人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture Words and expressions(2)课件(35张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture Words and expressions(2)课件(35张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-18 20:04:05



words and expressions(2)
fig [f ɡ] n. 无花果
ingredient [ n ɡri di nt] n. (尤指烹饪的)材料; 成分
mix/need/use ingredients 搅和/需要/用配料
a list of ingredients 成分清单
an ingredient list 配料表
ingredient label 成分标签
add/pour ingredients (in) to a blender
It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story.
①I only use natural __________ (ingredient).
②Please use a spoon ________ (mix) the dry ________ (ingredient).
③She hopes the change of career will supply the missing ________ (ingredient) in her life ________ excitement.
to mix
dessert [d z t] n.(饭后) 甜点
dough [d ] n. 生面团
stable [ ste bl] adj. 稳定的; 稳重的
(1)stable prices 稳定的价格
a stable relationship 稳定的关系
in a stable condition 情况稳定
a very stable person 情绪很稳定的人
(2)make sth. stable 使……稳固
keep sth. stable 使……保持稳固
stability n. 稳定性
①Generally speaking, children benefit from______(stability) relationships within the family unit.
②He was clearly an ________ (stable) person—you'd better keep away from him.
③The conflict is becoming a threat to ________ (stable) in the region.
haggis [ h ɡ s] n. (苏格兰)羊杂碎肚
canteen [k n ti n] n. 食堂; 餐厅
cafeteria [ k f t ri ] n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂
bun [b n] n. 圆面包; 小圆甜饼
chilli/chili [ t li] n. 辣椒 (复数: chillies/chilies )
pork [p k] n. 猪肉
red braised pork n. 红烧肉 [bre zd]
pearl [p l] n. 珍珠
somewhat [ s mw t]: adv. 有点; 稍微
somewhat of 在某种程度上,有些
somewhat larger/higher/newer
more than somewhat 非常
slightly adv. 略微
sort/kind of 有点儿,有几分(表示不确定)
His theory is somewhat abstract.
①The price is somewhat ________ (high) than I expected.
②The cake we made was somewhat ________ a failure.
③We were ________________ (有点儿累) after a long walk.
somewhat tired
madam [ m d m] n. 夫人; 女士
calorie [ k l ri] n. 卡路里(热量单位)
association [ s si e n] n. 协会; 关联
the Football Association 足球协会
form an association 组成一个协会
in association with 与……联合/合作
have (no) association with... 与……(没)有联系
work in association with another person 与另一个人合作
The book was published in association with People's Education Press.
①Have you joined the teachers' ________ (associate) so far
②He began to take an interest in articles associated ________ recipe.
③The people________whom Mr Smith associates are all highly respectable.
regardless [r ɡɑ dl s]: adv. 不顾; 不加理会
regardless of ...: 不管; 不顾
category [ k t ɡ ri] n. 类别; 种类
vitamin [ v t m n] [ va t m n] n. 维生素
quantity [ kw nt ti] n. 数量; 数额
(1)a large/small quantity of 大量的/少量的
large quantities of 大量的
in large quantities/in quantity 大量地
double the quantity 使数量翻一番
It's quality not quantity that really counts.
①As a result of destroying the forests, a large quantity of desert ________ (have) covered the land.
②At that time, small amounts of land ________ (use) for keeping animals.
③Large quantities of money ________ (spend) on advertisements every year.
were used
are spent
fibre/fiber [ fa b (r)] n. 纤维; 纤维制品
dairy [ de ri]adj. 奶制的; 乳品(业)的
n. 乳制品; 乳品店;牛奶厂
moderation [ m d re n] n. 适度; 合理
show moderation 表现得节制
practise moderation 力行克制
call for moderation 要求克制
with moderation 有节制地
in moderation 适度
The government called for greater moderation on the part of the unions.
①The key is to schedule things _______moderation and choose activities with a child's age, temperament, interests, and abilities in mind.
②__________ (moderate) is the key _______ good health.
③Always act ________ moderation.
ideal [a di l]
adj. 完美的; 理想的; 想象的n. 理想;完美的人/事物
(1)an ideal opportunity 理想的机会
an ideal university 理想的大学
(2)far from ideal 很不理想
share the ideals 怀有共同的理想
achieve one's ideal 实现某人的理想
They still clung to the old ideals.
①She was accused ________ betraying her political ideals.
②The houses are absolutely ideal ________ families ________ young children.
③This agreement falls far short ________ the ideal.
fundamental [ f nd mentl] adj. 根本的; 基础的;基本的n. 基本规律;根本法则
a fundamental error 根本性的错误
a fundamental principle/construction
a fundamental difference in opinions
fundamental differences 根本区别
Color is fundamental in home design—something you'll always have in every room.
①An optimistic attitude towards life is fundamental ________ happiness.
②Some understanding of grammar is fundamental ________ learning a language.
③Our new managing director has reorganized the company a little bit, but nothing has __________ (fundamental) changed.
chew [t u ] v. 咀嚼; 嚼碎 n. 咀嚼
a dog chewing on a bone 在啃骨头的狗
chew gum 嚼口香糖
chew sth.over 深思熟虑;仔细考虑;详细讨论
chew up 损害;伤害;嚼碎
chew at... 咬……
chew on... 咀嚼/啃……
One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up one of Dad's shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end.
①Chew your food ________ thoroughly before you swallow it.
②She was chewing ________ her lower lip.
③The baby chewed ________ a piece of bread.
④Shareholders meet regularly to _____________(详细讨论) the future of the company.
chew over
consistent [k n s st nt]adj. 一致的; 连续的
be consistent with 与……一致/相符
be consistent between/among... 在两者/多者之间一致
be consistent across/among... 在全部……中一致
be consistent in 在……方面一致
consistent friends 始终如一的朋友
consistent policies 一贯的政策
consistent standards 一贯的标准
What you did was not consistent with what you said.
①The pattern is strikingly consistent ________ the four samples.
②These results were consistent ________ genders, and regardless ________age and parent education level.
③The results of this study are surprisingly consistent ________ previous estimates.
modest [ m d st] adj. 些许的; 谦虚的; 朴素的
be modest about 对……谦虚/不夸耀
be modest in
Our requirement seem fairly modest.
①The new homes are modest ________ scale, but very comfortable.
②He is modest ________ his achievement ________ scientific research.
③She would ________ (false) modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
trick [tr k] n. 诀窍; 计谋; 把戏
a trick of/to... ……的窍门
play a trick/tricks on sb. 捉弄某人
trick sb.into doing sth. 骗某人做某事
trick sb.out of sth. 骗取某人某物
The trick is to bend your knees as you catch the ball.
①If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play ________ trick on them.
②He won't have the children playing ________ (trick) on the old man.
③He tricked many consumers into ________ (buy) the second hand clothes.
overall [ v r l ]
adv. 总体上; 大致上adj. 全面的; 综合的
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 让﹒安泰而姆﹒布里亚-萨瓦兰(法国美食家)[ ɑ n] [ nθ lm] [ br l n s v r n]
Kazak [k z k] adj. 哈萨克族的 n. 哈萨克族人
St.Andrews 圣安德鲁斯(英国城市)[sent ndru:z]