人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The internet Vocabulary课件(35张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The internet Vocabulary课件(35张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 696.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-21 08:19:46




1. a flush of(表情绪的名词)= a wave of = a feeling/sense of 一阵……
2. joy/excitement/pride/anger/rage/panic/terror/sorrow/sadness/grief/embarrassment/dispointment/guilt/shame3.(表情绪的名词)flooded over sb. =swept over sb.

仿写:1) 当他看着自己孩子的时候, 一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头(十分自豪)。A flush of pride swept over him as he watched his children./He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children.
2) 我感到高兴极了。A wave of happiness flooded over me.
3) 他感到非常恐慌。A flush of panic spread across his face/cheeks./A flush of fear flooded/swept over him.
Part Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
1. blog n. 网络日志,博客 v. 写博客
write a blog post写博客
blogger 博主
2. engine n.引擎,发动机 engineer n. 工程师
a search engine 搜索引擎 a fire engine 消防车
3. chat
n. 聊天,闲聊
have a chat with sb about sth
I enjoy a chat with my friends about soccer.
v. 聊天,闲聊 chatted-chatted
I like to chat with her now and then about school life.
4. stream
n. 小溪,小河;( 液体,气流的)流,股
a stream of blood/cold wind 一股鲜血/冷风
a steady/constant stream of visitors 源源不断的游客
v. 流动,流播
Tears were steaming down her cheeks.
stream video 流播视频
5. identity
an identity card 身份证
a sense of national/cultural/group identity 民族/文化/群体认同感
v. identify 鉴别
Part Ⅱ Reading and thinking
6. convenient adj. 方便的
It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事
It is very convenient to travel in London by underground.
If it is convenient for you, call me.
注意:convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,且在It is convenient for sb.to do sth.结构中介词for不能用介词of代替
convenience n. 方便;便利;便利设施 (反义词) inconvenience
a convenience store 便利店 convenience foods 方便食品
for convenience 为了方便起见
at sb’s convenience 在某人方便的时候
at your earliest convenience 尽早,尽快
I would appreciate it if you could reply at your earliest convenience.
7. cash n. 现金 v. 兑现,付款
用现金付款 pay in cash
区别:用支票付款 pay by check/cheque 用微信付款 pay by wechat
cashier 收银台,收银员
8. software n.软件
hardware 硬件
9. network n.网络,网状系统;人际网
vt.联播;将…连接成网络 vi. 建立工作关系
a social network 人际网,关系网
wireless network 无线网
10. stuck adj.卡住;陷入;困于(不用于名词前)
That cat was stuck in the tree.
他们遇到了大雨 They are stuck in the heavy rain.
be stuck in=be caught in= be trapped in 困于……
11. keep sb company
We usually have our phones to keep us company at the table when eating.(英译汉)
12. surf v. 冲浪 surfing n.冲浪
surf the Internet 网上冲浪 go surfing 去冲浪
13. benefit
v. 有益于,受益 benefit sb./sth 使某人或某物受益
sb benefit from sth 从……中受益/获益
阅读使我受益。Reading benefits me a lot. /I benefit a lot from reading.
n. 利益,益处 for the benefit of = for one's benefit 为了…的利益
be of benefit to 有益于;对……有好处
have the benefit of 得益于
这次赛跑对我们很有好处。The race is of benefit to us.
beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的
be beneficial to (= be of benefit to) 对……有益;对……有利
14. distance n. 距离;远处,远方;冷淡,疏远 adj. distant
at/from a distance 隔一段距离;在稍远处;从远处
The picture looks beautiful from/at a distance.
in the distance 在远处
Farther in the distance, I can enjoy the view of snowy mountains.
keep one’s distance 保持距离
keep sb.at a distance =keep one's distance from sb.
Her father advised her to keep her distance from that fellow.
15. inspire vt.鼓舞;激励;启发思考
inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
inspire sb with sth=inspire sth in sb 激起/引起/唤起某人的…
be inspired by 受到……的启发;由……得到灵感
This piece of music was inspired by dolphin sounds.(翻译)
inspired adj 备受鼓舞的 inspiring adj 鼓舞人心的
inspiration n [U]灵感;鼓舞 [C]启发灵感/鼓舞人心的人或物
He gave me the inspiration to pick up my pen again.
Tom is an inspioration to his family.
16. access
n . 通道 ;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会
wheelchair access 轮椅通道/无障碍通道
Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.(汉译英)
get/have (no/easy) access to 拥有……的机会/权利;可以接近/进入
vt. 进入;使用;获取
We accessed the Xi’an city wall through the South Gate.
获取 访问 access the Internet
accessible adj . 易可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;平易近人的
be accessible to ... 可接近/可靠近/可使用……
The magazine makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children.
17. now that 既然,由于
Now that I’m well again, I can go on with my work.
18. go through 经历;度过;通读;经受;完成;仔细检查;(法案等)通过;花完;用掉
It took them an entire day to go through the forest.
Go through those things that seem impossible, and achieve what we never believed we could.
Go through your paper carefully before you hand it in.
It is said that the new rule didn’t go through.
19. tough adj.
结实的,坚固的 a tough pair of shoes
强壮的,坚强的 He plays the tough guy in the movie.
(食物)难切开的,嚼不烂的 The meat was tough and hard to chew.
Don’t be too tough on/with him----he is only 3 years old.
艰苦的,艰难的 a tough life/job/decision tough times
toughen v.(使)变强壮; (使)变困难
toughly adv.粗暴地;猛烈地
toughness n[U]韧度;韧性
20.province n.[C]省;行政区 provincial adj.省的
21. conference n.[C]①(大型、正式的)会议②(几个人的)商谈;会谈
have a conference with sb
be in conference with
a conference on
a press conference 新闻发布会
22. resident n.居民;住院医生 adj.居住的
rural/urban residents 农村/城市居民
a resident doctor 住院医生
residential adj.居民区的,住宅区的
23. plus adj.表示加的;正的;零上的;多;余prep.加;加上; 外加;另有n.[C]加号;正号;有利因素conj .[非正式]并且;而且=furthermore
A plus A+
the plus sign 加号;正号
This is not an exciting car to drive, but on the plus side it is extremely reliable.
Her knowledge of French is a big plus in her job.
Phones are small and useful. Plus, they are cheaper than before.
Three plus five _______(be) eight.
on the plus side好的方面来说
Part Ⅲ discovering useful structures
24. function n.(事物的)功能/机能;(人的)作用/职责
vi.工作; 运转;起作用 function as 起……作用;充当
functional adj. 实用的,功能的,机能的
25. battery n[C]电池(组);电瓶 a battery of...一系列/一组...
26. confirm vt. 证实;证明;批准;确认(安排、日期或情况)
confirmation n.确认;证实;证明;批准
eg. The expression on her face confirmed her sadness.
It has been confirmed that ... 已证实……
It has been confirmed that it is the most effective treatment.
confirm sb in (belief/opinion/view) 使某人确信(信念/意见/观点)
27. press vt.
①压(=push);按;挤;推 press a switch 按下开关
②催促;逼迫(=push / urge) press on (不顾困难)继续进行
③出版社;印刷厂 the Oxford University Press牛津大学出版社
④[常与the连用]报刊新闻业;新闻界 the local press 当地报刊
①The doctor gently pressed his stomach. vt.按
②They are pressing us to make a quick decision. vt.敦促
③Members of the press were not allowed into the meeting.n.新闻界
28. button
click /press / push / touch the button按按钮
v. 扣上扣子; (把...)扣紧
button one's coat把外衣纽扣扣紧
29. keep track of...掌握...的最新消息;了解...的动态
lose track of...不了解...的动态;与...失去联系
vt. 跟踪;追踪
Part Ⅳ Listening and Talking
30. discount n.折扣 vt.打折;贴现
give/allow/make a discount (of ...)    打(……)折
with/at a discount (of 10%) 打(九)折
at a discount 打折扣
注意“打九折”的英语正确表达法为10% discount或者10% off。
They give_a_discount_of 10% for cash payment.
①She bought lots of clothes ________ a discount.
②Can you give me some discount ________ this set of silk pajamas
③All CDs were discounted 23% ________ the marked price.
31. account
account sb. (to be) ...  认为某人(是)……
account to sb. for ... 向某人说明……
account for 解释或说明……的原因;总共有(占)
①Tom accounts himself (to be) lucky.
②He has to account to the chairman for all the money he spent.
③His illness accounts for his absence from the meeting.
on account of 由于;因为
on no account 决不(放在句首时句子用部分倒装)
take account of...=take.......into account/consideration
an account book账本;账簿 have/open an account 在银行开户
I would really appreciate it if you could  take  me  into account. 
[联想发散]on account of的同义短语有:because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result of等。
31. theft n[C]偷窃; [U]盗窃罪
car / identity theft盗窃汽车/身份盗窃
thief n.贼,小偷,偷窃犯 thieve v偷窃,行窃
32. rude adj.无礼的; 粗鲁的(=impolite)【反polite】
be rude to sb对某人无礼
it is rude (of sb) to do sth某人做某事是不礼貌的
rudely adv.无礼地;粗鲁地
rudeness n.无礼;粗蛮
to say that to your father just now.
It was rude of you
Part Ⅴ Reading for Writing
33. target
(1) n.目标;对象;靶子;受批评的对象
aim at the target   瞄准目标
hit/miss the target 中/脱靶
①We'll reach the sales targets in a month which we set at the beginning of the year.
②To hit the target, you have to aim at it.
③When shooting an arrow, one must aim at the target.
target sth. on/at ...    把某物对准……
This TV show is mainly targeted at/on the young.
34. false adj.假的;不真实的;不正确的;人造的(artificial)
【反义词 true】
false hair假发
35. particular adj.①[只用于名词前]特定的 (=specific);
be particular about / over ...对...挑剔/讲究
in particular尤其;特别
同根词:particularly 特别;格外 同义词 :especial,special
36. embarrassing adj.让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的
be/feel embarrassed about/at ... 对……感到难为情/不知所措
be/feel embarrassed to do sth. 对做某事感到尴尬
to one's embarrassment 使某人感到尴尬
①Now he is in an embarrassing situation.
②He was too embarrassed to get (get) his friend's name wrong.
③I was embarrassed(embarrasse)at his unexpected question.
④My face turned red with embarrassment (embarrass).
embarrassing adj.
embarrass embarrassed adj.
(v) embarrassment n.
37. make fun of 戏弄;取笑
1. She even played the roles and sang the songs just ________ fun at home.
2. I’m not making fun ________ you, I admire what you did.
3. Children decided to play a joke _________ their father by hiding his glasses.
4. Tom is always so cheerful and full _______ fun.
5.I have no fun ___________(spend) the evening doing nothing.
laugh at sb. 嘲笑,因...而笑 for fun 好玩,为了乐趣
play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑;捉弄某人
tease sb about sth. 戏弄某人 make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人
38. upset 【同根词】upsetting adj.令人心烦意乱的
be upset to do sth对于做某事感到心烦
be upset over/about/at/by ... 对……感到不安/难过/心烦
be upset with sb生某人的气 be upset that ... 对……感到不安
(2)vt.使烦恼;使心烦;使生气;搅乱 upset-upset-upsetting
It upsets sb. that ... 让某人心烦的是……
Although his being late ____________________, we managed to make up for it eventually.
海鲜总是令我肠胃不适。Seafood always ____________________.
upset our arrangements
upsets my stomach
39. guideline n[C] [常用复数]指导方针;指导原则
40. tip n[C] ①梢;末端 the tips of branches / fingers树梢/指尖
②小费③建议, 忠告,诀窍 learning tips on grammar语法学习建议
41. familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的
be familiar with sth 熟悉某事(主语是人,表示熟知某人或某事)
be familiar to sb 被某人所熟悉(主语是物,表示对于某人来说某事是很熟悉的)
【同根词】 familiarity n[U]熟悉;通晓
42.define vt.①解释;给 ...下定义②确定...的界限;规定
【同根词】definition n.定义