《Unit 6 Meet my family》Part A Let’s learn教学设计
学习目标:1、能够听、说、认读单词:family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother.
学习时间:40 minutes
教学环节 活动内容 设计意图
热身Warm-up Task 1: Chant about the friends. 迅速熟悉学生,听到同学的名字被串编在儿歌中,能激发学生的参与热情。有节奏地说唱,是教学设计中的第一个任务。
Task 2: Listen to a song and guess who they are. 利用多媒体手段,播放一首英文歌曲,让学生带着任务去听,复现所学过的家庭成员名称。
3. Review the names of family members. 让学生拼读单词,温故知新。
新课呈现 Presentation Show a family tree. Ask students to guess what the other members are. 层层设疑,以旧引新。
2. Task 3: Look, read and choose. Teach the new words one by one. 不是简单呈现单词及图片,而是让学生自己去读、去想、去探究,让被动的学习转变为主动地获取知识。
3. Make sentences about the new words. 词入句,这是语言输出的必经之路。
4. Task 4: Look and guess. Who's missing 简单易操作的游戏环节,适合在常态课中普及。
Task 5: Fill in the blanks. Try to spell the new words. 四会单词的拼读、记忆也是四年级学生学习的必备要素之一。
拓展与延伸 Consolidation and Extension 拓展与延伸 Consolidation and extension Show a video of my finger drawings. Look and listen. 播放老师自己拍摄的一段手指画视频,边看边介绍,让语言的复现形式显得生动、有趣。
2. Task 6: Draw and say. Ask students to make their own finger drawings on a piece of paper. Say something about them. 学生一起来画一画,说一说,饶有兴致,学以致用。
3.Try to talk about your family. 适时地将所学句子组合成完整的语篇,有了之前的铺垫与积累,一切都会很流畅、自然。
Task 7: Homework. A. Draw your own family tree. Write the words down. B. Make a film about their own finger family song. 作业形式的灵活性、趣味性从某种程度上也决定了学生能否用心、细致地去完成,一改以往的抄写,让他们自主选择自己感兴趣的方式,既达到了巩固所学知识的目的,也能兼顾发挥他们的创造性。