Earth first
Starting out◆
1 Watch the video and answer
the questions.
Which of the facts in the video do
you find most alarming
What does the video want to.
tell us
2 Look at the cartoons and answer
the questions.
What environmental problem
does each cartoon refer to
What are the causes of
these problems
3 What do you think is the most
serious environmental problem we
face today What should be done
to help solve it
Understanding ideas
Tick the words that you would use to describe
sharks.Add any more you can think of.
Te see a woman swimming
at night in a dark sea.
endangered v.
Suddenly,she is pulled
underwater.She surfaces,cries in fear,
man-eating adj..
then disappears forever.This is the
terrifying adj.
opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws,
showing a shark attack.It tells the
intelligent terrified
story of a great white shark that attacks
and kills swimmers.Jaws was a great
success,attracting huge audiences and
Now compare your choices with the class.n.
winning many awards.It strengthened
Share what you know about sharks.
people's long-held idea of the great
white shark as a dangerous animal.
Read the passage and find out how sharks
are described in the film Jaws.
People have always been scared of
sharks,but laws made things worse.
It made people frightened of sharks,
especially of the great white shark.
Many people who saw the film started
to believe that sharks were bad animals
that ate humans.Some people stopped
swimming in the sea,afraid of the
horrible creature from the film.Other
people started fishing for sharks,killing
as many as they could.At that time,
nobody cared if sharks were killed,
or how many were killed.People just
wanted them killed.
After 1975,thef large sharks
around America fell quickly,and soon
fell around the world.This wr-----ly
because of due to fear of sharks,but also finning.
Finning is a type of fishing where sharks
are caught and their fins cut off.The
sharks are thrown back into the sea