人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Cultures 语言点(共45张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Cultures 语言点(共45张ppt)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-19 09:14:56



Language points of Culture and cuisine
Unit 3 Food and Culture
1. Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America…
prior adj. existing or arranged before something else or before the present situation 先前的;优先的
prior to: before 在……之前
eg It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting. (翻译)
It happened prior to his arrival. (翻译)
adj. + to
senior to… 比……年长的
junior to… 比……年轻的
prior to… 在……之前的
inferior to … 比……差的
superior to… 比……好的
priority [pra r ti] n. 优先考虑的事
1) ________________________ (由于事先另有约会), Mr Richards is unable to attend.
2) _________________ (我首先要考虑的事) is to find somewhere to live.
3) She got to the park ________________________ (在约定的时间之前).
Due to a prior engagement
My first priority
prior to/ before the set time
2. …which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce…
consist of: include; be made up of 由……组成
be made up of
consist of
be composed of
【注意】consist of不能用于被动语态和进行时态,常考其现在分词短语在句中作定语。类似的短语还有date from/ back to, belong to等。
consist in=lie in 存在于
consist with 相符,与……一致
consistent [k n s st nt] adj.一致的; 连贯的; 始终如一的
be consistent with... 与......一致
be consistent in... 在......方面一致
1) With such models, scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs. Most food webs, for instance, _____________ (由……组成) many weak links rather than a few strong ones.
2) The medical team, which _________(consist) of 8 doctors and 16 nurses, is making its way to the stricken area.
consist of
3) _________ (consist) of potato crisps and fried chicken, contains much fat.
4) The committee ________________ten members.
5)As is known to all,he is consistent ____ his aguements.众所周知,他的论点始终如一。
is made up of
3. …the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.
stuff vt. to push or put something into a small space, especially in a quick careless way 填满;把……塞进
n. matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied东西;物品
eg She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag. (翻译)
Where’s all the camping stuff (翻译)
stuff … with … 用……装/ 填 /塞 ……
stuff … into … 把……装/ 塞入 ……
stuff up one’s ear 塞耳朵
【语境应用】 单句语法填空。
1) The cupboard was stuffed __________ old books.
2) I have to go now – I’ve got stuff _______ (do).
3) This suitcase is absolutely full, so I can’t stuff another
thing _______ it.
to do
4. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire…
as a result: therefore; consequently 结果;因此
as a result of 由于;作为……的结果
result from 由……引起
without result 毫无结果地
result in 导致;结果
易混词组 辨析 例子
as a result “因此,结果”,单独使用,一般放在句首,后面常加逗号 He made one big mistake. As a result, he lost his job.
as a result of “作为……的结果,由于”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语 He lost his job as a result of making one big mistake.
as a result, as a result of
1) He wasn’t able to attend the party as a result his sudden headache. ____________
2) There is more and more pollution. As a result, many species are dying out.
→More and more pollution has ________ ________ many species’ dying out.
→The fact that many species are dying out ________ ________ more and more pollution.
resulted in
5. At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region…
minimum adj. the minimum number, degree, or amount of something is the smallest or least that is possible, allowed, or needed 最低(限度)的;最小的
n. the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary 最小值;最少量
eg The minimum number of students we need to run the course is fifteen. (翻译)
我们开设这门课程需要的学生人数至少为 15 人。
at a minimum: used to say that if nothing else is done, this one thing should be done 最起码,至少,最少
eg At a minimum, we must recruit(聘用) two new teachers. (翻译)
1) We should reduce the damage caused by the accident ______________ (到最低程度).
2) He couldn’t join the police, because he was below __________________ (最低身高) allowed by the rules.
3) You must practise for _____________ (至少) 30 minutes each day.
to a minimum
the minimum height
a minimum of
consume vt. to eat or drink something 吃;喝;饮;
to use time, energy, goods etc 消耗
be consumed with sth. (某种情绪或念头)充满(内心)
consumer n. 消费者, 顾客
consumption n. 消费;消耗
World Consumer Rights Day 国际消费者权益日(3月15日)
1) We consume less meat, choosing green food.
2) He consumed much of his time each day in studying.
3) Tom is a person consumed with ambition.
6. What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand…
hand in hand:
① if two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected 密切关联的
② if two people are hand in hand, they are holding each other’s hand 手拉手
arm in arm 臂挽着臂 day by day 一天天
day after day 日复一日 face to face 面对面
side by side 并排 step by step 一步一步地
year after year 年复一年 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩
face to face 面对面地 head to head 交头接耳
heart to heart 心贴心地
“名词 - 介词 - 名词”结构可作形容词,常作前置定语。
face- to - face 面对面的
back – to – back 背靠背的
hand - in - hand 手拉手的;亲密的
heart- to - heart 敞开心扉的
head – to- head 正面交锋的
shoulder – to - shoulder 肩并肩的
1) Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.
2) They walked hand in hand in silence up the path.
7. That is, one thing causes something else to happen.
that is (to say):a formula introducing or following an explanation or further clarification. 即,也就是说(=namely),用于列举所提到事物的全部。
eg Some wines have ‘proprietary’ names – that is to say, their names were created by the producers.
We plan on going to the concert– that is, if tickets are still available.
that is, such as, for example
易混词组 辨析 例句
that is 意为“也就是说”,完整表达为that is to say, 相当于namely He has three partners, that is, John, Jack and Tom.
such as 用于列举前面提到的事物的一部分 He can speak several foreign languages fluently, such as English, French and German.
for example 用于举例说明,一般只列举同类中的一个,可置于句首、句中或句末 Tome doesn’t like sports. For example, he is never seen to play on the playground.
1. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans.
on the other hand 另一方面,反过来说
on the other hand 可与on the one hand (一方面)并列使用, 也可单独使用。
on the one hand…on the other hand… “一方面……,另一方面……”,常用来表述一个事物的两个方面,通常用于引出不同的,尤其对立的观点、思想等。
for one thing… for another (thing) “首先……,再者……”,所述两个方面的情况常常一致。
on the one hand…on the other hand…; for one thing… for another (thing)
Starting your own business could be a way to achieve financial independence. ________ the other hand, it could just put you in debt. 
开办自己的公司可能是一种获得经济独立的方法, 另一方面, 它也可能让你负债累累。
do/does/did 表强调
结构:主语+ do/does/did+谓语……
eg I do hope you will pass the exam.
在祈使句中用 “do+动词原形” 形式时,往往不表示命令,而表示强烈的请求,有时表达更加委婉的语气。
eg Do come in and sit down. 请快进来坐下。
1) It is/was +被强调部分+that+其他部分。如果被强调部分指人,可用who代替that。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。
2) 倒装句式(把谓语或部分谓语提前)。
She ________(do) come but soon went back.
The little boy _________(do) grow crazy about everything to do with nature.
It was when I got back to my apartment __________ I first came across my new neighbors.
2. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order…
Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese为we had no idea how to order一句的状语,表示当时“我们”所处状态。同时,前面的部分又和so the chef just began…相并列,表达因果关系。
在Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese 这个短语中,and并列连接了形容词和现在分词短语。英语中,形容词、分词以及由它们构成的短语常可用作状语。
eg Shocked and frightened, she let the glass fall from her hand. (翻译)
Busy with his work, he’s got no time for chatting with us. (翻译)
Practising hard in such a way, my little sister made rapid improvement in her handwriting. (翻译)
To our relief, the missing child returned home ten days later,
___________________________,he bust into tears and buried his face in his hands.
exhausted but healthy
Unable to control his emotions
build up your vocabulary
Unit 3 Food and Culture
Find words from the reading passage which have similar meanings to the words in italics.
1. We’ll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated.
2. Some traditional Chinese dishes from before the Ming Dynasty are still popular today.
3. My grandpa’s breakfast mainly includes wholegrain biscuits and a glass of milk.
prior to
consists of
at a minimum
4. People in this area would eat nearly a kilo of cheese per week.
5. We enjoyed a special dinner in a fancy restaurant where the waiters all wore attractive suits.
6. He prefers this brand of coffee which, as he said, has an unusually good flavour.
Learn more about foods around the world by matching the first and second halves of the following sentences.
1. Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for their olives, figs, and other ingredients,
2. She sliced off
3. A traditional Western dinner can consist of
A. a piece of sausage for her dinner.
B. an appetiser, a main course, soup, and dessert.
C. which have all contributed to centuries of cuisine development
Familiarise yourself with some food idioms by matching the meaning on the right with the colored words on the left.
1. Public concern for the health of farm animals has mushroomed in the UK.
2. Anderson may be young but he’s certainly rolling in dough!
3. George is a popular lecturer. He often peppers his speech with jokes.
A. completely flat
B. something that is very easy to do
C. an issue that is hard to deal with
D. to include large numbers of something
E. to earn one’s living to support a family
F. wealthy
G. to rapidly increase in number
H. an actor who performs badly, especially by overemphasising emotions
4. As the person to bring home the bacon, he needs to find a stable job.
5. He is often regarded as a ham actor for his overemphasised facial expressions.
6. The media reported that these companies had treated pollution as a hot potato.
A. completely flat
B. something that is very easy to do
C. an issue that is hard to deal with
D. to include large numbers of something
E. to earn one’s living to support a family
F. wealthy
G. to rapidly increase in number
H. an actor who performs badly, especially by overemphasising emotions
7. Don’t worry about the test tomorrow. It's going to be a piece of cake!
8. It’s best to fold the swimming ring when it is as flat as a pancake.
A. completely flat
B. something that is very easy to do
C. an issue that is hard to deal with
D. to include large numbers of something
E. to earn one’s living to support a family
F. wealthy
G. to rapidly increase in number
H. an actor who performs badly, especially by overemphasising emotions
mushroom vi.迅速增长; 迅速增加; (火)猛然的扩大;采蘑菇
roll in dough 赚很多钱;在钱里打滚,坐在钱堆上
pepper v.撒胡椒粉; 布满; 连续击打
bring home the bacon 养家糊口,赚钱谋生;成功做某事
a ham actor 一个业余/表演过火的/拙劣的演员
a hot potato 棘手的问题
a piece of cake 小菜一碟
as flat as a pancake 平如煎饼
1.a couch potato
2.to butter up
3.sour grapes
4.cool as a cucumber
5.not sb’s cup of tea
6.to put all one’s eggs in one basket
7.to spice things up