Step 1 Greetings & Revision ● Greet students as usual. ● “Do you eat noodles at home Do you like noodles Now I am the boss of a noodle house. Do you want to eat some noodles here ” ● Show them the conversation and specials on the screen. Encourage them to work in pairs to learn to act between customers and the waiters / waitresses.Step 2 Presentation ● “We had too many vegetable and meat noodles. Now let’s order some other food”. (Remind them of the the word “meat” on the screen) ● “ Let’s look at the new menu”. Show them the pictures of meat, vegetable, drink, principal food. ● Get them familiar with the new words. “I like pancakes and green tea, but I don’t like onions or porridge” (Write the sentence on the blackboard) ● Encourage them to talk about their own likes or dislikes in one sentence. ● Show. Remind them of the words “and”, “or”.Step 3 1a Match ● “Do you still remember the new food on today’s new menu Try to match the words with the pictures” ● Students try to match the words with pictures by themselves. ● Check answers and ask them to read the vocabulary. ● Remind them of countable and uncountable nouns. Then have them add some more food.Step 4 1b ● “We’ve learned so much food. What kinds of foods do you like What don’t you like Please tell us.” ● Show students the pictures . Encourage different students to say the food quickly. ● Ask them to read the conversation in 1b. Encourage them to work in pairs to show theirs own eating habits using the target language.(Help others to correct mistakes.)Step5 Listen & Answer ● “Do you like dumplings I like them very much. If we want to order some dumplings, we can just call the dumpling house. Let’s listen to the conversation between a customer and the waiter on the phone” ● Show them the questions. “Listen to the tape, and find out the answers”. Remind them to take notes quickly. ● Play the tape a second time. Students work by themselves.● Check answers.Step 6 Listen & Complete ● Call attention to the order form. Remind them of the information they need to get. ● Play the tape a third time. Students try to fill in the blanks quickly. ● Play the tape a fourth time, have students repeat it.Step 7 Group work ● Show students a small passage. Have them work in groups and fill the information to form a complete one using the words from the conversation. ● Students try to fill in the blanks. ● Check answers by reading it. Step 8 Survey & Summary ● Help students review the food they learned today. Vote their favorite food.● “ Everyone has his own favorite food. However, we all need to eat all kinds of food and keep healthy”
课型 New 上课时间
课题 Unit10 I’d like some noodles (3rd)
教学目标 知识与技能:●new vocabulary, target language,listening speaking practice ●Improve students’ listening speaking abilities
过程与方法: listening, speaking,cooperative methods
情感态度价值观:Try to eat healthily and keep healthy
教学重点 ●Vocabulary: dumpling, porridge, onion, fish, pancake ●Target language: I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. I don’t like onions, green tea or porridge●listening, speaking,cooperative practice
教学难点 vocabulary,listening, speaking,cooperative practice
教学手段 Power point,a blackboard ,students’ books
教法与学法 listening, speaking,cooperative methods
教学过程 复备意见
小结提高 In this period, we learned some new food including principal food, drinks, meat, vegetables...We also learned to order food on the phone. In our daily lives, we all need to eat healthily and keep healthy.第三课时1、一般地,设a是一个正数,数轴上与原点的距离是a的点有两个,它们分别在原点左右,表示-a和a,那么称这两个点关于原点对称,如下图: 像这样只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数,例如6和-6,2和-2,都是互为相反数,也就是说6的相反数是-6,-2的相反数是2.2、随堂练习。3、小结。4、课后作业。
板书设计 Unit10 I’d like some noodles. (3rd)countableuncountableI like ....and....I don’t like.....or.....
教学反思 优点:缺点:改进措施:
作业布置 Memorize new vocabulary and phrases.Learn to make an order form.