人教版八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section A 教案(表格式)


名称 人教版八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section A 教案(表格式)
格式 zip
文件大小 702.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教新目标(Go for it)版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-19 13:37:47



设计主题 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?
Period Section A (1a-2c)
1. 本单元的主题是“生日邀请”,这是本课的主题情景,它是中考考纲的重要话题之一---日常生活。这节课的设计理源于“2014年英语新课标”,课标指出:“4级目标作为八年级的英语教学的总目标。在英语教学中,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在小组合作中相互帮助、解决问题和尝试使用新媒体技术下的教育资源来拓展知识。”2. 本课为第一课时,主要以邓老师的女儿Kiwi的生日派对为主线,引导学生进行邀请及回复。 3. 学生在日常活动中,充分使用“Can you...”等句式进行“邀请、同意赴约及礼貌拒绝”的操练,使其内化为自己的表达习惯,运用于生活,并在情境教学中,融入“派对礼仪”等文化教育,让学生学会参与、学会合作、学会感恩。4. 形式及资源:在教学活动中,主要以“课本资源、导学案”为活动载体;以“学生小组合作”为活动形式;以“微课和导学案”作为课前预习的有效方式;以符合学生心理年龄和兴趣趋向的“二维码扫描、网络问卷”的形式对课堂教学进行实际反馈;以“二维码扫描和微课”的链接作为课后巩固的方式。其中,微课设计了中、英两版,充分考虑到学生的学习基础,做到了分层教学的目的。
Information about the class教学背景分析
教学内容分析:1. 本课是本单元的第一课时,旨在让学生融入“生日派对”情境,通过使用“Can you...”等句式的操练,让“活动邀约、同意赴约及礼貌拒绝”内化为学生日常口语交际中的习惯;通过小组合作,让学生解决生活中所出现的实际问题。2. “生日派对”是日常生活中常常出现的活动,通过课堂实际问题的探索,让学生体会派对礼仪和文化。3. 让学生思考生日的真正涵义,引导他们学会感恩父母及生活当中的美好,达到“一课一品”的德育教育效果。学生情况分析:1.八年级的学生对使用“Can you…”等句式进行活动邀请并不陌生;本节课主要引导学生学会礼貌地拒绝邀请,从而融入派对礼仪的教育。2.通过学生是否能参加派对的选择,增加他们解决实际问题的能力。3. 将班级以6人一组进行分组,整体来说,该班学生学习英语气氛比较好,英语学习兴趣比较高,在班级中有6名同学口语相当出色,但也有5名同学基础比较薄弱,不够自信,需要老师在课堂上和课后进行关注。4.根据该班学生的性格特点,老师设计了一系列的活动吸引不同层次的学生(观看视频、沙画,利用本班学生的“微信对话”、“眼力大挑战”的竞赛活动),并示范与同伴互助和合作的方式,激发他们课堂的参与性。
Lesson aims学习目标
Students are able to learn how to make, accept and refuse invitations properly. 学会如何发出、接受和拒绝邀请。Students are able to learn about the party manners in groups. 通过小组合作,学会关注派对礼仪。Students are able to get the true meaning of birthday and be grateful to our parents. 通过探究,了解生日真正的涵义,学会感恩父母。
Language analysis 重难点分析
Target language目标语言
Drills:---Can you ... ---Sure, I'd love to./ That sounds great.---Sorry, I'm afraid not. I must/have to... Phrases:prepare for the exam 备考 go to the doctor看医生 have the flu 感冒 help my parents帮助父母meet my friends见朋友 go to the library去图书馆have guitar lessons上吉他课 go to the park去公园 do my homework做作业 go shopping去购物take care of my brother照顾弟弟 visit grandparents拜访爷爷奶奶
Anticipated difficulties教学难点预测 Solutions 解决方法
◆How to refuse invitations politely 如何礼貌拒绝邀请 Try to use must/ (might) have to show reasons politely.使用must/ (might) have to等委婉表达拒绝的原因
◆Arouse culture awareness提高文化意识 By brainstorming,sharing ideas in groups,doing survey and report.By teacher’s guidance.通过教师引导、学生头脑风暴、组内分享、做调查报告等方式突破
It’s quite easy for Ss to learn how to make, accept and refuse invitations. However, there is a culture difference on party manners between China and Western countries. So it’s quite necessary for the teacher to lead them realize how to deal with the culture manners.对于学生现有的基础来说,如何进行活动邀约、接收邀请、拒绝邀请是比较简单的,本节课需要通过活动设计让学生懂得有礼貌地拒绝邀请和参加派对,想出更多准备派对及有礼参加派对的方法,重在提高学生的文化意识和礼貌意识。
Board Plan板书设计
Stage Stage aim (Purpose) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Interaction Time
Lead-in By setting a context of Kiwi’s birthday and showing the Wechat dialogue, Ss are interested in the party topic and have a preliminary understanding of how to invite someone to a party. Show Ss the learning aims.Play a video of Kiwi and lead to the topic.3. Show the Wechat dialogue between teacher and students about birthday party invitation. Get to know the aims.Watch the video and get interested about the topic. 3. Listen to the Wechat dialogue to get to know who can/can’t come to the party as well as the reasons. T-SS
Task 1Brainstorming By brainstorming, Ss share ideas about refusing invitations. Show pictures and phrases as examples and lead Ss to think of other reasons to refuse invitations. Mark down Ss’ output on the white board. Ss compete to tell the reasons according to the pictures.Brainstorm for more reasons. T-SS
Task 2Group checking By using the guided learning handouts and group checking, Ss can quickly review the phrases. Invite Ss to check the answers of the handout. Monitor the Ss and mark down the common mistakes in a mind-map. Check the answers in groups,which have been previewed before the class.Read aloud the phrases in groups. S-S
Task 3Quick eyesLook and say By the game---Quick Eyes, Ss drill the phrases and sentences. Clarify the rules of the game. Memorize the phrases within 1 pete to tell the phrases and sentences according to the PPT. T-SS
Task 4Listening circle/write By the two listening tasks, Ss are able to take down what they have learned. 1. Ask Ss to listen and circle can or can’t.2. Lead Ss to fill in the blanks in 2b.3. Check the answers. 1. Listen and circle can or can’t.2. Listen and take down the reasons.3. Share the answers. SS-S
Task 5Pair work By practicing in pairs in a half controlled task, Ss are able to make, accept and refuse invitations and be confident and feel easier. Provide students examples of the dialogues and sentence patterns.Monitor the Ss while practicing.Give feedback and encouragement. Follow the demo and practice in pairs in 1 minute.Three pairs give presentations. The others listen and give comments. T-SS-S
Task 6Questionnaire By using the advanced technical means,Ss can reply to the invitation with great interest and the teacher can get all the information quickly. Monitor the Ss while they are doing the questionnaire.Show the feedback. Scan the QR code on Wechat to complete the questionnaire ( ask for help if necessary). ST-S
Task 7Survey By interviewing and completing the survey , Ss are able to practice in the real context to get the party manners and culture differences. Play the Wechat and guide Ss to have a general idea of what to do if they can/can’t go the party.Invite Ss to have a brainstorming and take down their ideas on the blackboard.Do a demo about the survey.Monitor the Ss while doing the survey. Listen to the Wechat about 2 students are discussing what to do if they can/can’t go to the party.Brainstorm some ideas about what to do for the 2 situations.Do the survey in groups.2 students give oral presentations on their surveys.Get moral education: Manners make the man. T-SSS-S
Task 8Report By sharing the report in groups, Ss practice the oral English in the real context and cultivate their divergent thinking. Provide useful structures for sharing on the handout and do a demo.Monitor Ss’ writing and help if necessary.Give feedback and encouragement. Write down the report according to their surveys. Three Ss present their report. T-SSS-S
Summary By watching a meaningful sand painting made by the teacher,Ss’ awareness of gratefulness can be aroused. Play a video of sand paintingGuide Ss to share the meaning of birthday. Watch the sand painting.Share the true meaning of birthday. T-SS
Homework By scanning the QR Code and watching the Micro-lessons, Ss are able to expand their culture awareness and cultivate Ss’ abilities of independent study. 1.Scan the QR code and get to know more about the party manners know more about the party manners. 2.窗体底端 T-S
教学步骤 设计意图 教师活动 学生活动 互动形式 时间
Lead-in 通过展示微信语音对话和播放Kiwi生日邀请的视频,让学生快速进入情境---生日派对。 1.展示课堂目标;2.播放视频,引入主题;展示微信对话,导入目标语言。 观看Kiwi的邀约视频,迅速了解本课主题及任务; 2.听微信对话,为派对邀请做铺垫。 T-SS
Task 1Brainstorming头脑风暴 通过头脑风暴,了解已学知识,并引导学生对新授知识产生兴趣。 展示图片,引导学生说出拒绝邀请的理由;白板上板书学生的课堂生成。 看图片,说出3个描述理由的短语;发散思维,拓展出更多有关拒绝邀请的短语及句型。 T-SS
Task 2Group checking小组合作 通过导学案的预习和小组合作核对答案,让学生对预习内容进行自评和同伴互助,同时也让学生在短时间记忆本节课所学。 邀请学生在小组内核对讨论导学案;在学生中走动,提供帮助,记录学生们有共性的错误。 1.学生在小组中核对课前预习的答案,在活动过程中,进行自评和同伴评价;2.全班齐读短语,巩固记忆。 S-S
Task 3Quick eyes眼力大挑战 通过眼力大挑战的竞赛游戏,帮助学生操练短语和句型。 陈述游戏规则 1.1分钟内记忆短语2.看图片,说短语或句子,比拼反应速度,操练句型。 T-SS
Task 4Listening circle/write听力训练 通过听力训练,检测学生所学。 播放整合过的听力录音,延续Kiwi生日派对的情境,训练以中考为导向的听力能力。 听一听、圈出 can or can’t;听Kiwi的生日邀请,完成表格信息;三名学生分享答案 SS-S
Task 5Pair work同伴对话 用半引导式的对话操练,同伴互助,学习和掌握目标语言,为基础比较弱的学生搭建脚手架。 在PPT中为学生呈现操练的句型;学生操练时,为学生提供帮助;学生展示后给与鼓励和反馈。 根据教师的示范进行1分钟的对话操练;三名同学进行展示。 T-SS-S
Task 6Questionnaire 通过使用现代化的多媒体技术手段(扫描链接问卷星系统),及时对课堂教学实效进行即时反馈。 阐明问卷的规则,为学生提供帮助;通过问卷星系统进行课堂反馈。 扫描二维码,链接问卷星系统,完成问卷(如有需要,请求老师和同学给予帮助) ST-S
Task 7Survey采访调查 了解学生是否参加派对并针对其选择关注派对活动的准备及相关礼仪。 展示微信对话记录,引导学生派对活动的准备及礼仪;与学生共同进行头脑风暴,想出更多准备派对和有礼参加派对的方法;示范调查问卷的使用方法,邀请学生共同参与;协助学生共同完成采访调查。 听微信对话,了解参加派对的礼仪;头脑风暴:选择去/不去参加派对,如何为派对贡献自己的力量;小组内进行调查;两名学生代表进行小组活动口头汇报; T-SSS-S
Task 8Report汇报分享 通过组内分享,学生在真实情境中对话题和句型进行操练,帮助学生发散思维。 在导学案上为学生提供写作模版,为基础薄弱学生降低难度;在学生写作时,提供协助; 根据写作的模版针对调查情况撰写报告;三名学生上台进行展示,其他同学进行评价互助。 T-SSS-S
Summary总结提升 通过观看教师亲自制作的沙画,引导学生对父母学会感恩,达到“一课一品”的教育效果。 播放沙画视频;引导学生讲出生日的涵义。 观看沙画视频;分享对生日的理解,感恩父母。 T-SS
Homework作业延伸 通过扫描二维码,链接微课。拓展更多派对礼仪及文化,同时利用中英两版的微课对课后练习进行巩固,达到分层教学的目的。 布置作业:扫描二维码了解更多关于派对的常识;完成二维码课后作业,观看作业讲解微课。 T-S