人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册:Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Language同步练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册:Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Language同步练习(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 78.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-16 00:46:06


Section Ⅲ Using Language,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.The soup is too salty,so you’d better add some water       it.
2.I have bad sight and it’s hard for me to tell the twins       .
3.Unfortunately,a lot of animals were hunted       their meat or fur.
4.He was so cruel that he treated his employees         mercy.
5.As a matter of fact,the pet dog is sensitive       climate change.
6.The storm left,having caused great damage       the crops here.
7.The police promised to look       the case as soon as possible.
8.As an adult,you should be responsible       what you have done.
9.All       a sudden,right after the summer,she got married.
1.Her son got       (arrest),which made the woman extremely worried.
2.As we know,Chinese food is famous for its wide       (vary).
3.When she was very young,she was taught to be         (mercy) to the disabled.
4.He stepped onto the stage and hugged one of his         (opponent).
5.The police are now in         (possess) of new evidence.
6.She hurried home,only           (find) that her house had been broken into.
答案:to find
7.The field             (exploit) at the moment belongs to an old farmer.
答案:being exploited
8.        (drink) a cup of coffee will refresh you after a long journey.
Father was cutting the grass,and                                .
答案:meanwhile Mother was planting roses
He’s walking in the street.                         ,he heard someone call his name.
答案:All of a sudden
You’ll be in charge of paper instead of                                     !
答案:feeling at the mercy of it
The young man                                     after his graduation.
答案:took possession of his uncle’s company
She was walking home                                                        .
答案:when her attention was arrested by a little goat
The boy,as well as most of his teammates,                             .
答案:is crazy about the game
The girl is not only good at English,                                           .
答案:but also does well in other subjects
He ran to school all the way,                                                          .
答案:only to be told that it was Sunday that day
On November 7,Lewis Pugh completed a one-kilometre swim in the freezing waters of King Edward Cove,off South Georgia in Antarctica.He was wearing only his swimming glasses,cap and speedos!
Pugh is an advocate for our oceans and seas,working to protect these ecosystems with their large diversity of marine life.When asked why he doesn’t wear a wetsuit,Lewis says,“I ask world leaders to do everything they can to protect our oceans.Sometimes the steps they need to take are difficult and unpopular.If I’m asking them to be courageous,I must also be.Swimming in a wetsuit would not send the right message.”
It took Pugh about 19 minutes to complete the one-kilometre swim in Antarctica where the water averaged about 1.6 degrees Celsius(摄氏度).He says that his body can only tolerate about 20 minutes in the freezing waters before it starts shutting down.As he swims,his body temperature steadily drops,which in turn causes his muscle control to drop,slowing him down.When he is done with his swim,his support team rushes him to a hot shower and it takes almost an hour for his body temperature to return to normal.
Doctors and Pugh caution that one must receive months of training to swim in such cold waters.Even expert swimmers who are unused to freezing water can drown within minutes because of the physical shock experienced by the body.Pugh says he trained for six months before this swim.
This is not the first time that Lewis has swum in dangerous conditions.In 2007,he swam one kilometre in the North Pole to draw attention to the melting Arctic ice due to climate change.In 2015,he swam in the Bay of Whales in Antarctica’s Ross Sea as part of his successful campaign to help set up a marine reserve there.
1.Why did Lewis Pugh swim without a wetsuit
A.To swim faster.    B.To show his bravery.
C.To build up his body. D.To win public attention.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I ask world leaders to do everything they can to protect our oceans.Sometimes the steps they need to take are difficult and unpopular.If I’m asking them to be courageous,I must also be.Swimming in a wetsuit would not send the right message.”可知,他不穿防寒泳衣是为了展示他的勇敢。故选B项。
2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A.His body. B.The water.
C.His body temperature. D.The water temperature.
解析:词义猜测题。上文提到在冰水里游泳身体只能忍受20分钟,下文中提到他游泳时体温在慢慢下降,肌肉控制力也在下降,可推测出此处的it指的是his body。故选A项。
3.What’s Pugh’s advice about swimming in freezing waters
A.One must be fully prepared.
B.One should be expert at swimming.
C.One should be ready to take on challenges.
D.One must be used to long-distance swimming.
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Doctors and Pugh caution that one must receive months of training to swim in such cold waters.”可知,一个人要想在冰冷的水里游泳必须得训练很长时间才可以,即要做足准备工作才行。故选A项。
4.What may be the best title for the text
A.Lewis Pugh:swimming for a cause
B.How to survive a swim in cold waters
C.How to prepare for extreme swimming
D.Lewis Pugh:achieving the impossible
In 1999,36-year-old Tori Murden McClure became the first woman to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean,from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean.The journey of just over 5,300 kilometres took the American 81 days.Her boat,the American Pearl,was only 7 metres long.
McClure is a real adventurer.She has been on many mountaineering expeditions,including climbs in Alaska,Kenya and Antarctica.She was also the youngest person in a team that skied 1,200 kilometres across Antarctica to the South Pole in 1989,and became one of only two women ever to travel to the Pole by land.
The journey across the Atlantic was her third attempt.The first time she failed because of illness,and during her second attempt,in 1998,she nearly died.She had rowed nearly 5,000 kilometres when her boat was hit by Hurricane Danielle.McClure was suddenly in the middle of 80 kph wind,and surrounded by waves that were 20 metres high.Her little boat turned over five times.McClure was sure that she was going to die—she took the video recorder that she had brought with her and recorded a farewell message to her family and friends.The hurricane continued into night,and the American Pearl turned over five more times.McClure was determined not to send a signal asking to be rescued—she didn’t want other people to risk their lives,too.But after the eleventh turning over of her boat,she finally sent it and a large ship came and found her.However,they couldn’t get her boat out of the rough sea—it was found months later near the coast of Portugal.
Tori McClure had concussion(脑震荡) and a dislocated shoulder when she got home.Many people might have given up after an experience such as this,but one year later,McClure was back in her repaired boat and trying again.This time she was successful—and although she again met a hurricane on the journey,which stopped her from breaking the record for the fastest transatlantic(横渡大西洋的) rowing crossing,she only overturned once!
5.What can we learn about Tori McClure’s 1998 journey
A.It was her third attempt.
B.She finished it successfully.
C.It was a near-death experience.
D.She got seriously ill during the journey.
解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的“...and during her second attempt,in 1998,she nearly died...McClure was sure that she was going to die—she took the video recorder that she had brought with her and recorded a farewell message to her family and friends.”可知,在1998年她的第二次尝试中,她差点失去生命。故C项正确。
6.Why did Tori McClure fail to break the transatlantic rowing crossing record
A.She stopped to repair her boat.
B.There was a problem with her shoulder.
C.Her boat turned over many times.
D.She ran into a hurricane during the journey.
解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的“This time she was successful—and although she again met a hurricane on the journey,which stopped her from breaking the record for the fastest transatlantic rowing crossing”可知,这次她成功了——尽管她在行程中再次遭遇飓风,这次飓风使她未能打破最快横渡大西洋的纪录。故D项正确。
7.Which of the following words can best describe Tori McClure
A.Friendly and brave.
B.Adventurous and strong-willed.
C.Humorous and tough.
D.Honest and ambitious.
解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的“McClure is a real adventurer.”以及最后一段中的“Many people might have given up after an experience such as this,but one year later,McClure was back in her repaired boat and trying again.”可知,McClure是一个真正的冒险家。许多人可能在经历了这样的经历后就放弃了,但一年后,McClure又重新踏上修好的船,再次尝试横渡大西洋。可知,McClure敢于冒险且意志坚强。故B项正确。
Five steps to make a difference to the oceans
The oceans are being seriously polluted now.Some plastic products are harming the marine life.Carbon pollution is warming the oceans and increasing their acidity(酸度).Waters are being overfished. 1  Here are some steps we can take to help make a difference.
1.Bring our own bags. 2  Try carrying a reusable bag at all times,including while travelling,and bringing our own things to work to avoid relying on plastic items.
2.Talk about it now.We should carry that conversation into public places.Talk to our friends and family about why the ocean is important and why we take steps to help it,and challenge them to do the same.
3. 3  A good way to make a difference is to organise a garbage clean-up now.Whether it’s an inland clean-up or one near the coast,plan one in our community.
4.Throw away our cars. 4  When we hang out,we should reduce our carbon footprint,which may help slow global warming and ocean acidification as well as conserve energy.
5.Recycle,obviously.Experts say recycling is an obvious action to take.Check on what can be recycled in our community,and make sure you’re separating out your plastic.
In summary,think about it more and act on it more.The more someone thinks about plastic pollution,the environment and the consequences of our actions,the more likely they are to act on it. 5 
A.Plan a clean-up.
B.Choose public transportation over driving our cars.
C.Driving cars is not a good way to protect the oceans.
D.However,experts say there’s still hope to make a difference.
E.However,marine life plays a very important role in the oceans.
F.If everyone can contribute to the oceans,the oceans will be well preserved.
G.Whenever we put something,we should bring our own bag,but not a plastic one.
答案:1~5 DGABF
This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  1  effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know personally but whose actions gave a new  2 to the words—kind and generous.
I was walking down a busy street on a cold,windy day in early  3 .A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes,was begging for change on a street corner.
A car  4  on the other side of the street and an executive who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about 60 years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  5  across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything,he first gave him a lot of money and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves,beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he  6  them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a(n)  7  mouth.
As he drove off,I couldn’t  8  thinking that it was probably the first time he had pressed the pedal(踏板) of that top-brand car with a  9  foot!I stood there and the looks of  10 appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.
Two men of about the same age  11  very different lives had met and the one who was  12  in materials had offered  13 than his shoes.He had left this car and  14  down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect, 15  and real generosity.
1.A.slow           B.strong
C.bad D.light
解析:从下文那感人的故事可以看出:这件事对“我”影响很大。have a strong effect on...“对……有很大影响”。strong“强大的”。故选B项。
2.A.award B.benefit
C.attitude D.meaning
3.A.winter B.spring
C.summer D.autumn
解析:根据本句中的“on a cold,windy day”及第三段中的“his leather gloves”可推知故事发生在初冬(winter)。故选A项。
4.A.sped up B.called up
C.broke up D.pulled up
解析:根据下文中的“an executive who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car”可知,一辆小汽车停在了街边。pull up“(车)停下”。故选D项。
5.A.fluently B.directly
C.usually D.unwillingly
6.A.threw B.posted
C.handed D.kicked
解析:根据上文开汽车的老人给了乞讨的老人很多钱,及文中的“took off his leather gloves,beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks”可知,开汽车的老人帮助了乞讨的老人,所以将东西hand“递过去”。故选C项。
7.A.empty B.closed
C.full D.open
8.A.help B.stand
C.delay D.forget
解析:couldn’t help doing sth“禁不住做某事”。句意:我情不自禁地想……。故选A项。
9.A.single B.relaxed
C.large D.bare
10.A.pride B.excitement
C.astonishment D.sadness
11.A.before B.but
C.or D.and
12.A.helpful B.successful
C.careful D.useful
13.A.better B.rather
C.more D.other
解析:在物质上非常成功的那位老人不仅仅给了对方一双鞋。言外之意,他还给了对方其他东西,下文介绍了他还给了对方以尊重。more than“多于,超出,不止,不仅仅”。故选C项。
14.A.rolled B.broken
C.fell D.stepped
解析:老人从汽车里出来,并从自己高高在上的位置走下来,帮助需要帮助的人。step down“从……走下来”。故选D项。
15.A.kindness B.surprise
C.disappointment D.anxiety
set sail,extend,behold,merchant,royal,bond,under the command of
One day,a big ship set sail and headed for Africa.It was under the command of a famous explorer,whose aim was to extend a trading route.There were many merchants and explorers on the ship,which was a sight to behold at that time.When they arrived in Africa,African royal families sent them some gifts and it did strengthen the bonds between them.
1Section Ⅲ Using Language,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.The soup is too salty,so you’d better add some water       it.
2.I have bad sight and it’s hard for me to tell the twins       .
3.Unfortunately,a lot of animals were hunted       their meat or fur.
4.He was so cruel that he treated his employees         mercy.
5.As a matter of fact,the pet dog is sensitive       climate change.
6.The storm left,having caused great damage       the crops here.
7.The police promised to look       the case as soon as possible.
8.As an adult,you should be responsible       what you have done.
9.All       a sudden,right after the summer,she got married.
1.Her son got       (arrest),which made the woman extremely worried.
2.As we know,Chinese food is famous for its wide       (vary).
3.When she was very young,she was taught to be         (mercy) to the disabled.
4.He stepped onto the stage and hugged one of his         (opponent).
5.The police are now in         (possess) of new evidence.
6.She hurried home,only           (find) that her house had been broken into.
7.The field             (exploit) at the moment belongs to an old farmer.
8.        (drink) a cup of coffee will refresh you after a long journey.
Father was cutting the grass,and                                .
He’s walking in the street.                         ,he heard someone call his name.
You’ll be in charge of paper instead of                                     !
The young man                                     after his graduation.
She was walking home                                                        .
The boy,as well as most of his teammates,                             .
The girl is not only good at English,                                           .
He ran to school all the way,                                                          .
On November 7,Lewis Pugh completed a one-kilometre swim in the freezing waters of King Edward Cove,off South Georgia in Antarctica.He was wearing only his swimming glasses,cap and speedos!
Pugh is an advocate for our oceans and seas,working to protect these ecosystems with their large diversity of marine life.When asked why he doesn’t wear a wetsuit,Lewis says,“I ask world leaders to do everything they can to protect our oceans.Sometimes the steps they need to take are difficult and unpopular.If I’m asking them to be courageous,I must also be.Swimming in a wetsuit would not send the right message.”
It took Pugh about 19 minutes to complete the one-kilometre swim in Antarctica where the water averaged about 1.6 degrees Celsius(摄氏度).He says that his body can only tolerate about 20 minutes in the freezing waters before it starts shutting down.As he swims,his body temperature steadily drops,which in turn causes his muscle control to drop,slowing him down.When he is done with his swim,his support team rushes him to a hot shower and it takes almost an hour for his body temperature to return to normal.
Doctors and Pugh caution that one must receive months of training to swim in such cold waters.Even expert swimmers who are unused to freezing water can drown within minutes because of the physical shock experienced by the body.Pugh says he trained for six months before this swim.
This is not the first time that Lewis has swum in dangerous conditions.In 2007,he swam one kilometre in the North Pole to draw attention to the melting Arctic ice due to climate change.In 2015,he swam in the Bay of Whales in Antarctica’s Ross Sea as part of his successful campaign to help set up a marine reserve there.
1.Why did Lewis Pugh swim without a wetsuit
A.To swim faster.    B.To show his bravery.
C.To build up his body. D.To win public attention.
2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A.His body. B.The water.
C.His body temperature. D.The water temperature.
3.What’s Pugh’s advice about swimming in freezing waters
A.One must be fully prepared.
B.One should be expert at swimming.
C.One should be ready to take on challenges.
D.One must be used to long-distance swimming.
4.What may be the best title for the text
A.Lewis Pugh:swimming for a cause
B.How to survive a swim in cold waters
C.How to prepare for extreme swimming
D.Lewis Pugh:achieving the impossible
In 1999,36-year-old Tori Murden McClure became the first woman to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean,from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean.The journey of just over 5,300 kilometres took the American 81 days.Her boat,the American Pearl,was only 7 metres long.
McClure is a real adventurer.She has been on many mountaineering expeditions,including climbs in Alaska,Kenya and Antarctica.She was also the youngest person in a team that skied 1,200 kilometres across Antarctica to the South Pole in 1989,and became one of only two women ever to travel to the Pole by land.
The journey across the Atlantic was her third attempt.The first time she failed because of illness,and during her second attempt,in 1998,she nearly died.She had rowed nearly 5,000 kilometres when her boat was hit by Hurricane Danielle.McClure was suddenly in the middle of 80 kph wind,and surrounded by waves that were 20 metres high.Her little boat turned over five times.McClure was sure that she was going to die—she took the video recorder that she had brought with her and recorded a farewell message to her family and friends.The hurricane continued into night,and the American Pearl turned over five more times.McClure was determined not to send a signal asking to be rescued—she didn’t want other people to risk their lives,too.But after the eleventh turning over of her boat,she finally sent it and a large ship came and found her.However,they couldn’t get her boat out of the rough sea—it was found months later near the coast of Portugal.
Tori McClure had concussion(脑震荡) and a dislocated shoulder when she got home.Many people might have given up after an experience such as this,but one year later,McClure was back in her repaired boat and trying again.This time she was successful—and although she again met a hurricane on the journey,which stopped her from breaking the record for the fastest transatlantic(横渡大西洋的) rowing crossing,she only overturned once!
5.What can we learn about Tori McClure’s 1998 journey
A.It was her third attempt.
B.She finished it successfully.
C.It was a near-death experience.
D.She got seriously ill during the journey.
6.Why did Tori McClure fail to break the transatlantic rowing crossing record
A.She stopped to repair her boat.
B.There was a problem with her shoulder.
C.Her boat turned over many times.
D.She ran into a hurricane during the journey.
7.Which of the following words can best describe Tori McClure
A.Friendly and brave.
B.Adventurous and strong-willed.
C.Humorous and tough.
D.Honest and ambitious.
Five steps to make a difference to the oceans
The oceans are being seriously polluted now.Some plastic products are harming the marine life.Carbon pollution is warming the oceans and increasing their acidity(酸度).Waters are being overfished. 1  Here are some steps we can take to help make a difference.
1.Bring our own bags. 2  Try carrying a reusable bag at all times,including while travelling,and bringing our own things to work to avoid relying on plastic items.
2.Talk about it now.We should carry that conversation into public places.Talk to our friends and family about why the ocean is important and why we take steps to help it,and challenge them to do the same.
3. 3  A good way to make a difference is to organise a garbage clean-up now.Whether it’s an inland clean-up or one near the coast,plan one in our community.
4.Throw away our cars. 4  When we hang out,we should reduce our carbon footprint,which may help slow global warming and ocean acidification as well as conserve energy.
5.Recycle,obviously.Experts say recycling is an obvious action to take.Check on what can be recycled in our community,and make sure you’re separating out your plastic.
In summary,think about it more and act on it more.The more someone thinks about plastic pollution,the environment and the consequences of our actions,the more likely they are to act on it. 5 
A.Plan a clean-up.
B.Choose public transportation over driving our cars.
C.Driving cars is not a good way to protect the oceans.
D.However,experts say there’s still hope to make a difference.
E.However,marine life plays a very important role in the oceans.
F.If everyone can contribute to the oceans,the oceans will be well preserved.
G.Whenever we put something,we should bring our own bag,but not a plastic one.
This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  1  effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know personally but whose actions gave a new  2 to the words—kind and generous.
I was walking down a busy street on a cold,windy day in early  3 .A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes,was begging for change on a street corner.
A car  4  on the other side of the street and an executive who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about 60 years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  5  across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything,he first gave him a lot of money and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves,beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he  6  them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a(n)  7  mouth.
As he drove off,I couldn’t  8  thinking that it was probably the first time he had pressed the pedal(踏板) of that top-brand car with a  9  foot!I stood there and the looks of  10 appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.
Two men of about the same age  11  very different lives had met and the one who was  12  in materials had offered  13 than his shoes.He had left this car and  14  down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect, 15  and real generosity.
1.A.slow           B.strong
C.bad D.light
2.A.award B.benefit
C.attitude D.meaning
3.A.winter B.spring
C.summer D.autumn
4.A.sped up B.called up
C.broke up D.pulled up
5.A.fluently B.directly
C.usually D.unwillingly
6.A.threw B.posted
C.handed D.kicked
7.A.empty B.closed
C.full D.open
8.A.help B.stand
C.delay D.forget
9.A.single B.relaxed
C.large D.bare
10.A.pride B.excitement
C.astonishment D.sadness
11.A.before B.but
C.or D.and
12.A.helpful B.successful
C.careful D.useful
13.A.better B.rather
C.more D.other
14.A.rolled B.broken
C.fell D.stepped
15.A.kindness B.surprise
C.disappointment D.anxiety
set sail,extend,behold,merchant,royal,bond,under the command of