Unit 1 Our school subjects
Period 1
Story time
1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词timetable, fun, playground。
3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What subjects do you like 及其回答I like....
4. 能理解运用日常用语Welcome back to school. Nice to see you. It’s time for.... Let’s go to ...
5. 能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。
6. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。
1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What subjects do you like 及其回答I like....
3. 能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音朗读。
4. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。
能准确读好单词Science, 并灵活运用句型What subjects do you like I like....进行自如表达。
Step 1 Free talk
T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss/Mr….
T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. (将句型出现在PPT上)
T: Thank you . Hello, .... How are you S: I’m fine/good/well.
T: Good. Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you too. (将句子出现在PPT上,与上一句同义)
T: I’m happy today because I see you again. Are you happy Ss: Yes.
T: Welcome back to school! (出示图片及句子,帮助学生理解该句子)
老师示范朗读,并请同学来读好句子。由于以前学过Welcome to Toy Museum. 因此同学还是能较好地朗读好该句子,还是要注意强调读准welcome。
Step2. Learn the new words
Boys and girls, do you know what subjects do we have in the new term?Would you like to say 同学们,你们知道这学期我们有哪些科目吗?(让同学们举手自由回答)
Miss/Mr… came into the classroom, with a curriculum [k 'r kj l m(课程).This is our new timetable.(领学生们看课程表)
We have English,Chinese,Maths, Art,PE,Musi c and Science.(结合图片或实物进行单词教学)
Step3Say a rhyme
T: Now, let’s enjoy a rhyme first.
Music, Music, they like Music.
Chinese, Chinese, you like Chiese.
English, English, we all like English.
T: Who can read it (请同学读,引导学生改写韵律诗,并分组比赛读。)
Step 4 Presentation
1. 复习教学表示科目的单词。
a. T: (出示单词Maths) Who can read it S: Maths.
T: Maths is a subject. 出示单词教学朗读subject 科目,课程
b. T: (出示单词卡English) What subject is it S: English.
_________ is a subject. 注:
T: (指数学和英语)They are __________. S: Subjects.
c. 揭题
T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 Our school subjects. (读好课题)
d. Say other subjects
T: What other subjects do you know (你还知道其他的科目吗?)
S: Art, Chinese, Music, PE……
2. 学习句型What subjects do you like I like...
T: Look at the blackboard, how many subjects do we have Ss: Six.
T: Yes. We have Maths, English, Art, Chinese, Music and PE.
T: I like English and PE. What subjects do you like (出示句子)
S: I like...
T:What about you
S:I like…
Step 4 Story time
1. 学习timetable, Science
T: Miss Li and her students are talking about school subjects too. Let’s go and have a look, OK
S: OK.
T: (出示课文插图) Look at Miss Li, she has a timetable.
T: What is the timetable Do you know (请同学根据图片内容猜测单词的意思)
S: 课程表。
T: You’re right.
出示单词教学timetable 课程表,时间表 time+table timetable
T: Look at the timetable, what subjects do they have Let’s watch the cartoon and try to find them.(观看动画片)
T: What subjects do they have
S: They have English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and Science.
出示单词教学Science 科学 ( 注意让学生读准该单词,老师多进行个别朗读和指导)
T: How many subjects do they have Ss: They have seven subjects.(此处也可以适当拓展,让学生们看看我们自己的课程表,我们自己有多少门科目)
2. Read and find
a. 自读对话完成
Wang Bing likes__________. (Chinese and Maths)
Yang Ling likes___________. (English)
I think they all like________. (PE)
b. T: Why does Yang Ling like English S: It’s fun.
读好句子 It’s fun. 它很有趣。(四年级上学期学过单词funny,此处fun发音难度不大)
T: How do you know they all like PE?
S: “Oh. It’s time for PE. Let’s go to the playground.”(多让几个学生重复回答此问题,也是操练的过程)
T: Yes. They are very happy to have a PE lesson.
读好句子Oh. It’s time for PE. Let’s go to the playground
It’s time for...=It’s time to.... 该是……的时候了。
Let’s go to the playground. 让我们一起去操场上吧。
3. 模仿录音朗读,要求注意语音语调,必要的时候可以一起做好标记。
4. 自由朗读。
5. 配音朗读/角色扮演。
6. 根据课文主要内容完成填空,巩固课文内容。
Welcome back to _________, class.
Nice to ________you, Miss Li.
Nice to _________you ________.
This is our new __________. We _______ English,Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and ______.
What _______ do you like, Wang Bing I like_______ and ________.
Me too.
What ________ you, Yang Ling I like _________. It’s __________.
Oh! It’s time _______PE. Let’s______ ______ _______ __________.
Step 5 Blackboard design
Unit1 Our school subjects
What subjects do you like
I like….
What about you
I like…
1. 抄写表示科目的单词,英文两遍,中文一遍,尝试背诵。
2. 抄写our school subjects, our new timetable, go to the playground, It’s fun. It’s time for PE. 各两遍。
3. 模仿录音朗读课文,并熟读课文,准备表演。
Period 2
Fun time
1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What subjects do you like 及其回答I like....
4. 能自由询问身边的同学分别喜欢什么科目。
5. 知道表示科目的单词第一个字母要大写。
1. 能认读单词Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, subject并进行初步拼读。
2. 能熟练运用句型What subjects do you like 及其回答I like....
Step 1 Review
引导同学们对story time进行复习。What subjects does Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Mike/Yang Ling like What subjects do they class like
Step2 Fun time
T: Boys and girls, what subjects do you like You can be a interviewer this time, ask several students about the subject they like.(给时间同学们分组进行问答)
Step3 Sound time
(1) Find the same letter in the word
Cake grape make skate
(2) Look and try to read
(3) Find the words has the same pronunciation(让学生们找一找其他含有相同发音的单词)帮助学生们更好的体会字母a的发音
(4) Summary the pronunciation of the letter“a”
(5) Try to read the sentences
Kate,Kate,don't e and make a cake.(比一比哪一组读得好)
Step4 Rhyme time
Step5 Blackboard design
Step6 Homework
2.熟背Story time的单词和课文
3.预习 Cartoon time
Period 3
Cartoon time
1. 能认读单词 Music, PE, Science, lesson, afternoon, fun并进行初步拼读,认读星期词Monday。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型What lessons do you have 及其回答I/have....
4.能表演Cartoon time的对话
1. 能认读单词 Music, PE, Science, lesson, afternoon, fun并进行初步拼读。
2. 能熟练运用句型What lessons do you have 及其回答I/have...
3. 能表演Cartoon time的对话
Step1 Revision
Recite Story time
Step2 Presentation
1. Look and talk
Look at the picture and ask: Who are they Where are they What are they doing
2. Watch the cartoon and ask:
What day is it today
What lessons do Billy and Bobby have this morning
What lessons do Sam and Bobby have this afternoon
What subjects does Sam like What happened in the end
(在学生回答问题后进行新单词和新句型的教授eg.Monday, What lessons do we have 语气词 Ouch)
3.Listen and follow.(跟读过程中注意纠正学生们的语音语调。)
4.Read in three.
8.Act it out in three.
Step3 Summary
3.“但是我不喜欢那个” 英文怎么说?
Step4 Blackboard design
Step5 Homework
1.听读并模仿Cartoon time三遍,并试着背诵。
2.准备Cartoon time的角色扮演
Period 4
1.通过练习(补充习题)复习巩固句型What subjects do you like 及其回答I like....
What lessons do you have 及其回答I/have....以及科目类的词汇。
教学重、难点:通过练习(补充习题)复习巩固句型:What subjects do you like 及其回答I like.... What lessons do youhave 及其回答I/have....以及科目类的词汇。
Step1 Revision
Recite Story time
Recite Cartoon time
Recite Rhyme time
Step2 Checkout time
Step4 Homework