人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元重点知识检测课件 -(14张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元重点知识检测课件 -(14张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-02 12:07:32



Book 2 Unit 2
I.Important Phrases(重点短语汉英互译)
1. 究竟;到底 ___________
2. 灭亡;逐渐消失 ___________
3.意识到;知道 ___________
4.平均 ___________
5. 取得进步 ___________
6. 对…关切的;为…担忧的 ___________
7. 适应 ___________
8.在压力下;承受压力 ___________
9.看清;听清;分清 ___________
10. 使某人想起(类似的人或物) ___________
on earth
die out
(be)aware of
under pressure
on average
make progress
(be) concerned about
adapt to
make out
remind sb. of sb. /sth.
11. 保护;照管;监督 ______________
12. 日日夜夜;夜以继日 ______________
13. 由于;因为 ______________
14. 搜索;查找 ______________
15. 激起 ______________
16. hunt whales illegally ______________
17. a species of shark ______________
18. at an alarming rate ______________
19. mass extinction ______________
20. natural habitats ______________
watch over
day and night
due to
search for
stir up
21. an endangered species ______________
22. living environment ______________
23. take effective measure ______________
24. a reserved seat ______________
25. observe and preserve the reserve __________
26. shoot at the goal ______________
27. make a profit ______________
28. heart attack ______________
29. recover from an illness ______________
30. threaten to do sth. ______________
31. remove the picture from the wall ______________
32. intend to do sth. ______________
33. in harmony with ______________
34. be reduced by 30 percent ______________
35. be reduced to 30 percent ______________
36. in the neighbourhood ______________
37. with emotion ______________
38. make a living ______________
39. live in peace ______________
40. be similar to ______________
II. Grammar in Use(语法填空)
1. The authorities take effective_____(measure)to protect endangered species.
2. The habitats of some_____(endanger )animals are now seriously threatened.
3. Some hunters have illegally hunted wild animals,____(lead)to their mass extinction.
4. Some countries forbid illegal_____(hunt)to protect these creatures.
5. ______average,more than 150 species are becoming extinct every day on earth.
6. People are very _____(concern )about this issue,_____has stirred up emotions of alarm.
7. ______pressure,he had to make a living by working so hard.
8. The poster clearly said:Please stop_____(hunt) endangered animals in the nature reserve immediately.
9. In their habitat the experts observe the activities of wild animals day _____night.
10. —Can you make_____a herd of sheep on the plain ahead
—I can just see some antelopes and deer.
11.What are the reasons______earth why hunters shoot these animals
12.The volunteers have removed all the traps to protect animals from_____(attack).
13.The Tibetan antelope once found _____difficult to continue to exist because they faced serious threats to their living environment..We must try to protect them.
14.They are aware of the importance of______(live) in harmony with nature.
15.Please remove these nets _____(immediate) which are dangerous to these insects.
16.Now their numbers are reducing at an______(alarm)rate due to too much hunting. 17. This kind of dolphin is______ (usual),because their skin is different from that of other ones.
18. As a result, this species of butterfly has to search ______ new habitats.
19. An average of 75 species become extinct every day, ______ is an alarming number.
20. You've learned three verbs "preserve","reserve" and "observe". What are their difference -----------spelling and pronunciation
21."These seats are______ (reserve) for special guests."The waiter reminded the customers of the fact.
22. The hunter intended ______ (sell) the goods to make a profit.
23. In order to save this species ______ extinction,we must take effective measures.
24. We have set up a nature reserve for giant pandas, which is intended ______ their habitat.
25. Having been watched ______ ,the patient recovered from his disease very quickly.
26. African elephants are being hunted. What measures are being ______ (take)to help them
27. I visited Australia last year and saw three ______ (deer)and two kangaroos on the plain.
28. This contributes to the harmony of the family relations in the ______ (neighbour).
29. An unusual thing is never similar ______ a common thing, but different from it.
30.The number of endangered insects has been reduced______ 70 per cent. That is to say, the number has been reduced by 30%.
II. 1. measures 2. endangered 3.leading4.hunting5. On 6.concerned,which7. Under 8.hunting9.and10.out 11.on12.being attacked13.it14.living15.immediately16.alarming17.unusual18.for19.which20.in21.reserved 22.to sell23. from24.for25.over26. taken27.deer28. neighbourhood29.to30.to
Check your answers.
We have an old musical instrument. It 1 (call) a clavichord(吉钢琴). It2 (make)in 1681. Our clavichord 3 (keep) in Germany in the living room. It 4 (belong) to our family for a long time. The instrument 5 (buy ) by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it 6 (damage ) by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings 7 (break) My father 8______ (shock). Now we
9 (not allow ) to touch it. It 10 (repair ) by a friend of my father's now.
is called
is kept
was made
was shocked
was damaged
are not allowed
were broken
has belonged
is being repaired
was bought
假设你是李华,从网上得知世界自然基金会 (WWF)正在为 Global Conservation 项目招募高中生志愿者。活动的主要内容是:各国志愿者用英语介绍本国的野生动植物保护情況。请写一封电 子邮件申请参加。联系人:Tomas Lee。 邮件内容需包含:
注意:① 词数 80 左右;
1. decrease 减少;降低
2.conservation n. 保存;保护
3.survival n 幸存;存活
4. habitat n. 栖息地
5. peaceful adj.和平的
6.attach importance to.. 认为 很重要
7. take action 采取行动
8. do what we can 尽我们所能
9. do harm/damage to.. 对…有伤害
10. keep the balance of.….. 保持...平衡
11. be concerned about.…. 对...关注;担心
12.cut down 砍伐
13. live in harmony with.. 与...和谐相处
14. run out of 用完;用尽
15. raise people's awareness of environmental protection 增强人们的环保意识
16. There is no denying that it is human beings that led to the disappearance of the poor animals. 不能否认的是正是人类才导致了这些可怜的动物的消失。
17. With your help, we believe we can improve the living environment of the animals soon, thus increasing their numbers. 在你的帮助下,我们相信我们很快就能够改善这些动物的生存环境,这样它们的数量就会增加。
Dear Mr. Lee,
I'm a Chinese student intending to recommend myself as one of your volunteers for Global Conservation program. As a boy concerned about wildlife protection, I believe that I can do my voluntary work well.
Given the chance, I'd like to introduce the protection of some endangered species in China, such as pandas and David's deer. Firstly, more than 50 reserves have been set up to watch over pandas and effective laws have been carried out to protect David's deer from being hunted for their precious fur.
I'd appreciate it if you could offer me a place in your group.
Li Hua
One possible version: