人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world重点归纳学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world重点归纳学案(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 35.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-15 18:00:19



2019人教版高中英语必修一unit 5 Languages around the World
Words & Expressions 学案 (含答案)
1. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n. 本地人 be native to 原产于,源于……的
You speak English like_________ native speaker.
The Giant Panda is native ___________ China.
2. reference n. [c]&[u] 提及, 涉及 [c] 推荐信; 推荐人; 参考书目
refer to 谈到;提到;查阅;参考;指的是refer v-ed referred v-ing referring
A list of _________ must be included in your book. (refer)
The professor __________ to China at least ten times in his speech. (refer)
Here are some __________ books for you. (refer)
The Pritzker Architecture Prize ___________ to as the Nobel Prize in architecture. (refer)
When giving the speech, one is not allowed __________ to his notes. (refer)
When I said someone was stupid, I ______________ to you. (not refer)
3. despite prep. 不管;尽管;任凭 (in spite of)
Oven is an excellent soccer player despite __________ short. (be)
Despite __________ many times, she chose to trust her kid. (cheat)
4. base n [c] 基础,基地,总部 vt 基于;为……设立总部
base on 以……为基础, 以…… 为根据
The film _____________ on a real story. (base)
The book ____________on personal experience. (base)
We cannot make a decision ___________ on hearsay and guess work. (base)
_____________ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret sooner or later(base)
_____________ on a true story, the novel is touching. (base)
5. variety n [u] 多样化;变化 [c] (动植物、语言等的)种类;品种
a variety of 种种;各种各样的 various 各种各样的
There exist different ____________ of English. (variety)
Let’s first talk about ___________ folk tales in Yunnan Province. (variety)
BYD Mobiles offer __________ versions of private cars. (variety)
The company introduced several _________ of corn resistant to __________ pests. (variety)
6. major adj. 主要的;重要的;大的 n. 主修课程;主修学生 vi. 主修;专门研究
Most of the girls are English __________. (major)
He was ________ history major in Yunnan University.
I decided ________ in language in college. (major)
He _________ in computer science when he was in Yunnan Normal University. (major)
I don’t know where to go for college or what _________ in. (major)
7. means n. 手段;方法
by all means 尽一切办法;务必;当然可以
by means of 借助;依靠
by no means 绝不;一点也不
Please ___________ hand in your homework in time.
---Can I use your bike ---__________.
Brown said he was ______________ upset; on the contrary, he was very glad to make himself understood.
______________ shall you come late again!
8. regard [u] 关注;关心;尊重 【pl】问候;致意 vt. 注视;打量
regarding prep. 关于 (concerning/with regard to)
with/in regard to 关于【正式用语】
She stood there and _________ him coldly. (regard)
Please give my _________ to you parents. (regard)
Some of the plants have survived millions of years, and __________ as living fossils. (regard)
She has said nothing ____________ your request. (regard)
We have lot of questions ____________ meat and dairy products. (regard)
Abraham Lincoln ____________ as one of the greatest presidents of the USA. (regard)
9. no matter who, what, which, where, how, when……. 无论……;不管……
_________________ hard I try, I cannot seem to catch up with the others.
We will try to make it right, ____________ long it takes.
________________ your age is, you can lose weight by following the method.
________________ people go, and ______________far they go, they will go back home enjoying family time During the Spring Festival.
Call me when you get there, _________________ time is.
_____________ the rival(对手) is, we want to go into the semifinal.
_______________ you come to our school, you are welcome.
Of the tree models, ______________ you buy, there is a lifelong warranty(终身保修).
10. affair 严肃认真的公共的或政治事务,也可指个人私生活方面的事;桃色新闻
matter 客观存在的或待处理的问题
event 重要事件;大事;体育赛事
accident 灾祸;事故
China will never put hands on internal __________ of other countries.
The main sporting ____________ begins at 8:00 am.
He was killed in a/an ____________.
What’s the ___________ with you You look pale.
11. appreciate vt. [不用于进行时] 理解;明白;欣赏;赏识;感激;感谢 n. appreciation
His talents ______________ by his boss, which makes him very happy. (appreciate)
Thanks for coming. I appreciate __________.
I really appreciate ____________ with you all. (work)
I would appreciate __________ if you could give me a helping hand.
Chinese arts have won the ______________ of many people outside China. (appreciate)
I would like to express my ____________ to you all. (appreciate)
12. struggle n.[c] vi. 搏斗;争斗;艰难行进;奋斗;努力
struggle with/against 与……作斗争
struggle for 为……而奋斗 struggle to do 挣扎/努力做某事
Do not struggle __________ the thief; you may hurt yourself.
He __________________ against illness for the past three years. (struggle)
At that moment he _____________ the right words to express himself. (struggle)
Many families ______________ to make ends meet now. (struggle)
The struggle ____________ liberation was long and hard.
13. demand n. [c]要求;需求 vt. 要求
demand to do something
demand that S+ should do
demanding 要求严格的;苛求的
Human rights groups _____________ an investigation into the shooting. (demand)
There have been ___________ for quality service. (demand)
The highly-paid job is ____________. (demand)
The teacher __________ that all girls should wear long skirts. (demand)
Employers are much more ____________ than ever before. (demand)
14. relate v. [常与to连用](使)互有关联 n. relation
be related to 与……有关
The book _________ the effects of teenagers’ addiction to computer games. (relate)
He established good ___________ with his colleagues. (relate)
In the future, pay increase ______________ to productivity. (relate)
The sentences within each paragraph should _______________to a single topic. (relate)
A __________ yours is coming to see you. (relate)
1、十亿 _________ 2、本地的;本地人adj. n._____________
3、态度;看法n._____________ 4、参考;查阅 n._____________
5、体系;制度;系统n._____________ 6、即使;尽管 prep. _____________
7、因素;要素n._____________ 8、底部;基础n._____________
9、骨头;骨质n._____________ 10、壳;壳状物n._____________
11、符号;象征n._____________ 12、雕刻 vt.&vi._____________
13、王朝;朝代n._____________ 14、变体;异体;多样化n.____________
15、主修课程n.主修vi._____________ 16、地方话;方言n._____________
17、方式;方法;途径n._____________ 18、传统的adj. 经典作品n.__________
19、尊重;关注n.看待;视为vt. __________ 20、文字;符号;角色;品质n._________
21、书法;书法艺术n._____________ 22、全球的,全世界的adj. __________
23、公共事务;事件n._____________ 24、欣赏;重视;感激;增值n.______
25、特定的,具体的adj. ___________ 26、斗争;奋斗;搏斗n.&vi.__________
27、舌头;语言n._____________ 28、学期n._____________
29、汽油;气体;燃气n._____________ 30、地铁n._____________
31、公寓套房n._____________ 32、裤子;内裤;短裤n._____________
33、恳求;祈求;哀求vt. __________ 34、描写;形容n._____________
35、相同的;同等的人;同等物adj.& n.________
37、要求;需求;强烈要求n.&vi. vt. ______
1. We should develop a positive attitude ___________ life.
Youth is simply __________ attitude of mind.
Her sudden change _________ attitude shocked me.
2. Here is the book for your __________ when you prepare lessons. (refer)
The President _________ to the markets in China in his speech yesterday. (refer)
He _________ to the dictionary when he was writing a composition. (refer)
The hospital now __________ to patients by name. (refer)
3. The actions ______________ on lack of experience. (base)
The film entitled the Battle at Lake Changjin _____________ on the real history. (base)
You can book a hotel room ___________ on your own taste. (base)
A happy marriage _____________ on trust. (base)
___________ on many surveys, the article is trustworthy. (base)
4. It is believed Chinese calligraphy ___________ back to Han dynasty. (date)
This old town __________ from Tang dynasty. (date)
The vase is said __________ back to the thirteenth century. (date)
5. Red is _________ symbol of good luck in our tradition.
Emojis(表情包) are small ____________ representing ideas or feelings.
6. There are _________ models to choose form. (variety)
Their hobbies are many and __________. (variety)
There are _________ of models for you to choose from. (variety)
The speed can _____________ at will. (vary)
There are different __________ of plants in the Amazon Forest. (variety)
She ___________ her hobbies when she was at high school. (vary)
7. I want to major __________ law at university.
Most of the young girls are medicine_________. (major)
An oil-producing country is one of the ___________. (major)
8. No matter __________ happens, stay calm.
No matter __________ you are, give me a call when you are free.
No matter __________ you birthday falls, you will have much to be happy about.
No matter __________ tired you are, you need to go on.
9. She is _______ leading character in the film.
There are many interesting cartoon ___________ in the book. (character)
She has ________ shy and quiet character.
10. Depression is growing ___________. (global)
Air pollution is a problem___________. (global)
11. I really appreciate ____________ if you could possibly give me a reply.
We appreciate ___________ to stay positive to life. (advise)
We would appreciate you ____________ us know the results. (let)
She shows little ___________ of music. (appreciate)
12. He seemed ___________ the whole thing as a joke. (regard)
She __________this as a serious matter. (regard)
We have no comment ___________ the republication of these photos. (regard)
Call me if you have any problems ___________ your work. (regard)
13. It was _________struggle to make her understand me.
Life became _________ struggle for survival.
People _____________ to get the best piece of land at that time. (struggle)
John had a struggle _________ what the natives said. (catch)
14. They ___________ equal rights at work.(demanding)
This is going to be equal________ zero.
We try to treat every student __________. (equal)
The job could be done _________ well by a computer. (equal)
15. I demand __________ the sales manager. (see)
Basketball is an interesting sport, but it is also physically __________.(demand)
The strikers ___________ higher pay and better working conditions at the moment. (demand)
The job is highly paid but __________.(demand)
The people always demand that the singer’s voices __________. (hear)
16. The topic that you choose must ____________ to your study. (relate)
The answer needn’t _________ to your recent project. (relate)
The _________ between the two countries have recently improved. (relation)
2019人教版高中英语必修一unit 5 Languages around the World
Words & Expressions 学案 (教师版)
1. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n. 本地人 be native to 原产于,源于……的
You speak English like__ a native speaker.
The Giant Panda is native __to___ China.
2. reference n. [c]&[u] 提及, 涉及 [c] 推荐信; 推荐人; 参考书目
refer to 谈到;提到;查阅;参考;指的是refer v-ed referred v-ing referring
A list of ___references______ must be included in your book. (refer)
The professor ____referred______ to China at least ten times in his speech. (refer)
Here are some _____reference_____ books for you. (refer)
The Pritzker Architecture Prize ___is referred________ to as the Nobel Prize in architecture. (refer)
When giving the speech, one is not allowed ____to refer______ to his notes. (refer)
When I said someone was stupid, I ____was not referring_____ to you. (not refer)
3. despite prep 不管;尽管;任凭 (in spite of)
Oven is an excellent soccer player despite ____being_____ short. (be)
Despite _being cheated__ many times, she chose to trust her kid. (cheat)
4. base n [c] 基础,基地,总部 vt 基于;为……设立总部
base on 以……为基础, 以…… 为根据
The film___is based ___ on a real story. (base)
The book _is based___on personal experience. (base)
We cannot make a decision ____based___ on hearsay and guess work. (base)
__Basing___ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret sooner or later. (base)
___Based__ on a true story, the novel is touching. (base)
5. variety n [u] 多样化;变化 [c] (动植物、语言等的)种类;品种
a variety of 种种;各种各样的 various 各种各样的
There exist different__varieties____ of English. (variety)
Let’s first talk about ___various___ folk tales in Yunnan Province. (variety)
BYD Mobiles offer ___various____ versions of private cars. (variety)
The company introduced several _varieties__ of corn resistant to __various__ pests. (variety)
6. major adj. 主要的;重要的;大的 n. 主修课程;主修学生 vi. 主修;专门研究
Most of the girls are English __majors___. (major)
He was ___a___ history major in Yunnan University.
I decided __to major___ in language in college. (major)
He ___majored__ in computer science when he was in Yunnan Normal University. (major)
I don’t know where to go for college or what __to major___ in. (major)
7. means n. 手段;方法
by all means 尽一切办法;务必;当然可以
by means of 借助;依靠
by no means 绝不;一点也不
Please _by all means__ hand in your homework in time.
---Can I use your bike --- __By all means__.
Brown said he was ___by no means__ upset, on the contrary, he was very glad to make himself understood.
_By no means__ shall you come late again!
8. regard [u] 关注;关心;尊重 【pl】问候;致意 vt. 注视;打量
regarding prep. 关于 (concerning/with regard to)
with/in regard to 关于【正式用语】
She stood there and __regarded__ him coldly. (regard)
Please give my __regards__ to you parents. (regard)
Some of the plants have survived millions of years, and __have been regarded_ as living fossils. (regard)
She has said nothing ___regarding___ your request. (regard)
We have lot of questions ___regarding___ meat and dairy products. (regard)
Abraham Lincoln ___is regarded__ as one of the greatest presidents of the USA. (regard)
9. no matter who, what, which, where, how, when……. 无论……;不管……
_No matter how_ hard I try, I cannot seem to catch up with the others.
We will try to make it right, _No matter how_ long it takes.
_No matter what___ your age is, you can lose weight by following the method.
_No matter where__ people go, and __No matter how__far they go, they will go back home enjoying family time During the Spring Festival.
Call me when you get there, __no matter what__ time it is.
_No matter who__ the rival(对手) is, we want to go into the semifinal.
__No matter when__ you come to our school, you are welcome.
Of the tree models, __no matter which__ you buy, there is a lifelong warranty(终身保修).
10. affair 严肃认真的公共的或政治事务,也可指个人私生活方面的事;桃色新闻
matter 客观存在的或待处理的问题
event 重要事件;大事;体育赛事
accident 灾祸;事故
China will never put hands on internal __affairs__ of other countries.
The main sporting __events__ begins at 8:00 am.
He was killed in an __accident___.
What’s the __matter___ with you You look pale.
11. appreciate vt. [不用于进行时] 理解;明白;欣赏;赏识;感激;感谢 n. appreciation
His talents __is appreciated__by his boss, which makes him very happy. (appreciate)
Thanks for coming. I appreciate ___it__.
I really appreciate __working__with you all. (work)
I would appreciate___it__ if you could give me a helping hand.
Chinese arts have won the ___appreciation__ of many people outside China. (appreciate)
I would like to express my ___appreciation__ to you all. (appreciate)
12. struggle n.[c] vi. 搏斗;争斗;艰难行进;奋斗;努力
struggle with/against 与……作斗争
struggle for 为……而奋斗 struggle to do 挣扎/努力做某事
Do not struggle _with/against__ the thief; you may hurt yourself.
He __has been struggling___ against illness for the past three years. (struggle)
At that moment he _was struggling__ the right words to express himself. (struggle)
Many families __are struggling___ to make ends meet now. (struggle)
The struggle __ for__ liberation was long and hard.
13. demand n. [c]要求;需求 vt. 要求
demand to do something
demand that S+ should do
demanding 要求严格的;苛求的
Human rights groups __are demanding__ an investigation into the shooting. (demand)
There have been __demands___ for quality service. (demand)
The highly-paid job is __demanding___. (demand)
The teacher __demands__ that all girls should wear long skirts. (demand)
Employers are much more _demanding___ than ever before.
14. relate v. [常与to连用](使)互有关联 n. relation
be related to 与……有关
The book __ relates__ the effects of teenagers’ addiction to computer games. (relate)
He established good __relations__ with his colleagues. (relate)
In the future, pay increase__will be related__ to productivity. (relate)
The sentences within each paragraph should ___be related___to a single topic. (relate)
A __relation__ of yours is coming to see you. (relate)
1、十亿 _________ 2、本地的;本地人adj. n._____________
3、态度;看法n._____________ 4、参考;查阅 n._____________
5、体系;制度;系统n._____________ 6、即使;尽管 prep. _____________
7、因素;要素n._____________ 8、底部;基础n._____________
9、骨头;骨质n._____________ 10、壳;壳状物n._____________
11、符号;象征n._____________ 12、雕刻 vt.&vi._____________
13、王朝;朝代n._____________ 14、变体;异体;多样化n.____________
15、主修课程n.主修vi._____________ 16、地方话;方言n._____________
17、方式;方法;途径n._____________ 18、传统的adj. 经典作品n.__________
19、尊重;关注n.看待;视为vt. __________ 20、文字;符号;角色;品质n._________
21、书法;书法艺术n._____________ 22、全球的,全世界的adj. __________
23、公共事务;事件n._____________ 24、欣赏;重视;感激;增值n.______
25、特定的,具体的adj. ___________ 26、斗争;奋斗;搏斗n.&vi.__________
27、舌头;语言n._____________ 28、学期n._____________
29、汽油;气体;燃气n._____________ 30、地铁n._____________
31、公寓套房n._____________ 32、裤子;内裤;短裤n._____________
33、恳求;祈求;哀求vt. __________ 34、描写;形容n._____________
35、相同的;同等的人;同等物adj.& n.________
37、要求;需求;强烈要求n.&vi. vt. ______
39、指的是,描述;提及___refer to___
40、浮沉;兴衰;荣辱 ___ups and downs___
41、追溯到__date back to/ date from___
42、观点;看法___point of view___
43、与相关;涉及 ___be related to__
44、与…….作斗争__struggle with/against___
45、为…….奋斗__struggle for___
46、绝不;一点也不__by no means__
47、尽一切办法;务必__by all means___
48、主修__major in___
49、关于【正式用语】__with regard to__
50、以……为基础__base on___
51、原产于,源于……的__be native to __
1. We should develop a positive attitude __to/towards__ life.
Youth is simply ___an___ attitude of mind.
Her sudden change ___in__ attitude shocked me.
2. Here is the book for your ___reference___ when you prepare lessons. (refer)
The President ___referred___ to the markets in China in his speech yesterday. (refer)
He ___referred____ to the dictionary when he was writing a composition. (refer)
The hospital now ___refers__ to patients by name. (refer)
3. The actions __are based ___ on lack of experience. (base)
The film entitled the Battle at Lake Changjin is based on the real history. (base)
You can book a hotel room__ based ___ on your own taste. (base)
A happy marriage __is based ___ on trust. (base)
__Based ___ on many reports, the article is trustworthy. (base)
4. It is believed Chinese calligraphy __dates ___ back to Han dynasty. (date)
This old town __dates ___ from Tang dynasty. (date)
The vase is said __to date___ back to the thirteenth century. (date)
5. Red is __a ___ symbol of good luck in our tradition.
Emojis(表情包) are small _symbols ___ representing ideas or feelings.(symbol)
6. There are __various ___ models to choose form. (variety)
Their hobbies are many and __various ___. (variety)
There are __varieties ___ of models for you to choose from. (variety)
The speed can be varied at will. (vary)
There are different varieties of plants in the Amazon Forest. (variety)
She varied her hobbies when she was at high school. (vary)
7. I want to major __in ___ law at university.
Most of the young girls are medicine __majors ___. (major)
An oil-producing country is one of the __majors ___. (major)
8. No matter __what ___ happens, stay calm.
No matter __where___ you are, give me a call when you are free.
No matter __when ___ you birthday falls, you will have much to be happy about.
No matter __when ___ tired you are, you need to go on.
9. She is __a ___ leading character in the film.
There are many interesting cartoon __characters ___in the book. (character)
She has __a ___shy and quiet character.
10. Depression is growing __globally ___. (global)
Air pollution is a problem __globally ___.(global)
11. I really appreciate __it ___ if you could possibly give me a reply.
We appreciate __being advised___ to stay positive to life. (advise)
We would appreciate you __letting ___ us know the results. (let)
She shows little __appreciation ___ of music. (appreciate)
12. He seemed __to regard ___ the whole thing as a joke. (regard)
She __regards/regarded ___this as a serious matter. (regard)
We have no comment __regarding___ the republication of these photos. (regard)
Call me if you have any problems __regarding___ your work. (regard)
13. It was __a___ struggle to make her understand me.
Life became __a___ struggle for survival.
People __struggled/were struggling___ to get the best piece of land at that time. (struggle)
John had a struggle __catching___ what the natives said. (catch)
14. They __are demanding___ equal rights at work.(demand)
This is going to be equal __to___ zero.
We try to treat every student __equally___. (equal)
The job could be done __equally___ well by a computer. (equal)
15. I demand __to see___ the sales manager. (see)
Basketball is an interesting sport, but it is also physically __demanding___.(demand)
The strikers __are demanding___ higher pay and better working conditions. (demand)
The job is highly paid but __demanding___.(demand)
The people always demand that the singer’s voices __(should) be heard___. (hear)
16. The topic that you choose must __be related___ to your study. (relate)
The answer needn’t __be related___ to your recent project. (relate)
The __relations__ between the two countries have recently improved. (relation)