like this.
②You can carry on      your experiment after your holiday.
③I hate it when she calls me at work—I’m always too busy to carry      a conversation with her.
答案:①driving ②with ③on
5.This signalled one step further in China’s plan to establish a space station in the future.(教材第41页)
◆signal vi.&vt.标志着;标明;发信号
We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal.
The ship signalled for help.
①He signalled the waiter to bring the menu.
②She has signalled that she is willing to stand as a candidate.
①The sportsmen are all ready,waiting for the      to start running.
②Red is a      of good luck in many cultures.
③Don’t you see the      “Keep off the grass”
④A stop sign fell down,leaving a      on the ground.
答案:①signal ②symbol ③sign ④mark
6.Despite the huge risks though,people will always continue to explore this final frontier so as to learn its secrets.(教材第41页)
◆so as to为了;以便
All the test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
He got up early this morning so as to get to school on time.
①so as to 和in order to的意思都是“为的是;为了”。它们的功能也是一样的,都可以用来引导目的状语。它们的不同之处就在于so as to 用在句中,不能用于句子的开头,而in order to 既可以用在句首,也可以用在句中。
②in order to也可以用in order that从句来替换,so as to 一般也可以用so that从句来替换,这时从句中一般含有情态动词can,could等。同样,in order that 从句可以放于句首,so that从句不放于句首。
①             (为了) win the game next time,he practised again and again.
②They set out early          (以便;为了) they could catch the first bus.
③We used the computer so as      (save) time.
④You must work harder in order     you can realise your dream of becoming an astronaut.
答案:①In order to ②so that/ in order that ③to save ④that
7.Astronauts’ bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity...(教材第42页)
◆lack n.缺乏;短缺 vt.没有;缺乏
Later,he worked in Africa,where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper treatment. (2020江苏卷,完形填空)
Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.
I think you lack in the power of decision.
He             courage to do the work.
            could put the people’s health at risk.
They did not close             customers.
答案:①is lacking in ②Lack of sleep ③for lack of
8.Will scientists figure out a way to store sufficient food and water for the long journey (教材第42页)
◆figure out弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白
It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly studied.(2019全国Ⅰ卷,语法填空)
The medical students have to figure out how to treat the patient.
①By 2004,this figure had risen to 14 million.
到 2004 年为止,这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。
②She’s always had a good figure.
③The central figure in the painting is the artist’s daughter.
It took them about one month              how to start the equipment.
Many women want            these days.
答案:①to figure out ②slim figures
1....on 12 April 1961,Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.(教材第40页)
◆本句中“the+序数词+n.+to do sth.”表示“第几个做某事的……”。
I am always the first person to get to the office.
She was the first athlete to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.
We should develop the students’ ability to analyse and solve the problems.
①Can you tell me who is the first woman      (send) to the space
②She is the most suitable person      (finish) the job.
Please give me             .
She is the only woman                 the university.
答案:①to be sent ②to finish ③a chance to explain ④to be admitted into
2.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.(教材第41页)
◆此句为主从复合句,because引导表语从句,句式结构为This/That was/is because...,意为“这/那是因为……”,用来表示原因。
This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.
—You are a great swimmer.
—Thanks. It’s because I have been practising a lot these days. (2020天津7月卷,单项填空)
①This is why you should always try and add vegetables to your dinner and lunch plates.
②The reason why he didn’t pass the driving test is that he lacked practice.
①He did not see the film last night.That is      he had to help his little sister with her homework.
②The reason      we have to study computer is      it becomes more and more useful in our daily lives.
③His uncle is an engineer in the space station,which is      he has a good knowledge of space.
答案:①because ②why;that ③why
1.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.(教材第41页)
本句为复合句。when引导一个非限制性定语从句,对in 2003进行补充说明,to independently send humans into space是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰country。
答案:①Our school was the first one to win this award in 2020,when we moved into the new school with a beautiful environment.
②She became the first student in her village to be admitted into Peking University in 2015,when the village was not rich.
2.Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began,but also help us survive well into the future.(教材第41页)
本句为复合句。hope后跟一个宾语从句,从句中两个动词enable和help由not only...but also连接起来;另外how又引导一个宾语从句,作understand的宾语。
答案:①I hope I can not only figure out how much the vacation will cost,but also have a good trip.
②I hope you not only find out how he got into the house,but also know about why he was there.
③Our teacher hopes that we not only tell him how we go home,but also let him know when we get home.
1.It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board,providing a continuous human presence in space.(教材第41页)
◆on board 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上
Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments on board Chang’e-4 to find and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin.(2020全国Ⅰ卷,语法填空)
Everyone on board saw that strange object and considered it “UFO”.
Have the passengers gone on board yet
aboard/abroad/ board/ broad
词汇 词性 词义
board v. 上船/ 车/ 飞机(等);寄宿
n. 木板;膳食(费);董事会
aboard prep. 在船/ 车/ 飞机(等)上
adv. 上船/ 车/ 飞机(等)
abroad adv. 在国外;到国外
broad adj. 广阔的;宽阔的;广泛的;概括的
①There were ten men      board the aeroplane.
②We were glad to hear that our ship and all hands         (在船上) had returned safely.
③They have lived      for over ten years.
④He was of medium height,but had very     shoulders.
⑤The plane took off,and there were 157 passengers     .
⑥I will      the plane at 8:50 a.m.
答案:①on ②on board ③abroad ④broad ⑤aboard ⑥board
2.Man is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the universe.(教材第41页)
◆in the hope of 抱着……的希望
I went there in the hope of seeing her once.
He has gone to Beijing in the hope of finding a better opportunity.
①I called her early in the hope      seeing her before she left home.
②He invited me again in the hope      I would come to his party.
答案:①of ②that
3.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to explore the universe never died.(教材第41页)
句中made everyone sad and disappointed是make的复合结构,即make+宾语+宾语补足语;其中形容词sad and disappointed作宾语补足语。
Our English teacher often makes us retell the texts.
It’s too noisy.I can’t make my voice heard.
She knew that these solutions were not going to make me happy.
They all want to make Jim their monitor.
①Sit down and make yourself      (comfort).
②He raised his voice in order to make himself     (hear).
③Mary tried to              (让我们留下吃晚饭).
④He believes that the system will              (让他成为一名更好的医生).
答案:①comfortable ②heard ③make us stay for dinner ④make him a better doctor
4.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003...(教材第41页)
◆independently adv.独立地;自立地
It was the first time that he had lived independently.那是他第一次独立生活。
Your questions should be independent of each other.你们的问题应该彼此无关。
I used to be dependent on my parents.But now I am independent of them.I can depend on myself.They are happy to see my independence.
①He finished the work      (independent).
②Our relationship was based on mutual      (depend).
③When the delayed flight will take off depends much      the weather.
答案:①independently ②dependence ③on
5.Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal to achieve.(教材第42页)
◆beyond prep.在更远处;超出
In any given office,employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond,and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.(2020全国Ⅱ卷,七选五)
The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class again.
①They crossed the mountain and travelled to the valleys beyond.   
②The situation was beyond her control.   
③It’s beyond me why she wants to leave the company.   
④You can’t stay out beyond 10:00 pm.   
答案:①在……的那边 ②超出……的范围;非……所及 ③超出某人的理解能力 ④在……以后,迟于
1.However,some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.(教材第40页)
2.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.(教材第41页)
3.This signalled one step further in China’s plan to establish a space station in the future.(教材第41页)
4.More recently,China has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.(教材第41页)
动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,有时to可以省略,其否定形式是not to do。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但有语态的变化。动词不定式不能作谓语,但可以作主语、宾语、状语、表语、定语和补语。你能判断出以上句子中动词不定式作什么成分吗 你能不能写出含有动词不定式的句子
Let us give him something to eat.
The question to be discussed at the meeting is very important.
He is always the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave the school.
Practice is the only way to learn a language well.
She is a nice person to work with.
We must find a person to do the job.
We got the order to leave the city.
He has no pen to write with.
Have you got anything to buy
你有什么东西要买吗 (动词不定式to buy的动作执行者是you)
Have you got anything to be bought
你有什么要(我或别人)买的吗 (动词不定式to be bought的动作执行者是“我”或“别人”,因此只能用动词不定式的被动形式作后置定语)
①The airport       (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.
②The best way        (improve) your English is to join an English club.
③Mary had great determination        (achieve) her goal.
④The German girl has the ability       (learn) Chinese well.
答案:①to be completed ②to improve ③to achieve ④to learn
1.作目的状语,置于句首或句中,置于句首时常表示强调。为加强语气,常与in order或so as 组成短语。
A group of young people got together to discuss this question.
(1)置于句首时只用to do/in order to do。表示否定时,用 in order not to do 或 so as not to do形式。
Her mother plans to fly to Beijing at least four times a year to/in order to/so as to visit her.
I walked quietly so as not to disturb the baby.
(2)动词不定式作目的状语可转换为 so that/ in order that 或 so...that...引导的目的状语从句。
He worked very hard to pass the exam.
→He worked so hard that he could pass the exam.
→He worked hard so that/ in order that he could pass the exam.
2.作原因状语,多见于“sb.+be+adj.+to do...”结构中。
Her father was pleased to know that she passed the exam.
I was very sad to hear the news.
3.作结果状语,多见于too...to、enough to、only to do(表示意料之外的结果的发生)、so/such...as to(意为“如此……以至于……”)结构中。
The wind is strong enough to move the sand.
He is old enough to go to school.
I’m too tired to do well.
He rushed back,only to find the book missing.
I’d like to stay healthy,but to be honest,I only eat food that tastes good.
①       (learn) more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.
②When the gorillas and I frightened each other,I was just glad         (find) them alive.
③Join us         (taste) a variety of fresh local food and drinks.
④We hurried to the booking office,only        (tell) that all the tickets had been sold out.
答案:①To learn ②to find ③to taste ④to be told
Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only to find it didn’t fit.
The snow lasted a week,resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.
①A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks,    (leave) me only two weeks to train.
②He hurried to the station only     (find) the train had left.
答案:①leaving ②to find
1.When the tiny creature arrived on January 31,she became the 40th black rhino     (be) born at the reserve.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解B)
2.Obviously we’re all absolutely delighted     (welcome) another calf to our black rhino family.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解B)
3.The day was cold but clear: tourists and Londoners stopped     (watch) the skaters.(2021全国甲卷,阅读理解C)
4.It’s the best way     (get) rid of your used clothes,score clothes from your friends,and have a party all at the same time.(2021全国甲卷,七选五)
5.Mary’s sister,Frances Todd Wallace,often came over     (plant) flowers in the front yard.(2021浙江卷,语法填空)
1.to be 考查to do作定语。句意:当这只小动物于1月31日出生时,她成了该保护区出生的第40头黑犀牛。the first to do sth.意为“第一个做某事的……”,动词不定式作定语。故填to be。
2.to welcome 考查to do作状语。句意:显然,我们都非常高兴地欢迎另一只小犀牛加入我们的黑犀牛大家庭。be delighted to do sth.意为“很高兴做某事”,to do作原因状语。故填to welcome。
3.to watch 考查to do作状语。句意:天气很冷,但很晴朗:游客和伦敦人都停下来观看滑冰者。停下来的目的是观看滑冰,动词不定式作目的状语。故填to watch。
4.to get 考查to do作定语。句意:这是扔掉旧衣服、从朋友那里买衣服、同时开派对的最好方法。the way to do sth.意为“做某事的方法”,动词不定式作定语。故填to get。
5.to plant 考查to do作状语。句意:玛丽的妹妹弗朗西斯·托德·华莱士经常来前院种花。分析句子结构可知,设空处作状语;根据句意可知,此处是目的状语,目的状语用动词不定式表示,提示词plant的动词不定式形式为to plant。故填to plant。
1.We have got a lot of waste     (recycle).
2.The newly-made satellite is said      (launch) within next five days.
3.We were fortunate enough      (get) an empty car.
4.In order      (help) his parents,he always finishes his homework ahead of time.
5.Tomorrow we will decide on the best way      (go) on our field trip.
答案:1.to recycle 2.to be launched 3.to get 4.to help 5. to go
1.She has a child           (要照顾).
2.Thank you for giving me the chance                 (演讲).
3.She is always the first student             (回答问题).
4.She studied very hard                  (为了赶上其他人).
5.I will write down the number first                      (以免忘记).
答案:1.to take care of 2.to make the speech 3.to answer questions 4.in order to/so as to catch up with others 5.so as/ in order not to forget it
课时作业(七) UNIT 4 Part 1
1.We are     (determine) to defeat the football team again.
2.Can you figure      the answer to Question 5
3.He is a kind of person with high     (intelligent).
4.It is      (universal) accepted that China has developed rapidly in space exploration.
5.Yesterday I saw my maths teacher      board the train.
6.His brothers work     (independent) in different places of our country.
7.He was      (disappoint) to find that his application to be an astronaut was turned down again.
8.You’ll wear yourself out if you carry      working so hard.
9.It’s going to be a tough competition but I haven’t      (mental) prepared for it well.
10.He didn’t come and said sorry to me because of     (lack) in courage.
答案:1.determined 2.out 3.intelligence 4.universally 5.on 6.independently 7.disappointed 8.on 9.mentally 10.lacking
1.After he recovered,Li Ping         (继续) working at his post.
2.We were glad to hear that all the passengers        (在车上) the bus were safe and sound.
3.All the students in the class have learnt to        (不依赖) their parents.
4.Can any of you help me         (弄明白) this problem
5.Scientists often study Mars’s weather         (抱着……的希望) better understanding our own.
6.My daughter told me that she              (下决心成为)an excellent designer.
7.Whenever I am in trouble,she is always              (第一个帮助我的人).
答案:1.carried on 2.on board 3.be independent of 4.figure out 5.in the hope of 6.was determined to be 7.the first person to help me
The sky is a large place,and though it has been carefully examined for centuries,new features still turn up.Last March it was the rule of Uranus(天王星),and last week astronomers announced what may turn out to be a new planet,though a very small one,in the solar system.
The object was first sighted last month by Charles Kowal,an astronomer at the Hale Observatories in Pasadena,Calif.Mr Kowal observed a faint trail of light on photographic plates,indicating that something was moving in relation to the background of stars.Other observers have confirmed the discovery.
The “mini-planet”,identified for the time being as “Object-Kowal”,appears to be about 1.5 billion miles away,between the orbit of Saturn and Uranus,and its diameter(直径) has been estimated at between 100 and 400 miles.Its orbit has not been determined yet,but if the orbit proves to be roughly circular,like that of the major planets,the new object would probably take 66 to 70 years to make a circuit of the sun.
Some astronomers have speculated that Mr Kowal’s discovery may be the first indication of an asteroid(小行星) belt beyond Saturn.
1.What may have been found in the solar system according to the first paragraph
A.A small new planet.
B.A new solar system.
C.A large new object.
D.A large new planet.
2.What can we learn from the second paragraph
A.What the object is like.
B.How the object was found.
C.Where the astronomers live.
D.Why the object was moving.
3.What magazine might this passage be taken from
A.Astronomy. B.Industry.
C.Spaceflight. D.Agriculture.
1.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段第二句可知,在太阳系中新发现了一颗疑似小行星的天体。故选A。
2.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段内容可知,天文学家Charles Kowal在照相底片上观察到了一条淡淡的光亮路径,指出有东西在相关的恒星后面移动,其他观察者也证实了这一发现,所以第二段主要讲述了该行星是如何被发现的。故选B。
3.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据全文可知,本文主要介绍了目前在太阳系新发现的一颗疑似小行星的天体,这类文章最有可能出自与天文学相关的杂志上。故选A。
Sitting under the national flag and separated from the media by a transparent glass wall,50-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong appeared calm as they prepare to be part of,what is scheduled to be,China’s longest-ever manned spaceflight mission.
The two were scheduled to spend a total of 33 days in orbit.This would be the 3rd trip into space for veteran Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng.He has been on the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008 and the Shenzhou-9 mission in 2012.The mission’s commander was also part of docking missions(太空对接任务) on both his previous space flights,giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou-11 with Tiangong-2.Jing Haipeng said,“With the past 18 years of intensive professional astronaut training,together with the two previous experiences I’ve had flying in space,I’m very confident and determined that this mission is going to be a great success.Personally,I’m much calmer and in a more positive head-space than I was during my previous missions.I’m very proud to be here to greet our country.I know my confidence is shared with the rest of our entire space programme.”
With an unblemished flight record of 15 hundred hours as a pilot,37-year-old Chen Dong was chosen in 2010 to be part of the next generation of Chinese astronauts.He too said he was confident of heading into the mission,even though it would be his first time in space.“I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning.For me,the timing is perfect—not too early,but not too late either.When we train,Jing is my teacher.In life,he is my brother.He is so dedicated,and demands only the best from me and the others that he works with.Because of his experience,I am very lucky to be paired with him on this mission into space.”After being put into orbit,Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong were going to conduct a series of experiments,including testing the latest in China’s advanced life support systems,as well as scientific research.
Wu Ping,deputy director of China’s Manned Space Programme,explains the role of the two astronauts in space.“During their mission,the two are essentially back-ups to one-another.They are both capable of piloting the spacecraft,complex management,manual docking as well as handling any emergency situations or malfunctions (故障).While in orbit,they are going to complete a number of maneuvers (演习) with Shenzhou-11,as well as orbital experiments,demonstrations and tests on human health in space.”
4.From what Jing Haipeng said we can infer    .
A.previous experience matters a lot
B.the mission’s commander helped him
C.the Shenzhou-7 mission is to be docked with the Shenzhou-9
D.he lacked confidence during the previous launching
5.The underlined word “unblemished” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “   ”.
A.continuous B.surprising
C.perfect D.significant
6.What made Chen Dong a qualified astronaut
A.His confidence of heading into the mission.
B.His intensive training and learning.
C.His luck to be paired with Jing Haipeng.
D.His experience of conducting a series of experiments.
7.Where would you most probably see the text
A.In a newspaper.
B.In a science journal.
C.In a travel magazine.
D.In a government document.
4.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第二段中的“With the past 18 years of intensive...this mission is going to be a great success.”可知,有了过去18年的高强度专业宇航员的训练,以及他之前的两次太空飞行经历,景海鹏有信心也坚信这次任务将会圆满成功。由此可以推断出过往的经验至关重要。故选A。
5.C 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。根据第三段中的“With an unblemished flight record...the next generation of Chinese astronauts.”可推知,有安全、完美的飞行记录,才可能被选为宇航员。continuous持续的;surprising令人惊讶的;perfect完美的;significant重大的。故选C。
6.B 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第三段中的“I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning.”可知,经过6年的高强度训练和学习,陈冬终于有机会执行他的第一次太空任务。故选B。
7.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段内容可知,50岁的景海鹏和37岁的陈冬坐在国旗下方,与媒体仅一堵透明玻璃墙之隔,看上去气定神闲,他们即将展开中国史上持续时间最长的载人飞行任务。由此可推断出本文最有可能出自报纸上的新闻报道。故选A。
Doctors say that anger can be an extremely damaging emotion,unless you learn how to deal with it.They warn that anger can lead to heart disease,stomach problems,headaches,emotional problems and possibly cancer.
1.    Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way.Others burst with anger,and scream and yell.But other people keep their anger inside.They cannot or will not express it.This is called repressing anger.
For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it.They said that when a person is angry,the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate,raise blood pressure,or sugar into the blood,etc.2.  
Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous.They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease,and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.
3.    They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognise the real cause of the anger,and then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.If it is,they say,“4.    Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”
Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humour in the situation that has made you angry.5.  
A.Anger may cause you a cancer.
B.Do not express your anger while angry.
C.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.
D.They say that laughter is much healthier than anger.
E.Doctors say that the solution is learning how to deal with anger.
F.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.
G.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.
1.F 考查学生理解段落主题句和段内衔接关系的能力。从首句“Doctors say that anger can be an extremely damaging emotion,unless you learn how to deal with it.”及空后所述不同的人处理生气的不同方式可知,说明生气是一种正常的情感。故选F。
2.C 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。从空前“They speed the heart rate,raise blood pressure,or sugar into the blood,etc.”可知,生气的人会心跳加速、血压或血糖升高等。根据常识可知,一般情况下生气会让人受到刺激、急于行动。故选C。
3.E 考查学生理解段落主题句和段内衔接关系的能力。从后文“They say the first step is to admit that...then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.”可知,这些是医生给出的如何正确处理生气的解决方案。故选E。
4.B 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据后文“Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”可知,生气时要等到冷静下来,且能平静、合理地表达时再宣泄情绪。由此可知,生气时不要表达。故选B。
5.D 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据空前“...a good way to deal with anger is to find humour...”及常识可知,幽默会带来笑声。由此可知,笑比生气健康得多。故选D。(共80张PPT)
Part 2 Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress
语篇导读 先行把握
多维解读 深度剖析
made a difference
(to) think about
◆argue vt.& vi.论证;争辩;争论
We’re always arguing with each other about some questions.
They argued for the right to vote.
1.Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring
①We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.
②I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.
①Tom has been arguing       his brother about where they should go
for their holidays.
②Robert argued       reducing his pocket money every month.
③You should solve the problem by      (argue),not by fight.
④We tried to argue her into      (join) us in helping the homeless.
2.It has directly resulted in the many satellites that now orbit Earth.
◆result in导致;造成
His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷,完形填空)
他的努力使1 360英亩的天然土地成为许多动植物的家园。
It’s said that this kind of drug can result in injury to the liver.
The big fire resulted from gas leak.
巧学助记 图解result in与result from
①The breakthrough in the field of astronomy results     the efforts
of the scientists.
②The heavy rain last week resulted      big flood in the area.
③People have better access to health care than they used to,and they’re
living longer as      result.
④About 21 million people died during the 1990s as a result   smoking.
3.After careful analysis,the scientists can provide useful recommendations
and advice for farmers.(教材第44页)
◆provide sth.for sb.(=provide sb. with sth.)为某人提供某物
Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.
暑期公司为学生提供实践业务培训,并提供高达3 000美元的奖金,让他们开始并经营自己的暑期业务。
It’s the peasants who provide us with grain and vegetables.
=It’s the peasants who provide grain and vegetables for us.
provide for 为固定短语,有两个常见意思:
①为……做准备(=make preparations for)。
How can everyone provide for unexpected events
②供养(=supply with the necessary things of life)。
He has five children and a wife to provide for.
①We will be provided      food and drink there.
②Our country provides all the desks and books     the children free
of charge.
We are here to   .
=We are here to   .
Jim had           just such an emergency.
provide services for the public
provide the public with services
provided for
4.Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people
realise that our planet’s resources are limited.(教材第44页)
◆limited adj.有限的
We had only limited communication with the natives.
Families are limited to four free tickets each.
①There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.
②I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to lose weight.
为了减肥,我每天限制自己摄入1 000卡路里的热量。
①I’m willing to help,within      (limit) you to realise your dream
of becoming an astronaut.
②We are doing our best with the      (limit) resources available.
③I’ve found that the possibilities that lie within books are
④This way you have more options in your career because you aren’t
limited      just one field.
5.It is necessary to find a new home for people in space,as the resources
on Earth will run out.(教材第45页)
◆run out耗尽;用完
After two hours’ walk,my strength completely ran out.
If they run out of certain daily necessities,Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed.(2019北京卷,完形填空)
run out和run out of 两个短语都有“用完”的意思,但用法不同。run out作不及物动词短语,表示“(物)被用完;(物)被耗尽”,主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词;run out of则是及物动词短语,表示“(人)用完某物;(人)耗尽某物”,主语是人。
He has run out of the red ink.
The power of my cell phone has run out.
选词填空(用run out/run out of/use up/give out)
①We have            coal,and have to burn wood.
②Soon his patience           and he burst into anger.
run out of/used up
ran out/gave out
6.While sleeping,they must attach themselves to something so as to prevent
floating around.(教材第46页)
◆attach vt.系;绑;贴;认为有重要性
Please attach these labels to your hand luggage.
I will attach a document to the letter.
①He is deeply attached to the old camera.
②This middle school is attached to a normal college.
③Parents attach much importance to education.
①We must attach great importance   the development of space research.
Helen expressed her thanks to the host by            the gift.
It is wise for us               writing,because it plays
an important role in our academic performance.
The little girl          her English teacher.
attaching a note to
to attach importance to
is attached to
Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions,whether to Mars or other planets much further away.(教材第44页)
He seemed undecided whether to go or stay.
Whether true or false,the story is interesting.
It remains to be seen         this idea can be put
into practice.
      it turns out to be a good idea       a bad idea,we’ll
find out.
whether or not
1.However,others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realise how
exploring space helps us.(教材第44页)
本句是一个主从复合句,包含两个宾语从句和一个定语从句。第一个从句this is
a shallow view...是宾语从句,作动词feel的宾语;第二个从句which fails to
realise...是定语从句,修饰名词view;第三个从句how exploring space helps


However,60 percent of students think it is not good for students to bring mobile phones to school,which has become a problem that parents don’t know how to deal with.
However,quite a few people think this is an impractical plan,which fails to realise how important environmental protection is to us.

I think this is a point of view that fails to realise how important parental company is to children.
2.As a result,space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to
grow enough food to feed Earth’s increasing population.(教材第44页)
本句是一个简单句,包含有两个动词不定式短语to grow enough food和to feed
Earth’s increasing population。其中第一个动词不定式to grow enough
food作定语,修饰名词efforts;第二个动词不定式to feed Earth’s increasing
population作状语,表示前面grow enough food的目的。


Her efforts to work harder to support her family paid off.
He rises early in an effort to work out regularly to build up his strength.
3.High-end products around the world are made to a higher standard now
because of advanced technology which was first created to meet the
requirements for space exploration.(教材第44页)
本句是一个主从复合句。定语从句which was first created to meet the
requirements for space exploration修饰先行词advanced technology。


They planted all kinds of flowers in the campus which/that became a beautiful scenery of the campus.
On the last day of the college entrance examination,they drew a picture of their English teacher which/ that was finally published in the school newspaper.

When she was sad,her math teacher said the words to her that/which she will cherish forever.
1.Firstly,exploring space has already made a difference in the fight
against world hunger. (教材第44页)
◆make a difference 对……产生影响;有意义
...others are so jammed that only a sharp reduction in the number of cars on the road will make a meaningful difference.
Changing schools made a big difference to my life.
①Whatever you can do can make a      (different).
②What she says will make no difference       our plan.
③It              (对你没有影响),but it does to me.
makes no difference to you
2....other machines that doctors regularly use. (教材第44页)
◆regularly adv. 经常地;定期地
I go there quite regularly.
Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
①There are two main sets of Games—the Winter and the Summer Olympics,
and both are held every four years      a regular basis.
②If you want to keep fit,you can exercise       (regular)in a gym.
An argumentative essay about space exploration
Different people have different ideas about ...
I hold the view that ...
Different people look at the question in different ways.
Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether...or not.
According to a recent survey,...
Opinions are divided on the question.
Every coin has two sides.
60% of the people hold the view that ...
I think there are many advantages in exploring space.First...Second...
On the other hand,the rest of the people are against ...
Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows.
Some students are for the idea,while others think otherwise.
However,there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.
Some hold the view that...while others think that...
I hold the belief that ...
I think we should ...
From my point of view,...
Therefore,we can draw the conclusion that...

1.           是否……
2.        探索太空
3.          弄清楚;弄明白
4.          争论/争辩……
5.          给某人提供某物
whether...or not
explore space/ space exploration
figure out
argue that...
provide sb.with sth./provide sth.for sb.
Recently,we have                 about the problem.
Some people hold the view that space exploration will enable us to
         how the universe develops.
Other people           we should stop exploring space.
It costs           time and money.
held a heated discussion
figure out
argue that 
too much
It can       the world      many different benefits.
It can also       people’s short-term and long-term problems.
2.将第5、第6句用not only...but also...合并。


Other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
It can not only provide the world with many different benefits,but can also solve people’s short-term and long-term problems.
Recently,we have held a heated discussion about the problem whether mankind should explore space or not.Different people have different opinions about it.
Some people hold the view that space exploration will not only enable us to figure out how the universe develops but also help farming to grow more food and apply the new advanced technology to our lives.
However,other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
From my point of view,it is very necessary for humans to explore space.It can not only provide the world with many different benefits,but can also solve people’s short-term and long-term problems.
学生的观点 一部分学生认为:劳动教育有助于身体健康
你的观点 ……
One possible version:
Recently,there is a heated discussion on whether students should be given labour education at school.
As for students,opinions are divided.On one hand,some students think that it will be of great benefit to their health,enabling them to get into shape. On the other hand,some students hold the view that this kind of education will take up their time,which will be spent studying.
What’s more,it will have a negative effect on their grades.
As far as I’m concerned,students definitely should receive labour education so that they’ll value more what labour brings about.
1.In her spare time,she       (regular) took her son to the museums.
2.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to     (become)
rich and famous.
3.They provided some necessary support      the sufferers.
4.So from the      (globe) perspective,it is very important.
5.He gave up without      (argue).
6.There are many kinds of       (resource) like coal,tungsten,oil,
and copper.
7.Henry is a man of      (limit)ability,so the manager won’t allow
him to take charge of the department.
8.At the      (close) ceremony,they gave us a wonderful performance.
9.As far as I’m concerned,what he said will result     his complete
change in his attitude to life.
10.What can we do with our money running     
The pollution of the river has         unsafe drinking water.
He himself           such a big family by selling newspapers.
We cannot just               six months later.
        ,I wish the concert a great success and wish all of you
a pleasant evening!
I                this research.
resulted in
provides for
run out of money
In closing
attach great importance to
Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station,so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem It’s turning to a bunch of high school kids.But not just any kids.It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms,
like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport,New York.
HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.For the past two years,Gordon’s students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity,and they think they’re close to a solution(解决方案).“We don’t give the students any breaks.They have to do it just like NASA engineers,”says Florence Gold,a project manager.
“There are no tests,”Gordon says.“There is no graded homework.There almost are no grades,other than‘Are you working towards your goal ’Basically,it’s ‘I’ve got to produce this product and then,at the end of the year,present it to NASA’.Engineers come and really do an in-person review,and...it’s not a very nice thing at times.It’s a hard business review of your product.”
Gordon says the HUNCH programme has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills.“These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back.I don’t teach.”And that annoying bacteria Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem,readying a workable solution to test in space.
1.What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station
A.They are hard to get rid of.
B.They lead to air pollution.
C.They appear in different forms.
D.They damage the instruments.
1.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段中的“The microorganisms(微生物)...cleaning them up each week.”可知,来自我们身体的微生物在太空站的表面增长得很快,宇航员每周得花很长时间清理它们。由此断定太空站里的细菌很难清除。故选A。
2.What is the purpose of the HUNCH programme
A.To strengthen teacher-student relationships.
B.To sharpen students’communication skills.
C.To allow students to experience zero gravity.
D.To link space technology with school education.
2.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段的第一句“HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.”可知,HUNCH项目的目的是把学校教育与航天技术联系在一起。
3.What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the programme
A.Check their product.
B.Guide project designs.
C.Adjust work schedules.
D.Grade their homework.
3.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段的最后两句“Engineers come and really do an in-person review...It’s a hard business review of your product.”可知,NASA工程师亲自检查那些高中学生的产品。故选A。
4.What is the best title for the text
A.NASA:The Home of Astronauts
B.Space:The Final Homework Frontier
C.Nature:An Outdoor Classroom
D.HUNCH:A College Admission Reform
4.B 标题归纳题。考查学生理解和概括主旨要义的能力。本文主要介绍了一个项目:把高中的教室教学与太空的研究联系起来,使学生们得到NASA工程师们的指导。因此在选标题时既要有太空,还要有学生,而选项B将其完美地结合了起来。故选B。
As a young child,I lacked confidence,mainly because of my foot defect
(缺陷).I was  1  about it by being called penguin.It made me feel ignored.It was not until I moved to a new place that a(n) 2  happened in my life.This move was important  3  here I could have a fresh start.
My  4  life started when I met my best friend who was the reason
I  5  social loneliness.He helped me by being a friend in  6 .Someone who you can trust will  7  when you come to them with a problem.
Unfortunately,however hard I tried,I could not get rid of my shame.This is when I learnt some things never change.I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.
I came to  9  that I don’t want others to feel  10  and left out.I started by becoming more easy-going and open.I  11  at people to show I was friendly.Finally,I not only helped people who were left out,but also helped myself by  12  more friends and grew more as a person.I  13  more when I finally accepted my name and defect for what they were.
This experience changed my view on life.Life is to give everyone a
 14  to overcome(克服).Everyone eventually has to  15  life as it is.
1.A.curious B.confused C.amused D.uncomfortable
2.A.duty B.change C.effect D.trouble
1.D 根据上文的“As a young child,I lacked confidence,mainly because of my foot defect(缺陷).”和下文的“about it by being called penguin”可知,作者因脚有缺陷而被称为“企鹅”,对作者来说这是一件难过的事情,对此他应是感到很不舒服、不自在(uncomfortable)。
2.B 根据上文“It made me feel ignored.”及设空处所在句“It was not until I moved to a new place that a(n) 2  happened in my life.”可知,作者在搬去新地方之前感觉自己都是被忽视的,直到作者搬到一个新的地方,才发生了变化(change)。设空处所在句与上文是转折关系。
3.A.before B.until C.because D.when
4.A.awful B.strange C.interesting D.new
3.C 根据上文可知,作者直到搬到一个新的地方,生活才发生了变化,因为在那里作者可以有新的开始。设空处应是对上文进行解释说明,构成因果关系。故选because。
4.D 根据上文“here I could have a fresh start(在这里我可以有新的开始)”可知,此处应是指“我的新(new)生活开始了”。
5.A.satisfied B.survived C.developed D.received
6.A.need B.pain C.advance D.danger
5.B 根据设空处所在句“My  4  life started when I met my best friend who was the reason I  5  social loneliness.”以及本段最后一句“I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.”可知,作者遇到一个重要的朋友,让他开始了新的生活,不再像以前一样被忽略,活在孤独中。说明这个朋友应是帮助他从孤独中活(survived)过来。
6.A 根据上文“I met my best friend who was the reason I  5  social loneliness”可知,作者的这位朋友将作者从孤独中拯救出来,在他需要(need)时成为他的朋友,并帮助他克服社交困难。
7.A.wake B.live C.stay D.understand
8.A.lucky B.disappointed C.dull D.talented
7.D 根据上文的“Someone who you can trust”以及下文的“when you come to them with a problem”可知,一个你能信任的人,说明他是支持你的,当你有困难去找他,他会给予理解(understand)。
8.A 根据下文的“to have one friend to help me survive”可知,有一个朋友帮助他挺过来,对于作者来说应是幸运的(lucky)。
9.A.research B.realise C.explore D.demand
10.A.helpful B.lively C.friendly D.lonely
9.B 根据上文“I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.”及下文“I don’t want others to feel  10  and left out”“I started by becoming more easy-going and open.”可知,作者很幸运,得到了朋友的帮助,使他从社交困难中挺了过来,因此改变了自己,说明作者应是意识到(realise)了他不想让其他人像他那样也感到孤独和被忽视,所以才会有下文讲到作者开始变得开朗。
10.D 根据下文的“and left out”可知,and连接的应是两个近义词。此处应是指作者不想其他人也感到孤独(lonely)和被忽视。
11.A.stared B.pointed C.smiled D.laughed
12.A.hunting B.making C.treating D.spreading
11.C 根据下文的“to show I was friendly”可知,作者的目的是表示友好,所以作者应是对别人微笑(smiled)。
12.B 根据上文的“I not only helped people who were left out,but also helped myself”以及下文的“and grew more as a person”可知,作者不仅帮助那些被忽视的人,同时帮助了他自己,说明设空处所指的做法应是可以达到双向互助的效果,所以设空处应是指结交朋友。make friends为固定搭配,意为“交朋友”。
13.A.followed B.cleared C.grew D.held
14.A.challenge B.favour C.test D.threat
15.A.replace B.accept C.resist D.reward
13.C 根据上文“grew more as a person”可知,作者得到了成长,而当他最终接受了自己的缺陷时,应是相对之前更成熟了,得到了更大的成长。C项符合语境,与上文对应。
14.A 根据上文“This experience changed my view on life.”以及文章讲到的作者的经历可知,作者由刚开始对自己没信心,对自己的缺陷感到困惑,社交困难,到后来遇见了帮助他的一个朋友,从而对自己改观,敢于挑战自己,与别人交朋友。由此可知,设空处应是讲“生活就是给人一个需要克服的挑战(challenge)”,克服挑战就是生活本来的样子。
15.B 根据上文的“when I finally accepted my name and defect for what they were”以及文章讲到的作者的经历可知,作者在克服了生活的挑战之后,应是意识到每个人最终都要学会接受(accept)生活本来的样子。Part 2 Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress
答案:1.shallow 2.made a difference 3.promoted 4.(to) think about 5.continue
1.Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space.(教材第44页)
◆argue vt.& vi.论证;争辩;争论
We’re always arguing with each other about some questions.
They argued for the right to vote.
①We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.
②I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.(2019天津卷,阅读理解B)
①Tom has been arguing      his brother about where they should go for their holidays.
②Robert argued      reducing his pocket money every month.
③You should solve the problem by     (argue),not by fight.
④We tried to argue her into      (join) us in helping the homeless.
答案:①with ②against ③argument ④joining
2.It has directly resulted in the many satellites that now orbit Earth.(教材第44页)
◆result in导致;造成
His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷,完形填空)
他的努力使1 360英亩的天然土地成为许多动植物的家园。
It’s said that this kind of drug can result in injury to the liver.
The big fire resulted from gas leak.
图解result in与result from
①The breakthrough in the field of astronomy results      the efforts of the scientists.
②The heavy rain last week resulted      big flood in the area.
③People have better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer as      result.
④About 21 million people died during the 1990s as a result      smoking.
答案:①from ②in ③a ④of
3.After careful analysis,the scientists can provide useful recommendations and advice for farmers.(教材第44页)
◆provide sth.for sb.(=provide sb. with sth.)为某人提供某物
Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.(2019全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解A)
暑期公司为学生提供实践业务培训,并提供高达3 000美元的奖金,让他们开始并经营自己的暑期业务。
It’s the peasants who provide us with grain and vegetables.
=It’s the peasants who provide grain and vegetables for us.
provide for 为固定短语,有两个常见意思:
①为……做准备(=make preparations for)。
How can everyone provide for unexpected events
②供养(=supply with the necessary things of life)。
He has five children and a wife to provide for.
①We will be provided      food and drink there.
②Our country provides all the desks and books      the children free of charge.
We are here to  .
=We are here to  .
Jim had          just such an emergency.
答案:①with ②for ③provide services for the public;provide the public with services ④provided for
4.Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realise that our planet’s resources are limited.(教材第44页)
◆limited adj.有限的
We had only limited communication with the natives.
Families are limited to four free tickets each.
①There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.
②I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to lose weight.
为了减肥,我每天限制自己摄入1 000卡路里的热量。
①I’m willing to help,within     (limit) you to realise your dream of becoming an astronaut.
②We are doing our best with the     (limit) resources available.
③I’ve found that the possibilities that lie within books are     (limit).
④This way you have more options in your career because you aren’t limited      just one field.
答案:①limits ②limited ③limitless ④to
5.It is necessary to find a new home for people in space,as the resources on Earth will run out.(教材第45页)
◆run out耗尽;用完
After two hours’ walk,my strength completely ran out.
If they run out of certain daily necessities,Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed.(2019北京卷,完形填空)
run out和run out of 两个短语都有“用完”的意思,但用法不同。run out作不及物动词短语,表示“(物)被用完;(物)被耗尽”,主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词;run out of则是及物动词短语,表示“(人)用完某物;(人)耗尽某物”,主语是人。
He has run out of the red ink.
The power of my cell phone has run out.
选词填空(用run out/run out of/use up/give out)
①We have            coal,and have to burn wood.
②Soon his patience          and he burst into anger.
答案:①run out of/used up ②ran out/gave out
6.While sleeping,they must attach themselves to something so as to prevent floating around.(教材第46页)
◆attach vt.系;绑;贴;认为有重要性
Please attach these labels to your hand luggage.
I will attach a document to the letter.
①He is deeply attached to the old camera.
②This middle school is attached to a normal college.
③Parents attach much importance to education.
①We must attach great importance      the development of space research.
Helen expressed her thanks to the host by                the gift.
It is wise for us                 writing,because it plays an important role in our academic performance.
The little girl              her English teacher.
答案:①to ②attaching a note to ③to attach importance to ④is attached to
Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions,whether to Mars or other planets much further away.(教材第44页)
He seemed undecided whether to go or stay.
Whether true or false,the story is interesting.
It remains to be seen           this idea can be put into practice.
     it turns out to be a good idea      a bad idea,we’ll find out.
答案:①whether or not ②Whether;or
1.However,others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realise how exploring space helps us.(教材第44页)
本句是一个主从复合句,包含两个宾语从句和一个定语从句。第一个从句this is a shallow view...是宾语从句,作动词feel的宾语;第二个从句which fails to realise...是定语从句,修饰名词view;第三个从句how exploring space helps us为宾语从句,作realise的宾语。
答案:①However,60 percent of students think it is not good for students to bring mobile phones to school,which has become a problem that parents don’t know how to deal with.
②However,quite a few people think this is an impractical plan,which fails to realise how important environmental protection is to us.
③I think this is a point of view that fails to realise how important parental company is to children.
2.As a result,space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough food to feed Earth’s increasing population.(教材第44页)
本句是一个简单句,包含有两个动词不定式短语to grow enough food和to feed Earth’s increasing population。其中第一个动词不定式to grow enough food作定语,修饰名词efforts;第二个动词不定式to feed Earth’s increasing population作状语,表示前面grow enough food的目的。
答案:①Her efforts to work harder to support her family paid off.
②He rises early in an effort to work out regularly to build up his strength.
3.High-end products around the world are made to a higher standard now because of advanced technology which was first created to meet the requirements for space exploration.(教材第44页)
本句是一个主从复合句。定语从句which was first created to meet the requirements for space exploration修饰先行词advanced technology。
答案:①They planted all kinds of flowers in the campus which/that became a beautiful scenery of the campus.
②On the last day of the college entrance examination,they drew a picture of their English teacher which/ that was finally published in the school newspaper.
③When she was sad,her math teacher said the words to her that/which she will cherish forever.
1.Firstly,exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger. (教材第44页)
◆make a difference 对……产生影响;有意义
...others are so jammed that only a sharp reduction in the number of cars on the road will make a meaningful difference. (2020浙江7月卷,阅读理解B)
Changing schools made a big difference to my life.
①Whatever you can do can make a     (different).
②What she says will make no difference      our plan.
③It             (对你没有影响),but it does to me.
答案:①difference ②to ③makes no difference to you
2....other machines that doctors regularly use. (教材第44页)
◆regularly adv. 经常地;定期地
I go there quite regularly.
Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
①There are two main sets of Games—the Winter and the Summer Olympics,and both are held every four years      a regular basis.
②If you want to keep fit,you can exercise     (regular)in a gym.
答案:①on ②regularly
An argumentative essay about space exploration
Different people have different ideas about ...
I hold the view that ...
Different people look at the question in different ways.
Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether...or not.
According to a recent survey,...
Opinions are divided on the question.
Every coin has two sides.
60% of the people hold the view that ...
I think there are many advantages in exploring space.First...Second...
On the other hand,the rest of the people are against ...
Generally speaking,its advantages can be seen as follows.
Some students are for the idea,while others think otherwise.
However,there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.
Some hold the view that...while others think that...
I hold the belief that ...
I think we should ...
From my point of view,...
Therefore,we can draw the conclusion that...
1.         是否……
2.         探索太空
3.         弄清楚;弄明白
4.         争论/争辩……
5.         给某人提供某物
答案:1.whether...or not 2.explore space/ space exploration 3.figure out 4.argue that... 5.provide sb.with sth./provide sth.for sb.
Recently,we have                 about the problem.
Some people hold the view that space exploration will enable us to          how the universe develops.
Other people          we should stop exploring space.
It costs          time and money.
It can      the world      many different benefits.
It can also      people’s short-term and long-term problems.
答案:1.held a heated discussion 2.figure out 3.argue that 4.too much 5.provide;with 6.solve
2.将第5、第6句用not only...but also...合并。
答案:1.Other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
2.It can not only provide the world with many different benefits,but can also solve people’s short-term and long-term problems.
Recently,we have held a heated discussion about the problem whether mankind should explore space or not.Different people have different opinions about it.
Some people hold the view that space exploration will not only enable us to figure out how the universe develops but also help farming to grow more food and apply the new advanced technology to our lives.However,other people argue that we should stop exploring space because it costs too much time and money.
From my point of view,it is very necessary for humans to explore space.It can not only provide the world with many different benefits,but can also solve people’s short-term and long-term problems.
学生的观点 一部分学生认为:劳动教育有助于身体健康
你的观点 ……
  One possible version:
Recently,there is a heated discussion on whether students should be given labour education at school.
As for students,opinions are divided.On one hand,some students think that it will be of great benefit to their health,enabling them to get into shape. On the other hand,some students hold the view that this kind of education will take up their time,which will be spent studying.What’s more,it will have a negative effect on their grades.
As far as I’m concerned,students definitely should receive labour education so that they’ll value more what labour brings about.
课时作业(八) UNIT 4 Part 2
1.In her spare time,she     (regular) took her son to the museums.
2.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to     (become) rich and famous.
3.They provided some necessary support      the sufferers.
4.So from the     (globe) perspective,it is very important.
5.He gave up without     (argue).
6.There are many kinds of     (resource) like coal,tungsten,oil,and copper.
7.Henry is a man of     (limit)ability,so the manager won’t allow him to take charge of the department.
8.At the     (close) ceremony,they gave us a wonderful performance.
9.As far as I’m concerned,what he said will result      his complete change in his attitude to life.
10.What can we do with our money running     
答案:1.regularly 2.becoming 3.for 4.global 5.argument 6.resources 7.limited 8.closing 9.in 10.out
The pollution of the river has          unsafe drinking water.
He himself          such a big family by selling newspapers.
We cannot just              six months later.
        ,I wish the concert a great success and wish all of you a pleasant evening!
I                   this research.
答案:1.resulted in 2.provides for 3.run out of money 4.In closing 5.attach great importance to
Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station,so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem It’s turning to a bunch of high school kids.But not just any kids.It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms,like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport,New York.
HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.For the past two years,Gordon’s students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity,and they think they’re close to a solution(解决方案).“We don’t give the students any breaks.They have to do it just like NASA engineers,”says Florence Gold,a project manager.
“There are no tests,”Gordon says.“There is no graded homework.There almost are no grades,other than‘Are you working towards your goal ’Basically,it’s ‘I’ve got to produce this product and then,at the end of the year,present it to NASA’.Engineers come and really do an in-person review,and...it’s not a very nice thing at times.It’s a hard business review of your product.”
Gordon says the HUNCH programme has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills.“These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back.I don’t teach.”And that annoying bacteria Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem,readying a workable solution to test in space.
1.What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station
A.They are hard to get rid of.
B.They lead to air pollution.
C.They appear in different forms.
D.They damage the instruments.
2.What is the purpose of the HUNCH programme
A.To strengthen teacher-student relationships.
B.To sharpen students’communication skills.
C.To allow students to experience zero gravity.
D.To link space technology with school education.
3.What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the programme
A.Check their product.
B.Guide project designs.
C.Adjust work schedules.
D.Grade their homework.
4.What is the best title for the text
A.NASA:The Home of Astronauts
B.Space:The Final Homework Frontier
C.Nature:An Outdoor Classroom
D.HUNCH:A College Admission Reform
1.A 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第一段中的“The microorganisms(微生物)...cleaning them up each week.”可知,来自我们身体的微生物在太空站的表面增长得很快,宇航员每周得花很长时间清理它们。由此断定太空站里的细菌很难清除。故选A。
2.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段的第一句“HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.”可知,HUNCH项目的目的是把学校教育与航天技术联系在一起。故选D。
3.A 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段的最后两句“Engineers come and really do an in-person review...It’s a hard business review of your product.”可知,NASA工程师亲自检查那些高中学生的产品。故选A。
4.B 标题归纳题。考查学生理解和概括主旨要义的能力。本文主要介绍了一个项目:把高中的教室教学与太空的研究联系起来,使学生们得到NASA工程师们的指导。因此在选标题时既要有太空,还要有学生,而选项B将其完美地结合了起来。故选B。
As a young child,I lacked confidence,mainly because of my foot defect(缺陷).I was  1  about it by being called penguin.It made me feel ignored.It was not until I moved to a new place that a(n) 2  happened in my life.This move was important  3  here I could have a fresh start.
My  4  life started when I met my best friend who was the reason I  5  social loneliness.He helped me by being a friend in  6 .Someone who you can trust will  7  when you come to them with a problem.Unfortunately,however hard I tried,I could not get rid of my shame.This is when I learnt some things never change.I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.
I came to  9  that I don’t want others to feel  10  and left out.I started by becoming more easy-going and open.I  11  at people to show I was friendly.Finally,I not only helped people who were left out,but also helped myself by  12  more friends and grew more as a person.I  13  more when I finally accepted my name and defect for what they were.
This experience changed my view on life.Life is to give everyone a  14  to overcome(克服).Everyone eventually has to  15  life as it is.
1.A.curious B.confused
C.amused D.uncomfortable
2.A.duty B.change
C.effect D.trouble
3.A.before B.until
C.because D.when
4.A.awful B.strange
C.interesting D.new
5.A.satisfied B.survived
C.developed D.received
6.A.need B.pain
C.advance D.danger
7.A.wake B.live
C.stay D.understand
8.A.lucky B.disappointed
C.dull D.talented
9.A.research B.realise
C.explore D.demand
10.A.helpful B.lively
C.friendly D.lonely
11.A.stared B.pointed
C.smiled D.laughed
12.A.hunting B.making
C.treating D.spreading
13.A.followed B.cleared
C.grew D.held
14.A.challenge B.favour
C.test D.threat
15.A.replace B.accept
C.resist D.reward
1.D 根据上文的“As a young child,I lacked confidence,mainly because of my foot defect(缺陷).”和下文的“about it by being called penguin”可知,作者因脚有缺陷而被称为“企鹅”,对作者来说这是一件难过的事情,对此他应是感到很不舒服、不自在(uncomfortable)。
2.B 根据上文“It made me feel ignored.”及设空处所在句“It was not until I moved to a new place that a(n) 2  happened in my life.”可知,作者在搬去新地方之前感觉自己都是被忽视的,直到作者搬到一个新的地方,才发生了变化(change)。设空处所在句与上文是转折关系。
3.C 根据上文可知,作者直到搬到一个新的地方,生活才发生了变化,因为在那里作者可以有新的开始。设空处应是对上文进行解释说明,构成因果关系。故选because。
4.D 根据上文“here I could have a fresh start(在这里我可以有新的开始)”可知,此处应是指“我的新(new)生活开始了”。
5.B 根据设空处所在句“My  4  life started when I met my best friend who was the reason I  5  social loneliness.”以及本段最后一句“I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.”可知,作者遇到一个重要的朋友,让他开始了新的生活,不再像以前一样被忽略,活在孤独中。说明这个朋友应是帮助他从孤独中活(survived)过来。
6.A 根据上文“I met my best friend who was the reason I  5  social loneliness”可知,作者的这位朋友将作者从孤独中拯救出来,在他需要(need)时成为他的朋友,并帮助他克服社交困难。
7.D 根据上文的“Someone who you can trust”以及下文的“when you come to them with a problem”可知,一个你能信任的人,说明他是支持你的,当你有困难去找他,他会给予理解(understand)。
8.A 根据下文的“to have one friend to help me survive”可知,有一个朋友帮助他挺过来,对于作者来说应是幸运的(lucky)。
9.B 根据上文“I was  8  enough to have one friend to help me survive.”及下文“I don’t want others to feel  10  and left out”“I started by becoming more easy-going and open.”可知,作者很幸运,得到了朋友的帮助,使他从社交困难中挺了过来,因此改变了自己,说明作者应是意识到(realise)了他不想让其他人像他那样也感到孤独和被忽视,所以才会有下文讲到作者开始变得开朗。
10.D 根据下文的“and left out”可知,and连接的应是两个近义词。此处应是指作者不想其他人也感到孤独(lonely)和被忽视。
11.C 根据下文的“to show I was friendly”可知,作者的目的是表示友好,所以作者应是对别人微笑(smiled)。
12.B 根据上文的“I not only helped people who were left out,but also helped myself”以及下文的“and grew more as a person”可知,作者不仅帮助那些被忽视的人,同时帮助了他自己,说明设空处所指的做法应是可以达到双向互助的效果,所以设空处应是指结交朋友。make friends为固定搭配,意为“交朋友”。
13.C 根据上文“grew more as a person”可知,作者得到了成长,而当他最终接受了自己的缺陷时,应是相对之前更成熟了,得到了更大的成长。C项符合语境,与上文对应。
14.A 根据上文“This experience changed my view on life.”以及文章讲到的作者的经历可知,作者由刚开始对自己没信心,对自己的缺陷感到困惑,社交困难,到后来遇见了帮助他的一个朋友,从而对自己改观,敢于挑战自己,与别人交朋友。由此可知,设空处应是讲“生活就是给人一个需要克服的挑战(challenge)”,克服挑战就是生活本来的样子。
15.B 根据上文的“when I finally accepted my name and defect for what they were”以及文章讲到的作者的经历可知,作者在克服了生活的挑战之后,应是意识到每个人最终都要学会接受(accept)生活本来的样子。
核心素养提升(UNIT 4)
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How much does the chair cost now ( B )
A.£80. B.£72.
2.What is the time now ( A )
A.4:40. B.5:00.
3.Who could help the woman ( A )
A.Her neighbour. B.Her teacher.
C.The man.
4.Where will the woman go first ( C )
A.To the beach. B.To the bank.
C.To the toilet.
5.What are the speakers talking about ( C )
A.A broken bridge. B.A car accident.
C.A traffic jam.
6.What is the conversation mainly about ( C )
A.Applying for a passport.
B.Growing up in a rich family.
C.Borrowing money from a bank.
7.What kind of identification does the man have to bring tomorrow ( A )
A.A passport. B.A driver’s licence.
C.A letter from a relative.
8.What happened to the boy ( A )
A.He got lost.
B.He fought with Paul.
C.He was badly injured.
9.How does the woman probably feel at the end of the conversation ( C )
A.Angry. B.Disappointed.
10.What did the man lose ( A )
A.The receipt. B.The wallet.
C.The plane tickets.
11.What does the woman think of the man ( C )
A.He is forgetful. B.He is too busy.
C.He is careless.
12.Where does the woman suggest the man search ( A )
A.In his suitcase. B.In his pockets.
C.In his desk.
13.How does the man feel about the technology show ( B )
A.A little disappointed.
B.Quite impressed.
C.Very confused.
14.Why is the woman concerned ( C )
A.She thinks the man is careless about people.
B.She has no idea what she will write for her term paper.
C.She is afraid using robots might not be good for people.
15.According to the man,what should China do ( B )
A.Research the effects of robots on daily life.
B.Become more competitive by using robots.
C.Hire more engineers to develop new technology.
16.What is the probable relationship between the speakers ( C )
B.Boss and employee.
17.What does the speaker want to tell us about ( B )
A.How money came into use.
B.Something about money used in the early days.
C.How to decide the value of money.
18.Which of the following might have been used as money in Asia ( A )
A.Tea.   B.Salt.   C.Nuts.
19.Who were the first people to use coin money ( C )
A.European. B.American Indians.
20.Which statement is TRUE ( A )
A.Things lowly valued by everyone may not serve as money.
B.Salt is seldom used as a kind of money.
C.The most common money of all was a plant of some kind.
(Text 1)
W:Excuse me,I’m interested in that chair—the one for eighty pounds.
M:Actually,there’s ten percent off everything in the shop this week.
(Text 2)
M:I’m going to visit my aunt in New York.I told her to meet me at the airport at 5:00.See,we’ll reach there very soon.
W:Yes,in 20 minutes.
(Text 3)
W:I’m making a card for my language teacher.I can’t remember the German for
“Get better soon”.
M:Why don’t you ask your neighbour Ingrid She speaks German fluently.
(Text 4)
M:Hey,Lynn.What’s up Are you heading to the beach,too
W:I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.By the way,I need to deposit some money at the bank.But first,I’ve really got to find a ladies’room!
(Text 5)
W:John,listen to the traffic news.Due to a bridge falling down,moving is very difficult around Norcombe Central Station.
M:Terrible.And the police recommend buses and cars should avoid the area for the time being.
(Text 6)
W:I’m not able to help you with such an unusual request,Mr DeBeers.Why would someone so rich need to borrow $10,000
M:That’s the funny thing,Ms Rothschild.I’m not who you think I am.I’m a distant relation to those wealthy people.We just share the same last name.I’m actually quite poor.
W:Hmm...well,in this case,the bank will have to make sure you are who you say you are.Do you have any ID with you
M:Yes,I brought my driver’s licence.
W:I think we’ll need more than that to check your identity.Do you have a passport
M:Yes,but I left it at home.
W:Then,please bring it with you tomorrow.
(Text 7)
M:Hello,Mom,it’s me.Look,I know you must be really angry and I’m very sorry.
We didn’t mean to get lost.
W:Oh,Peter,it’s so good to hear your voice!We’ve been worried about you.We were sure this phone call would be bad news.I mean,it’s been three days!Are you really OK
M:Yeah,Paul’s got slight injuries from his fall out on the hills,but other than that,yeah,we’re doing fine.
W:Well,thank goodness!When do you think you’ll be able to get home
M:The day after tomorrow.
(Text 8)
M:I can’t find the receipt for my plane tickets from that trip I took last week.
W:Not again,Phil!This is the third time this week you’ve lost something.
M:I need to find that receipt,or my company won’t pay me back for my plane tickets.
I’ve looked in my desk,in the wallet,in the pockets...
W:If I were you,I’d check the suitcase you were using during the trip.Remember what happened last time
M:Oh,yeah,thanks a lot.I think I lost it there.
(Text 9)
M:Did you see those robots They were so smart!I can’t believe how many different kinds there were at the technology show.They could do so many things,too!Even activities that I thought could only be done by human hands!
W:It’s really amazing.
M:I understand why they say that China’s future is in robots.They will change society!
W:That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.Can we predict what the consequences will be
M:Well,it is hard to say.
W:I’m worried what the average person will experience as they communicate with robots on a daily basis.We are already surrounded by technology day and night in this modern society.Will some people completely lose the ability to form relationships with other people These are some of the questions I’ll be researching for my term paper.
M:I understand your concerns,but I think our country needs to become more competitive with other countries that are also developing this technology.We can ask Prof.Smith to talk a bit more about this in his next class.
(Text 10)
M:Good morning everybody.My topic for today is “Early Money”.I’m going to tell you something about money used in the early days.To be honest,we know little about how early people came to use money,but we do know some of the things that have been used as money.In early times in some European countries,salt was difficult to get.It was used as money.In some parts of Asia,tea was used for money.The American Indians used nuts and other things.Perhaps the most common money of all was an animal of some kind.In some places today,cows are still used as a kind of money.So you see,things highly valued by everybody may serve as money.The Chinese were the first people to use coins as money.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
When it comes to thrilling places to travel to,the nation of Thailand has got to be at or near the top of the list.The beaches of Thailand are simply amazing.Here is a look at the four best beaches in all of Thailand.
Maya Bay
This small beach attracts some huge crowds,but it is still worth a visit thanks to what is widely regarded as some of the best sights in the whole country.The Maya Bay Beach is located on a small island and is only accessible (可进入的) via boat or passenger ferry.
Lamai Beach
For the traveller looking for a quite unforgettable beach experience during their visit to Thailand,a trip out to Lamai Beach in Samui is a must.The sandy areas are long and wide with plenty of room for everyone.The water is inviting and easy to access.
Patong Beach
Patong Beach is not only one of the most beautiful and popular beaches in Thailand,but it is the largest beach on the popular island of Phuket.The soft white sand is a great place to relax.Some of the many great activities that travellers can join in during a visit to Patong Beach include jet skiing,kayaking,surfing,
diving,snorkeling (浮潜),swimming and more.
Haad Rin
Haad Rin is one of the most popular party spots in the country,for both locals and travellers.All month long,during most parts of the year,there are some special entertainment (娱乐),eating,and socialising opportunities.
21.If you want to have a very impressive beach experience,which is highly recommended
A.Maya Bay. B.Lamai Beach.
C.Patong Beach. D.Haad Rin.
22.Where will you go if you like underwater sports
A.Maya Bay. B.Lamai Beach.
C.Patong Beach. D.Haad Rin.
23.What will travellers experience at Haad Rin
A.Relax on the white soft sand.
B.Take part in adventurous activities.
C.Have a good time with the people living here.
D.Learn much culture and history about Thailand.
21.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文中Lamai Beach中的第一句可知,对于那些在泰国寻找难忘海滩体验的游客来说,苏梅岛的拉迈海滩是必须要去的。故选B。
22.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Patong Beach中的第三句可知,游客在巴东海滩游玩时,可以参加的许多很棒的活动包括摩托艇、皮划艇、冲浪、潜水、浮潜、游泳等等,由此可知,巴东海滩提供水下活动项目。故选C。
23.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据Haad Rin中的第一句可知,哈林海滩是该国最受欢迎的派对地点之一,对当地人和游客来说都是如此。由此可知,游客可以在这里和当地人进行各种娱乐活动。故选C。
Is it your dream to fly and to work in space Do you want to be a NASA astronaut Like many jobs,the first thing would be to fill out the application.A record-breaking 18,300 people filled out applications recently when NASA announced it was filling its Astronaut Candidate programme.But out of those 18,300 applicants,just 8 to 14 will be hired by the US space agency.
It will take 18 months to decide who will be in the new class of astronauts.NASA will review all of the files,which will later go to its current team of astronauts,to make sure they meet the basic qualifications(技能条件).
The first requirement is that the applicants must be US citizens.They need a college degree in engineering,biological science,physical science,computer science,or mathematics.They also need at least three years of experience in a similar field or at least 1,000 hours as a jet pilot.
There are requirements to pass a physical test.And then there are personality qualities tests as well.What kinds of personalities are NASA looking for in an astronaut NASA’s Selection Manager Anne Roemer said,“I think leadership,
teamwork,the ability to not only work on a team,lead a team,but also follow,be a follower on a munication certainly plays a role,so it’s some pretty common skills that translate into even other professions.”
About 120 applicants will be invited to the Johnson Space Centre in Houston,
Texas,for a first round of interviews,about half of whom will go back for a second round.Once selected,they must complete two years of training in everything about spaceflight—things like learning about all the systems used by NASA,walking in space and Russian language training.Until the US has a working vehicle to be launched into space,NASA still depends on Russia to get astronauts into space.
24.How many applicants will be selected by NASA
A.About half of them.
B.8 to 14 applicants.
C.About 120 applicants.
D.About 60 applicants.
25.    is the necessary personality quality according to NASA’s Selection Manager.
A.Devotion   B.Team spirit
C.Friendliness   D.Patience
26.Which is NOT the basic requirement the applicants have to meet
A.A college degree in required areas.
B.Related experience.
C.Speaking Russian fluently.
D.Passing physical and personality tests.
27.Which may be the best title for the passage
A.What is Taken to Be an Astronaut
B.How to Train an Astronaut
C.NASA Welcomes Its Most Applicants
D.NASA’s Astronaut Candidate Programme
24.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“But out of those 18,300 applicants,just 8 to 14 will be hired by the US space agency.”可知,但在这18 300名申请者中,只有8至14人将被美国国家航空航天局聘用。故选B。
25.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第四段中的“I think leadership...follow,be a follower on a team.”可知,他认为团队精神是申请者必备的性格品质。故选B。
26.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“They need a college degree in engineering...a similar field or at least 1,000 hours as a jet pilot.”可知,A选项“要求领域的大学学位”和B选项“相关经验”属于基本要求;根据第四段中的“There are requirements to pass a physical test.And then there are personality qualities tests as well.”可知,D选项“通过身体和性格测试”也属于基本要求。只有C选项“说一口流利的俄语”不属于基本要求。
27.A 主旨大意题。考查学生理解和概括主旨要义的能力。根据第一段中的“A record-breaking 18,300 people filled out...just 8 to 14 will be hired by the US space agency.”并结合文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了美国国家航空航天局甄选宇航员时提出的宇航员必须具备的条件。故A选项“成为宇航员的条件是什么 ”符合文章标题。
Many people travel to different places in the world by air.Usually it takes a long time,perhaps half a day,for passengers to stay in the plane.So airlines offer passengers food.But it is common that they feel bad about food taste.Do you agree
To solve this problem,airlines try hard to improve their food.They would like to do so because they don’t want to lose customers.
However,according to scientific research,part of the reason why plane food tastes bad is that at high altitude (海拔) we cannot taste things as well as we do on the ground.Also scientists have found that our noses become very dry even before a plane takes off.As the plane moves up,the change in air pressure reduces one third of the sensibility (感觉) of our taste buds (味蕾).So our taste buds become senseless.The sad fact,however,is that our noses don’t know it.
All of these help explain why food on the plane tastes so bad.They also help explain why airlines choose to offer passengers salty and spicy (辛辣的) food.
Without doing so,the food would be tasteless.
Now there are many researches on this.According to one of them,some volunteers are asked to lie with their feet higher than their heads for weeks.And scientists write down their feelings about food taste.
Though scientists try their best,it is not as easy as they thought.Because they can’t deal with the special environment successfully,such as the change in air pressure,making food taste good is still hard for them.
28.In Paragraph 2,“this problem”means    .
A.passengers stay long in the plane
B.food on the plane tastes bad
C.passengers have no food to eat
D.food on the plane is expensive
29.As the plane moves up,the change in air pressure reduces    of the sensibility of our taste buds.
A.half B.one third
C.one fourth D.one fifth
30.Why do scientists feel it hard to make food on the plane taste good
A.Because the volunteers don’t know about food taste.
B.Because the volunteers don’t understand them.
C.Because they can’t find enough volunteers.
D.Because they can’t deal with the special environment successfully.
31.What is the best title of the passage
A.Airplane Travel
B.Taste of Airplane Food
C.Scientific Research on Noses
D.The Change in Air Pressure
28.B 词义猜测题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。分析可知,problem之前有限定词this,this一般指代前文提及的内容,由此可推知“this problem”应是指文章第一段中“But it is common that they feel bad about food taste.”提及的飞机上的食物味道不好这一问题。故选B。
29.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章第三段中的“As the plane moves up,the change in air pressure reduces one third of the sensibility
(感觉) of our taste buds(味蕾).”可知,随着飞机的上升,气压的变化会使味蕾的敏感度降低三分之一。故选B。
30.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“Because they can’t deal with...making food taste good is still hard for them.”可知,科学家们觉得很难把飞机上的食物做得好吃,是因为他们无法成功应对飞机飞行中的特殊环境。故选D。
31.B 主旨大意题。考查学生理解和概括文章主旨要义的能力。通过阅读文章可知,文章第一段中的“So airlines offer passengers food.But it is common that they feel bad about food taste.”提出了本文的话题“飞机餐的味道不好”,并以此话题为中心,在后文阐述了飞机餐不好吃的原因以及研究人员为此而做的努力。B项“Taste of Airplane Food”符合主题,可作为最佳标题。故选B。
With the help of the car manufacturer (汽车制造商) Hyundai,a 13-year-old girl was able to send a message to space,where her dad works on the International Space Station (ISS).
“He gets to live and work in space and he is doing lots of experiments up there.He has to stay there for long periods of time...I miss him when he is gone,”Stephanie,who is from Houston,Texas,said in a video.“I think if we could write a really big message he would be able to see it from space.”
Hyundai took her wish to heart and decided to take on the challenge.Using
Nevada’s Delamar Dry Lake as a canvas (画布),11 drivers drove Hyundai cars,spelling out “Steph s you”across 2.14 square miles of desert.A promotional video,which Hyundai made to record the process,caught her father’s response and showed the picture he took of her message from the ISS.
“I am happy that he could see it and knows that we are thinking about him back home,”Stephanie said.“He has seen so many things up there,but I hope that this message was the most special.”
There are many misunderstandings about what can and cannot be seen from space.
Contrary to popular belief,the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space,but many seemingly less important things can be seen.
“A farmer from Louisiana could be burning wastes in his backyard,and it would make a big smoke trail that astronauts could see it from space,”said Mike Gentry,a photo researcher for NASA’s human-tended vehicles.And with a special camera,they can see the Earth in great detail and even keep up an eye on their favourite sports teams.
32.What can we know about Stephanie’s father
A.He likes taking pictures.
B.He spends little time at home.
C.He works in a car company.
D.He often sends messages to his daughter.
33.How did Hyundai help the girl
A.By offering a free ride.
B.By taking her to a guided tour.
C.By replaying her father’s response.
D.By making a large picture with cars.
34.Which of the following can be seen from space
A.A moving car.
B.A standing farmer.
C.The Great Wall of China.
D.The smoke of burning rubbish.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Send Love to Space
B.A Girl of Great Talent
C.Observe the Earth Far Away
D.A New Way to Explore Space
32.B 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的“He has to stay there for long periods of time...I miss him when he is gone.”可知,Stephanie的父亲必须待在空间站,很少待在家。故选B。
33.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“Using Nevada’s Delamar Dry Lake as...across 2.14 square miles of desert.”可知,现代汽车在沙漠上拼出“Steph s you”的图案,来帮助小女孩让她在空间站的父亲能够看到。
34.D 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“A farmer from Louisiana could be burning...that astronauts could see it from space.”可知,宇航员可以在太空中看到一条巨大的烟雾轨迹,可能是农民在自家后院焚烧垃圾。
35.A 主旨大意题。考查学生理解和概括文章主旨要义的能力。结合全文,本文主要讲述了一个女孩因思念在太空站执行任务的父亲,设法向其表达爱意的故事,A选项“把爱送到太空”最符合主旨大意。故选A。
Five Steps to Better Handwriting
Some kids love handwriting,but others hate it when it’s time to put their pen to paper.Maybe they are worried about their handwriting.Are you one of them
36.   .Here are five steps that really work!
Get a great grasp
Try this—hold your pencil at the top and try to write your name.Pretty hard But when you hold your pencil the correct way,writing is much easier.37.   .Hold it in place with your thumb,and your index(食指) and middle fingers.
Let the lines be your guide
Lined paper is your friend!Those lines can help you create letters that are the right size and proportion(均衡).38.   .Also be sure to fill up the lined space completely.Those capital letters should be from the bottom line to the top one.
Slow down
If your writing is hard to read,try slowing down a little.If you rush,it’s hard to control where you stop and start your letters.
Lower the pressure
39.   .That makes it harder to make the smooth lines.Try easing up and
don’t hold the pencil too tightly.
Lots of games require you to write or draw pictures.So even though it’s not schoolwork,you’re still using the skills you need to control your pen better.
A.Play games
B.Ask for more advice
C.So “a”should be half the height of a capital “A”
D.You’ve been writing since you were a little kid
E.Some kids press down really hard when they write
F.The good news is that just about everyone can improve their handwriting
G.The best way to hold a pen or pencil is to let it rest next to the base of your thumb
36.F 考查学生理解上下文语义,建立段落内语义连贯的能力。根据空后的“Here are five steps that really work!”可知,下文是介绍练就一手好字的五个方法,F选项“好消息是几乎每个人都可以提高自己的书法水平”能承接下文,且选项中的“handwriting”和空前内容相呼应。
37.G 考查学生对平行信息之间的衔接关系的理解能力。根据本段的标题Get a great grasp和空前后的内容可知,G选项中“hold a pen”和前文的“hold your pencil”相呼应,“thumb”和下文的内容相呼应,且本段主要讲述的是注意握笔的姿势,G选项“拿钢笔或铅笔的最好方法是让它停在你的拇指底部旁边”能承接上下文。
38.C 考查学生理解因果关联意义的信息的能力。根据空前的“Those lines can help you create letters that are the right size and proportion(均衡).”可知,C选项“所以a应该是A的一半高”在语义上是因果关系,且选项中的大写A和小写a与前文提到的“the right size and proportion”相呼应。
39.E 考查学生理解平行和递进语义连贯的具体信息的能力。根据本段标题Lower the pressure和下文的“That makes it harder to make the smooth lines.”可知,E选项中的“press”和标题相呼应,“hard”和下文的“harder”相呼应,且句意“有些孩子在写字的时候非常用力”承接下文。
40.A 考查学生理解段落主题句和段内衔接关系的能力。根据篇章结构可知,此处应选择一个段落标题,再根据空后的“Lots of games require you to write or draw pictures.”可知,本段主要讲的是玩游戏也可以锻炼写字技巧,故A选项“玩游戏”能概括本段的标题。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
“Sara,don’t forget your promise to me that you will mow (割草) Mrs
Martin’s yard this weekend,”said Dad.“Don’t let me down.”
Sara was the oldest child in the family,and one of her chores was to mow their yard.Mrs Martin,their  41  neighbour,was unable to take care of her yard in her 70s,so Sara’s dad had volunteered Sara for this job.Since Mrs Martin’s yard was not big,Sara knew the job would go quickly.However,she still disliked her dad’s
 42 .
“Why didn’t you ask me first ”Sara had  43 . 
“Did you ask me first when you volunteered me to be in the school festival last fall ”asked Sara’s father.
“Well,no,I didn’t ask you first, 44   you would have done those things anyway.You’re always  45  to help.”
“I  46  when I can,”Dad answered.“Sara,we have known Mrs Martin for a very long time.She has often helped our family.Now we can do something for her. 47 ,the feeling you get from helping someone makes you  48  who is really helping whom.”
“I don’t know,Dad,”said Sara.“The only feeling I get from mowing our yard is  49 .”
“Just you wait and see,”said Dad.
After breakfast,Sara made her way to Mrs Martin’s yard.She was good at her job and soon had Mrs Martin’s yard looking  50 .Mrs Martin came outside with a big glass of orange juice and  51  it to her.Sara stopped her work and gradually enjoyed the drink,while Mrs Martin talked to her about all of the flowers in her yard.Seeing the  52  in Mrs Martin’s eyes,Sara began to understand how much the yard  53  to Mrs Martin.
After finishing her drink,Sara returned to work with a new  54 .A warm feeling began to  55  through her body.Her dad was right.It was hard to tell who was helping whom!
41.A.strange B.new
C.aged D.faithful
42.A.promise B.argument
C.permission D.introduction
43.A.replied B.suggested
C.complained D.announced
44.A.but B.so
C.or D.for
45.A.proud B.willing
C.afraid D.fortunate
46.A.choose B.succeed
C.hesitate D.try
47.A.Besides B.Instead
C.Therefore D.Otherwise
48.A.imagine B.explore
C.worry D.wonder
49.A.scared B.moved
C.tired D.relaxed
50.A.tidy B.alive
C.empty D.messy
51.A.threw B.delivered
C.offered D.sold
52.A.determination B.peace
C.curiosity D.joy
53.A.related B.meant
C.belonged D.referred
54.A.attitude B.wisdom
C.inspiration D.expectation
55.A.exist B.fly
C.spread D.break
41.C 根据后文“was unable to take care of her yard in her 70s”可知,他们的邻居上了年纪(aged)。
42.A 根据文章第一句中的“promise”,Sara向父亲承诺这周要为马丁太太家的院子割草,可知此处属于词汇复现,意思是“然而,她仍然不喜欢与父亲之间的这个承诺(promise)”。
43.C 根据“she still disliked...”和“Why didn’t you ask me first ”可知,Sara在抱怨(complained)。
44.A 句意:不,我没有先问你,但是(but)不管怎样你都会做那些事的。前后为转折关系。
45.B 根据前文可知,这里意思是“你总是乐于(willing)助人”。
46.D 句意:我能做得到的话就试(try)一下。此处父亲的意思是要尽力去帮助别人。
47.A 此处父亲进一步告诉Sara助人为乐的好处,因此用besides,意为“此外”。
48.D 根据文章最后一句“It was hard to tell who was helping whom!(很难说是谁在帮谁!)”再结合选项可知,帮助别人的感觉会让你纳闷(wonder)到底是谁在帮谁。
49.C 根据前文“I don’t know,Dad”可知,Sara并不明白父亲的意思,因此Sara对在院子里割草的唯一感受就是累(tired)。
50.A 根据“She was good at her job”可知不久,她就把马丁太太的院子收拾得整整齐齐(tidy)了。
51.C 马丁太太送给(offered)她一大杯橙汁。
52.D 53.B 句意:看到马丁太太眼里的喜悦(joy),Sara开始明白这个院子对马丁太太意味着(meant)什么。
54.A 根据上文中Sara开始明白了这个院子对马丁太太意味着什么,也就开始理解父亲的话,因此再回去工作时,Sara的态度(attitude)转变了。
55.C 句意:一种温暖的感觉开始蔓延(spread)至她全身。
As the development of science and technology sped up,people had a much
56.    (wide) range of places for their travels.They began to feel bored with the 57.    (attraction) on the earth.Going to the space station became
58.     dream of many people.Zhang Qiang was no exception.After taking up the prize he 59.    (win) the year before,he was taken into the future in a time capsule.60.    (immediate) he arrived there,he was amazed at 61.     the future looked like.Luckily,it was under the 62.    (direct) that he became familiar with the new surroundings in space in no time.Having been shown around a strange-looking house,he was then guided to a space station consisting
63.     three parts.Inside the space station were the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century.In addition,there was a system where the waste was dealt with by 64.    (use) the theory of ecology(生态学理论).Though troubled by lacking oxygen,Zhang Qiang was 65.    (satisfy) with his journey and optimistic about the future.
56.wider 考查形容词的比较级。根据语境及空前的“much”可知,此处要用比较级,指人们去旅游的目的地会更加广泛,故填wider。
57.attractions 考查名词复数。attraction意为“旅游胜地”,是可数名词,且此处表示的是不止一处的景点,故填attractions。
58.a 考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处指“去宇宙空间站成为很多人的一个梦想”,表示泛指,故填a。
59.had won 考查时态。文中讲述的是发生在过去的事情,且根据时间状语the year before可知,该动作发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时。
60.Immediately 考查连词。此处要用连词连接两个句子,Immediately在此处作连词,意为“一……就,即刻”。
61.what 考查宾语从句。空处引导宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语,故填what。
62.direction 考查名词。根据空前的定冠词“the”可知,空处应用名词单数形式。
63.of 考查介词。consist of意为“由……组成”,是固定搭配。
64.using 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,by后应用动词-ing形式。
65.satisfied 考查形容词。be satisfied with意为“对……满意”,是固定用法。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假如你是李华,随着“祝融号”探测器(Zhurong rover)成功着陆火星,你校决定举行关于火星的科技讲座。请给你的朋友John写一封英文邮件。内容包括:
Dear John,
  Hope to see you on the big day.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
  One possible version:
Dear John,
As you know,China’s Zhurong rover successfully landed on Mars last week,which has inspired us students greatly.In order to meet our passion for Mars,our school has decided to hold a Sci-Tech lecture.
A famous astronomy professor from Peking University is to give us the lecture on exploring for signs of water and life on the mysterious red planet.The activity is scheduled in the school Lecture Hall from 9 to 11 next Sunday morning.If it interests you,come and join us.
Hope to see you on the big day.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
It was the middle of the day with the bright sun,blue sky,green grass,and a soft breeze (微风).It was a great day to play outside and the best day of my life because I got a new ball and a new bike as my sixth birthday presents,and I was visiting my cousin,Kristy,at her house.
“Here I go!”shouted David while kicking my new ball.David lived next door and was older than me.I thought he was a wild child,but he was actually very kind.The ball went flying as if it were going to space.“That was high!”Kristy said in surprise and we went after the ball.We all had a great time.
Later we had supper and the food my aunt made was good.While Kristy was helping do the dishes,David and I ran outside to play.We started taking turns riding my bike.David suggested that we ride it to the forest.And I agreed.David and I got on the bike and David started riding fast.
As we rode through the forest,I felt the wind brushing my face.It felt so great and free.Suddenly the bike hit a fallen branch and we went flying off the bike.Lying on the ground,I felt dizzy (眩晕的).I checked myself for injuries and saw some but they didn’t upset me.
“David!”I shouted out anxiously.
“Hey,”said a voice.I turned my head and it was David,who was standing behind me,holding my broken bike.At the sight of my disabled bike,I was so sad that I couldn’t hold back my tears.It took David some time to calm me down.
Paragraph 1:
When we realised it was time to walk home,we found ourselves lost.
Paragraph 2:
It was completely dark when we saw fireworks (烟花) being set off in the distance.
One possible version:
When we realised it was time to walk home,we found ourselves lost.It was getting darker and darker.I felt so scared that tears rolled down my face again.David tried to comfort me.He told me that he once made some marks on the trees in the forest,which might help us find the way home.Therefore,we made efforts to look for the marks but failed.Having walked anxiously for about an hour in the forest,we didn’t find our way out.
It was completely dark when we saw fireworks (烟花) being set off in the distance.We ran excitedly in that direction as fast as possible.Soon we found my aunt’s house,in front of which my cousin Kristy was holding some fireworks and lighting them.Seeing us back safe,Kristy cheerfully hugged us.She told us that when noticing we had been away for long,she was concerned about our safety.She set off fireworks to draw our attention and guide us.It was an unforgettable experience.
Without David’s comfort and Kristy’s fireworks,I would have lost in the forest forever.