人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness 课时跟踪检测(3份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness 课时跟踪检测(3份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-27 11:29:38


第 6 页 共 6 页
Unit 3 课时跟踪检测(二)
Warming Up & Reading — Language Points
1.These kinds of goods are usually transported (运输) by air.
2.He usually prefers (更喜欢) apples to oranges.
3.I finally persuaded (说服) her into going out for a walk.
4.Their appointment has been scheduled_(安排时间) for 6 pm.
5.Attitudes (态度) are beginning to change.
6.On hearing the weather will change, they are determined(determine) to finish their travel at once.
7.One of the major disadvantages (advantage) of the area is the lack of water.
8.After graduation/graduating (graduate) from university, he determined to settle in the countryside.
9.The students themselves organized (organization) a lot of activities to kill their spare time.
10.His preference (prefer) is coffee rather than tea.
ever since, dream about, care about, be fond of, graduate from, change one's mind, make up one's mind, give in
1.Once you have decided to do something, don't change_your_mind easily. Just go ahead.
2.Ever_since she moved to London with her husband, I haven't seen her.
3.Almost 10,000 students will graduate_from Beijing University this year.
4.It took me three hours to advise him, and he finally gave_in and agreed to help us.
5.My brother has made_up_his_mind to go abroad for further education after graduation.
6.As a child, I often dreamed_of flying in the sky.
7.Smokers don't care_about the dangers of smoking.
8.Most of people are_fond_of eating meat. But you know they should also eat more vegetables to keep healthy.
1.She was_at_a_disadvantage compared to the young graduates.
2.The medical team is_scheduled_to_arrive tomorrow.
3.He prefers to_stay at home rather than go shopping.
4.The question is_difficult_to_answer.
5.He insisted that the work (should)_be_done_at_once.
6.I have_persuaded_him_of_its truth.
Europe is famous for big cities and world class art museums. It's easy not to notice the small, beautiful villages in Europe. However, if you're after relaxation, peaceful country walks, beautiful buildings, and chances for different cultures on your next trip, consider cutting down some of your city time and head out to a village instead. Here are three of the most beautiful villages in Europe, along with our top picks for places to stay in each.
Bibury in Gloucestershire, England
Often praised as the most beautiful village of the Cotsworlds, Bibury is also one of the most popular places for visitors to stay in the area, and attracts a lot of tourists from around the world. It's set among the green hills that the area is known for and is composed of light beige (浅米色) stone houses, including the famous Arlington Row, a line of houses dating back to 1380.
Cong in County Mayo, Ireland
Set on a small sea facing island on the western coast of Ireland, Cong is a quiet village that's famous for its grey stone ruins (灰石废墟) and many outdoor activities. One of the biggest reasons for its fame is that the 1952 film The Quiet Man was made there, but the biggest draw for most visitors is the chance to visit (or stay in) Ashford Castle, which is now run as a great expensive hotel.
Montepulciano in Tuscany, Italy
Spread over a hilltop nearly 2,000 meters above sea level, the Tuscan village of Montepulciano offers beautiful buildings from the Middle Ages, as well as many chances to visit wineries (酿酒厂) and taste the locally produced Vino Nobel di Montepulciano. With fortifications (防御工事) dating back to the 14th century, the village has churches and public squares, which are truly fascinating.
1.What is the biggest draw for most visitors in Cong
A.Grey stone ruins there.
B.Outdoor activities there.
C.The film The Quiet Man.
D.Visiting Ashford Castle.
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Cong in County Mayo, Ireland部分最后一句中的“... but the biggest draw for most visitors is the chance to visit (or stay in) Ashford Castle ...”可知,最吸引人的是参观Ashford Castle。
2.What are we unlikely to do in Montepulciano
A.Read the Bible in the churches.
B.Visit beautiful buildings from the Middle Ages.
C.Taste the locally produced wine.
D.Experience the fortifications from the 14th century.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“... the village has churches and public squares ...”可知,文章仅仅提到了“这里有教堂和广场”,并没有说“读《圣经》”。
3.What does the underlined word “picks” in the first paragraph mean
A.Plans.       B.Visits.
C.Choices. D.Ideas.
解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句的意思可知,这里有三个漂亮的村子可供我们选择,因此,这里的picks就是“选择”的意思。
4.Where can we read this text
A.A science report.    B.A guide book.
C.A news report. D.An advertisement.
解析:选B 文章出处题。根据第一段内容可知,本文给我们提供了三个美丽的乡村旅游胜地,所以,本文很可能选自于旅游指南。
I clearly remember my first airplane ride. It was in my last year of high school that my friends and I decided to go to Italy. I was both really excited and afraid.
On that day, my mom drove me and one of my friends to the airport. We got there early. After my mother left, we waited outside for the rest of the group. From where we stood we could see every plane taking off. The planes were so close to us; I could almost feel their power. At the same time, there was a fear that a plane might crash (坠毁) at any time.
I couldn't take it anymore so we went back inside. I decided to eat some candy and chocolate before the flight. They always help to calm me down. Minutes later, the rest of the group arrived.
Then, we all went to the gate. My legs were shaking and I thought I was going to throw up. But no, I stood there like a “man” and faced reality.
We were about to board the plane. My friends were all laughing and joking around with each other like it was no big deal, and I walked right behind them terrified to death. Once we got into the plane and found our seats, I could only do one thing: look for the devices (装置) that can save lives.
Then I heard the engines starting. My eyes popped open wide and I took a really deep breath.
I felt the plane moving and I could only think to myself “God will not let me die; God will not let me die”. Ten minutes later I was myself again. I wasn't afraid anymore. I started to relax; I even read a book and talked to my friends. I remember falling asleep for a while too. And in no time we were in Italy.
Rome sweet Rome!
5.How did the author get to the airport
A.By bus. B.By bike.
C.By car. D.On foot.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“On that day, my mom drove me and one of my friends to the airport.”可知,是妈妈开车送作者去的机场。
6.Why did the author look for the devices that can save lives in the plane
A.The author was terrified and nervous.
B.The author wanted to play with them.
C.The author's friends were in danger.
D.The plane was going to crash.
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“... there was a fear that a plane might crash at (坠毁) any time.”,第四段中的“My legs were shaking ...”和第五段中的“... I walked right behind them terrified to death.”可知,作者非常害怕和紧张。
7.What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to
A.The author's friends.
B.People in the waiting room.
C.The author's parents.
D.Some candy and chocolate.
解析:选D 代词指代题。根据画线词所在的前一句“I decided to eat some candy and chocolate before the flight.”可知,这里的They指的是“some candy and chocolate”。
8.What could be the best title of this text
A.My Terrified Airplane Ride
B.My First Airplane Ride
C.My Unforgettable Experience
D.To Be a Real “Man”
解析:选B 标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知本文主要记叙的是“我第一次坐飞机”的情况。
Fearing a long, family car ride In fact, a long car ride can give you a good chance to do lots of things.
Read a book. During a long ride, an easy way to pass time would be to read! But not just any boring old book, a book that is interesting. This can work for some people as long as you don't get too carsick (晕车的). __1__
Listen to some music and sing songs together. You can put music on through the car stereo (音响) and sing along. Or just sing songs that all of you know. You can also teach your family some new songs. __2__ This may distract (使分心) the driver and put you and other people in danger of an accident.
__3__ Share stories, remember funny events, or discuss what you're going to do when you arrive at your destination. It will be nice to talk to your family so you can catch up what you missed.
Make good use of your technology. If you have an iPhone or iPad, play games on them. __4__
Stop and visit some beautiful places. If you're not in a hurry on your long ride, then make it a pleasure trip. Stop and enjoy some of the amazing places that are out there. __5__ You can also take some beautiful photos.
A.Talk to your family.
B.If you feel sick, stop reading.
C.Let the kids write their own songs.
D.But don't make very loud sounds.
E.Visit the national parks and places of interest.
F.Have some books or toys you always keep in the car.
G.You can also watch a movie or two on your iPhone or iPad.
答案:1~5 BDAGE
Susan had been 1._dreaming_about (梦想) travelling to Lijiang and she 2.preferred (愿意) her friend, Mary, to go with her. Although Mary was 3.stubborn (固执), she 4.determined (决定) to 5._persuade (说服) her to travel together. 6.Finally (最终), Mary 7.gave_in (让步) and agreed to travel with her. It was the travel that 8._changed_Susan's_mind (改变了苏珊的看法) that Mary 9.was_easy_to_get_along_with (容易相处).PAGE
第 7 页 共 8 页
Unit 3 课时跟踪检测(三)
Learning about Language & Using Language
1.I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow (枕头).
2.Jeremy hid the letter beneath (在……下面) a pile of papers.
3.He was worried about working with people who did not share his views (观点).
4.It is said that the temple (寺庙) in our village was built about 2,000 years ago.
5.The report forecasts (预报) the prices will rise by 3% next month.
6.We have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance (insure) as well.
7.John always means what he says, you can rely (reliable) on him.
8.We tried to discourage (encourage) him from climbing the mountain without a guide.
9.Here's some boiled (boil) water. Have a drink whenever you're thirsty.
10.Woolen (wool) clothes often shrink (缩水) when they are washed.
feel like, be dressed in, as usual, at midnight, make camp, stay awake, put up
1.Students say the sunny rooms help them stay_awake during class.
2.Mother is working in the setting sun as_usual.
3.They decide to make_camp on the mountain.
4.People are_dressed_in colorful clothes during celebrations.
5.Sometimes I feel_like travelling around the world.
6.A new theatre will be put_up where there was an old house.
7.The entrance gates were locked at_midnight.
1.He is a_reliable_boy. So you can trust him.
2.You can_get_a_good_view of the beautiful hotel garden from there.
3.No_matter_how/However_late_it_is,_his mother is always waiting for him.
4.She is such_a_lovely_girl_that we all like her.
=She is so_lovely_a_girl_that we all like her.
5.They can_hardly_wait_to_see that famous singer.
With an old wallet in his hand, a beggar was asking for some coins to buy something to eat along the street. He kept __1__ why those who had so much money were never __2__ and were always desiring more. “If I had enough to __3__ and to wear, I wouldn't want anything more,” he said.
Just then Goddess Fortune came down the __4__ and saw the beggar. She said, “I've wished to __5__ you for long. Now, open your __6__ and I'll pour gold into it. But all that falls into the wallet will be pure __7__ while all falling upon the __8__ shall become dust. Understand?”
“Yes,” said the beggar.
“You should __9__! Your wallet is a __10__ one, so don't load it too heavily,” said the Goddess Fortune.
The excited beggar could __11__ wait to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a __12__ of gold was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier.
“Is that enough Isn't it cracking?” asked the Goddess Fortune.
“Never __13__. It's still strong enough,” answered the beggar.
The wallet was filled with so much gold that the beggar's hands began to __14__. “If only the golden stream would __15__ forever! Just a little more! __16__ just a handful or two,” said the beggar.
“It's full. The wallet will __17__,” warned the Goddess Fortune. But the beggar requested, “It will __18__ a little more.”
Some more gold was added and the wallet split (裂开). The __19__ fell upon the ground and became dust. The beggar had nothing but his __20__ wallet.
1.A.showing        B.explaining
C.proving D.wondering
解析:选D 该空后的“... why those ... were always desiring more.”是这个乞丐想要知道的,故选wondering。
2.A.relaxed B.satisfied
C.worried D.depressed
解析:选B 根据该空后的“and were always desiring more”可知,此处指有很多钱的人永不“满足”,总是想要更多。
3.A.learn B.watch
C.eat D.play
解析:选C 根据文章首句中的“to buy something to eat”可知,他说自己的钱如果够他“吃”、够他穿,他就不会想要更多。
4.A.street B.bridge
C.yard D.forest
解析:选A 根据第一段第一句中的“along the street”可知,当时这个乞丐正沿街乞讨,这时幸运女神沿着“街道”走来,两人相遇了。
5.A.praise B.forgive
C.help D.welcome
解析:选C 根据下文提到的幸运女神给了乞丐金子可推知,此处幸运女神说她很久之前就想“帮助”乞丐了。
6.A.coat B.pocket
C.box D.wallet
解析:选D 根据下文的“all that falls into the wallet”可知,幸运女神让乞丐打开“钱袋”。
7.A.joy B.luck
C.water D.gold
解析:选D 联系上一句中的“I will pour gold into it”可知,所有掉进钱袋里的金子都会变成纯“金”。
8.A.hand B.ground
C.face D.table
解析:选B 根据最后一段的“fell upon the ground and became dust”可知,掉到“地面”上的金子将会变成尘土。
9.A.look out B.stand up
C.stay out D.wake up
解析:选A 根据下一句中幸运女神提出的建议“don't load it too heavily”可知,幸运女神提醒乞丐要“小心”。
10.A.small B.smelly
C.worn D.full
解析:选C 联系第一段第一句中的“an old wallet”和最后一段的“the wallet split”可知,钱袋“用旧了”,所以要小心,不能装太沉的东西。
11.A.actually B.hardly
C.clearly D.mostly
解析:选B 联系该空前的“excited”和下一句中的“He quickly opened his wallet”可知,乞丐迫不及待地想拥有金子,故选hardly。
12.A.stream B.piece
C.pair D.bag
解析:选A 根据该空后的“was poured into it”可知,幸运女神将一些金子倒进了乞丐的钱袋。“a stream of”意为“一连串,一些”。
13.A.leave B.request
C.fear D.know
解析:选C 根据该空后的“It's still strong enough”可知,乞丐告诉幸运女神不要“担心”。
14.A.spread B.close
C.hide D.shake
解析:选D 根据该空前的“The wallet was filled with so much gold”可知,钱袋里装的金子太多了,以至于乞丐的手开始“颤抖”。
15.A.pour B.end
C.dry D.race
解析:选A 联系上文的“gold was poured into it”和文中暗示的乞丐的贪婪可知,他希望金子会一直“涌进”他的钱袋。
16.A.Take B.Add
C.Lend D.Send
解析:选B 根据该空前的“Just a little more!”可知,乞丐让幸运女神继续往他的钱袋里倒金子,即往里面“增加”金子。
17.A.flow B.burst
C.disappear D.change
解析:选B 联系上一句“It's full.”可知,钱袋已经满了,它要“爆裂”了。
18.A.attract B.permit
C.include D.hold
解析:选D 联系上一句中幸运女神的劝告和下一段提到的钱袋裂开了可知,乞丐对幸运女神的警告不屑一顾,认为钱袋还能“装下”金子。
19.A.present B.food
C.treasure D.jewel
解析:选C 联系第二段幸运女神所说的话可知,由于乞丐不听劝告,金子(即“财宝”)掉到了地上,变成了尘土。
20.A.broken B.magical
C.mistaken D.colorful
解析:选A 根据最后一段第一句中的“the wallet split”可知,最后这个乞丐只剩下那个“坏掉的”钱袋了。
Do you want a pleasant holiday The summer holidays are upon us again. Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!
Peterborough Museum
The Age of the Dinosaur is the museum's main attraction this summer. Get close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands on exhibits! The museum is open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm from Monday to Saturday, and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.
Call 01733-864663 for details.
Saxon Youth Club
School holiday fun: Young people aged 13-19 will be able to produce their own music, compete in sports activities, or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club, Saxon Community Center, Norman Road, Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday at 3:00 pm. Plus an aeroball tournament will take place on Thursday, 12th August between 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
Houghton Mill
Alice through the Looking Class — a new production of the family favorite on Monday, 30th August. Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play. Gates open from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Tearoom will be open until the end of the interval. Adult £10. Child £7. Family £20.
Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey
Farmland Games: From Welly Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches, come and join the Farmland Team. Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette (玫瑰形饰物) that is fit for a winner! No need to book, just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday, 19th August. Suitable for children aged four and above, each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission. Tickets Cost £7 per child.
For further information, call 01223-810080.
1.If you are interested in cooking, you can go to ________.
A.Peterborough Museum
B.Houghton Mill
C.Saxon Youth Club
D.Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Saxon Youth Club中的“... try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club”可知应选C。
2.You want to watch the new play with your parents, so it will cost you ________.
A.£21 B.£17
C.£27 D.£20
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Houghton Mill中的内容可知一家人需要20英镑。故选D。
3.Which of the following activities needs parents' company
A.Playing farmland games.
B.Watching a new play.
C.Competing in sports activities.
D.Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Farmland Museum and Denny Abby中的“Suitable for children aged four and above, each child should be accompanied by an adult”可知,农场游戏需要家长的陪伴。故选A。
Apart from various other beautiful destinations in India, it is also a great place for wild life lovers. A large number of people from different corners of the world visit India to observe the wild life closely.
Though there are many national parks in India but Corbett National Park has its own specialties. Corbett National Park is just 262 kms from the capital of India, New Delhi. Most people of New Delhi often visit this national park. Paying a visit to Corbett will offer you the opportunity to see some rare species of birds and animals. Apart from Corbett tour, tourists also get the opportunity to visit some important destinations like Corbett Museum, Garjia Temple and enjoy the most interesting nature walk along the river Kosi.
Most of the tourists go on Delhi Corbett Tour. Tourists start from Delhi and first they enjoy the sightseeing of Old Delhi. After visiting Old Delhi, tourists get the opportunity to enjoy the tour of sightseeing of New Delhi. Tourists can enjoy the visit of Humayun's Tomb, famous Qutub Minar, a visit to Parliament House and the residence (住宅) of president, India Gate and many other places. After finishing the sightseeing of New Delhi, the tourists go to Corbett National Park. At Corbett, you can stay in any of the famous Jungle Resort. Then you can explore Corbett National Park. Finally you go back to New Delhi as planned.
The city of Agra is very near New Delhi and tourists hope to go for Agra Tour as Taj Mahal is one of the most important attractions of Agra, a wonder of the world. If you are short of time you can make New Delhi Agra Same Day Tour. Agra is just 203 kms from New Delhi and you can easily visit Agra and come back to New Delhi.
4.What is one of the specialties of Indian travel according to the passage
A.Watching its natural beauty.
B.Visiting its temples.
C.Visiting its famous museums.
D.Watching many wild animals closely.
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...it is also a great place for wild life lovers. A large number of people ...visit India to observe the wild life closely.”可知,让人就近观看野生动物是印度旅游业的特色之一。
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.There is nothing special in Old Delhi.
B.Tourists can enjoy a nature walk along Kosi.
C.Corbett National Park is the only national park in India.
D.Corbett National Park is 262 kms away from Corbett Museum.
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后的“...tourists also get the opportunity to ... and enjoy the most interesting nature walk along the river Kosi.”可知B项正确。
6.Where is the attraction of India Gate
A.In Old Delhi.
B.In New Delhi.
C.In the city of Agra.
D.At Corbett.
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...enjoy the tour of sightseeing of New Delhi. Tourists can enjoy the visit ... to Parliament House and the residence (住宅) of president, India Gate ...”可知,印度门在新德里,因此选B项。
7.The writer advises those visitors who haven't much time to ________.
A.go on Delhi Corbett Tour B.visit Corbett National Park
C.only pay a visit to Old Delhi D.make Delhi Agra Same Day Tour
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“If you are short of time you can make New Delhi Agra Same Day Tour.”可知,作者建议如果时间不多,可以进行德里至阿格拉一日游。PAGE
第 5 页 共 5 页
Unit 3 课时跟踪检测(一)
Warming Up & Reading — Pre-reading
Travel information
Places of interest the Water Cube the West Lake Disneyland the Dragon Tower
Location Beijing Hangzhou Hong Kong Harbin
Phone number 010?28135589 0571?68345579 00852?28029822 0451?81187899
Price of the ticket ¥60 ¥50 ¥300 ¥150
Feature Special bubbly(充满气泡的)design The Broken Bridge Cartoon characters Skywalk(人行天桥)
1.If a person in Hangzhou feels like visiting the Water Cube, he should call ________ to get information.
A.0451?81187899    B.00852?28029822
C.0571?68345579 D.010?28135589
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据表格中the Water Cube栏下的电话号码可知答案为D。
2.Two travelers plan to have a bird's?eye view (鸟瞰) of Harbin, and they two need to pay ________ from the information above.
A.¥120 B.¥100
C.¥300 D.¥600
解析:选C 数字计算题。在Price of the ticket栏后面的the Dragon Tower下面可知门票是每人150元,两人应付300元。
3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the travel information
A.The Water Cube is special in design.
B.The price of a ticket for the West Lake is the highest.
C.In Disneyland, you can't see any cartoon characters.
D.The price of a ticket for the Dragon Tower is the lowest.
解析:选A 判断正误题。从4个景点的价格可知B、D两项错;从景点的特色Disneyland栏下面的Cartoon characters可知C项错。故A项正确。
It's that time of year again! The kids are out of school and parents are trying to plan a vacation and looking for family travel deals. A good place to start searching online is www. travelwithkids. . This site has a lot of good recommendations (提议) about where to go and what to see when you're traveling with the whole family. There's a lot more than Disneyland and Disney World, although you can also get great family travel deals to these destinations. If you're not sure where you want to go or what you want to do, start searching Internet travel sites like www. , www. travelocity. com, or www. for family travel deals.
Another good Internet site to visit with good information regarding traveling with children of all ages is www. . This site has a lot of good recommendations as well as family travel deals, and a listing of kid friendly vacation destinations, including events and activities available. If you're traveling with children to Mexico, then an all inclusive resort may be just right. Meals, snacks, drinks, tips and taxes are included in one price, and at many all inclusive resorts, children stay and eat for free if under the age of twelve. This is a great family travel deal, and many of these resorts offer something to kids and adults in a family friendly environment. Many resorts offer bookings for family travel deals through their websites or through various travel agencies.
Local travel agents can also make good recommendations about where to go depending on the ages of the children. They get a lot of information from other people with families and have probably traveled to many destinations themselves, so they can surely point vacationers in the right direction with lots of great family travel deals. The travel section in the local Sunday paper is also a good place to look for reasonable family travel deals, so book early to get the best family travel deal! Have fun!
4.What can we learn about an all inclusive resort
A.It's designed for children under age 12.
B.It can be booked only through websites.
C.Travelers pay all their costs once and for all.
D.Travelers don't have to pay for their food and taxes.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句可知,all inclusive resort是指各种费用全包、一次付清的度假胜地。
5.This text is most probably taken from ________.
A.a travel guidebook     B.a personal letter
C.a geography book D.a radio broadcast
解析:选A 文章出处题。本文为计划家庭出游的人们提供了相关服务信息,因此本文最有可能取自旅游指南。
6.What is the author's purpose of writing this text
A.To persuade people to visit Disneyland.
B.To draw some people's attention to some websites.
C.To give information on family travel deals.
D.To help children plan for their summer vacations.
解析:选C 写作意图题。概括全文内容可知,本文旨在为计划家庭出游的人们提供相关服务信息。
I'm a travel addict (旅游迷). I think it is very exciting to go to new places, experience different situations and see unfamiliar things. Here's what I have come up with about why travel is so fascinating.
To start with, whether we know it or not, every day is filled with anxiety about things that we don't need to worry about in the first place. Going to new places is a chance to escape from our everyday worries. For example, after a whole day at work, I am often physically and mentally exhausted and start to worry about things. However, the moment I get on the train or bus to my next destination (目的地) I forget all my tiredness and worries.
Next is one of the most basic concepts in travel: movement. I always take along books to read on my train trips, but in the end, only about five pages or so ever get read, because I just stare out of the window at the things whooshing by. Just the ability to move is exhilarating (令人高兴的). Movement also means that we are going to new places and seeing new things. But why is that important Because experiencing new situations, people and ideas could help us to learn about new things and grow, especially when we don't have the burden of everyday worries. I have never gone on a trip and come back as the same person; I have always changed and grown through travel.
So take every type of trip you can, at every chance you get, and you will not only experience more of the world, but will become a happier person with a richer set of experiences.
7.The text is mainly about ________.
A.how to have a comfortable life
B.how to become a travel addict
C.why travel is so attractive
D.how to get rich experiences
解析:选C 主旨大意题。通过文章第一段“Here's what I have come up with about why travel is so fascinating.”可知本文主要是作者向读者介绍为什么旅行会如此吸引人。故C项正确。
8.What does the underlined word “exhausted” mean in the second paragraph
A.Angry.       B.Excited.
C.Tired. D.Weak.
解析:选C 词义猜测题。通过第二段“... the moment I get on the train or bus to my next destination (目的地) I forget all my tiredness and worries.”可知exhausted对应的应该是tiredness。故C项正确。
9.Why doesn't the author read much on train trips
A.Because he doesn't like reading on the train.
B.Because he is distracted by the scenery.
C.Because he is too busy working to read.
D.Because he is too tired to read.
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段“... but in the end, only about five pages or so ever get read, because I just stare out of the window at the things whooshing by”可知,作者之所以在火车上看不了书,是因为他都会被窗外呼啸而过的风景所吸引而分神。故B项正确。
10.According to the author traveling to new places offers all of the following benefits EXCEPT that ________.
A.it helps us to learn new things
B.it makes us happier people
C.it helps us to get more experiences
D.it gives us more chances to read
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Because experiencing new situations, people and ideas could help us to learn about new things...”可知,旅行让人学到新的东西,故A项叙述正确;根据最后一段“... and you will not only experience more of the world, but will become a happier person with a richer set of experiences”可知旅行让人变得更快乐而且会获得更丰富的经历。故B、C两项叙述正确。根据第三段“... but in the end, only about five pages or so ever get read”可知作者在旅行时读不了多少书,故D项叙述错误,符合题意。