人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Vocabulary 单元词汇课件(共25张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Vocabulary 单元词汇课件(共25张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 428.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-10 11:38:26



Unit 1 Words and Expressions
preserve...from/against sth保护...免受...
preservation n.保护;维护;保存
preserved adj.保存的;腌制的
well-preserved 保存完好的 be well preserved 保存完好的
It is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
vt. 保存;保护;维持 n. 保护区
promote v. 促进;提升;升迁;发起;促销,推销
promotion n [C] & [U] 晋升;促销;[U] 促进:get a promotion
promote the development of 促进…的发展
promote economic and cultural exchanges 促进经济文化交流
promote to (v.+prep.)
提升为…; (使)升入promote to (v.+prep.)
提升为…; (使)升入… raise sb to a higher rank or position
promote sb to sb/sth
The boss promoted him to a higher rank for his successful work.
give way to 让步、屈服
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.
give in to让步;屈服
give way to sb给某人让路;对某人让步
give way to sth为某事让路
give up放弃;停止
give away泄露;赠送
give out用完;耗尽;分发;散尽
give off发出;放出(光、热、气味)
balance n. 平衡;均匀 vt. 使平衡
1. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of
cultural sites can be a big challenge.
keep/strike a balance between...and... 使……和……保持平衡
lose one’s balance/out of balance 失去平衡
balance...against... 权衡/比较……和……
e.g. Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. 尽量保持工作与休闲均衡
lead v. 引导;领先;带领;过 ... (的生活);导致
n. 领头位置;主角;榜样;引言;铅
lead to导致
2. Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
lead to 导致
e.g. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
lead sb to (地点) 带领某人到……
lead sb into sth/to do 促使某人做某事
Our hostess led us to the dinner table. 女主人把我们领到餐桌旁
propose v. 打算;计划;向 ... 提议;求婚;提名
proposal n. 提议 建议
make a proposal 提出建议
propose vt.提议;建议
propose doing sth 建议做某事
propose to do sth /doing sth 打算做某事
proposer n. 提议者;建议者
I propose an early start tomorrow morning.
He proposed to buy and run a farm.
n. 抗议;反对
v. 抗议;反对;申明;断言
动词+~address〔raise〕 a protest 提出抗议
ban a protest 禁止抗议
cause〔draw〕 a protest 引起抗议
express〔voice〕 a protest 表示抗议
face a protest from 面对来自…的抗议
make a protest against 对…提出抗议
All local farmers protested against building the new airport on their farm land.
n. 申请;用途;运用;应用(程序)
app 是其缩略形式
apply v. 申请;应用
apply for sth 申请,请求
apply to sb for sth
= make an application to sb for sth 向某人申请...
apply sth to sth 把...应用到...
apply oneself to 致力于
applicant n.申请者
applied adj. 应用的
Turn to 求助某人/某物
I had to turn to the dictionary for help.
turn up出现;
turn out结果是;
turn on打开;
turn down调低;
turn over翻转;
turn in交出;
turn right 右转
prevent v. 预防;防止,阻止;挡住
prevent from (v.+prep.)
阻止,防止 stop from; keep from
prevent sb/sth from v-ing阻止某人做某事
My only idea was to prevent the woman from speaking.
issue n. 1) u. 发行;发布;配给;分发
the date of issue 发行日
c. 发行物;出版物 ;(书刊的)期
Do you know which issue the article was in
2) c. 问题;议题;争论点 at issue 在争论中
investigate the issue 调查这个问题
3)c. 结果;结局
4 )u. 子女;后代
die without issue 死后无子嗣
issue vt. 发行、出版、分发 、发布
issue a warning 发布警告
contribution n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠
5. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds
within the international community.
make contribution(s) to sth/doing sth 对……做出贡献
e.g. As mayor, he made many positive contributions to the growth of the city.
【拓展】contribute vi. & vt. 捐献;捐助;做出贡献
Many players have contributed to the team’s success.
Conduct n. 行为;举动;品行
v. 引导;指挥;管理
vt. 导电;传热
conduct activities 开展活动conduct an orchestra 指挥管弦乐队conduct business 管理生意conduct electricity 导电conduct experiment 进行试验conduct heat 传热~+副词
conduct oneself well 行为端正conduct uphill 引上山
conduct a survey 进行调查
He conducted me around the museum. 他带领我参观了博物馆
donate vt vi 捐赠 捐献
donate ...to 向...捐赠
donation n.捐赠;捐献
give a donation 捐赠
generous donation 慷慨捐赠
handsome donation 可观的捐赠
large donation 大量的捐赠
He donated to cancer research.
disappear vt. 消失
fade vanish
appear emerge
disappear, fade, vanish
这组词都有“消失”的意思。其区别在于:fade强调的是逐渐消失的过程; disappear一般指具体、有形的东西、事物突然或逐渐地“不见”,强调的是“看不见了”“不再存在了”的结果; vanish强调的是消失的彻底性,即“化为乌有”,往往带有一定的神秘色彩,在表达人或物消失了、看不见了时, disappear和vanish可以互换。
attempt n. & vt. 企图;试图;尝试
6. Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
make an attempt to do sth 尝试做……
attempt sth/to do sth 企图/尝试做……
We both made an attempt to be friendly despite recent arguments.
worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
7. Do you think it was worthwhile
It is worthwhile to do/doing... ……是值得的
e.g. It is worthwhile to spend/spending two hours reading the book.
sth be worth doing ……值得被做
e.g.vThis book is worth reading.
worthy adj. 适合的;值得尊敬的 ;值得的
be worthy of sth 值得...
be worthy of being done = be worthy tobe done 某事值得被做
His deed is worthy of parise.他的行为值得称赞。
forgive vt 原谅;饶恕;宽恕
forgive sb sth 原谅某人某事
They forgave us our rudeness.他们原谅了我们的无礼。
forgive sb for doing sth 原谅某人做过某事...
He forgave me for losing his notebook . 他原谅我弄丢他的笔记本。
Forgive to do sth. Forgive doing sth. 已发生/未发生
forgiveness u. 原谅;宽恕;饶恕
forgiving adj. 宽大的;仁慈的
Quality n. 品质;才能;特质
adj. 高品质的
quality用于指“商品”时,表示商品“质量”,通常用单数形式quality; 表示“商品的性能”时一般用复数形式qualities。
quality用于指“人”,表示“才能”“本领”时通常用单数形式quality; 表示“品质”时多用复数形式qualities; 表示暂时具有的地位、身份或作用时常用于短语in (the) quality of中。
identify vt. 鉴定;识别,辨认出,认出;认明;把…看成一样
vi. 认同;感同身受
N. identification ID card
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.
The policeman identified him as the thief.
identify a corpse 验尸
identify a criminal 辨认犯罪分子
identify handwriting 鉴别字迹
likely adj. 可能的 adv. 可能的 (反义词unlikely)
3. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy
cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.
sb/sth is likely to do 某人/某事有可能……
It is possible to do
It is likely that... 有可能……
Children who live in the country’s rural areas are very likely to be poor.
It is highly/very likely that it will rain tomorrow.
4. A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and
prevent the loss of cultural relics.
limit...to... 把……限制在……内
be limited to... 局限于……
The hospital limits visits to 30 minutes.
limit n. 限度;限制 vt. 限制;限定