人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet 重点单词短语句型讲义


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet 重点单词短语句型讲义
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文件大小 18.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-29 12:23:04



1.chat-chatted-chatted/ chat with
n. 溪; 小河; (液)流 Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.
v. 流动; 流 tears roll/run/stream down sb’s cheeks(脸颊)
He opened the door with his tears streaming down his cheeks
an identity card (ID card)
② [C] & [U] (区别人或群体的) 个性 / 特征:
The college years are supposed to be a time for the development of adult identity.
补充:identify : vt 确认;认出;识别 to recognize/make out
4.Convenient -inconvenient
①adj.方便的;近便的;便利的: It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事
②convenience n.[U]便利;方便[C]便利设施 inconvenience n.不便
at one’s convenience在某人方便的时候
for convenience为了方便起见
If it is convenient for you,could we meet in our school art hall at 8∶00 am this Saturday
背诵1I would appreciate it if you could reply to my letter at your earliest convenience.
5.cash- credit card
6.Update---updated : adj.现代化的
Out of date
Date back to=date from 回溯(没有被动语态)
7.database---data:n.数据 base:n.基础; 底座-basic-be based on -basis
8.stuck---stuck 来自 stick 过去分词形式,是个分词形容词,学stuck前先复习下stick.
■Stick: (stuck, stuck) v
①vt & vi (被) 刺入;(被) 戳进:
I found a nail sticking in the tyre(轮胎).
② vt & vi 粘 (住);贴 (住):
stick a stamp on an envelope
This food can stick to your teeth.
sticky adj 黏的;黏性的
sticker n [C] 贴纸
③vt & vi 伸出:
Peter stuck his head behind the door.
④ vt [非正式用语] 放置:
Stick your bags down there.
⑤ vi & vt 阻塞;卡住:
The key has stuck in the lock.
stick to 坚持;遵守 (keep to):
The surest way to success is sticking to your goal.
Once he made a promise, he would stick to it (= he did as he had promised).
■ n [C]
gather sticks to make a fire
棍;棒;棍 / 条状物:
a walking stick
■stuck adj [不用于名词前]get/be stuck in
The cat’s stuck in the tree.
陷 (入);困 (于):
背诵2She found herself stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.
They got stuck in a traffic jam.
His positive attitude inspired many people who were stuck in illness. 北师大新必修② – 6
① n [C] & [U]
利益;益处 an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from sth:
There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film. 2010 广东
He has had the benefit of a first-class education.
津贴;救济金 (welfare)
be of benefit to 对……有益 (be beneficial to):
背诵3The race was of great benefit to the participants, physically and mentally.
be of + 抽象名词 = be + 对应的形容词
The books are of great use (= are very useful) to English learners.
Friends are of great importance (= are very important) to everyone.
The mobile phone is of good quality.
② vt & vi 有益于;受益:
The rain will benefit the crops greatly.
Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. 2011 江苏
I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity. 2008 陕西书面表达
adj [正式用语] 有益的;有利的
Exercise is highly beneficial to health.
In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students. 2009 北京
① [C] & [U] 距离;间距:
课文:One of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that exists between people.
The honey guide birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. 2012 全国改
The beach is within walking distance of my house.
② [U] [单数] 遥远;远处;远方:
Watch the performance on the street from a safe distance.
③ [C] & [U] 冷淡;疏远:
The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.
背诵例句:了解到其他同学总是疏远你,我写信是为了给你一些建议。 Learning that other students always keep you at a distance ,I am writing to offer you some suggestions.
重要搭配:at / from a distance 有相当距离:
The picture looks beautiful at a distance.
in the distance在远处
at/from a distance隔一段距离;从远处
at a distance of在……远的地方
keep sb. at a distance对某人冷淡;与某人疏远
within walking distance走着就能到
派生词: distant=remote=far
①激励;鼓舞 to make sb want to do sth:
We need someone who can inspire the team.
inspire sb to do sth:
Her trust in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined possible. 2010 北京
②激发;唤起 to make sb feel, think, etc. sth:
His driving hardly inspires confidence (= make people feel confident because they trust your ability).
③ [常用于被动语态] 启发;给……灵感 to give sb the idea for sth:
课文例句: She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
This piece of music was inspired by dolphin sounds.
inspired adj 备受鼓舞的
inspiring adj 鼓舞人心的
inspiration n [U] 灵感; [C] [常用单数] 启发灵感的人 / 事物;鼓舞人心的人 / 事物:
He gave me the inspiration to pick up my pen again. 2015 江苏改
Many poets drew / took their inspiration from the nature.
Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family.
13.access n [U]
wheelchair access 2020 全国
Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.
The police gained access through a broken window.
②使用 / 接近……的权利或机会 the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb / sth:
It is highly important to make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water.
This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK.
access vt
① [正式用语] 到达;进入;使用:
We accessed the Xi’an City Wall through the South Gate.
② 访问;获取 (计算机数据):
access the Internet
We need a better way to access information.
accessible adj
① 易进入的;易得到的;易使用的:
Each floor has wheelchair accessible toilets. 2014 北京
② 易懂的:
This magazine makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children. (人) 易接近的;平易近人的
补充短语:have/get/obtain/gain access to拥有……的机会;可以接近/进入
be accessible to可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的
背诵4Now that you haven’t applied for an account,the website is not accessible(access) to you.
14.go through
It took them an entire day to go through the forest.
② 经历 to experience or suffer sth:
Go through those things that seem impossible, and achieve what we never believed we could. ③仔细检查:
I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through my resume and make necessary changes. 2016 全国书面表达改
④ (提案等) 被通过:
It is said that the new school rule didn’t go through.
① n [C] 加号;正号;[非正式用语] 有利因素 反 minus:
the plus sign
Her knowledge of French is a big plus in her job.
② prep 加;加上 反 minus ;外加;另有:
Three plus two equals / is / makes five.
He had wealth plus fame.
③ conj [非正式用语] 并且;而且:
Mobile phones are small and useful. Plus they are cheaper than before.
15.function 一次多性
N.功能、性能。- functional
V. 起作用--His suggestion works=functions.
当我们想注册一个新账户或者重置密码时通常会看见confirm password,意思是“确认密码” 。
The experiment confirmed his theory.
confirm + (that) / wh- 从句:
Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.
②确认 (安排、日期或情况):
confirm the Wi-Fi password
confirm a booking / reservation
Six people have confirmed that they will be attending the conference.
confirmation n [C] & [U] 证实;确认 (书)
①vt & vi 压 (push);按;推;挤:
press a button / switch
She pressed her face against the window.
She pressed down hard on the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.
②催促;逼迫 (push / urge):
When we’re at home, she keeps pressing me to study all the time.
派生词:pressure-relieve sb’s pressure
18.in shape-out of shape:状况不好,身体欠佳
19.Keep track of 追踪
n. 轨道; (人踩出的)小道,小径; (人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹; 车辙
v. 追踪
on account of由于,因为
on no account决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
take account of(=take...into account/consideration)考虑到……,把……考虑进去
give an account of...叙述/描述……
v.认为;说明(accountant n.会计员;会计师)
account for说明;做出解释;占……(比例)
(1)Could you account for your rude behavior that night
On account of the unexpected heavy rain,we had more difficulty finding our way home.
背诵5 On no account will I give up until I achieve my goal.
I would be very grateful if you could take my application into account.
I’m writing to give you a full account of my unforgettable experience in a volunteer programme.
Target sth=be targeted at= aim at
25.particular adj
①[只用于名词前]特定的 =specific
He did not show up on that particular day.
I have nothing particular to do this evening.
a particular customer
She is very particular about / over her appearance.
be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事心烦
be upset to do sth. 对做某事感到不安
What upsets sb. is...让某人心烦的是……
It upsets sb. to do sth. /that...做某事让人心烦/让某人心烦的
改写:I was upset that a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.
→ What upset me was that a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.(what引导的主语从句)
→ It upset me that a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.(it作形式主语)
读后续写:既沮丧又无助,我静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊流淌。(读后续写之悲伤心理描写) Upset and helpless ,I stood silently,tears streaming down my cheeks.
28.case n.盒;箱;事例;事件;情况;病例;案件
in case以防(万一)
in case of万一……,如果发生……
in any case无论如何;总之
in no case决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
as is often the case这是常有的事
(1)Don’t be rude online in case you become a target for a troll or cyberbully.
(2)Almost all the residents in Japan have first-aid kits in case of an earthquake.
①We should in no case go against the laws of nature,or we’ll suffer endless pain.
② In no case should we go against the laws of nature ,or we’ll suffer endless pain.(用倒装句改写)
As is often the case,senior three students feel anxious and upset before important examinations.
29.the +比较级... ,the +比较级...
例句:However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.但是,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。
The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.
The further Jane went in the forest,the more nervous and anxious she became.
背诵6The more she thought about it,the more frightened she felt ,her palms sweating and her heart pounding wildly.