人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单元话题语法填空练习(8篇有答案详解)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单元话题语法填空练习(8篇有答案详解)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-09 23:31:52



Unit 1 Art 单元话题语法填空练习
Astrid Poghosyan is a musician from America who now lives in China. This summer, she has been busy making preparations for a series of in-person and online music___1___(event) and cultural exchange programs, ___2___include a music festival in Shanghai and a live-streamed international violin contest.
Poghosyan said she always devotes all her energy___3___the projects in which she is involved, she believes that every little effort will help her realize her music-related dreams.
Having studied and worked in China for 12 years. Poghosyan has now become a real China hand, with a good knowledge of the___4___(country) language and culture. Such a multicultural background has___5___(definite) helped her excel at her current job.
For Poghosyan the life she now leads is a far cry from when she first came to China in 2009 ___6___ (study) violin at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
“ ___7___(move) by the kindness and friendliness of the people here, I have always been grateful” she said. “Even when couldn’t speak Chinese, in the first days, everyone I met___8___(greet) me with a big smile, whether they were sanitation(环境卫生) workers on the streets___9___cashiers in convenience stores. Their smiles have made me feel the warmth of the city” she said. “And I’ve been so____10____(fortune) to feel such warmth every day.”
One of the most popular American____11____ (singer) of 20th century was Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley made the music____12____(call) rock’n’roll popular around the world. He sold millions of records and made many successful films,____13____he helped change the direction of popular music in the 1960s. Elvis Presley was born in 1935 in a small town in Mississippi in the southern United States; he came from____14____very poor family.____15____(he) parents were simply country people who often took Elvis to church. At church he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church____16____a child. When he was a school boy, Elvis moved to the town of Memphis in Tennessee. He____17____(begin) to sing in the style that is popular in Tennessee, a style called country and western. The people at the ____18____(record) studio liked Elvis’s singing and music. There was something____19____(difference) about it. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like ____20____black people used to sing in the American South. It was called Blues.
Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. “Up to now, nobody ____21____ (be) able to create laughter like Charlie Chaplin. He brightened the lives of millions through two world wars and the hard years in between. He made people laugh at a time when they felt ____22____ (true) depressed, so they could forget their difficulties.
Charlie Chaplin was born in London in 1889. His parents were music hall ____23____ (performer), and he first appeared on the stage in ____24____ dance act at the age of eight.
While making his short films, Chaplin put together the character of the tramp (流浪汉). He developed this ____25____ (fool), mischievous, yet lovable little man through successive films, ____26____ (create) a character that audiences laughed at yet sympathized (同情) with at the same time. Chaplin’s tramp appeared in such classic films ____27____ The Kid (1921) and The Gold Rush (1925). As World War I began, Chaplin made The Great Dictator (1940), which was intended ____28____ (laugh) at the German dictator (独裁者) Adolf Hitler.
Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed, and produced the films he starred in. In 1972, he ____29____ (give) a special Academy Award, for his contributions to the film industry. He lived in England and the USA, but spent his last years in Switzerland, _____30_____ he died in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who inspired people during dark times.
Have you ever gone to a musical concert and experienced a physical reaction Music is not ____31____(simple)a collection and arrangement of notes interpreted by musicians. Musicians play music, which always in turn ____32____(stimulate)the tiny hairs in our ears, and our brain hears the message. Music impacts our mood, lifts us up, touches our hearts, and makes our feet tap to the beat.
It is known to us that artistic disciplines(学科)can support each other with ____33____(inspire). Understanding that music can produce so many strong emotional ____34____(response)can help artists with their creative process. Music can be very ____35____(use), guiding intentions such as brush marks and colour choices.
When listening to music, we should consider the choice of music and how it reflects our artistic intentions. I always begin my creative art process with the question “____36____ are my intentions ” Then I select music with high energy ____37____(help)me smile, move, and make expressive energetic marks. There are also times when I need music to help me concentrate ____38____ my painting, so I choose soft music. For example, my realistic portraits require calm, thoughtful brushwork, and my go-to music is classical, or Latin guitar.
I suggest you choose music that inspires the appropriate marks for your ____39____(expect)outcome. Know your intentions, put the music on, _____40_____ let your paintbrush fly to communicate your ideas in a visual dialogue.
Housed in an old railway building, the Musee d’Orsay ____41____(feature) some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionist movement of the 19th century. Two of the greatest Impressionist painters, Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir made the ____42____(deep) impression on me. Monet’s work ____43____ (inspire) by nature. In the last three ____44____(decade) of his life, he painted mostly scenes from his garden. Renoir’s masterpiece Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, shows life in a busy neighbourhood of Paris ____45____a Sunday afternoon. There’s so much going on, ____46____ so little clear detail. Impressionist artists did not try to paint every detail in a scene-just ____47____brief “impression” they had at that moment, burning with vividly colours and light, before it disappeared. It is also worthy of note that Post-Impressionist painters were not the only ones ____48____(influence) by Impressionism -the movement has had a lasting influence on modern art, ____49____(encourage) artists to look at the world from an _____50_____(entire) new point of view.
A’Driane Nieves didn’t attend art school, and she never dreamed of ____51____ (become) an artist. That changed when Nieves began to struggle ____52____ mental health. Painting is not only treatment for her, but it’s her career now. “Painting is now the primary way that I express ____53____ (I),” Nieves said. Nieves experienced deep ____54____ (anxious) after giving birth to her second son in 2010.
Nieves tried crocheting (钩编) for about two weeks. She admitted she was ____55____ (bore) with it. And one day, she picked up painting. As she poured the paint and moved it around with her hands, she felt ____56____ sense of relief. I felt ____57____ (complete) different from what I had before,” she said.
Since she started painting in 2012, Nieves ____58____ (create) more than 1,000 pieces. In 2012, she set up her nonprofit Tessera Arts Collective, ____59____ aimed to encourage people with a mental disorder to be kind to themselves. “You have the right ____60____ (live) a full and healthy life even while managing a mental health condition like this.” she said.
In Chinese art history, Qi Baishi ranks ____61____ a towering figure. His unusual and playful style opened up a new vista in the imagery of traditional Chinese painting, and has left a rich legacy still widely ____62____ (recognize) in modern society.
Lifelike shrimps play a key role in Qi’s vast body of visual artworks. The “shrimps” are so popular ____63____ they have become synonymous with the painter himself. Unlike his predecessors, Qi Baishi painted shrimps in an impressionistic style with swift and definite brush strokes. He used different shades of ink ____64____ (model) the shrimp’s torso (躯干) and head. These shrimps are not just passive subject matter; rather they are asserting their presence.
Qi was an all-round artist. Born to a family of farmers in Hunan in 1864, he learned carpentry in his teens, and later taught ____65____ (he) the arts of painting, poetry, calligraphy and seal cutting. The years spent in rural areas ____66____ (sow) in him a deep-rooted love of nature. During his youth, he traveled around the country to seek ____67____ (inspire) from nature while ____68____ (enthusiastic) studying the masterpieces of early Chinese painters. Qi settled in Beijing in 1919 and soon achieved wide fame in the Chinese capital. Qi Baishi opened ____69____ new window for the fine art world. He ______70______ (name) the “People’s Painter” and awarded the title of “People’s Artist” by China’s Ministry of Culture.
You never know ____71____ romantic and talented Chinese people can be. The only ____72____ (survive) painting by the Northern Song Dynasty’s (960-1127) young genius artist Wang Ximeng, A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, is probably the ____73____ (fine) example of Chinese blue-green landscape paintings. With bright mineral pigments, the painter paints a vast country landscape, an ideal world of perfect order and harmony that people dream of. Now, nearly 1,000 years later, Chinese musicians are doing ____74____ same thing as Wang, but this time through the art of music.
The ____75____ (music) interpretation (演绎) of the masterpiece A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains first appeared in Shanghai as the closing performance of the Music in the Summer Air concert ____76____ (give) by the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra on Sunday. Following the concert, the performance began on Wednesday ____77____ Xi’an, Shaanxi Province.
“Just as Chinese painting aesthetics stress the relationship between artistic conception and the viewer’s mentality, the music ____78____ (create) can help people understand the landscape and the heaven and sky in ____79____ (we) hearts as well as the feelings toward nature and humanity in the form of music,” the piece’s composer Zhao Lin _____80_____ (tell) the Global Times on Tuesday.
This symphony orchestra work showed the world of the splendid scroll painting.
1.events 2.which 3.to 4.country’s 5.definitely 6.to study 7.Moved 8.greeted 9.or 10.fortunate
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了来自美国的音乐家 Astrid Poghosyan 在中国生活的情况。
1.考查名词的数。句意:今年夏天,她一直在忙着为一系列现场和在线音乐活动以及文化交流项目做准备,其中包括在上海举办的音乐节和直播的国际小提琴比赛。根据上文a series of可知,此处可数名词用复数形式。故填events。
4.考查名词所有格。句意:Poghosyan现在已经成为一名真正的中国通,精通中国的语言和文化。此处单词作限定词修饰空格后的language and culture,因此用country的所有格形式 country’s意指“这个国家的”。故填country’s。
5.考查副词。句意:这样的多元文化背景无疑帮助她在目前的工作中脱颖而出。修饰动词has helped,应用所给词的副词形式作状语,因此用definite的副词形式。故填definitely。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:对于Poghosyan来说,她现在的生活与2009年她第一次来到中国,在上海音乐学院学习小提琴时大不相同。分析语境可知,此处动词在句中作目的状语,因此用动词不定式形式。故填to study。
8.考查时态。句意:“即使我不会说中文,在最初的日子里,我遇到的每个人都对我微笑,无论是街上的环卫工人还是便利店的收银员。”空处为主句谓语动词,根据时间状语in the first days可知,此处描述的是过去发生的动作,因此谓语动词用过去式。故填greeted。
9.考查连词。句意:“即使我不会说中文,在最初的日子里,我遇到的每个人都对我微笑,无论是街上的环卫工人还是便利店的收银员。”上文whether they were sanitation(环境卫生) workers on the streets可知,此处为固定搭配whether...or….,表示“无论……,还是……”。 故填or。
10.考查形容词。句意:我很幸运,每天都能感受到这样的温暖。用fortune 的对应形容词形式,在句中作表语。故填fortunate。
11.singers 12.called 13.and 14.a 15.His 16.as 17.began 18.recording 19.different 20.what
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了“猫王”Elvis Presley音乐风格的形成过程。
11.考查名词。句意:20世纪最受欢迎的美国歌手之一是Elvis Presley。“one of+复数可数名词”为固定结构,表示“……之一”,所以空处应填可数名词的复数形式。故填singers。
12.考查非谓语动词。句意:Elvis Presley使摇滚乐风靡世界。分析句子结构可知,空处作非谓语动词,call与被修饰词music之间是被动关系,应用动词的过去分词形式作后置定语。故填called。
16.考查介词。句意:在教堂里,他学会了唱歌,他永远不会忘记他小时候在教堂里常唱的那种歌。结合语意,空处应用介词as,表示“作为”,as a child表示“作为一个孩子”,符合句意。故填as。
18.考查形容词。句意:录音室的人喜欢Elvis的歌声和音乐。结合语意,此处表示录音室的人,空处应用形容词recording作定语,修饰名词studio,recording studio“录音室”。故填recording。
21.has been 22.truly 23.performers 24.a 25.foolish 26.creating 27.as 28.to laugh 29.was given 30.where
21.考查时态及主谓一致。句意:“到目前为止,没有人能够像查理卓别林那样制造笑声”。根据句意及时间状语Up to now可知,时态应用现在完成时。主语是nobody,助动词应用has,故填has been。
23.考查名词的数。句意:他的父母是音乐厅的表演者,他八岁时第一次出现在一场舞蹈表演的舞台上。根据句意及句子结构可知,设空处应填名词,表示“表演者”。设空处应与主语His parents在数量上保持一致,故填可数名词的复数。故填performers。
25.考查形容词。句意:他通过一连串电影创造了这个愚蠢、淘气但可爱的小个子男人,创造了一个观众嘲笑但与此同时又同情的角色。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处应填形容词foolish,作定语,修饰little man,表示“愚蠢的”。故填foolish。
28.考查不定式。句意:第一次世界大战开始时,卓别林拍摄了《大独裁者》(1940),旨在嘲笑德国独裁者Adolf Hitler。本题考查短语be intended to do sth.,表示“目的是为了做某事,打算做某事”,故填to laugh。
29.考查时态及语态。句意:1972年,他被授予奥斯卡特别奖,以表彰他对电影业的贡献。根据时间状语In 1972可知,时态应用一般过去时。主语he与give是动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态(was/were done)。因为主语是he,故填was given。
31.simply 32.stimulates 33.inspiration 34.responses 35.useful 36.What 37.to help 38.on ## upon 39.expected 40.and
36.考查特殊疑问词。句意:我总是以“我的意图是什么 ”这个问题开始我的艺术创作过程。分析句子结构,引号里是特殊疑问句,空处填特殊疑问词,由句意可知,此处填what,空格是该疑问句的句首,所以要大写,即What。故答案为What。
37.考查不定式。句意:然后我选择有活力的音乐来帮助我微笑、移动,并画出富有表现力的充满活力的笔画。根据句子结构和句意可知,空处应填动词不定式to help,作目的状语。故答案为to help。
38.考查介词。句意:有时我也需要音乐来帮助我集中精力画画,所以我选择轻音乐。由空前提示动词concentrate可知,空处填介词on或upon,构成固定短语concentrate on/upon,表示“集中精力于”。故答案为on/upon。
41.features 42.deepest 43.was inspired 44.decades 45.on 46.but 47.a 48.influenced 49.encouraging 50.entirely
41.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:奥赛博物馆位于一座古老的铁路建筑内,主要展有19世纪印象派运动中一些最著名的画作。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入动词作谓语。Feature用作动词时,意为“以……为特色;以……为主要组成”。结合句意可知,该句描述的是客观事实,故时态为一般现在时,且主语the Musee d’Orsay“奥赛博物馆”为第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单三形式。故填features。
43.考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:莫奈的作品灵感来自大自然。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入动词作谓语。Inspire意为“激励,鼓舞,赋予灵感”。根据by nature“被大自然”可知,是被大自然赋予灵感,所以inspire要用被动语态。该句描述的是莫奈在创作作品时被大自然赋予了灵感,故时态为一般过去时,且主语work“作品”为第三人称单数,构成被动语态的be动词要用单数。故填was inspired。
45.考查介词。句意:雷诺阿的代表作《红磨坊的舞会》展现了一个周日下午巴黎繁华街区的生活。根据空格后的a Sunday afternoon“一个周日下午”可知,空格处应填入表示时间的介词。因为体现了具体日期Sunday,所以用介词on。故填on。
46.考查连词。句意:有那么多的事情在发生,但清楚的细节却很少。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入连词。根据空格前的关键词so much和空格后的关键词so little可知,前后相反,为转折关系。故填but。
47.考查冠词。句意:印象派画家并没有企图画出场景中的每一个细节,只是画出在那一刻他们所拥有的一个简短的“印象”,在它消失之前,用生动的色彩和光线燃烧着。空格后的impression“印象”为可数名词,以单数形式出现在句子中时,前要有限定词,所以空格处要填入冠词起限定作用。结合句意,a brief impression意为“一个简短的印象”,符合题意。故填a。
48.考查非谓语动词。句意:同样值得注意的是,后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派影响的人。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词作定语修饰代词ones。Influence意为“影响”,根据by Impressionism可知,是被印象派影响,故用过去分词表被动。故填influenced。
49.考查非谓语动词。句意:这一运动对现代艺术产生了持久的影响,鼓励艺术家从全新的角度看世界。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词作状语,且encourage“鼓励”与句子主语the movement“运动”之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词表主动关系。故填encouraging。
51.becoming 52.with##against 53.myself 54.anxiety 55.bored 56.a 57.completely 58.has created 59.which 60.to live
51.考查动名词。句意:阿德里安·涅韦斯没有上过艺术学校,她也从未梦想过成为一名艺术家。分词句子结构可知,句子有谓语动词dreamed,所给提示词需要使用非谓语动词的形式,此处用其动名词形式作介词of 的宾语。故填becoming。
52.考查介词。句意:当涅韦斯开始与心理健康作斗争时,情况发生了变化。结合句意,此处表示与疾病作斗争,struggle with/against为固定搭配,意为“与……斗争”。故填with/against。
55.考查形容词。句意:她承认她无聊了。be bored with为固定搭配,意为“厌倦,厌烦,腻烦,厌恶”,形容词bored用于修饰说明人。故填bored。
56.考查不定冠词。句意:当她倒上颜料并用手涂抹它时,她感到如释重负。结合句意,这里表示“如释重负”,为固定搭配,是a sense of relief,relief在这里是抽象名词具体化,前面要使用不定冠词a。故填a。
58.考查动词的时态。句意:自2012年开始绘画以来,涅韦斯已经创作了1000多件作品。根据过去时间in 2012和since可知,主句要使用现在完成时。主语为第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has created。
59.考查定语从句。句意:在2012年,她建立了她的非营利组织Tessera艺术集体,旨在鼓励精神障碍患者善待他们自己。分析句子可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,Tessera Arts Collective为先行词,指物,后面的从句缺主语,应使用关系代词which引导。故填which。
60.考查不定式。句意:“你有权过上充实健康的生活,即使是在管理这样的心理健康状况的同时”,她说。分析句子可得,句子有谓语动词have,所给的提示词要用非谓语形式,需使用其不定式形式作后置定语。故填to live。
61.as 62.recognized 63.that 64.to model 65.himself 66.sowed 67.inspiration 68.enthusiastically 69.a 70.was named
61.考查介词。句意:在中国美术史上,齐白石是一位举足轻重的人物。固定搭配rank as“被列为”。故填as。
62.考查非谓语动词。句意:他独特而俏皮的画风开辟了中国传统绘画意象的新视野,留下了丰富的遗产,至今仍为现代社会所广泛认可。此处修饰a rich legacy,与recognize是逻辑动宾关系,应用过去分词,作后置定语。故填recognized。
64.考查非谓语动词。句意:他用不同色调的墨水来展示虾的躯干和头部。此处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填to model。
70.考查动词语态。句意:他被中国文化部命名为“人民画家”并授予“人民艺术家”称号。name与主语是逻辑动宾关系,应用被动语态,句子陈述的事情已经发生,应用一般过去时。故填was named。
71.how 72.surviving 73.finest 74.the 75.musical 76.given 77.in 78.creation 79.our 80.told
73.考查形容词最高级。句意:北宋(960-1127年)年轻天才艺术家王希孟仅存的一幅画《千里江山图》可能是中国青绿山水画的最好例子。根据句意和句中“of Chinese blue-green landscape paintings”可知,句中指在中国青绿山水画中,《千里江山图》可能是最好的例子,句子应用最高级,“fine”意为“好的”,形容词词性,最高级为“finest”。故填finest。
74.考查冠词。句意:现在,近1000年后,中国音乐家也在做着与王相同的事情,但这次是通过音乐艺术。分析句子可知,“same”意为“相同的”,形容词词性,前面常加定冠词“the”修饰,“the same thing”意为“相同的事情”。故填the。
80.考查时态。句意:“正如中国绘画美学强调意境和观众心理之间的关系,音乐创作可以帮助人们理解我们心中的风景和天空,以及以音乐形式对自然和人性的感受,”该作品的作曲家赵麟周二对《环球时报》说。根据句意和句中“on Tuesday”可知,句子陈述的是过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,“tell”意为“说,告诉”,动词词性,过去式为“told”。故填told。