人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 期末基础综合训练(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 期末基础综合训练(有答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-12-29 18:43:17



Unit One 基础综合训练
1.There comes a time ____________ the old must give way to the new.
2. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be ____ big challenge.
3.Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead _______ great solutions.
4. the ________(propose) led to protests.
5.Water from the dam would destroy cultural relics ____ were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.
6.After ____________ (listen) to the scientists ,the government turned to the United Nations ____ help in 1959.
7.A committee_________(establish)to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the ________ (lose) of cultural relics.
8.Finally, a document_________(sign), and the work began in 1960.
9.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place __________ they were safe from the water.
10.When the project ended in 1980, it ____________(consider) a great success.
11.Not only _____ the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
12.Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, ________ runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world __________ disappearing.
13.If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the ___________ (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
14.They are recording and collecting digital images of ________(culture) relics from the Mogao Caves,________ were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history.
15.Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photographs _____________(produce) since the international project started in 1994.
16.__________(appreciate) the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.
17._________(compare) with /to the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.
18.__________(compare) this with that, you will see which is better.
1.The revolutionists of the older generation made great c______ to our country’s struggle for the independence.
2. We should eat less p_______ food as it may be associated with cancer.
3.Germany is i________ the damage of undersea pipelines that carried Russian natural gas into Europe.
4.Jane tries to b________ home life and career after getting married.
5.An anonymous(匿名的)businesswoman d ________ one million dollars to the charity.
6.She made a few a___________ to join in their conversation but failed.
7. The novel was made into a film in 1943 and again in 1967 but I prefer the f__________version to the latter one.
8.I decided to c________ an experiment.
9.In the late 1970s, people p________ against the killing of seal babies.
10.When we m___________ the Longevity Hill, we can see all pleasant scenery.
11.It is l_________ that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.
12. In my o , it’s time for me to change my attitude to this problem.
13.Chinese people should make every effort to p________ their old traditions.
14. This is happening in every school t______ the country.
15. After some repeated a__________, they finally succeeded in winning the competition.
16. It is customary to eat zongzi during the D_____ Boat Festival.
17.It isn’t w_______________ spending so much time on little problems.
18.You should have a b_______ diet, and you should eat fruit every day, and more vegetables.
19.Honesty is a good q__________ which the Chinese honour and admire.
20.It has been proved through several researches that smoking c__________ to lung cancer.
1. This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a __________ (职业的)player.
2. My assistant will be in charge of the __________ (部门) in my absence
3. At 22 Higgins won the World Championship at his first ___________(尝试) in 1972, and again in 1982.
4. After working devotedly in the company for about 20years. MrLi got ____________(晋升) at last.
5. As a new teacher, Susan tried to ________(促进) good feelings between students and her.
6. The building work will go ahead, despite _____________ (抗议)from local residents.
7. Your ____________ (贡献) will certainly make the event a huge success.
8. It's my sincere hope that you can __________ (调查) the matter seriously and make a formal apology to me.
9. The lawyer was expected to come up with some proposals after reading all those ________(文件).
10. If the potential friend responds warmly and you believe you are both enjoying the small talk, you may want to take another step to __________(建立)friendship with him.
11. At the meeting, a _________ (提议)that he should take charge of the project came up.
12. The historic building is as much part of our___________(遗产)as the paintings.
13. Global warming and environmental protection are important _______(议题) at the conference.
14. The ________(过程) can be painful but it leads to greater self-awareness (自我意识).
15. Water ________(传导)heat faster than air.
1.All our projects aim to_______________________poor and remote communities. 我们所有的项目都旨在促进贫困和偏远社区的发展。(promote)
2.He_____________________the general manager.他已经被晋升为总经理. (promote)
3.By no means ______________the difficulties when they were on an expedition to the Antarctic.当他们在南极探险的时候,他们决不向困难让步。(way)
4.A professor at the Academy has proposed that a fund ______________to raise money.
5.The professor had to ____________________ that layoffs be considered.专家不得不提议考虑裁员。(proposal)
6.______________________ rapid progress in English because he is studying hard. 他很可能取得快速的进步,因为他学习努力。(likely)
7.Violate crime _____________________big cities.暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。(limit)
8._____________, he didn’t know his classmates had left the classroom. 陷入沉思之中,他不知道他的同学都已经离开了。(lose)
9.Those who are weak should exercise every day, since it___________________ better health. 虚弱的人应该每天锻炼,因为它有助于健康。(contribute)
10.He _______________________________ the overall success of the project. 他对项目的全面成功作出了非常积极的贡献。(contribution)
11.On our arrival, ___________________________________, which made them very pleased.
12.The town is banning plastic bags_________________improve the environment. 为了改善环境,这个城市禁止用塑料袋(attempt)
13.To my surprise, she passed the driving test ____________________.令我惊奇的是,她一次就通过了驾照考试。(attempt)
14. Your products ___________________ and are just what I need. 你的产品质量好,正是我想要的。(quality)
15. ___________________ other students, Mike is more diligent. he其他学生比起来,麦克更勤奋。(comparison)
1-5: when/ a/ to/ proposal/ that或which/ 6-10: listening for/ was established loss/ was signed/ where/ was considered 11-15: had/ which from/ global/ cultural which/ have been produced 16-18: appreciating/ compared/ comparing
1-5:contributions/ preserved / investigating/balance/ donated 6-10: attempts/ former/ conduct/protested/mount 11-15: likely/ opinion/ preserve/ throughout/ attempts/ 16-20: Dragon/ worthwhile/balanced/ quality/ contributes
1-5: professional/ department/ attempt/ promoted/ promote
6-10: protests/ contributions/ investigate/ documents/ establish/
11-15: proposal/ heritage/issues/ process/ conducts
1-5: promote the development of / was promoted to/ did they give way / (should) be established / make a proposal
6-10: He is likely to make / isn’t limited to/ Lost in thought(Losing himself in thought)/ contributes/ made positive contributions to
11-15: We donated some gifts to children/ in an attempt to/ at the first attempt/ are of high quality/ In comparison with