人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单词与词组课件(39张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单词与词组课件(39张ppt)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-17 18:45:06



Unit 2
words and expressions(2)
beauty[ bju ti]n.美;美人;美好的东西
remind[ r ma nd]vt.提醒;使想起
remind sb of sb/sth使某人想起(类似的人或物)
(1)remind...of... 使……想起……
remind sb. that... 使某人想起……
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
(2)reminder n. 起提醒作用的东西;提醒者/提醒物
Please remind me that I should bring him a present for his birthday.
①The old photos reminded me _____ the days I spent in the countryside.
②Please remind me ________ (write) an e-mail to my mother tomorrow, for it's her birthday.
③We signed on his T-shirt expressing our best wishes and encouragement as a ________ (remind).
to write
fur[f ]n.毛(皮);毛皮衣服
sacred[ se kr d]adj.神圣的;受尊敬的
shoot[ u t]vt.&vi.(shot,shot)射杀;射伤;发射
profit[ pr f t]n.利洞;利益
watch over[w v ]保护;照管;监督
day and night[de nd na t]日日夜夜;夜以继日
attack[ t k]n.,vi.&vt.攻击;抨击
(1)under attack 受到攻击
a heart attack 心脏病突发
(2)be attacked with... 患……病
be attacked by... 被……攻击/袭击
The professor was sent to the local hospital because he had a heart attack.
①The government took measures to protect the Chinese fish boat from ____________ (attack).
②Hearing her mother __________ (attack) with a serious illness, the girl burst out crying.
being attacked
was attacked
effective[ f kt v]adj.有效的;生效的
recover[r k v ]vi.恢复;康复;vt.找回;寻回
(1)recover from... 从……中恢复过来
recover oneself 镇定下来
(2)recovery n. 恢复;复苏;痊愈
make a recovery from... 从……中恢复过来
He was told that it would be at least three more months before he could recover and return to work.
①I watched over my son day and night and he made a full ________ (recover) from his operation soon.
②__________ (recover) the lost time, he is working harder than ever before.
③She seemed upset but quickly ________ (recover) herself.
To recover
remove vt.去除;移开;脱去
(1)remove...from... 把……从……移开/撤掉
(2)remove sb. from one's post 撤职;开除
remove sb. from school 学校开除某人
remove one's doubt 消除某人的疑虑
Only after he removed his dark glasses did I recognize him.
⑤Realizing her mum must be very tired after a day's work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.________
⑥Three workers were removed from the company for bad behaviour yesterday.________
⑦Because of the serious air pollution, the family decided to remove from the city to the countryside.________
⑧My suggestion is that the column of entertainment be removed from the newspaper.________
intend[ n t nd]vi.&vt.打算;计划;想要
(1)intend doing/to do sth. 打算做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
(2)be intended to do... 为了做……
be intended for... 专门为……设计的;专供……使用的
(3)intention n. 用意;目的;意图
I am writing to tell you that we intend climbing/to climb Mount Tai this Sunday morning..
①The university is known for its language and culture courses, which are intended ________ exchange students.
②The purpose of this activity is intended ________ (help) us know our neighbors in a relaxing way.
③This program was set up with an ________ (intend) of providing help to homeless people.
to help
threat[θr t]n.威胁
threaten[ θr tn]vt.威胁;危及
(1)a threat to... 对……的威胁
under threat (from...) 受到(……的)威胁
(2)threaten vt. 威胁;危及
threaten sb. with... 用……威胁某人
Earthquakes, hurricanes and floods are big threats to people's lives.
⑤Loss of habitats is a big threat ______ the living creature.
⑥If their habitat ______________ (threat) or they can't find enough food, their numbers may decrease.
is threatened
exist[ g z st]vi.存在;生存
(1)exist in... 存在于……
exist on... 靠……为生
There exists... 某地有……;存在……
(2)existence n. 存在;生存
come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在
(3)existing adj. 现存的;现行的
There exists a possibility that if you are careless, you may lose the test.
⑤He finds it hard to exist ______ the money he's earning.
⑥Nobody knows with certainty when the earth came into ___________ (exist).
⑦The parking place for bikes was an ________ (exist) problem for a long time in our school.
harmony[ hɑ m ni]n.和谐;融治
(1)in harmony with... 与……和谐相处;与……协调一致
out of harmony with... 与……不和谐;与……不协调一致
(2)harmonious adj. 和谐的
The Chinese Dream is a dream to improve people's well-being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.
⑨We gradually realize that the importance of honesty will contribute to building a warm and __________ (harmony) society.
Human life is regarded as part of nature and the only way for us to survive is to live __________________.
in harmony with nature
goods[g dz]n.商品;货物
creature[ kri ]n.生物;动物
deer[d ]n.鹿
kangaroo[ k g ru ]n.袋鼠
reduce[r dju s]vt.减少
(2)reduce sb. to (doing) sth. 使某人沦落为
(3)reduction n. 减少;缩小
It was foggy,so the driver had to reduce speed to forty kilometres an hour.
①By taking exercise every day, I have reduced my weight from 65 kilos ________ 50 kilos.
②The number of deer has ____________ (reduce) by 40 percent due to human's activities.
③The cultural relic ____________ (reduce) to ruins, which made us depressed.
been reduced
was reduced
due[dju ]adj.由于;因为
due to[dju tu ]由于;因为
be due to 由于,归功于……
be due to do sth. 预定/计划(做)某事
Due to great efforts of all the people, COVID-19 has been under control in China.
⑤The match is due to __________ (organize) this Saturday afternoon in the city's stadium.
⑥They hurried to catch the train due ________ (leave) at 4:15 in the afternoon.
be organized
to leave
insect[ ns kt]n.昆虫
net[n t]n.=Internet;网;adj.净得的;纯的
neighbourhood[ ne b h d]n.临近的地方;街区
binoculars[b n kj l z]n.双筒望远镜
bird field guide[b d fi ld ga d]乌类图鉴
search for[s f ]搜索;查找
(1)search...for... 为找……而搜索……
(2)in one's search for 寻找
in search of 寻找
The rescue workers were working hard to search for those survivors.
①As a result, they have to search _______ new habitats to survive.
②The young lady has searched everywhere _______ her lost ring but she can't find it.
dolphin[ d lf n]n.海豚
Yangtze River dolphin白鳍豚
koala[k ɑ l ]n.树袋熊;考拉
stir[st ]vt.激发;搅动
stir up[st r p]激起
emotion[ m n]n.感情;情感;情绪
skin[sk n]n.皮;皮肤
unusual[ n ju l]adj.特别的;不寻常的
(1)It is unusual for sb. to do sth.
(2)as usual 像往常一样
(3)usually adv. 通常
Tu Youyou is an unusual woman scientist, who makes great contributions to medicine.
①This kind of dolphin is _______ (usual), because their skin is different from that of other ones.
②________ (usual), we have lunch at school on weekdays.
Tibetan[t b t( )n]adj.西藏的;藏语的;藏族(人)的;n.西藏人;藏族人;藏语
Tibet[t b t]n.西藏