人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration 课时跟踪检测(3份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration 课时跟踪检测(3份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-26 21:32:02


第 1 页 共 6 页
课时跟踪检测(二) Warming Up & Reading — Language Points
1.Unlike (不像) my brother, I'm extremely good at swimming.
2.The computer system (系统) in my office has broken down.
3.It is important for everyone to apply theory (理论) to practice
4.The customers have multiplied (增加) their demands on this kind of products in the past two years.
5.It seems possible that some form of life has existed in Jupiter's atmosphere (大气层).
6.Do you believe that there is the existence (exist) of Ghost
7.As we all know, bad eating habit is harmful (harm) to one's health.
8.A violent (violently) tornado hits an area in Jiangsu Province the other day.
9.There is a puzzled (puzzle) expression on his face.
10.Is there always a conflict between science and religion (religious)
give birth to, be harmful to, in time, come into existence, at no time, prevent ... from, in one's turn, be fundamental to
1.It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences.
2.They, in their turn, made some advice for the plan.
3.Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time.
4.Nobody knows when the world came into existence.
5.Being exposed to the sunlight for a long time will be harmful to one's skin.
6.We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.
7.At no time should we give in to difficulties.
8.Fresh air is fundamental to good health.
1.Both national and international news in it makes it possible for us to learn all important things that have happened during the week.
2.Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into existence.
3.Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.
4.What he is to do was uncertain until 12 years ago when he was in Junior School.
5.The door is so short that Yao Ming can't walk into.
Hundreds of extreme sports enthusiasts travel to the Arctic circle in northern Norway each year to surf (冲浪) in freezing conditions. The beaches of the Lofoten Islands are very cold though. Here some surfers explain why they practise their passion (热爱的事物) in these icy waters:
Ellen Holgersen
Living here in Lofoten has been a dream for a long time. I tried living in places where you can surf just outside your doorstep but it was like going to the gym for me, a lot of people and too simple. Here it's more of an expedition (探险) because of the cold. I love the feeling that you have when you come up from the ocean and you're just freezing cold.
Lisa Blom
Surfing is life. It's a must. When you're not surfing there are lots of other things you can do, hike, ski, fish ... Lofoten is like a big playground for grownups. Winter surfing is best because the waves are usually bigger.
Inge Weggen
Surfing is freedom. The surroundings here in Lofoten, the mountains, make the whole experience so much bigger because you can have an eagle flying over you and you can look up at the mountains and you take that into that moment when you're surfing. Spring is my favourite time to surf. We get more light and it is nice with the sun. I also love the colder season because that's when you have the best waves.
Ole Kristian Fjelltun Larsen
The weather doesn't bother me that much. Winter is more challenging. It's like an extreme form of meditation (沉思), with an extreme contact with nature. In winter, you get very tired physically. The body uses a lot of energy to keep warm, but your head gets really relaxed. You calm down and big problems become smaller problems.
1.How does Holgersen feel about surfing in warm water
A.It lacks fun.
B.It offers more comfort.
C.It can be hard for beginners.
D.It can be a good way to relax.
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据Ellen Holgersen部分中的“Here it's more of an ... you're just freezing cold”可知,Holgersen喜欢在刺骨的冷水中进行冲浪。由此可知,她觉得在温暖的水中冲浪毫无趣味可言。
2.Why does Weggen like to surf in spring
A.The water is calmer.
B.The waves are bigger.
C.The days are longer.
D.The scenery is prettier.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Inge Weggen部分中的“Spring is my favourite time to surf. We get more light and it is nice with the sun”可知,Weggen喜欢在春季进行冲浪,因为春季白天的时间更长一些。
3.What do we know about the four people mentioned in the text
A.They are down to earth doers.
B.They are brave adventurers.
C.They are deep thinkers.
D.They are true pioneers.
解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章对四人的介绍可知,他们均是极限运动爱好者,可谓勇敢的冒险家。
Red dwarf stars (红矮星) can range in size from a hundred times smaller than the sun, to only a couple of times smaller.Because of their small size these stars burn their fuel very slowly, which allows them to live a very long time.Some red dwarf stars will live trillions of years before they run out of fuel.
Then why are red dwarf stars red?Because red dwarf stars only burn a little bit of fuel at a time. They are not very hot compared to other stars.Think of a fire.The coolest part of the fire at the top of the flame glows red, the hotter part in the middle glows yellow, and the hottest part near the fuel glows blue.Stars work the same way.Their temperatures determine what color they will be.Thus we can determine how hot a star is just by looking at its color.
Like the Sun, these medium sized stars are yellow because they have a medium temperature.Their higher temperature causes them to burn their fuel faster.This means they will not live as long, only about 10 billion years or so.Near the end of their lives, these medium sized stars swell up becoming very large.When this happens to the Sun it will grow to engulf (吞没) even the Earth.Finally they shrink again,leaving behind most of their gas.This gas forms a beautiful cloud around the star called a planetary nebula (行星状星云).
When will the Sun expand into a giant, and then shrink leaving behind a planetary nebula
Don't worry.The Sun is only about 5 billion years old.It still has another 5 billion years before it will expand, and then turn into a planetary nebula.
The Sun is so hot that when it dies, it will take a long time to cool off.The sun will die in about 5 billion years, but it will still glow for many billions of years after that.As it cools, it will be what is called a white dwarf star.Finally, after billions maybe even trillions of years, it will stop glowing, at that point it will be what we call a black dwarf star.There are still no black dwarf stars in the Universe.
4.Why do the red dwarf stars burn their fuel very slowly
A.Because they are small.
B.Because they don't move around.
C.Because they are cool.
D.Because they reflect light like the moon.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句话“Because of their small size these stars burn their fuel very slowly ...”可知选A项。
5.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2
A.How red dwarf stars work.
B.Why red dwarf stars burn a little fuel.
C.Why red dwarf stars are red.
D.How temperature determines the color.
解析:选C 段落大意题。综合第二段的内容可知,本段开头由一个问句(为本段的主题句)引出作者要说明的中心:红矮星为什么是红色的?然后通过类比来进行解释,因此C项为最佳选项。
6.The title on the underline before Paragraph 3 is probably .
A.The Sun       B.Yellow Stars
C.Planetary Nebula D.Star Temperature
解析:选B 段落大意题。纵观最后四段话可以看出:作者通过读者所熟悉的、与黄色星相类似的太阳相比较来对黄色星进行说明,最后三段话看似与黄色星无关,但实际上是对黄色星发展走向的一个预测,故B项最佳。
7.Which of the following website may this passage taken from
解析:选D 文章出处题。本文主要介绍了红矮星和黄色星,与天文学有关,由此推断本文是从与天文学有关的www.kidsastronomy.com上摘录的。
How to make true friends
Whether your friendship lasts for a season or a lifetime, here are some ways to make true friends.
Be friendly to people. Your actions should show them that you are a true friend and, in return, they will probably be a true friend to you as well. 1 You can't expect someone to be a true friend if you're not a true friend.
2 Although life changes may separate you, you can call each other on the phone, visit each other, write letters, send cards, and communicate online through email and social networking sites.
Find friends with some similar interests. You don't have to have everything in common, but it would be helpful if you had some things in common. 3
Learn the difference between good friends and bad friends. 4 They are always honest with you and they don't do things to hurt you. Bad friends are those who do not seem to value the friendship. They may never be there for you when you need them or do things that are hurtful to you.
5 Once you recognize the differences in good friends and bad friends, decide which friends you want to stay connected with and which ones you're better off without. The friends who will stick with you through good times and bad times are true friends. Let them know that you appreciate your friendship and be sure to stay a true friend to them.
A.Choose your friends carefully.
B.Keep in touch with each other.
C.Accept your friends for who they are.
D.You have to treat people the way you want to be treated.
E.Show your respect to your friends no matter what happens.
F.Good friends are those who are there for you when you need them.
G.Having things in common gives you someone to share and enjoy doing something together.
1.解析:选D 本段的主旨是要友好地对待他人,本选项意为:用你喜欢别人对待你的方式去对待别人。和上下句构成并列关系,共同来说明如何对待他人,所以选D项。
2.解析:选B 由本段中所提到的多种联系方式可以概括出本段的主旨,即保持相互间的联系,所以选B项。
3.解析:选G 本选项承接上一句,进一步说明拥有共同兴趣爱好的好处,所以选G项。
4.解析:选F 结合本段主旨句中提到的“good friends and bad friends”以及后面所提到损友的特征可以推断出本选项要谈及益友的特征与之相对应,所以选F项。
5.解析:选A 本段提到要远离损友、亲近益友,从而可以概括出本段的主旨,即要谨慎选择朋友,所以此处选A项。
1.There exist (有) many factories along the river, some of which 2. have done great harm to (对……造成损害) the environment. Last year, one of them exploded 3.violently (剧烈地); as a result, the local people got into a great panic. Hearing that some measures had been taken 4.in time (及时) to 5.prevent the pollution 6.from (阻止) getting bad to worse, they were all more than glad.PAGE
第 1 页 共 7 页
课时跟踪检测(三) Learning about Language & Using Language
1.The moon is a satellite (卫星) of the earth.
2.Some plants will not grow in a cold climate (气候).
3.Another spaceship (宇宙飞船) has been sent up recently.
4.A small crowd attempted to pull (拉) down a statue.
5.When you're tired of swimming, just float (漂浮) for a while.
6.He is a lovely boy, very gentle (gently) and caring.
7.He is a physicist (physics) of the first rank.
8.His sister is studying biology (biologist) at college.
9.We will become weightless (weightlessly) in space.
10.The extinction (extinct) of the rare animals is largely due to the climate change.
break out, cheer up, now that, block out, watch out for, get the hang of
1.The heavy curtain blocked out the light, so it was very dark in the room.
2.Cheer up! I'm sure you'll have a second chance.
3.The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.
4.Watch out for ice on the road, or you'll fall down.
5.Now that you put your hand to the work, you should try your best to finish it.
6.English learning is easy once you get the hang of it.
1.Jessica devoted three times as much time and energy as she did before, so I believe she will succeed this time.
2.She has as attractive a voice as her sister.
3.After he waited for two hours, the train finally pulled in.
4.Now that you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
At the start of a new year, Jessica Morris, a 30 year old woman from California, made a special new year wish — to save someone's life. In San Francisco, writer David Nachere, also 30, had almost 1 the hope of finding a kidney donor (肾脏捐献者) after suffering from end stage kidney failure for seven years, and was coming to terms with the idea of 2 . But he decided to make one more 3 and posted an advertisement online. 4 , Jessica was looking for a way to keep her 5 and called him.
“I was straightforward with David; he probably thought I was 6 . He doubted my word, and you can tell he was 7 to get too excited about it,” said Jessica.
Considering what David had been 8 for most of his life, it's easy to understand him. His first kidney 9 when he was three months old. And then his second one was failing, too. Life hadn't been 10 to him. Therefore, when he heard from a 11 stranger about the donation, he had to stop himself getting too excited.
Even after they 12 , David couldn't believe he would get another 13 at life. But then he was told that Jessica was a 14 and was asked to prepare for the operation. After two months of 15 preparation, including lots of tests, lab work and many X rays, Jessica and David had the operation together, and she gave him a part of herself so that he could 16 living.
Now both of them are recovering from the operation. Although this kind of operation carries a 17 , they both center on the positive (积极的) fact that the operation was 18 and both have found a friend for life in each other. “He'll 19 be my friend for life. He has a piece of me for life, so he has no choice,” Jessica jokingly said, 20 that they have decided to go traveling together soon.
1.A.picked up        B.given up
C.passed on D.cut down
解析:选B 参见下题解析。
2.A.agreeing B.winning
C.forgetting D.dying
解析:选D 根据本句中的“after suffering from end stage kidney failure for seven years”以及下文中的“He doubted my word”和“David couldn't believe”可知,他对找到肾源几乎“不抱(given up)”什么希望,打算接受“不能活下去(dying)”这个现实。
3.A.reply B.suggestion
C.try D.gift
解析:选C 根据本句中的“posted an advertisement online”可知,他决定再“试试(try)”。
4.A.Luckily B.Finally
C.Naturally D.Clearly
解析:选A 参见下题解析。
5.A.promise B.role
C.job D.hope
解析:选A 由上文中的“Jessica ... made a special new year wish — to save someone's life”以及下文中的“called him”可知,非常“幸运的是(Luckily)”,Jessica的新年愿望是拯救别人的生命,她正想办法实现自己的“诺言(promise)”。
6.A.wrong B.strange
C.polite D.special
解析:选B 根据下文中的“He doubted my word”可知,他可能觉得Jessica很“奇怪(strange)”。
7.A.starting B.refusing
C.wanting D.planning
解析:选B 根据本句中的“He doubted my word”以及下文中的“he had to stop himself getting too excited”可知,听到Jessica愿意给他捐赠肾脏,David并没有表现得很激动,refusing符合语境。
8.A.going through B.thinking about
C.looking into D.waiting for
解析:选A 结合下文的描述,此处表示想想David的“经历(going through)”,不难理解他为什么不相信Jessica的话。
9.A.changed B.worked
C.failed D.formed
解析:选C 根据下文中的“And then his second one was failing, too”可知,David三个月大时,一个肾的功能就已“衰竭(failed)”。
10.A.necessary B.exciting
C.important D.good
解析:选D 由上文中的“His first kidney when he was three months old. And then his second one was failing, too”可知,生活对他不太仁慈,故填good。
11.A.different B.strict
C.total D.funny
解析:选C 由上文可知,Jessica与David“完全(total)”不认识。
12.A.began B.returned
C.moved D.met
解析:选D 参见下题解析。
13.A.chance B.time
C.purpose D.hobby
解析:选A 由上文可知,当Jessica告知David她愿意捐献自己的肾脏时,David并不太相信。此处表示甚至在他们“见面(met)”之后,David仍然无法相信自己还有“机会(chance)”活下去。
14.A.problem B.match
C.friend D.method
解析:选B 根据本句中的“was asked to prepare for the operation”可推断,Jessica的肾与David的很“匹配(match)”。
15.A.repeated B.secret
C.careful D.valuable
解析:选C 根据本句中的“including lots of tests, lab work and many X rays”可知,经过两个月的“精心(careful)”准备,他们一起做了手术。
16.A.love B.mind
C.miss D.continue
解析:选D Jessica给David捐献肾脏使他能够“继续(continue)”活下去。
17.A.message B.risk
C.result D.disease
解析:选B 结合常识以及“both of them are recovering from the operation”可知,肾脏移植手术有一定的“风险(risk)”。
18.A.wonderful B.ready
C.successful D.possible
解析:选C 根据上文中的“both of them are recovering from the operation”以及下文中的“they have decided to go traveling together soon”可知,他们的肾移植手术非常“成功(successful)”。
19.A.probably B.hardly
C.suddenly D.surprisingly
解析:选A 根据下文中的“He has a piece of me for life, so he has no choice”可知,Jessica开玩笑说David极“有可能(probably)”成为她终生的朋友,因为他的身上有自己的一部分。
20.A.meaning B.adding
C.believing D.ordering
解析:选B 根据上文中的“Jessica jokingly said”和下文的内容可知,Jessica“补充说(adding)”他们决定不久后去旅行。
There are strong arguments on space travel, and below you will find a list of many frequently used arguments.
Pros of space travel:
—Space travel has inspired many people to continue improving technology such as inventing Velcro and non stick frying pans.
—If you look at the total GDP worldwide, space only accounts for a very small percentage of the total budget.
—Better to spend money on our future, than on other projects that would have a much lower potential reward.
—If we were to colonize (占领) another planet, it would reduce the population on Earth, which is already overpopulated. This will result in the survival of our species when our planet can no longer support human life.
—Multinational space stations have helped diplomacy (外交) among multiple nations.
Cons of space travel:
—There is a very large percentage of the earth's oceans we have yet to explore. We should continue exploring the remaining unknown regions of our oceans before continuing to another planet.
—The funding for space exploration comes from the tax payers' pockets. Many do not think that they should be forced into paying for something they oppose.
—The total contribution from space travel is minimal, when considering the total cost.
—We should not be thinking about colonizing a moon, or a planet. It's better to save our existing planet first. If we are to destroy one planet, what is to stop us from repeating the mistakes on another planet.
—Not only is the cost of manned space missions expensive, but space travel can have a serious effect on the human body over an extended period of time. The only way to solve it is by using robots, which reduces the human risk factor, and reduces the overall cost.
Overall, most people approve of (赞成) our current exploration methods. In my opinion, these methods should be reviewed to help reduce the cost of launches. I believe the potential of finding resources on other planets will make the cost of several decades of space exploration worthwhile.
1.Which of the following benefits of space travel is NOT mentioned
A.Creating more job opportunities.
B.Reducing the overpopulation problem.
C.Bringing about advanced technologies.
D.Developing relationships among countries.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Pros of space travel部分可知B、C、D三项均有提及,唯独A没提到。
2.The underlined part “the mistakes” here probably refers to .
A.colonizing a moon
B.doing damage to Earth
C.spending money with little reward
D.having a wrong understanding about other planets
解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“It's better to save our existing planet first.”可知“the mistakes”指的是我们对地球的破坏。
3.What would be the best title for this passage
A.The future of space travel
B.The benefits of space travel
C.Why space travel is expensive
D.Whether space travel is worthwhile or not
解析:选D 标题归纳题。本文探讨了太空旅行值不值的问题。
4.What's the author's attitude towards space travel
A.Negative.     B.Doubtful.
C.Positive. D.Not mentioned.
解析:选C 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段“I believe the potential of finding resources on other planets will make the cost of several decades of space exploration worthwhile.”可知作者的态度是积极的。
There are many differences in the way different cultures raise kids. International visitors can't help but notice the fact that children are special in China. However, the way some Chinese people treat these very special kids may shock some foreign visitors.
When I told a Chinese mother her child was beautiful, I was nonplussed when she replied, “No, she's not; she's ugly.” Since that time I have heard many similar comments (评论), including, “No, he's not bright; he's stupid.” This is a huge cultural difference that needs to be understood when you talk about kids with your international visitors.
Someone explained it to me, “We Chinese don't want to appear too proud.” I'm sure there are other people in the world who feel the same way, but most people in my country would consider you a terrible parent if you said your kid was stupid or ugly. They would think you were destroying the child's self confidence. When we Americans say something good about our child we don't think we are being proud because we are saying it about the child, not about ourselves. In this way, we separate the child from the parent as two different persons.
You may think I sound too proud when I freely say to another westerner: “My daughter is smart and pretty.” Of course, I still have to teach her not to be proud, but I can be proud of her. It's just the way she was made, and I'm thankful for that. So, in the US when we say something nice about our own kids, it is not considered being too proud but rather, being thankful and being a good parent.
5.What does the underlined word “nonplussed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Hopeful. B.Worried.
C.Regretful. D.Surprised.
解析:选D 词义猜测题。由第一段中的“However, the way some Chinese people treat these very special kids may shock some foreign visitors”可知,作者向一名中国母亲夸赞她的孩子漂亮,那位母亲说孩子丑。这让作者感到很惊讶。
6.When US parents praise their child in front of others, they .
A.often feel proud of themselves
B.try to build the kid's confidence
C.just say something nice about the kid
D.have similar feelings as Chinese parents
解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段中的“because we are saying it about the child, not about ourselves”可知,当美国父母在别人面前夸赞自己孩子的时候,他们仅仅是在夸赞孩子,并没有夸赞自己。
7.What can we infer about the author
A.He is from the US.
B.He is visiting America.
C.He is a Chinese parent.
D.He is an expert in education.
解析:选A 推理判断题。由第三段中的“When we Americans say something good about our child”和最后一段中的“So, in the US when we say something nice about our own kids”可知,作者来自美国。
8.What is mainly discussed in the text
A.How different cultures in the world raise kids.
B.How Chinese and US parents talk about kids.
C.How US parents feel about themselves.
D.How different countries treat kids.
解析:选B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讨论了中美两国父母在谈论孩子方面的文化差异。PAGE
第 5 页 共 5 页
课时跟踪检测(一) Warming Up & Reading — Pre-reading
What are your retirement plans Keep working Get more exercise Or learn something new You may put_them_on_hold. There's a chance that, sooner or later, you might have to move further than you were thinking, as far as Mars.
On Thursday, National Geographic will show the first ever Mars show home, giving earthlings (地球人) an idea of what their life could look like on the Red Planet. In the not so distant year of 2037, the igloo shaped structure could be the home of your future.
It shows a house built using recycled spacecraft (航天器) parts and Martian soil, called regolith, which has been microwaved into bricks. Some parts of the home are recognizable — a kitchen, a bedroom — but there are fundamental differences that are important to human survival.
As the Martian atmosphere is around one hundredth as thick as the Earth's, people will need permanent (永久的) shelter from the sun; society will move largely indoors. Most buildings will be connected by underground passages and the houses won't have windows. The homes will have simulated solar lighting, or natural light that has been bent several times.
Walls will need to be 10 to 12 feet thick, to protect people from dangerous rays (光线) that can pass through six feet of steel, and a double air locked entrance to keep the home under proper pressure.
“We don't think of our houses as things that keep us alive, but on Mars your house will be a survival centre,” says Stephen Petranek, author of How We'll Live on Mars. This is not just the stuff of sci fi. “10 to 20 years from now there will certainly be people on Mars,” Petranek says.
“We've had the technology for 30 years to land people on Mars, but we haven't had the will,” Petranek says. But two main factors have “completely swung public attitudes”.
The private companies' participation has forced government agencies to speed up their game, and influential films such as Gravity and The Martian have caught society's eye.
1.What can we know about the show home from the text
A.It has no windows or doors due to security concern.
B.Its design presents the idea of environmental protection.
C.It has thick walls keeping the home under proper pressure.
D.Its underground passages connect all the buildings together.
解析:选B 推理判断题。结合第三段中的“It shows a house built using recycled spacecraft (航天器) parts and Martian soil, called regolith, which has been microwaved into bricks”可知,房屋的设计显示了环境保护的理念。
2.What do the underlined words “put them on hold” in Paragraph 1 probably mean
A.Put them off.     B.Give them away.
C.Carry them through. D.Take them seriously.
解析:选A 词义猜测题。结合画线词前面的“Keep working Get more exercise Or learn something new”可知,这是一些退休后的具体打算,同时根据画线词后面的“you might have to move further than you were thinking”可知,画线词表示推迟这些打算,因此选A。
3.What is the best title for the text
A.Living on Mars: Possible or Not
B.Sending People to Mars: Yes or No
C.First ever Show Home: How Is It Made
D.Future Home on Mars: What Will It Be Like
解析:选D 标题归纳题。根据第二段中的“the first ever Mars show home, giving earthlings (地球人) an idea of what their life could look like on the Red Planet”和下面几个段落的内容可知,本篇文章主要讲述了未来在火星上居住是什么情况,因此选D。
When I arrived at 6 am in the hospital kitchen, Rose was already checking name tags (标签) on the trays (托盘).
“Hi, I'm Janet.” I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew Rose's reputation for being impossible to work with. “I'm scheduled to work with you this week.”
Rose, a middle aged woman, stopped what she was doing and looked closely over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasn't pleased to see a student worker.
“What do you want me to do Start the coffee?” I asked.
Rose nodded and went back to checking name tags.
I filled the 40 cup pot with cold water and began making coffee when Rose yelled, “That's not the way to make coffee!” She stepped in and took over. Nothing I did pleased her.
Back at home, I stayed alone in my room, fighting back tears. I thought, “Maybe she didn't feel well. Maybe she had some trouble.” I decided to forgive her and try to get along with her.
The next morning, I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Rose's way as much as possible.
Over the next few days an amazing thing began to happen. My focus shifted from what she was doing to me, and I started seeing Rose as the person she was hurting. The icy tension began to melt away.
Throughout the rest of the summer, we had numerous opportunities to work together. Each time she seemed happy to see me. As I worked with this lonely woman, I listened to her — something no one else had done. I learned that she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care and her own health problems.
That summer I learned a lesson I've never forgotten. The world is full of people like Rose — annoying, demanding, unlovable — yet hurting inside. I've found that love is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend.
4.What was Rose's attitude towards the author the first day they met
A.Polite.        B.Curious.
C.Dissatisfied. D.Unashamed.
解析:选C 推理判断题。由第六段末的“Rose yelled ‘That's not the way to make coffee!’ She stepped in and took over. Nothing I did pleased her.”可推断,Rose与作者认识的当天对作者很不满意。
5.What did the author do after her first day of working with Rose
A.She hurt Rose. B.She helped Rose.
C.She ignored Rose. D.She tolerated Rose.
解析:选D 细节理解题。由第八段中的“I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Rose's way as much as possible”可知,与Rose第一天合作后,作者开始包容Rose。
6.What can we infer from the text
A.Never judge by appearances.
B.Friendship is love with understanding.
C.Misfortunes test the sincerity of friends.
D.Man has not a greater enemy than himself.
解析:选B 推理判断题。由最后两段尤其是文章末句“I've found that love is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend.”可知,作者对Rose采取了包容的态度后两人关系变得和谐,作者逐渐理解了Rose,且两人最终成为了朋友。据此可推断,友谊就是爱和理解。
It seems we can't get off the planet fast enough. Two thirds of NASA's money is spent on manned space exploration, and that number will grow with the USA's decision to send a man to Mars in 2037. We've seen all there is to see on Earth, right Wrong. The final place is here, under the surface of the sea.
Heading down into the ocean, human limits are quickly reached. At 200 metres, the water is as black as a moonless night. Most nuclear submarines (核潜艇) would implode (内爆) before they reach 1 km down. At 3 km — still less than the average depth of the ocean — there's a good chance that you'll discover a new species. The deepest diving whales go no further. At the very bottom, about 11 km down, lies the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. Eighteen humans have walked on the Moon, but only three have seen the Deep with their own eyes.
Yet things live down there. Big things. A very loud sound was once heard and scientists suggested that it was produced by an animal bigger than a blue whale, the largest creature known on the planet.
In the late 1990s, deep water submarine was dropped in the Southern Ocean, and passing 4,000 metres, it discovered something huge passing under it. Surprised Don't be. The ocean covers 70% of the planet's surface and we've studied less than 5% of it. We know more about the dark side of the Moon than about the bottom of the sea.
One reason that we explore space is to find evidence of other life forms. The search for life outside of Earth is important, but robots can look under the dry rocks of Mars better than humans. They're absolutely important for doing ocean research too, but they can't look under the sea. The cost of exploration is rising, but the results would benefit all our lives. Understanding the oceans will help us find new sources of food, drugs and energy.
Perhaps now it's time to begin a new period of sea exploration. Manned exploration of space is science fiction (科幻小说). The adventure of the deep sea is science fact.
7.What do we know about the Challenger Deep
A.Blue whales live there.
B.No one has ever been there.
C.People are terrified by the sight of it.
D.It is the deepest known location on Earth.
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean”可知,挑战号深渊是地球上目前已知的最深的海底。
8.What does the author think of the discovery in the Southern Ocean
A.It's surprising. B.It's no wonder.
C.It's worrying. D.It's no success.
解析:选B 观点态度题。根据第四段中的“Surprised Don't be. The ocean covers 70% of the planet's surface and we've studied less than 5% of it. We know more about the dark side of the Moon than about the bottom of the sea.”可知,作者认为南冰洋中可能存在比蓝鲸更大生物的发现不足为奇。
9.Why do we need to explore the sea
A.Sea exploration is cheaper than ever before.
B.We have explored less than 5% of the sea.
C.It will help improve our future life.
D.It will benefit space exploration.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“the results would benefit all our lives. Understanding the oceans will help us find new sources of food, drugs and energy”可知,海洋探索将造福人类。
10.What does the author want to tell us
A.Space exploration is of little value.
B.We spend too much money on space travel.
C.Humans' success lies in how much they explore the sea.
D.The ocean is the place where we should make our efforts.
解析:选D 主旨大意题。作者在文章第一段就点出自己的观点:“The final place is here, under the surface of the sea.”,并在接下来的段落中具体论述海洋探索的重大意义。由此可知,D项概括了文章主旨。