人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Vocabulary单词课件(23张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Vocabulary单词课件(23张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-09 21:23:39



Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
When the buying stops,the killing can do.
1.illegal adj 不合法的;非法的
1. 违禁药品 illegal drugs 违章停车 illegal parking 违法行为 illegal act
2. It is illegal to do sth.
3. It is illegal to sell (sell) tobacco to someone under 16.
4. il- illogical 悖理的,不合逻辑的 logical 必然的,合乎情理的
illimitable 无以伦比的,无限的
illegible 无法辨认的,字迹模糊的 legible 清晰的,清楚的
2. hunt v 打猎;搜捕;追捕 n.猎人 hunter
hunt for a job
(be) in search of
look for
1.Weather permitting, we’ll hunt this Sunday morning.
2.Jessica has been hunting for a job everywhere since she graduated last month.
3.They went to the island to hunt for the buried jewellery.
Review: go hunting
go camping
3. 3 extinct adj已灭绝的
Compare: n.灭绝 extinction die out
1.(2018阅读)Already well over 400 of the total of 68oo languages are close to extinction(extinct),with only a few elderly speakers left.
2. The sea turtle is an endangered (endanger) species.
3. Many rare animals are dying out. Many old customs have died out because they are out of date.
4.exist vi存在;生存
n existence
adj existing
exist in exist on=live on/ there exist(s)=there be
1. The outside and inside of the stinky tofu exist as two extremely different world. 臭豆腐
2. There exists (exist) a close relationship between families and their milkmen.
3. How did the universe come into existence(exist) first
4. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and existing(exist) relationships.
5.intend v n intention
intend to do/doing
intend sb to do sth
have intended to do= intended to have done(本来打算做, 但没能做)
be intended for 为……准备
1. What does the author intend(intend) to do in paragraph4
2. But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn’t intended (intend) for him, he did something special.
3. intend him to manage the company
4. He left England with the intention (intend) of travelling in Africa.
The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.
6.reserve vt 预订;预留; 保留;储藏
n reservation 预订;保留;(野生动物)保护区
1. We were told that our rooms hadn’t been reserved(reserve) that week, but for the week after.
2. reserve a table for three
3. reserve one’s opinion on some points 在一些问题上保留自己的意见。
4. keep some money in reserve 储备一些钱
The management reserves the right to refuse admission. 译 管理部门有权拒绝接收
7.observe vt 观察,注视遵守,庆祝 n observation;observer观察;观察者
1.observe sb do /doing/done/that/what/how/where
2. When we observe National Day, we must observe the traffic rules. If we observe someone going through a red light, we should stop him.译_______________________
3.We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways.(2019天津)
8.remind v 提醒;使想起 n reminder 引起回忆的事物;通知单 remind sb of sth
类似: cure sb of sth / rid sb of sth(使某人摆脱某物)/inform sb of sth /warn sb of sth
1.(2016全国) Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and were too violent for use at the table.(remind sb of sth)
2. I’m king of this forest, and here is your reminder(remind).
3.It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member to take (take) medicine or taking family photos.(remind sb to do sth)
9. shoot v射伤;射杀;发射(shot, shot)
Shoot at(表示动作,不一定射中)take a shot:
1. He shot at (shoot) a bird in the tree, but he didn’t shoot it.
2. I took a shot of the beautiful scenery in the desert.
3. Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.
3. The murderer shot the man in the back and stole the diamond from his suitcase.
Shoot sb in the head/back/leg (shoot sb.in+the+身体部位)
10. average adj 平均的;正常的;普通的;n.平均数;平均水平
1. 平均比率/费用/价格 average rate/fee/price/
中等身材/平均身高 average figure(medium build)/height
2.The province’s rainfall this year is below average. Many plants are short of water and have been dead.
3.On average(平均起来),each member earns$5 per hour.
4.The average of (…的平均数)3,4 and 11 is 6.
11. adapt v适应;使适应 adapt to
adj adaptable 有适应能力的;n adaptation适应
compare: adapt(使适应,改编)adapt A for B/A be adapted from B
1. They have to search for new habitats and try to adapt to the new surroudings(适应新环境)
2.Three of her novels have been adapted for(已被改编成)television series.
3.We should adapt ourselves to(使某人自己适应……)the changed conditions.
4. I think it’s time to adopt a different strategy in my dealings with him.
5.收养孤儿 adopt an orphan
12.recover v. 恢复;康复
找回;寻回 n recovery
make a full recovery 完全康复
1. Anne made a quick recovery (recover) from he operation.
2. He lost his suitcase, but he recovered(recover) it at the railway station.
3. About some minutes later, the girl recovered herself(her).recover oneself 静下心来
4. She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.
recovered from 从…… 恢复过来
13. remove v去除;移开;脱去;免除职务,开除
勒令某人退学 remove sb. from school
1. Once formed, the bad habits are hard to remove(remove).
2.You’d better perform well to remove his doubt(消除他的疑虑).
3. He was removed from(被开除了)the post because he broke the rules and regulations of the company by design.
14. threaten v威胁;危及 adj threatening(充满威胁的,恐吓的);
threatened 受到威胁的,恐吓的 n threat 威胁,恐吓
1.It not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten(threat)people’s lives.
The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening(threaten) behind their screen of shadow.
15. stir v 激发;搅动
stir up 激起;挑起
stir sb to do 激发某人去做某事
1. The wind stirred up a lot of dust. 激起
2. As usual, Harriet is trying to stir up trouble. 挑起
3. Their complaints have finally stirred him into action./She was stirred by his sad story.
16. measure v 测量;度量;估计n.措施,方法
take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事
measure sb by sth 用……衡量……
make…to one’s own ~ 按照某人的尺寸来做……
1. 安全措施 safety measures 紧急措施 emergency measures
2. This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.
3. It found many youngsters now measure their status by how much public approval they get online, often through “likes”.
17. mass adj 大量的;广泛的n 大量;堆;群
a mass of 一堆,大量
/masses of 成堆的,大量的
1. 批量生产 mass production 大众传媒 mass media
大量的a mass of /masses of
2. Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale.
3. Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of(大量)color.
18.aware adj知觉;知道;有….意识 n awareness
be /become/feel aware that 知道,意识到
as far as I’m aware 据我所知
1. develop an awareness of 形成一种….意识
raise/ increase public awareness of 提高….的公众意识
environmental awareness 环保意识
2We are all well aware (意识)how dressing up in different ways can make us feel more attractive.
3 He introduced radio to the school to increase the children’s awareness (aware).
19.immediately adv立刻 conj 一….就:
directly/ hardly…when/no sooner ….than/
1. All hunters must stop hunting wild animals immediately(immediate)
2. Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.
3.I will contact you immediately I get there (我一到那里)
4.The boss ordered them to take immediate action (立刻采取行动)
立刻,马上:at once/ right now/ right away
no sooner ….than
1.She had hardly had time to sit and have a rest when the phone rang again.
Bruce had scarcely shaken our hands when the phone rang.
No sooner had Peter remembered it than he heard the ticking.
20.make out 看清;听清;分清
1. Kate heard a man’s voice in the background, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.
2.He could just make out a dark shape moving towards him.
21.watch over保护;照管;监督
look after
care for
attend to
1.They volunteer to watch over the old in their spare time.
2.There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over(watch over) each game.
Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over(watch over) the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.