人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures单元加餐练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures单元加餐练(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 82.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-26 21:06:14



第 7 页 共 7 页
First published in 2001, the book Life of Pi written by Canadian author Yann Martel won the Man Booker Prize and an Asian American Prize for Literature. It is the story of a young boy named Pi who spends 227 days at sea with a small group of animals after disaster strikes their ship and is an account of his journey of survival and hardship.
Piscine“Pi”Molitor Patel, on whom Life of Pi is based, is a young boy living in Pondicherry, India, where his father owns a zoo. The story starts when Patel's family decide to move to Canada, along with their zoo animals for their new home.
However, because of the bad weather, the ship sinks. Pi along with an orangutan (猩猩), an injured zebra, a hyena (鬣狗) and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker are the only survivors who take shelter in a small lifeboat.Both the injured zebra and the orangutan are soon killed and eaten by the hyena.The tiger in turn kills and eats the hyena, leaving just the two of them alone on the boat now.
In an effort to avoid being eaten by Richard Parker, Pi acts himself as the head of the group and remains safe from harm.Since he does not want the tiger to die for fear of going mad by being alone on the boat, he fishes and feeds the two of them in order to stay alive.
The life of Pi then enters its third stage when their lifeboat washes up on the shores of Mexico and the tiger escapes into a nearby forest leaving Pi alone. After the Mexicans refuse to believe Pi's story, he changes his tale by replacing the animals with his mother, a cook and a sailor and asks the Mexicans which one they prefer. They prefer hearing the first story though they do not believe a word of it.
In my view, Life of Pi is a must read book for all those who love reading.
语篇解读:本文介绍了加拿大著名作家Yann Martel的小说Life of Pi。
1.We can learn that the book Life of Pi .
A.was written in 2001
B.was awarded two prizes
C.tells a story about friendship
D.is based on the author's personal experience
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“...won the Man Booker Prize and an Asian American Prize for Literature.”可知这本书被授予两项大奖,故选B项。
2.In the book Life of Pi, the hyena is killed by .
A.Pi B.the zebra
C.the orangutan D.Richard Parker
解析:选D 细节理解题。从第三段的“The tiger in turn kills and eats the hyena”可知老虎把鬣狗吃掉了,同时根据“a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker”可知这只老虎名叫Richard Parker,故选D项。
3.How does Pi escape being eaten by the tiger
A.By catching fishes for the tiger.
B.By locking the tiger in a cage.
C.By being the leader of the two of them.
D.By fighting with the tiger.
解析:选C 推理判断题。从第四段的“Pi acts himself as the head of the group and remains safe from harm”可知,为了避免被老虎吃掉,Pi处处表现为他们两个的首领。故选C项。
4.What is the author's attitude towards the book Life of Pi
A.Disappointed. B.Supportive.
C.Unconcerned. D.Doubtful.
解析:选B 观点态度题。根据最后一段作者极力推荐这本书,可推知作者对该书是持赞赏态度的。
Ways to keep phone calls short
The phone rings. It's a friend who wants to tell you about his or her latest health problem. You hate to be impolite and cut your friend off, but what can you do Stephanie Winston offers the advice.
Don't ask questions like “What's new?” They give others the feeling that you have time to talk. 1
Set a time limit (限度). Start with, “Hi, I've only got a few minutes, but I wantedtotalktoyouabout ...” Or, “Gee, I'd love to talk more, but I only have a couple of minutes before I have to do my homework.”
Jump on a pause (暂停). 2 Quickly say, “It has been great talking with you.” Then end the conversation.
Forget politeness. Some people just don't take a hint (领会暗示). No matter what your caller is talking, stop him and say, “I'd like to talk to you longer, but I really have to go. Goodbye.” 3 Don't ask for permission (许可) to end the conversation.
4 If you make a call right before lunch or dinner, or at the end of the workday, people talk less.
Find a “partner in crime (共犯)”. 5 For example, one woman signals her husband, who shouts, “Jane, I think the water is boiling!”
A.Then hang up.
B.Time your calls wisely.
C.Avoid the phone completely.
D.You can do that by using an answer machine.
E.After “hello”, get right to the heart of the matter.
F.Even the most talkative caller has to stop now and then.
G.If nothing else works, ask someone in your home to help you.
1.解析:选E E项与该段的“Don't ask questions like ‘What's new?’”形成对比,再结合本文主题“keep phone calls short”可知,接通电话后,不说废话,直入主题。
2.解析:选F 由本段建议“Jump on a pause (暂停)”和“Quickly say ... Then end the conversation”可知,作者建议在对方停顿间隙,快速结束通话。F项中的stop与本段建议中的pause相呼应。
3.解析:选A A项中的“hang up”与该空前后的“Goodbye”和“end the conversation”相呼应。
4.解析:选B 由下文解释“吃饭前或快下班前打电话,人们就会说得少”可知,明智地选择适合的时间打电话,也可以让通话时间变短。故选B项。
5.解析:选G G项中的“ask someone in your home to help you”与本段建议“Find a ‘partner in crime (共犯)’”和下文的举例相呼应。
“If I ran my business the way you people operate your schools, I wouldn't be in business very long!” I said before a group of angry 1 .
I represented a group of business people who wanted to 2 public schools. I was a manager at an ice cream company that became 3 when People magazine chose our blueberry (蓝莓) as the “Best Ice Cream in America.”
As soon as I 4 , a woman raised her hand. To my surprise, she appeared 5 and pleasant. “We are told, sir, that you 6 a company that makes good ice cream.”
I replied 7 , “Best ice cream in America, Ma'am.”
“Sir,” she said, “ 8 you are standing on your receiving dock (码头) and you see an inferior (质量差的) shipment of blueberries 9 , what do you do?”
Immediately, I knew the question was a trap, but I wasn't going to 10 .
“I send them back.”
“That's right!” she raised her voice, “and we can 11 send back our blueberries. We take them big, small, rich, poor, gifted, confident, homeless, rude, and brilliant. We take them all! And that, sir, is why it's not a(n) 12 . It's school!”
In an explosion, all 290 teachers jumped to their feet and 13 , “Yeah! Blueberries! Blueberries!”
And so began my long 14 .
Since then, I have visited hundreds of 15 . I have learned that a school is not a business. For one thing, schools are unable to 16 the quality of their raw material.
Yet it doesn't deny the 17 for change. We must change how we teach to give all children the opportunity to become 18 . But educators cannot do this 19 ; these changes can occur only with the under standing, trust, permission, and active support of the whole society. 20 , to improve public education means more than changing our schools, it means changing the whole country.
1.A.workers B.teachers
C.parents D.leaders
解析:选B 下文中的“all 290 teachers”提示了本题答案。
2.A.replace B.challenge
C.influence D.improve
解析:选D 文末中的“to improve public education”提示了本题答案。
3.A.rich B.special
C.famous D.busy
解析:选C 根据本空后的内容可知,当作者公司的蓝莓冰淇淋被评为“美国最好吃的冰淇淋”后,作者的公司变得非常“出名(famous)”。
4.A.continued B.asked
C.finished D.criticized
解析:选C 作者的话刚说“完(finished)”就有人举手提问。
5.A.polite B.shy
C.confident D.honest
解析:选A 根据“To my surprise”可推测,这位女士并没有像其他听众那样怒气冲冲,而是看起来很“有礼貌(polite)”、很亲切。
6.A.manage B.establish
C.buy D.help
解析:选A 根据上段中的“I was a manager”可知,作者“管理(manage)”一家生产冰淇淋的公司。
7.A.happily B.carefully
C.eagerly D.proudly
解析:选D 根据上段中的“good ice cream”及本空后的“Best ice cream”可推测,作者“骄傲地(proudly)”纠正那位女士,告诉她自己公司生产的冰淇淋是美国最好吃的。
8.A.when B.because
C.although D.until
解析:选A 这位女士问作者,“当(when)”你看到质量不好的蓝莓时,该怎么办?
9.A.leave B.arrive
C.disappear D.move
解析:选B 根据本句中的“receiving dock”可知,站在接货码头,自然是看到一船蓝莓“到来(arrive)”。
10.A.lie B.stop
C.admit D.follow
解析:选A 根据but及作者的回答可知,作者明知道那位女士的问题是个圈套,但他不打算“说谎(lie)”,仍然老实回答。
11.A.ever B.never
C.also D.just
解析:选B 根据本空后的“our blueberries ... We take them all”可知,这位女士把学生比作蓝莓。无论这些“蓝莓”质量怎样,他们“从来不(never)”退回,而是全盘接收。
12.A.blueberry B.ice cream
C.business D.receiving dock
解析:选C 根据本文开头的“If I ran my business the way you people operate your schools, I wouldn't be in business very long”可知,作者认为老师们运营学校的方式不对,但是这位女士巧妙地反驳了这个说法,她认为运营学校不同于经营“生意(business)”。
13.A.reported B.warned
C.doubted D.yelled
解析:选D 根据本句中的“In an explosion, all 290 teachers jumped to their feet”可推测,这位女士对作者的反驳让现场的听众都很激动,他们“叫喊着(yelled)”表达自己的情绪。
14.A.transformation B.research
C.explanation D.study
解析:选A 根据本文开头的“If I ran my business the way you people operate your schools, I wouldn't be in business very long”及下段中的“I have learned that a school is not a business”可以看出,作者的想法发生了“变化(transformation)”。
15.A.schools B.companies
C.countries D.groups
解析:选A 根据下文内容可知,作者对于学校及公共教育都有了新的认识,由此可推测,作者应该是走访了上百所“学校(schools)”。
16.A.change B.notice
C.examine D.control
解析:选D 根据上文中的“We take them ... We take them all”可知,学校不能“控制(control)”原材料,即入校学生的质量。
17.A.method B.need
C.possibility D.reason
解析:选B 根据下句中的“We must change”可知,我们不能否认改变的“必要性(need)”。
18.A.peaceful B.successful
C.thankful D.powerful
解析:选B 我们必须改变我们的教育方式,给所有的孩子“成功的(successful)”机会。
19.A.silently B.secretly
C.alone D.again
解析:选C 根据本空后的“these changes can occur only with ... the whole society”可知,想要改变“仅仅(alone)”靠学校是不行的。
20.A.Moreover B.Besides
C.However D.Therefore
解析:选D 本空前后两句之间是因果关系,故选Therefore。
The 1 (express) “keeping up with the Joneses” was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand.He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23, 2 was a lot of money in those days.He and his wife moved to a very 3 (wealth) neighborhood outside New York City.When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went 4 (ride) every day.When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand also hired a servant and gave big 5 (party) for their new neighbors.
It was like a race, 6 the race ended when they could no longer pay for their new way of life.They moved back to 7 apartment in New York City.
Momand looked around him and noticed that many people did all they could 8 (keep) up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors.He called it “keeping up with the Joneses” because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States.He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories.The stories 9 (sell) well and gradually “keeping up with the Joneses” became an idiom 10 (common) used by many people.
语篇解读:本文是记叙性说明文。在英语中,keeping up with the Joneses意为“与他人攀比”。本文讲述了这个表达的由来。
1.expression 空格中所填单词在句中作主语,需用express的名词形式。“keeping up with the Joneses”为expression的同位语。
2.which 此处为关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代先行词$125 a week,并在从句中作主语。
3.wealthy 空格中所填单词在句中作定语,修饰名词neighborhood,故用wealth的形容词形式。
4.riding go riding意思是“去骑马”。
5.parties 此处party意为“派对”,是可数名词。因为big前没有冠词,所以party需用复数形式。
6.but 句意:这就像是一场赛跑,但是这场赛跑最终以Momand 夫妇不再能够负担起这种新生活方式而结束。本空前后两句为转折关系。
7.an 这里泛指纽约市的一家公寓。
8.to keep 此处为动词不定式作目的状语。
9.sold 这里是描述过去的事,用一般过去时。sell well意思是“畅销”,无被动语态。
10.commonly 空格中所填单词在句中修饰动词use,需用common的副词形式commonly。
Last Sunday, our volunteer group took part in a voluntary activity at the bus station.
On arriving there, we were given a warm welcome. Some students helped clean the waiting room; some students offered the information that passengers needed; some students helped passengers carry their luggage. We all did what we could to help those in need of help. Although we were tired, we felt happy and proud when we saw the smiles on passengers' faces.
This experience made us become aware of the importance of helping others. In future, we'll try our best to do more voluntary work.