小学英语 外研版(一起) 六年级下册 Module 4 表格式教案


名称 小学英语 外研版(一起) 六年级下册 Module 4 表格式教案
格式 doc
文件大小 177.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-02 16:31:45



教材分析 本模块的主要内容是说明原因,寻求帮助。Unit 1的课文情境是Simon的妈妈去超市采购,为Daming的生日聚会做准备。回来时,Simon妈妈叫人帮忙拿东西,Daming赶来帮她拎蛋糕,结果Simon妈妈不小心将橘子滚落到地上,气球也飞走了。Daming让Simon赶快过来抓气球,可是已经来不及了,Simon的妈妈让孩子们看看气球,哇!原来气球上写着:Daming,生日快乐。Unit 2的课文情境则是一位女士在请求帮助。她拿不了所有的东西,鸡蛋碎了,苹果和可乐也滚落了一地,谁能帮帮她呢?本模块的学习重点是进一步复习强化现在进行时态,巩固can的用法,并学会如何寻求帮助。教师要重点帮助学生加深对can的理解,帮助学生掌握can表示“天生的或后学到的能力”的用法。教师注意给有困难的学生更多的练习机会,并帮助基础较好的学生有所拓展。本模块的任务是设计自己无法独立完成的任务,并请同伴帮忙共同完成。提醒学生,每个人都会遇到自己一个人无法完成的事情,我们应该学会合理地向他人寻求帮助,并学会善意地,不图回报地帮助别人。
模块教学目标 Unit 1:(一)Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: grab, carry, need, fly, away. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me?I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.Ability targets:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me?I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I can help you.Emotion targets:Learn to help each other.Learn to refuse when you can’t help others in need.Unit2:(一)Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: fall, down, broken, stairs, mess. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me?I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m... I can help you. What a mess! Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.Ability targets:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I can help you.Emotion targets:Learn to help each other.Learn to refuse when you can’t help others in need.
教学重点及难点 Unit1:1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: grab, carry, need, fly away.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. 2. Difficult points:1) Students can spell the key words correctly.2) Students can retell the dialogue with the help of mind map in class.3) Students can use present progressive tense correctly.Unit2:1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me?I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m... I can help you. What a mess!2. Difficult points:Students can spell the key words correctly.Students can use what they have learnt in this module skillfully in class.Students can use present progressive tense correctly.
教学辅助 In this class, I will use: pictures, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)
教学策略 思维导图学习法、情境导入法、任务教学法
教材分析 Unit 1的课文情境是Simon的妈妈去超市采购,为Daming的生日聚会做准备。回来时,Simon妈妈叫人帮忙拿东西,Daming赶来帮她拎蛋糕,结果Simon妈妈不小心将橘子滚落到地上,气球也飞走了。Daming让Simon赶快过来抓气球,可是已经来不及了,Simon的妈妈让孩子们看看气球,哇!原来气球上写着:Daming,生日快乐。通过学习,让孩子们学会帮助别人,学会有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。
课时教学目标 (一)Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: grab, carry, need and fly away. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.Ability targets:After the lesson, the students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I can help you.Emotion targets:Learning to help each other.Learn to refuse when you can’t help others in need.
教学重点与难点 1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: grab carry need fly away.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me?I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. 2. Difficult points:Students can spell the key words correctly.Students can retell the story with the help of mind map.Students can use present progressive tense correctly.
教学辅助 In this class, I will use: pictures, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)
教学策略 思维导图学习法、任务教学法
教学内容 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1:Pre-task preparation (3 minutes)1. have a chant 2. answer this question 1. Play a chant.T: What is the girl doing Let’s enjoy it.T: I hope you studyEnglish hard in this class. 1. Listen and say some words of the chant.2. Answer this question. 用chant导入,有旋律的chant比较容易抓住学生的注意力。训练学生通过听力捕捉信息的能力。借助chant的语境,激活旧知,并回答相应的问题,进入课文。
Step 2:While-task procedure(25 minutes)1. Read a story about Daming’s birthday. 呈现故事,提出问题。T: Let’s read a story about Daming’s birthday.Q: Is Daming going to have an American birthday party How do you know that What is Simon’s mum doing Watch the CD-ROM. Try to answer the questions.e.g.: (Yes, he is.)(She is buying things for Daming’s birthday party.) 让孩子们通过看故事,回答老师的问题,了解这个故事大体讲了什么事情,让孩子们初步感知课文内容。
2. 呈现图二,补充板书上的思维导图。 T: Later... What happened 呈现图二,补充板书上的思维导图,我会根据孩子们的回答将思维导图逐渐完成。 在老师的引导下完成黑板上的思维导图。分角色朗读第二段。 本课的主要内容是用思维导图让孩子们逐一完成,掌握本课的主要内容,可以让孩子们自己梳理课文的主要内容,并在学完之后能转化为自己的东西。
3. 呈现Part 3。 Q: Can they carry all these things Do they need Simon’s help 呈现part3,在ppt上做标注,帮助孩子们理解。Does Simon grab the balloons? Answer the questions.继续补充思维导图。Learn the word grab.Simon can’t grab the balloons. They’re flying away.They say: (Happy Birthday, Daming!) 通过问答的方式,让学生理解本课的第三部分,并学习新词grab。
Step 3:Post-task activities.(11 minutes) 1. Play the CD-ROM.2.A new story to Ss. 1. Listen and repeat.2. Read and act out in groups.3. Retell the story with the help of the mind map on the blackboard.4. A new story about Poor Ben. 孩子们在学习完课文后必须进行听音模仿跟读,加深印象。黑板上的思维导图作为辅助,学生们一起复述,牢固掌握课文。给孩子们呈现一个新的故事,在读故事的时候练习本课的重点内容。起到复习巩固的作用。
Step 4:Summary(1 minute) 引导孩子说说本节课所学到的功能,以及有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。告诉孩子们要学会帮助别人,授人玫瑰,手有余香。 通过板书的思维导图,带领学生再次回顾形容词,以及整体关注话题点——如何描述物品,明确本课时话题。引导学生思考和体会:仔细观察,你会发现更多。提出下课时的学习内容,渗透模块统整的理念,让学生初步了解模块话题。
Homework:1. Please recite or retell Module 4 Unit 1.2. Finish P22 Part4.
教材分析 Unit 2的课文情境是一位女士在请求帮助:她拿不了所有的东西,鸡蛋碎了,苹果和可乐也滚落了一地,谁能帮帮她呢?通过学习,让孩子们学会帮助别人,学会有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人。
课时教学目标 Knowledge targets:Ss should be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess. To understand and use the sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m... I can help you. What a mess! Of course the Ss should understand the meaning of the dialogue.Ability targets:After the lesson, students are able to talk about present progressive tense. And say some sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I can help you.Emotion targets:Learn to help each other.Learn to refuse when you can’t help others in need.
教学重点与难点 1. Key points:1) Ss are able to use these words: fall down, broken, stairs, mess.2) Ss are able to use the basic sentences: Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’... I can help you. What a mess!2. Difficult points:1) Students can spell the key words correctly.2) Students can use what they have learnt in this module skillfully in class.3) Students can use present progressive tense correctly.
教学辅助 In this class, I will use: pictures, CD-ROM, PPT, and Score board (记分牌)
教学内容(含时间设置) 教学活动 设计意图
Step 1:Pre-task preparation(5 minutes)Lead in: Show mind map on the ppt. Review Module 4 Unit 1 with students. Key points: The oranges are falling.The balloons are flying away. 以思维导图做铺垫,帮助孩子们回忆Unit 1的内容。
Step 2:While-task procedure(20 minutes) 1. Show pictures of P23 part 1to Ss.T: What happened in the pictures Lead Ss to describe.e.g.: What did Sam and Amy see What is falling down Listen and repeat.2. Show part 2 to Ss. Please describe the picture with your partner.T: Boys and girls, this is a mistake. It isn’t a panda. It’s a panda kite. Please look at this picture. What happened in this picture Please talk with your partner. Then I will check.Choose some Ss to answer the questions. Key points: The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling, too. Write the sentences on the blackboard.T: So many things are falling down the stairs. It’s a mess. Learn: stairs, mess.Listen and repeat.Try to imitate the CD-ROM.Ask and answer: T: Who can help the woman Ss: I can. \ Sorry, I can’t. (Why ) Because I’m… Choose about five Ss to answer the questions.3. Finish part 3 on page 24.T: Ok. Now let’s have a look. Who can help the woman, too Listen, match and write the answer. Correct them later. 通过读图,让孩子们猜测图中发生了什么事情,听并跟读一遍,验证自己的猜测是否正确。Unit 2的内容对于六年级的孩子们来说,掌握起来并不困难,所以第二部分进行同位合作,说说图片里发生了什么,进行反馈,教师稍作指导和纠正。让孩子们说说自己是否会帮助她,如果不能帮助说说原因,作为一个拓展。将本课的重点在书写中进行巩固练习。
Step 3:Practice and consolidation. 1. Retell the story together.2. Activity Book P16 part1and part23. Sing the song of P24 part4 together. 通过复述课文和完成课活上的练习,进一步巩固本课的内容。
Step 4:Sum up(1 minute) 引导孩子说说本节课所学到的功能,有困难如何求助;在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人;学会帮助别人。
Homework:1. Please recite or retell Module 4 Unit 2.2. Activity Book P17 part3.
教材分析 学生通过学习本模块的前两课时,已经能够比较灵活地运用进行时态和can,并学会了如何寻求帮助,掌握了can表示天生的或后学到的能力的用法。
课时教学目标 知识目标:全班学生能听说读写并在情境中运用词汇:grab,carry,need,fly away,fall down,broken,stairs,mess.全班学生能朗读关于现在进行时态和寻求帮助的句子。大多数学生能听、说、读、写:Who can help me I can’t carry all these things. Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone. I can help you. I can carry the box. The oranges are falling. What a mess!技能目标:全班学生能在图片的提示下,进行模块的文本表演和复述。大多数学生能在图片提示下,完成再构文本。大多数学生能在自己有困难的时候向别人寻求帮助,并去帮助别人。情感目标:学生能知道有困难如何求助,在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人;学会帮助别人。教育学生,赠人玫瑰,手有余香。
教学重点与难点 教学重点:对本模块所学内容的灵活运用。教学难点:正确运用核心句型:Who can help me? Sorry I can’t. I’m...
教学辅助 PPT课件,CD-ROM,学生练习纸
教学策略 通过表演、复述,复习模块文本。通过阅读、完成再构文本,进一步让孩子掌握本模块的重点,并在完成再构文本时,检验孩子们的输出。
教学内容(含时间设置) 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1:Pre-task preparation (5 minutes)Review the two texts of Module 4. 1. Let the Ss act out the dialogue of Unit 1.2. Show the picture of Unit 2. 1. Act out the dialogue of Unit1.2. Retell the text of Unit 2. 通过复习文本,反馈前两课时的掌握情况,复现文本核心语言。
Step 2: While-task procedure(18 minutes) 1. 为孩子们提供一个自己不能独立完成的范例。e.g.: I’m putting my hands on my head and eating an apple.Check it.2. 为孩子们呈现一个新的文本,难度递增,让孩子们看图完成文本,然后进行书写,纠正书写。3. 再构文本的延伸 1. Write a task that you can’t do alone. Ask your friend for help.Write a sentence with your partner.2. 孩子们在老师的指导下完成新的文本,然后完成书写。3. 孩子们根据前面文本里的内容进行文本延伸。 通过阅读和完成再构文本,检验孩子们对于本模块内容是否牢固的掌握,并让孩子们自己续写新的文本,提高孩子们灵活运用的能力。
Step 3:Post-task activities(16 minutes) 1. 呈现歌曲。2. 呈现答案。 1.孩子们学唱歌曲。2.完成配套上的练习。
Step 4:Sum up(1 minute) 引导孩子说说本节课所学到的功能,有困难如何求助;在自己有事的时候如何拒绝别人;学会帮助别人
家庭作业:1. 完成新文本续写。2. 完成配套上的测试题。
板书设计: Module 4 Unit1 呈现新文本相关图片 Unit2