人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3The internet 单元重点知识检测课件(共15张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3The internet 单元重点知识检测课件(共15张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-03 16:36:48



Book 2 Unit 3
I.Important Phrases(重点短语汉英互译)
1. 博文;博客帖子 ___________
2. (互联网上的)搜索引擎 ___________
3.身份证 ___________
4.陪伴某人 ___________
5.既然;由于 ___________
6.经历;度过;通读 ___________
7.状况良好 ___________
8.掌握…的最新消息了解…的动态 ___________
9.取笑;戏弄 ___________
10.牢记 ___________
a blog post
a search engine
identity card
keep track of
keep pany
now that
go through
in shape
make fun of
keep..in mind
11.chat with sb.(have a chat with sb.) ______________
12.stream movies and music ______________
13. be convenient for ______________
14.pay in cash ______________
15.update t ______________
16.software development ______________
17.be stuck in ______________
18.surf the Internet ______________
19.benefit from ______________
20.in the distance ______________
21. the distance between them ______________
22. inspire sb.to do sth. ______________
23. have access to ______________
24. go through a tough time ______________
25. function as __________
26. press the button ______________
27. offer a 10%discount ______________
28. open an account ______________
29. click the link ______________
30. be rude to ______________
31. true or false ______________
32. in particular ______________
33. be upset about ______________
34. guidelines and tips ______________
35. in case ______________
36. in case of ______________
37. in any case ______________
38. in no case ______________
39. in that case ______________
40. in the case of fire ______________
II. Grammar in Use(语法填空)
1.Tom is a well-known blogger often writes blog posts on his blog.
2.He likes to use a search engine to find the information he needs.
3.When (chat)with others online,Bob uses different identities and avatars.
4.When you don't have any cash on you,it's convenient (pay)online.
5.My database and file are (update)once a week.
6.It is very convenient for him to download a lot of (software)from the network by free Wi-Fi.
7 (surf)the Internet has brought me a lot of benefits indeed.
8.The authorities have taken tough measures to ensure network (safe).
9.The millionaire donated a lot of money charity.
10.He has access to free Wi-Fi, makes it convenient for him to write his blogs.
11.Do you buy goods cash or by credit card
12.The Internet is capable of removing the distance that exists people.
13.We have developed a new type of software many functions.
14.Press the button,and you can keep track of the person the distance.
15.If you put some money into our bank account,we'll give you 10 percent discount.
16.Once he met with an embarrassing case made him very upset.
17. (use)this app,we can confirm whether our online shopping is successful.
18.Click on the file, you will find the document and all the images.
19.A target is something that someone is aiming .
20.Now that he was not familiar this particular case,he had to give it up.
21.The author gives the reader a detailed account the functions of the network.
22.Will you please give us a case “stream”is used as a verb
23.The engineer knows that the engine of a car is quite different the search engine used on the Internet.
24.We can get the most (update)information from large databases.
25.We make sure that everyone has access the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
26.In this case,he had no choice but to a tough time.
27.When you are made fun of by others,you will feel (embarrass).
28.When I was cheated by their app,I felt (particular)upset.
29.Keep mind that you can't press the button until the machine stops.
30.You are rude your customers because your service is embarrassing.
II.1.who 2.that/which 3.chatting 4.to pay 5.updated 6.software 7.Surfing 8.safety 9.to 10.which 11.in 12.between 13.with 14.in 15.a 16.that/which 17.Using 18.and 19.at 20.with 21.of 22.where 23.from 24.updated 25.to 26.through 27.embarrassed 28.particularly 29.in 30.to
Check your answers.
Ⅲ Improve Your Writing(单句写作)
1.我可以使用免费Wi-Fi,因此从网络上下载一些应用程序和文档对我来说很方便。(have access to free Wi-Fi;it is convenient for me to)
———————————————————————————————————— 2受现实生活的启发,作者写了一本叫作《居民行为指南和提示》的书。(inspired by real life;Guidelines and Tips for Residents'Behavior)
—————————————————————————————————— 3.该网站通过提供虚假信息来取笑它的用户。(make fun of;by providing...)
————————————————————————————————————4.我流播视频和音乐。那意味着我在网上看视频和听音乐。(stream videos and music)
—————————————————————————————————————5.他没有带现金,加上身份证丢了,所以他在网上付款。(plus he lost his identity card)
I have access to free Wi-Fi,so it is convenient for me to download some apps and documents from the network.
Inspired by real life,the author wrote a book called"Guidelines and Tips for Residents' Behavior".
The website has made fun of its users by providing false information.
.I stream videos and music.That means I watch videos and listen to music online.
He didn't bring any cash with him plus he lost his identity card,so he paid online.
6.为了吸引读者的注意,一个好的博主在他的博客标题中使用尽可能少的单词。(use as few words as possible)[词汇复现]
7.通过使用这款应用程序,你可以跟踪远处的人。(keep track of;in the distance)
8.搜索引擎是一个计算机程序,它可以帮助你在互联网上找到你正在搜索的东西。(a search engine;search for)
9.她似乎被困在家里,只有电脑陪伴着她。(be stuck at home;keep her company)
10.既然你已经下载了软件,为什么不马上安装呢?(Now that;install it immediately)
To catch the attention of the readers,a good blogger uses as few words as possible in the headline of his blog.
By using this app,you can keep track of the person in the distance.
A search engine is a computer program which helps you find what you're searching for on the Internet.
It seems that she is stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.
Now that you have downloaded the software,why not install it immediately
假设你是李华,是某报社的编辑。一位名叫Sarah 的读者来信询问你有关安全网购的知识。请根据提示,写封回信。
② 使用较为复杂的密码;
注意:① 文章应包括以上要点,可适当发挥;
② 词数80 左右。
Dear Sarah,
Li Hua
话题写作: 网络与电脑
1.when it comes to 每当提及到
2.shopping online safety 网上购物安全
3.keep in mind 牢记;记住
4.be familiar with 对.......熟悉
5.register a shopping website 注册购物网站
6.a strong complex password 一个强大而复杂的密码
7.public computers to surf online 公共电脑上网
8.record your privacy 记录你的隐私
9 .keep track of 掌握…的最新消息了解…的动态
10. click the link 点击链接
1. 开篇点题,指出要谈论的是网购安全问题
2. 网购的具体的安全措施和原因
Dear Sarah,
When it comes to shopping online safety, here are some useful tips for you to keep in mind.
First, use the shopping websites you are familiar with. Download familiar apps or software. Second, when registering a shopping website, use a complex password and keep it well. Third, never use public computers to shop online, or your privacy will be recorded here. Thus others may keep track of your information easily.
Do you have any other questions about shopping online You can write to me.
Li Hua
One possible version: