人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 词汇课件(13张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 词汇课件(13张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 79.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-17 08:12:18



from Star: hit the books
Unit 2: Iconic Attractions
Words and expressions
from Star: hit the books
1. iconic adj.符号的;图标的
The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status.
2. foundation n.创建;基础;地基found v. 创建; 创办; 建立 (founded-founded)
founder n. 创办人;创立者 lay the foundation for...给…打下基础
be founded on (≈be based on) 建立在….基础上
the Chinese Red Cross Foundation 中国红十字基金会
3. political adj.政治的 politically
a political debate/party/leader 政治辩论╱党派╱领袖
4. didgeridoo n.迪吉里杜管
5. located adj.位于 locate v. 找出…位置;使…坐落于be located in \on 坐落于
The house is located in one of the city's prettiest squares.
6. equator n.赤道
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7. koala n.考拉;树袋熊
8. barbecue n.(abbr. BBQ)户外烧烤;烤架
9. bakery n.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂 bake v.烘;烤 bakeries
Start her own bakery.
10. joint n.公共场所;关节adj.联合的;共同的
knee joint 膝关节 a fast-food joint 快餐店 a joint effort共同努力
They issued a joint statement denying the charges. 他们发表联合声明否认指控。
11. butcher n.肉贩;屠夫;刽子手 v. 屠杀
a butcher’s shop 肉店;肉铺
12. premier adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的n.总理;首相
take the premier place 占第一位,占首席
be of premier importance to...对……非常重要
the Premier League/Division 超级联赛
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13. herb n.药草;香草;草本
Chinese herbs 中草药
14. dim sim (特指澳大利亚的)点心 Principal and Dim Sim 主食和点心
15. hollow adj.中空的;空心的 n. 洞 ;坑洼处 v. 挖
a hollow ball/centre/tube 中空的球╱中心部位╱管子
hollow eyes/cheeks 凹陷的双眼╱双颊
hollow promises/threats 空洞的许诺;虚张声势的威胁
16. vibrate vt. & vi. (使)振动
The atmosphere seemed to vibrate with tension. 气氛似乎紧张得发颤。
17. horn n.(乐器)号 v. 用角抵触 horn in 干预;介入
18. pitch n.音高;球场 v. 抛;掷
pitch in 参与;支援
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19. straightforward adj.坦率的;简单的 adv. 坦率地
a straightforward person 坦率的人 a straightforward explanation率直的解释
be straightforward with sb. about sth. 关于……对某人坦率
20. slogan n.标语;口号
an advertising slogan 广告口号 a campaign slogan 竞选口号
21. minister n.部长;大臣;外交使节 ministry n. (政府的)部
the Minister of Education 教育部长
22. prime minister 首相;总理
23. frog n.蛙;青蛙 the croaking of frogs 蛙鸣
24. arrow n.箭;箭头
a bow and arrow 弓箭 to fire/shoot an arrow 射箭
Time flies like an arrow. 光阴似箭。
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25. entitle vt.给……命名(或题名);使享有权利
entitle sb to do...: 使某人有权利做什么be entitled to do...: 某人有权利做什么
be entitled to(介词) + 名词: 某人对...享有权利
be entitled sth: (书、电影、绘画等)被命名/起名
26. getaway n.适合度假的地方 get away 离开; 逃脱; 外出度假
make a getaway 逃跑
27. dive vi. & n. ( dived/dove, dived ) 潜水;跳水;俯冲diving n. 潜水
dive into 迅速伸入 make a dive 猛然一跳 go diving 去潜水
28. kayaking n.划皮艇
29. peak season 高峰季节
30. freedom n.自由;不受……影响的状态
freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship 言论╱思想╱表达╱信仰自由
freedom of action/choice 行动╱选择自由
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31. domain n.领域;领土;范围
a natural domain 自然领地 domain name 域名
32. sponsor vt.倡议;赞助;主办n. (法案等的)倡议者;赞助者
sponsor sb through ...: 赞助/资助某人完成...
She found a company to sponsor her through college.
33. liberty n.自由 at liberty 自由
the fight for justice and liberty 争取正义和自由的斗争
You are at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可畅所欲言。
34. golf n.高尔夫球运动
35. strait n.海峡 the Strait(s) of Gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡
She found herself in desperate financial straits. 她发觉自己经济状况极为窘迫
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36. sample n.样本;样品 a sample survey 抽样调查 a blood sample 血样
I sampled the delights of Greek cooking for the first time.
37. monument n.纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹
memorial n. 纪念碑(或像等); 纪念物; 纪念品; 纪念仪式adj. 纪念的
monument to sb/sth:…的纪念碑/堂 memorial to sb/sth:…的纪念碑
an ancient monument 古迹
a memorial statue/plaque/prize 纪念像╱牌╱奖
38. kiwi n.几维(新西兰鸟)
39. geyser n.间歇泉
40. sulphuric pool 硫黄池
41. manuka honey 麦卢卡蜂蜜
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42. bungee jumping 蹦极跳
43. a flock of 一群(羊或鸟) a flock of children/reporters 一大群儿童╱记者
A flock of sheep is walking back and forth on the grassland.
44. geothermal park 地热公园
45. distribution n.分布;分配;分发 distribute v. 分发; 分配; 使分布; 分散
the unfair distribution of wealth: 财富分配不公
distribution costs 经销成本 worldwide distribution systems 全球经销系统
marketing, sales and distribution 营销、销售和经销
Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk and other staples.
46. pouch n.育儿袋;小袋子;荷包
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47. temporary adj.暂时的;短暂的 temporarily adv. 临时地 permanent
temporary relief from pain 短暂的解痛
a temporary measure/solution/arrangement 临时措施╱解决办法╱安排
48. phase n.阶段;时期 v. 逐步做
the initial/final phase of the project 工程的初始╱最后阶段
a critical/decisive phase 关键性╱决定性阶段
49. trunk n.树干
50. licensed adj.得到正式许可的
She is licensed to fly solo. 她已获准单飞。
51. license vt.批准;许可n. ( =licence )许可证;执照
license sb. to do sth. driving license 驾照
They had licensed the firm to produce the drug. 他们批准了那家公司生产这种药物。
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52. session n.—场;一段时间;会议
a photo/recording/training, etc. session 一次摄影,一场录音,一堂训练课等
The court is now in session . 法庭现在正在开庭。
53. frequency n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
frequent adj. 经常的; 屡次的; 频繁的 frequently adv. 经常地; 频繁地
a high/low frequency: 高/低频 the frequency of serious road accidents …的发生率
54. violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的 violently adv.
violent crime 暴力犯罪 a violent explosion 剧烈的爆炸
a violent change 急剧的变化 I took a violent dislike to him. 我很讨厌他。
55. violence n.暴力;暴行
domestic violence (= between family members) 家庭暴力
crimes/acts/threats of violence 暴力犯罪╱行为╱威胁
56. nest n.巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点
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57. mammal n.哺乳动物
58. biology n.生理;生物学 biologist n. 生物学家 biological adj. 生物的
a degree in biology 生物学学位
How far is human nature determined by biology
59. hatch vi.孵出;破壳vt.使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋n . 舱门;舱口
an escape hatch 紧急出口
The eggs are about to hatch. 这些蛋就要孵化了
60. capacity n.能力;容量 capable adj.有能力; 有才能; 能力强的
be capable of (doing) sth: 有能力(做)什么 have a capacity for...: 有能力什么
have a capacity to do...: 有能力做什么 have a capacity of...: 有多大容量
61. a handful of 少数人(或物);一把(的量)
He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them.
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62. fence n.栅栏;围栏 v. 防护;隔开
fence sb. in 限制自由 wire fence 铁丝网
She felt fenced in by domestic routine. 她感到被日常家务束缚住了。
63. prison n.监狱;监禁 prisoner n. 犯人
the prison service/system 监狱管理机构╱制度 be in prison 在监狱
escape from\ get out of prison 越狱\出狱 put sb. in prison 把某人送进监狱
64. grand adj.大;宏大的 That'll be grand! 那太棒了
a grand design/plan/strategy 宏伟的蓝图;宏大的计划;重大的战略思想
The wedding was a very grand occasion. 婚礼场面非常隆重