人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Words and Expressions 课件(共81张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Words and Expressions 课件(共81张PPT)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-28 19:34:35



Unit 2
Wildlife Protection
words and expressions
poster / p st (r)/ n.海报
post n
①邮政,邮递; 包裹 by post 用邮寄
②(尤指重要的) 职位;岗位 apply for the post 申请这个岗位
③帖子,在线留言板上 an online post 一篇网上帖子
vt 发表; 张贴;公布 post an article online在网上发表一篇文章
反:legal adj.法律的;合法的 legally adv. 合法地;法律地
illegal activities 非法活动
illegal drugs 违禁药品
illegal parking 违章停车
It’s illegal to do...... 做某事是违法的
illegal / li ɡ( )l/ adj. 不合法的;非法的 (illegally adv)
hunt /h nt/ vt.& vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕
hunt for sb./sth.  寻找某人/某物
(search for look for)
hunter n. 猎人
hunting n. 狩猎运动;打猎 go hunting 去打猎
(1)Weather permitting, we'll go _________(hunt) this Sunday morning.
(2)They are still hunting ________ the missing boy, who disappeared last week after attending his friend's birthday party.
_____________________________at such a speed that they will disappear soon.
These animals are being hunted
immediately adv.立刻
=at once/right now/right away/ in no time 立刻,马上
immediate adj. 立即的,当前的
_________________ (immediate), he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.
species[ spi i z]n.物种 单复数同形
a species of antelope 一种羚羊
the human species=mankind 人类
on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底
eg. What on earth are you doing ? 你究竟在干什么?
on the earth 在地球上
shark / ɑ k/ n.鲨鱼
fin /f n/ n.(鱼的)鳍
die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
die of   因(疾病、饥饿、情感原因等)而死
die from 因(外伤、车祸、污染等)而死
die away (声音、风、光等)渐渐消失
die down (兴奋、火等)渐弱,渐息
(1)If we don't take action to protect wildlife, they will die ________some day.
(2)As is known to us, many people all over the world died ________COVID-19.
__________________________________, we young people should take the responsibility of protecting them.
As endangered animals are dying out
alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
(1)alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心
n. 恐慌;警报;警报器
sound the alarm 发出警报
(be) in alarm 惊恐地
(2)alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的
be alarmed at/by... 对……感到担心或害怕
(1)Small earthquakes are so common here that people don't feel very ________(alarm) at them.
(2)Seeing the police, the thief ran away ________ alarm.
The world is using up its natural resources ___________________.
at an alarming rate
rate n. 速度;(比)率 vt. 划分等级
rating n. 等级,级别
first-rate 一流的
the birth/death rate 出生率/ 死亡率
at a rate/speed of 以…的速度
extinct adj. 已灭绝的
an extinct species 已经灭绝的物种
extinction n.灭绝;消亡
be close to extinction 濒临灭绝
adj. 大量的,广泛的
the mass market 大众市场
n.大量;堆;群 a mass of / masses of
a mass/crowd of people 一大群人
massive 巨大的 massive production 大规模生产
aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的
(1)(be/become) aware of 意识到;知道
be aware that 意识到;知道
(2)awareness n. 意识;认识
raise one's awareness of 提高某人的意识
(1)In a word, people around the world should be aware ________ the importance of receiving education.
(2)It is well worth making an effort to promote the public ____________(aware) of environmental protection.
(3)As a member of society, I ______________(意识到)being responsible is very important to build a better society.
am aware that
The busier we are, the more strongly we feel that we are alive and aware of our existence. —— Kant
endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害
endangered animals
n-v :
danger -endanger
courage -encourage
average n.平均数;平均水平  vt.平均为
(1)an average of       平均有(后跟数词)
(2)on (the) average 平均而言;通常
above/below (the) average 在平均水平以上/以下
up to average 达到平均数;达到一般水准
①How many elephants are killed ___________ every day
②He has more effective learning methods,so his grade is __________________in his class.
________________, we students should take exercise for at least an hour to keep healthy each day.
on average
above (the) average
On (the) average
prince n. 王子
princess n. 公主
make progress (in) (在……方面)取得进步
= (make advances in)
(1)progress vi. 进展,前进
n. 进步;前进;进展
(2)in progress 在进行中
(1)It is reported that the building of the bridge is ________ progress.
(2)As is known to us, medical science ______________(progress) rapidly in our country at present.
I do hope ________________________your English study.
is progressing
you can make progress in
concern vt.涉及;让……担忧 n.担忧;关心
(1)concern oneself about...   关心……
(2)express/show concern about/for...对……表示关心/担心
(3)concerned adj. 担心的;关切的
be concerned about/for... 担心……
as/so far as...be concerned 就……而言
(4)concerning prep. 关于;涉及(regarding)
(1) I am writing to you to _____________________ your study.
(2) His mother is concerned __________ his future and his happiness.
(3) ___________(concern) about his daughter's study, the single father decided to have a talk with her.
show my concern for
living adj.居住的;活的;在用的;n.生活;生计
make/earn a living 谋生;度日
=make/earn one’s living
When there is no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from the world. We call it the final death.
adapt  vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合;改编
(1)adapt (oneself) to (doing)... 使(自己)适应/习惯于(做)……
(2)adapt...from... 根据……改写/改编……
adapt...for... 改编……作……之用
(3)adaptation n. 适应;改编;改写本
(1)After graduation from college, I gradually adapted myself to ________(live) on my own.
(2)My classmates and I have adapted a story ________ our English textbook ________ a short play recently.
(3)With time going by,I gradually made an ___________(adapt) to the new school life.
(4) To all of you, fresh students, how to________________________ (适应) the new environment is a big challenge.
adapt (yourselves) to
measure  n.措施;方法;尺寸 v.测量;
(1)measure...by...    用……来衡量……
be measured by/in... 用……来衡量/计算
(2)take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事
make sth.to sb.'s measure 按照某人的尺寸做某物
(1)The hall was extremely big, ___________ (measure) 200 metres long and 100 metres wide.
(2)As far as I am concerned, you'd better make a uniform_____ your own measure rather than buy one.
(3)We sincerely hope that ____________________________to protect this endangered species from dying out.
effective measures can be taken
pressure n.压力;要求
(1)under pressure     在压力下;承受压力
put pressure on sb. 给某人施加压力
(2)press vi.& vt.      按;压;逼迫;催促
press sb.to do sth. 敦促某人做某事
(1)I can't deal with the matter within three days and I am ________ great pressure.
(2)It is his mother that presses him ________(get) up early every morning.
(3)I know studying is very important, but my parents ___________________________.
to get
put too much pressure on me
reserve a room/table/seat 预订房间/桌子/座位
reserve sth. for sb. 为……预订 / 保留某物
reserve the right to do sth 保留做某事的权利
in reserve 备用
a nature reserve /preserve自然保护区
reservation n.
without reservation毫无保留
make a reservation 预定
plain /ple n/ n.平原 hill 山丘 basin 盆地
adj. 简单明了的;直率的;平凡; 相貌平平的
in plain language 用浅显的语言
Plain living and high thinking. ——Wordsworth
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
observe vt.观察(到);注意到;注视;遵守;庆祝
(1)observe sb. do sth  观察/注意到某人做某事(全过程)
observe sb. doing sth 观察/注意到某人正在做某事
(2)observe traffic rules 遵守交通规则
observe the New Year 庆祝新年
(3)observation n. 观察;评论,评述
感官动词 see/ look at / watch / notice / observe
observe sb.do sth.变为被动语态时,需补上do前面省略的不定式符号to,即sb.be observed to do sth.。
①This is why we're here—to _________ Tibetan antelopes.
②Only if everyone ________________________can we get away from traffic accidents.
observes traffic rules
One must observe the proper rites.
beauty / bju ti/ n.美;美人;美好的东西
the beauty of nature/Chinese characters /Calligraphy
a beauty 一个美女
beauty - beautify - beautiful - beautifully
remind vt.提醒;使想起
(1)remind...of...     使……想起……
remind sb.that... 使某人想起……
remind sb.to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
(2)reminder n. 起提醒作用的东西;
(1)Please remind me ________(write) an e-mail to my mother tomorrow, for it's her birthday.
(2) He__________________we should take measures to improve the whales' living environment.
(3) Riding bicycles can not only save energy but also _______________________________environmental protection.
to write
reminded us that
remind us to raise awareness of
shoot vt.&vi. (shot/ shot)
射杀;射伤;发射 shoot sb dead
拍摄(电影、照片等) shoot a film / a photo
猛长,激增 house prices shoot up 房价飙升。
profit n.利润,利益
make a profit/profits 赚取利润
I won't sell the future for a short-term profit.
v. 获益;获利
profit from = benefit from
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. ----John C. Maxwell
non-profit adj. 非盈利的
a non-profit organization非赢利机构
profitable / pr f t b( )l/adj. 盈利的,有利可图的
attack n.vi.& vt.攻击;抨击
(1)under attack       遭到攻击
a heart attack 心脏病发作
(2)be attacked with... 患……病
(be affected with)
be attacked by... 被……攻击/袭击
(1)The government took action to protect the fish boat from ________________(attack).
(2)Hearing her mother was attacked ________ a serious illness, the girl burst out crying.
(3)A boy was watching over his sheep _______________________a wolf. 一个小男孩正在放羊,这时他突然遭到了一只狼的袭击。
being attacked
when he was attacked by
recover  vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回
(1)recover from...     从……中恢复过来
recover oneself 恢复健康,痊愈
(2)recovery n. 恢复;复苏;痊愈
make a recovery from... 从……中恢复过来
(1)To our joy, the boy is gradually recovering ________ his heart operation.
(2)___________(recover) the lost time, he is working harder than ever before.
(3)Even though he was hurt seriously in the car accident, he finally made a ________(recover) from it.
To recover
remove vt.去除;移开;拿开;脱去;摘下;开除
remove...from...      把……从……移开/撤掉
remove sb.from one's post 撤某人的职;开除某人
remove sb.from school 把某人从学校开除
remove one's doubt 消除某人的疑虑
①What you said has completely ___________________.
②Only after he _______________________ did I recognize him.
removed my doubt
removed his dark glasses
intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要
(1)intend doing/to do sth.  打算做某事
intend sb.to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
(2)intended adj. 打算的,计划的;预期的
be intended to do... 为了做……
be intended for... 专门为……设计的;
(3)intention n. 用意;目的;意图
(1)The university is known for its language and culture courses,which are intended ________exchange students.
(2)The purpose of this activity is intended ________(help) us know our neighbors in a relaxing way.
(3)This program was set up with an __________ (intend) of providing help to homeless people.
(4) I'm writing to tell you my plan for the summer holiday.I _____________________ (打算参加)a Dragon Boat Training Camp.
to help
intend joining/to join
threat n.威胁
(1)a threat to...      对……的威胁
under threat (from...) 受到(……的)威胁
(2)threaten vt. 威胁;危及
threaten sb. with... 用……威胁某人
threaten to do sth. 威胁做某事
(1)Loss of habitats is a big threat ________ the living creature.
(2)If their habitat ______________(threat) or they can't find enough food, their numbers may decrease.
(3)Several endangered species __________________due to overhunting. 由于过度捕猎,几种濒危物种正受到威胁。
is threatened
are under threat
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future.
exist vi.存在;生存
(1)exist in...      存在于……之中
exist on... 靠……为生
There exist(s)...(the fact that) 某地有……;存在……
(2)existence n. 存在;生存
come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在
(3)existing adj. 现存的;现行的
(1)He finds it hard to exist _____ the money he's earning.
(2)Nowadays, there are still many people wondering when the earth came into __________(exist).
(3)The parking place for bikes was an ________ (exist) problem for a long time in our school.
The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve.
——阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)
harmony n.和谐;融洽
(1)in harmony with...   与……和谐相处;
out of harmony with... 与……不和谐;
(2)harmonious adj. 和谐的

When human beings are happy, that is, when they live in harmony with themselves and their environment.
— Oscar Wilde
人类幸福之时,亦即人类自身和谐生活、且与环境和谐共处之时。— 奥斯卡 王尔德
(1)We gradually realize that the importance of honesty will contribute to building a warm and ______________(harmony) society.
(2)Human life is regarded as part of nature and the only way for us to survive is to live _______________________(与自然和谐相处).
in harmony with nature
creature n. 生物;动物
respect for all living creatures
He always goes to bed at ten—he's a creature of habit.
reduce vt.减少
(2)reduce sb.to (doing) sth. 使某人沦落到某种地步
(3)reduction n.       减少;缩小
to...      减少到/降低到……
by... 减少了/降低了……
(1)By taking exercise every day, I have reduced my weight from 65 kilos ______ 50 kilos.
(2)The cultural relic ______________(reduce) to ruins,which made us depressed.
(3)In my everyday life, I _______________________ my carbon footprint on the planet.
was reduced
spare no efforts to reduce
due adj.由于,因为;预期的,预定的
be due to       由于,归功于……
be due to do sth. 预定/计划(做)某事
due to 由于;因为
(because of /on account of /as a result of)
(1) The match is due _______________(organize) this Saturday afternoon in the city's stadium.
(2)______________________________________my English scores are always on the top of my class.(强调句型)
to be organized
It is due to my English teacher's help that
search for 搜索;查找
(1)search...for...    为找……而搜索……
(2)in one's search for 寻找
in search of 寻找
(1)As a result, they have to search ________new habitats to survive.
(2)The young lady has searched everywhere ________ her lost ring but she can't find it.
stir up 激起
stir sth with sth 用...搅动
stir sth in/into sth 用搅拌方法把某物掺入...
stir sb. to do sth 鼓动某人做...
stir up trouble 挑起事端
stir up 激起 (stirred—stirred--stirring)
You stir up a pool of stars and become my moon.
emotion / m ( )n/ n.感情;情感;情绪
He lost control of his emotions. 他情绪失去了控制。
emotional adj 情绪激动的 She offered him emotional and practical support in countless ways.
emotionally adv 感情上;情绪上
They have suffered physically and emotionally.
unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的
(1)It is unusual for sb.to do sth.  某人做某事是不寻常的。
(2)as usual 像往常一样
than usual 比往常……
(3)usually adv. 通常
(1)This kind of dolphin is __________(usual), because their skin is different from that of other ones.
(2)_________(usual) we have lunch at school on weekdays.
(3)Although he was injured in the accident, he carried on __________________. 虽然他在事故中受了伤,但他照常工作。
working as usual
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