人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 5 Launching Your Career Words and expressions课件(12张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 5 Launching Your Career Words and expressions课件(12张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 103.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-18 20:02:02



from Star: hit the books
Unit 5:
Launching Your Career
Words and expressions
from Star: hit the books
1. bounce vi.&vt.(使)弾起;上下晃动 n.弹性;弹跳;活力
bouncing adj. 跳跃的;巨大的bouncy adj. 有弹性的;快活的
one bounce of the ball 球的一次弹起on the bounce 在弹起时;接二连三地
bounce into...蹦蹦跳跳地进入;猛然冲进
2. bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弾去, 也可引申为“想法在脑子里晃来晃去”
But who's prepared to sweat in heavy costumes and bounce around like fools
3. aptitude n.天资;天赋 an aptitude test 能力倾向测试
4. head start起步前的优势
A good education gives your child a head start in life.
5. scenario n.设想;方案;预测a nightmare scenario 最坏的可能
Let me suggest a possible scenario . 我来设想一种可能出现的情况。
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6. lawyer n.律师 v. 从事法律工作,当律师
He could have made a fortune as a lawyer. 他本可能当律师挣大钱。
7. assemble vt.组装;装配vi.& vt.收集;聚集;
assembled adj. 组合的;安装的
assembling adj. 装配的;组合的 assembly n. 装配;集会,集合
national assembly 国民大会
8. drawer n.抽屉 a chest of drawers抽屉柜
The handle had fallen off the drawer. 抽屉的拉手掉了。
9. breast n.乳房;胸部 breast milk 母乳
a troubled breast 忧虑的心情
10. hydrogen n.氢;氢气
11. radium n.镭
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12. wrist n.手腕;腕关节
13. bridegroom n.新郎
All of us drank a toast to the bride and bridegroom. 大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。
14. geometry n.几何学;几何图形
The doctor doesn't know how to teach me geometry.
15. debt n.债务;欠款 in debt 负债 out of debt 不欠债pay off one’s debt 还清债务
owe a debt of gratitude to sb 欠某人的情
a country's foreign debt burden 国家的外债负担
We were poor but we never got into debt . 我们穷是穷,但从不负债。
16. categorise vt.把……分类(加以归类) n. category类别,种类
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17. profile n.简介;概述;侧面轮廓vt.扼要介绍;概述;写简介
company profile 公司简介 personal profile 个人档案;个人资料
his strong profile 他轮廓清晰的侧影
in high/low profile 惹人/不惹人注目 keep a low profile 保持低调
18. participant n.参与者;参加者participation n. participate v.
19. code n.代码;密码vt.编码;把……译成密码
break/crack a code 破译密码 a strict code of conduct 严格的行为准则
Each order is coded separately. 每份订单都单独编号。
20. orient vt.使适应;使面对;确定方向
profit-orientated organizations 以赢利为目的的机构
21. detective n.侦探;警探 detect vt. 发现;侦察出detection n. 侦查;发现
detectable adj. 可发觉的,可看穿的 a detective story/novel 侦探故事╱小说
22. graphic n.图表;图形;图画adj.绘画的;图案的
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24. estate n.庄园;住宅区;工业区 a housing\industrial estate 住宅区\工业园区
She lives in a tower block on an estate in London.
Her estate was left to her daughter. 她把遗产留给了女儿。
25. (real)estate agent房地产经纪人
26. accountant n.会计;会计师
27. spy n.密探;间谍vi.从事间谍活动vt.突然看见;发现(spied-spied-spying)
spy on 暗中监视;侦查 spy out 暗中查明a foreign spy外国间谍
28. justice n.公平;公正;合理
the criminal justice system 刑法体系 fairness and justice 公平和公正
a strong sense of justice 很强的正义感 justice has long arms 天网恢恢
29. accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责 accuse sb of … 控告某人…
The government was accused of incompetence. 政府被指责无能。
from Star: hit the books
e to a conclusion 得出结论 draw a conclusion
I find it difficult to come to a conclusion. 我发现要得出结论很难。
31. greedy adj.贪婪的;贪心的 greed n. 贪婪
The shareholders are greedy for profit. 股东们都利欲熏心。
32. entrepreneur n.创业者;企业家
entrepreneurial skills 办企业的能力
33. receptionist n. 接待员 reception n. 接待;欢迎;前台;宴会
the reception area 接待区a wedding reception 结婚喜筵
good/bad reception 良好的╱差的接收效果the reception desk 服务台
34. CV (resume )n. (求职用的)履历;简历全写为 curriculum vitae
Send a full CV with your job application. 随求职申请书寄上详尽的个人履历。
from Star: hit the books
35. socialist adj.社会主义的 n.社会主义者 socialism n. 社会主义
a socialist country 社会主义国家 socialist beliefs 社会主义信仰
munist adj.共产主义的n.共产主义者 communism n. 共产主义
a Communist country/government/leader 共产主义的国家╱政府╱领袖
37. dedicate vt.把……奉献给 dedication 献身;奉献
dedicate oneself/sth to sth/doing sth 把…奉献给…= be devoted to…/
be committed to sth/doing sth.
This book is dedicated to my parents. 谨以此书献给我的父母
38. fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人 old fox 老油条
He's a wily old fox. 他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。
A fox may grow grey but never good. 江山易改本性难移。
39. council n.委员会;市政服务机构a council member/meeting 政务委员会╱会议
40. canal n.运河;灌溉渠 the Panama/Suez Canal 巴拿马╱苏伊士运河
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41. attend to 关怀;照料;处理
Attend to the lecture, or you will learn nothing. 注意听讲,否则你什么也学不到。
I have some urgent business to attend to. 我有一些急事要处理。
42. supervise vt.&vi.主管;指导;监督 supervision 监督,管理
supervisor n. 管理者,指导者,监管者
to supervise building work监理建筑工程
The drug should only be used under medical supervision . 这种药须遵医嘱方可使用
43. handwriting n.书法;书写;笔迹 good handwriting
44. disk n.磁盘;盘 a hard disk 硬盘
45. parking n.停车位;停车
a parking space \lot\area 停车位\停车场
46. camel n.骆驼 a camel coat 驼毛外衣
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47. fry n.油煎的食物vt.&vi.油炸;油炒;油煎fries\frying\fried\fried
small fry 无足轻重的人 French fry 薯条 fried adj. 油炸的
48. purse n.钱包;皮夹子(尤指女用)
49. sew vi.&vt. ( sewed, sewn/sewed )缝制;缝;做针线活
sew a seam 缝接缝 sewing n. 缝制品;缝纫
She sews all her own clothes. 她所有的衣服都是自己缝的
50. knit vt.&vi. 编织;针织;(使)紧密结合n编织的衣服;针织衫knitting n.
51. wool n.毛;毛线;毛料 woolen adj. 毛绒的
52. intermediate adj.中级的;中等的;中间的
an intermediate stage/step in a process 中间阶段 / 步骤an intermediate student
表示初级一般用primary/elementary, 表示高级用advanced
The tests are categorised as primary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced and
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53. priority n.优先事项;首要的事;优先prior adj. 先前的,优先的
a high/low priority 重点 / 非重点项目 give priority to 优先考虑;认为优先
top priority 当务之急,重中之重 take priority/ have priority over 有优先性
Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。
54. proficiency n.熟练;娴熟;精通proficient adj. 熟练的 proficient in/at (doing) sth.
to develop proficiency熟练程度a certificate of language proficiency语言水平证书
a high level of oral proficiency in English一口流利的英语
55. cage n.笼子vt.关在笼子里caged adj. 关在笼中的
56. collar n.(动物)颈圈;衣领 flea collar 灭蚤颈圈
a collar and lead/leash 颈圈和系带 white collar 白领 blue collar 蓝领
57. finance n.资金;财政;金融 vt.提供资金financial 财政的;财务的;金融的
international finance 国际金融 the Minister of Finance 财政部长
the finance director/department 财务主任;财务科
government/public/personal finances 政府╱公共╱个人财力
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58. receipt n.收据;接收net/gross receipts 净收入;总收入
have \make out a receipt 开收据
Are you in receipt of any state benefits 你目前是否享有政府补助金?
59. certificate n.合格证书;证明
a birth/marriage/death certificate 出生╱结婚╱死亡证明
60. employer n.雇主;老板employee n. 雇员
61. desert n.沙漠;荒漠 deserted adj. 被舍弃的
a cultural desert 文化沙漠
She was deserted by her husband. 她被丈夫遗弃了。
Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment. 她一时间似乎失去了勇气
62. acquire vt. 获得;购得
She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好
I have recently acquired a taste for olives. 我最近开始喜欢吃橄榄了